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Scarlett was shouting in court when the snapchat guy was on “well hes not lying is he” SB walked off camera and had to be brought back by the guards sorry if this has been mentioned before
Does anybody know if dave mentioned this? I remember him stating someone left the public gallery but not sure if it was at this time and also would he have reported SB leaving the video link the trial would of paused during that time wouldn't it as a disturbance until she was back in her seat?


VIP Member
AM will need to be back for the arguments on sentencing - he’ll want the longest possible sentences and KG/ZA will push submissions on mitigating factors. Sentencing was very fast in ET/TH case - the guilty verdict I think came in quite late and they were sentenced the next morning.
The Tom Bell case that KG was defence on, the judge sentenced on the same day as the verdict


Well-known member
Does anyone know how Lilyanne Jade Howe is related to Star/FS? I've seen from some comments and posts that she is related/involved with the family but not sure how. Is she maybe a cousin or FS brother's girlfriend or something?


VIP Member
I've just read that a man found guilty of murdering a 2 year old (you guessed it, his partners daughter) did so seemingly under the influence of narcotics and without any apparent previous violence towards her. He got 16 years.

I still think its disgracefully low for depriving a child of their life. But it does beg the question what a sentence would be if there was continued abuse beforehand.

(I'm trying to make sure nothing is said that could jeapoardise this trial)
I read about that case last week. What a pitiful sentence, that poor little girl. :(


Well-known member
The other thing was how she went running up to see Jordan because he asked her to. Why didn’t he come to see her? I can be quite passive with people - or at least I was when I was young. Now I’m older, and have a child with significant disabilities, and at least one other with SEN, I’ve learned to not just allow myself to be pulled this way and that.

My daughter has a friend who has SEN but she doesn’t have a proper diagnosis because her mum hasn’t pushed for it but what they do know is that her cognitive ability is in the lowest 2% I feel like people like this just muddle through life and if your parent isn’t proactive nothing gets done.

When you have this kind of disability, it’s actually very important to know who you are. And to understand that you are indeed not like the majority and therefore need to be more careful.
What is SEN? That is not familiar to me.

It is a known fact that micro-expressions are indicative of certain traits. Sociopathic persons often stare far longer than an average person, for instance, as their sense of appropriate boundaries are diminished and their ability to read social cues is faulty. There is a type of predatory gaze they can have that appears to reflect their anticipation of catching their prey - similar to a glittery, aroused/excited characteristic. Profilers and body language experts are trained to recognize these “looks” and micro-expressions, as well as indications if deceitfulness - as are our pets - lol. They are also known to be rather glib snd superficial in communication, going over the top in what they think are correct responses (as SB did at the hospital). This is basically due to their inability to feel emotions as normal people do - they are guessing and faking their way through life & something is just “off” in their responses. Having had my own personal experiences with a couple early on, my intuitive radar has went off the charts around certain people without them doing anything overtly inappropriate. I do believe there is a vibe - something in the eyes, an insincerity to their words, if you will. Of course, there are those who fall outside this group and come very close to appearing normal, such as Ted Bundy. And on the other end, many persons seem unable to read social cues and/or are unobservant of such things - perhaps lacking confidence in their own “gut” reactions. Unfortunately there are many very skilled in the art of deception, and far more that are willing to suspend their disbelief in return for love & acceptance. Then there are those unfortunates left vulnerable to them through no fault of their own. But I can see them if I pay attention to the hair raising on the nape of my neck as I watch them watching me.
Forgive the typos - not enough coffee & unsure how to edit!


Chatty Member
Do you not think these malicious calls are part of the problem? l think they should be a criminal offence.
When people make malicious calls about children’s welfare they are massively putting other children’s lives at risk. It should carry the same consequences as abusing the emergency services numbers.

(the ‘do you not think’ is just a general question, I’m not trying to talk down to you, just reread it and it doesn’t sound nice, sorry ❤)
I didn't read it that way at all :) I could see what you were saying


Well-known member
I assumed from this that people had gathered

View attachment 918568
Yes that makes sense, or she could be on her phone telling people. However, I did not spot that at all so very observant

But now you have pointed it out, its says back and forward from the van??? so was she in the flat seven minutes or seven minutes from going back and forward to the van, and why the hell go back and forward, get that one time might be to put kids in car but why back and forward????


Active member
If Star had not been murdered, but all other events remained the same, wound FS have been charged with anything?


VIP Member
just google brockhill and morecambe loads comes up. Just like the other famous family from there they also breed puppies


Well-known member
I don't understand that reply of 'standing by it' how do you mean? sorry wouldn't let me quote