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Yep they sure must 🤣🤣she's certainly grown out of them pjs 🙄
Well after watching those 4 videos I’m almost speechless. What I’m partly taking away from them is….. The charity thief knew all about this 20k when she did that video saying me and Cheryl love each other and you will never split us up 🤣😂 so obviously she wasn’t bothered at that point, it was only when Cheryl went into Rudi’s live that she suddenly developed a conscience 🤔 hmm very strange. But what makes me speechless is those scruffy pj’s WTAF!! throw them in the bin you tramp 🤢 Anyone want a 30 quid bet that she won’t stick to her statement claiming from now on she won’t be saying anything else cos she’s done with it. 🔔 end
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She said she has blocked him. He messages sindypoo and she then sends them to wurzel. But on the live yesterday sindy said she has now blocked him. Everyone on the live saying but how come you spent the afternoon with him went for a meal. She ignores all those comments
Seems to me she likes all this don't it you cos if that was me I wouldn't want my mate sending me all that shit 🤷‍♀️
I don't get that he has sent smiler loads of messages where would he get the man's number from and could only send messages on tik tok if you let them and follow them it's all weird isn't it
Secretly think gonzo loves the chase makes her feel special 🤦‍♀️ deluded the lot of them are
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How low can you sink really? SHE caused the drama by making a TikTok about a really personal situation and making it all about her and spinning a narrative that just wasn’t true. Oh dear Sharon. Another friend gone. Shock. Thing is Cheryl has lots of genuine friends around her. Who’s Sharon got? Windy Sindy who’s currently that excited she’s sharting her knickers, and a clapped out coke head who sounds like he dribbles when he talks. Nice 😂
Wonder what mug smiler has to say now he was warned about this cunt too
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At this point it’s become ridiculous that ANYONE isn’t seeing this big old angry geeza bird for what she is .
Uneducated and angry , simple and common . Lies through its teeth badly and uses people . She’s used racist Cheryl and Smiler and now she temporarily is back with the dribbler , the other dumb dumb , the addict , the mummies boy , the plastic gangster she can only hang with sycophant Sindy as old boy doesn’t feel threatened by that friendship .
Side note - “I wish Sindy lived nearer she could help me get fit “ 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. The chain smoking , morbidly obese pip ponse. (I digress)
The old man’s daughter will not speak to him again , he’s lost the house and she is about to find herself homeless next time they break up as she is giving up the council place. She won’t be told tho . Her llfe is about to get very very messy … serves her right back to peddling anal and facial knicker shots on OF .
Question ???? … what sane man is clicking on her OF page ? Eeeeeew
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Dear Sharon ,
As you are reading here avidly I have a question ???? So how are you feeling now that you hate Richard and say he is an abusive druggie about posting up videos of him clearly goading his ex . You claim (even though you can clearly see otherwise ) that she tries to kick him in the face . No she is is actually telling him to stop filming her again and again . Suddenly YOU feel like you need a non molestation order !! Time to say sorry to his ex ! Oh no you don’t do sorry do you , u massive Narc . All that can be heard on all the videos you play of Richard in Mexico is HIM responding to YOU and your massive filthy insulting accusing voice (AGAIN ) . What’s with the going out with these loser men and going on holiday and getting them to pay and then falling out with them and filming it all ? You are in your sixties it’s incredibly embarrassing . The police would not be telling you how dreadful it must of been for you as they would be hearing you poking the fire and antagonising him . YOU ARE THE PROBLEM . Your opinion of abused women in past is that it’s their fault for going back all the time . Now YOU want the help
Of the police when YOU are the issue . Intentionally taking another man from the internet to where you know Richard drinks and lives is not a woman scared
for her life it’s someone who wants the drama . Absolute low life and a waste of police time (again )
Exactly all this yet she spent the day with him and went for lunch still slagging BBC off and saying her and Dickie were solid 🙄🙄 now a bit of dicks on the scene she's backtracked
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Well I for one can’t wait to see Dame Edna wearing its thigh high hooker boots with one of her crushed velvet black eighties dresses on her bday . What will finish this disastrous look off will be the copy cat cubic zirconia choker she has copied off of Cheryl that’s now appeared on the Amazon wish list ! The final showstopper that she’s added to the beg list is ……. Clip in veneers ! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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Cheryl has her new man on FaceTime and shows the big ol unit Sharon . Sharon ignores as can’t stand not being Center of attention. Literally no bigger Narc on the app and that is a big statement considering all these people on tik tok have personality disorders and issues with insecurity .
WHAT ON GODS EARTH MAKES HER BELIEVE SHE IS /WAS a model and it still currently signed up to London modelling agencies ?? Someone needs to stop her saying these delusional things . Looks like Cheryl is mulling it over in her head on the live and not quite able to believe it herself . Aaaah my ribs are aching laughing ! Yes I’ve got the screenshots of her modelling ‘test shots’ ! Make it stop ! Tears running down my face with hysteria .
This whole story of a man wanting to kiss her soft lips and stare into her beautiful blue eyes is made up . “Eee texxes me every daaaay and tells me I’m amazing and beautiful he brings me chocolate and Prosecco “ wow !
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Ffsake police commissioner worzel will have armed police around the tin hut this weekend to protect her from dvp 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Sonia just been in rudis live. Richard wanted proof she sent him proof that gonzo ponced 450 and £500 off this mark. Trouble in paradise again
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She’s never been a responsible adult . No children , failed businesses , trying to act like a rich wealthy celeb by giving itself a porn star name and driving battered second hand Mercedes , She goes out with old desperate men who she “raaaaaahs wiv “ ,
Can’t keep a friendship longer than a few months and thinks having someone on your social media for five years means that you have been friends for five years . Only friends with people who treat her like the pack leader , the queen , the boss etc and anyone who
dares to not idolise her is out . Loud and mouthy online , crass and common , bigoted , racist , bullish , vulgar and embarrassing , a liar and a fantasist .
Now if she admitted that she has been like this and can see why she has become the tik tok villain but wanted to change and to apologise to the people she has hurt ? Ruth , Nikki , Ang , Laura , Mellisa , Her family , Richard’s family , Johnny , Mrs BBc , Dee dees dad and every other person she has publically ran down and explain why she has done this again and again and again and again and again people
MIGHT stop discussing her . Tomorrow will be back to being obnoxious and I’m sure Kerry will get the blame . Meanwhile Cheryl busy on her sofa lip syncing positive words to music with lots of special FX . Do these women honestly and truthfully not see how painfully embarrassing this is ?
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You’ve just gotta laugh at the sad old plastic titted old cunt it’s the same old same old everything she touches turns to shit always everyone else’s fault never hers be a big off at the tin hut at the weekend with the rest of the no hopers and let’s face it you’ve got to be a no hoper if that’s the best you can do for a friend 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Uncle got the boot 🥾 mc made up must of been a concoction of the ex Mickey probably was ringing itself on live with its burner phone to make out to Dvp she had a geezer to stirr it’s big vile pot to wind him up 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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My god I swear who dies she think she is I hope somebody fucking knocks her out for posting those videos my blood is boiling she’s getting worse it’s illegal now to share peoples messages and stuff if I was. Cheryl I would get her done the vile cunt
Has anybody screen recording those videos in case they get deleted I ain’t hit enough memory in me phone
Tuesday's Tantrum Trilogy ha been downloaded (y)

Only two left up at the moment so the 'reports' are currently being upheld 🥳
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She really has a potty mouth she was on livecwith that Mason and the filth coming out of its gob,I've noticed she's been really dismissive answering questions about Cheryl who after being sectioned is now home recovering
So that explains that she wasn’t sectioned cause she wouldn’t be home. It’s all lies to make certain people who are bringing awareness look bad. She is a Cnut
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Tears for the melt boyfriend fuck me grown arse adults ….it’s embarrassing it really is .

chxnge your pyjamas smelly cunt.
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Can she not put a filter on her gob 🤣🤣🤣 She literally can't stop with the 💩💩💩
Who cares that DVP got a loan.
Successful business woman who works 50 hours a week 🙄🙄 can't afford rent or car insurance, this is what she calls LIVING HER BEST LIFE, I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOO JEALOUS.

Her engagement 💍 has been off more times than her knickers.
Back to TUI, holiday for 1 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Good morning everyone
Well I woke up today with no rips in my pj’s unlike someone else who still had the same pair on from the day/week/month before.
little legs truly stitched her up by bringing out the truth about the 900 loan from Mark 🤣 Good for you Sonia you did us all proud.
my first attempt at a title suggestion is
Can anyone give me a loan… I NEED some new pj’s
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They will be back together within weeks …. Two old
People who don’t know how to adult . Once back together she will drop Cheryl .
That is all
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Listen to it last night offended by Wibble and Rudi etc
. Sharon you are absolutely fine to slag off children ,
black people , sex workers (even though you are one ) disabled people , fat people .,, all people yet can’t take it when it’s about YOU !!!!!!!
The only reason people are talking about you is BECAUSE of the way you treat and bully people . People have had enough and you are getting a taste of your own medicine . Ps the night out in an empty caravan park club house was tragic. Desperately trying to convey to your audience of people who only watch because you are a car crash , that this is living a best life !
No a best life at your age is sharing it with family and grandchildren and friends made decades before. Guzzling shots and desperately desperately thinking that people are jealous is laughable . Travelling and seeing new places and experiencing new foods and sights and smells and climates is living ,
Exercising and taking long walks and cooking is living ,having evenings in cuddling little ones is living . Screaming into a phone and begging for tat you should be able to afford yourself at this age is embarrassing. Thinking buying a £5000 old Merc is a flex , again embarrassing , wearing thigh high boots and slut dropping whilst showing your knickers VERY embarrassing . Bigoted opinions on minorities shameful (and criminal ) . Stealing from charities , no words . So Sharon lose the “they are all jealous “ narrative . People are angry with you not jealous , and are simply reacting and discussing you on other accounts because of how you behave .
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This has now got ridiculous . A revolving door of internet friends . All simple and vulnerable and under this ogres spell . Used Cheryl to bridge the gap with Simpleton Richard . Wanted to make him jealous while she had a few boozy nights out . No Sharon you were hardly at the ministry of sound you were at Bingo , a church hall and a caravan park clubhouse (oh the cringe ) . Back with the mummies boy until the next raaaaaaah !
Oh how I love being me and watching you being you . The divide is so huge . Crack on Collier Row expletive Queen . Have a looong looooong miserable
Life with the slurring , not very bright dumb dumb you’re marrying .
Comedy GOLD and a psychiatrists dream case study
Back with a very strange to say the very least man who’s she’s openly outed fir calling his terminally ill mother.
The whole saga is thoroughly disturbing.

the pair of then need to rot in hell .
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