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VIP Member
Oh isn't she just the gift that keeps on giving ! 🀣🀣🀣 cleaner. Oh how I laughed at that the mighty fall ( never mighty) she must think everyone operates at her standard lying.. Cheating..fantasist..does she really think we desire her lifestyle?? To never know where your next month's rent money is coming from..eating nothing but Burgers chicken nuggets and the odd Toby Carvery? Having your van repossessed..going on holiday with 100 quid and living in that dingy flat that looked like a cheap antique sellers auction room ? Flogging shampoo to friends only and spending day and night alone . Get a grip. That's not a life . That's living day to day always looking over your shoulder. Nobody deserves it more than her. Long may it continue ..I reckon if she genuinely apologised for anything her bloody tongue would self combust.

Follow whom?
Who has she asked?
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Lisa Anne

Active member
#13 the wheels on the sasha bus go round and round

Well..what a week its been in Sashas world! Following her return from Chewnisia its been a frenetic and eventful few days!
It appears she has a hotline to the PoPo ..she's almost on first name terms with them so it seems ..they probably do that πŸͺ¨ paper βœ‚ thing to NOT answer her calls . πŸ™„
So far she called them to arrest us all again ..better fuel the bus up gewwls! But especially Mrs B ..she took her to the airport ( because she can't do the M25) truth was she probably couldn't afford the fuel . It seems she left UK shores with less than 100 quid in her purse . Anyway she's since thrown Mrs B under the bus after showing her round her decidedly chavvy flat ..nothing like through the keyhole ..more like through the shithole 🀚now she wants her arrested for nicking her keys πŸ”‘..even though we saw her hand then over willingly .
The van was repossessed by the finance company ..imagine a fantastic businesswoman who's making money πŸ’° being in debt πŸ€” and ooh the council came round too..just to check she didn't have a man in .. if he did he'd have to tied up or drugged to be honestπŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

Nicky has also been despatched like a used Sasha Fontain shampoo bottle ..discarded as no longer useful ..she won't comply so I'm afraid she's fired ! Sasha being the delightful creature she is has threatened to do reveal on Nicky that will blow our minds allegedly I doubt it sugartits.. you couldn't blow a balloon up.

Ruth is still sitting in the corner like a wet lettuce murmuring sasha always tells the Truth. Perhaps Ruth is a dominant and flogs🎬 men for cash and sasha knows it and is doing what she does best ..bribing her.

We've had old SP do a combat roll out of her Corsa into the fray and donned her 🧐 to spy on Tattlers . Last in the queue for brains ..First to the hairdressers ..sadly they weren't there but the cleaner was so she did her best. Result..πŸ‘’I'd buy a hat sweetie if I were you ..better still..a balaclava πŸ•Ά PS I still bet she stinks of cat piss

Sashas family put in an appearance and her ex Chris...this sent her into a frenzy!! Things got real ugly real fast ..she was chewing her lip and pursing them skanky lips ..swearing and shouting like a navvy on payday in the pub ..boy was she mad 😠 😑 everyone was a shitcunt!!!

Sashas titanic was sinking and she was hanging on like Kate Winslet to that door πŸšͺ more calls to the popo! Revenge porn re Josephine was played to us ...the toxicity was oozing from every poreπŸ˜‘...
Then Sunday ..the desperate but insincere please to End the War with Tattlers...sweetheart..this is no war ..its a crusade to get the truth about charity cash from your flapping gums .
It seems she has folders on her various mobiles that contain files..clips ..videos of everyone that she associates with in order for her to blackmail them at a later date πŸ“… moral of this story ..tell her nothing .

The factfreak entered the fray....she was livid! Many videos were shared and once again she threatened factfreak with the police..he wasn't fazed in the slightest . Things were getting to her ..she looked agitated and extra mean ..the lip curl was evident like Elvis singing wooden heart ...bit like hers

Then came the manic live ..eyes like a lizard 🦎 and a πŸ‘… like a 🐍 she let rip and it was vile and venomous ..astoundingly so . Trolls or as I prefer to call them truth tellers invaded her live calling her out..her mods had to work hard to remove block and despatch ..the damage was done βœ” she shot herself in the foot and is now struggling to recover ...her account as of today is simply her products and she has in her Bio .. no more drama if any of you believe that ..I'll give you my last Rolo. Bets being taken for a live very soon ..the toxic bitch can not keep her filthy trap shut for long . 😀
As my Granny used to say
You can polish a turd as much as you like
It's still a turd 🀘

Happy Days Tattlers ..and Wibble ..we love you ❀ thank you

No I'm on a mobile Poola ..I've done one but not sure I've done it right! Maybe you could copy and paste it or something ? πŸ€”
Amazing πŸ’•πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ’•
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VIP Member
Something she said about having her van up for sale, correct me if I’m wrong, but are you allowed to sell a vehicle that has outgoing finance on it?
You are as long as you’ve told who’s buying it but you have to get a settlement figure off finance company
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VIP Member
I will be offline a lot today but am still very much seeking footage from anything catheter related from Sasha, especially anything from before Barrelcakes response tiktok but anything afterwards is appreciated too. πŸ™Œ
If it's unable to be uploaded here then please request me on tt πŸ‘
The inbox on there seems to fill up quicker than a paypal account accepting charity donations so please bear with me. :rolleyes:
It would be useful if I knew who was requesting and when.

Have a good day everyone, the sun is shining here, I hope it's lovely wherever you all are too β˜€β˜€β˜€

ps- remember there were quite a few other idiotic, corrupt, enabling, swamp-dwelling twats spying on here for Trashbag and probably still are!

On that note, I'm off to have a good day and I hope that everyone has the type of day that they deserve ☺
My very good friend will add you nowπŸ˜†
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