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VIP Member
It's nice to see Isla has a little tree for her room to decorate, shame she couldn't help decorate the main tree though! I also hope Lachlan has a tree aswell for his room!


VIP Member
Find this uncomfortable viewing now. Agree with the previous poster who said her friends need to have a heart to heart with her and check she’s okay
I'm not sure if it's something they could say to her at Lachlan's nursery? They must see all the videos ect?


VIP Member
I see she's put a post up about the terrorist attack in NZ. Did she put one up when we had our attacks?
9 hours ago there was a bit of talk on an Insta post about how the only people to acknowledge the attacks were Katie Ellison and brummy. I wonder if that's shamed Sarah into posting?


VIP Member
I think it must be a sponsored or gifted thing as Lara Jarvis mentioned having a tree delivered too.
Makes sense!

Now the question is will they decorate the tree together or will she do it alone so it's perfect to fit with her perfect life.


VIP Member
How strange you must be! If you’d only seen your child for one week in 6 months wouldn’t you want to spend time with them rather than lie in Bed!
Why couldn't he have spent the morning home with Lachlan which would have been the easier option than sending him swimming with Isla.
We all know she's gonna make him work for the 6 months he missed!


Active member
Ooh she winds me up. Rob has gone to see his parents but she couldn't go due to work and Isla due to school but why couldn't Lachlen go with him? Would have been lovely for him to spend time with his Dad/Grandparents.
Probably because they will still get charged at nursery if he is off I imagine. Got to get their moneys worth


VIP Member
She definitrrly treats both kids like theyre much younger. My daughter is only a few weeks older than L and she will have full conversations, doesn't wear a bib, rarely in her pram and is in a toddler bed too. I think Isla was in a cot until she was well after 3!
My goddaughter is younger than Lachlan by a few days and she has full-blown conversations, she's fully potty trained except at night, hardly uses her buggy and is in a toddler bed too. Although she does still have a bib during the day because that girl is like a fountain when it comes to dribble ?.

She definitely babies both of them. I really hope she doesn't go onto have a 3rd!


Active member
It will be interesting to see when she travels back with them. After a long time away surely you’d go back on the Saturday to give them a bit of time at home before the school term starts.


Active member
Rugratz are you for real, I think you are watching Sarah’s shit show through rose tinted specs love. She one of the worst ones on YouTube and Instagram. You think she’s a good mum cos she sends ISLA to classes, only place Lachlan’s goes to is nursery. Seems to me she’s scared about being at home with them, constantly shoving them anywhere other than her own motherly care.

Just because she pays out dollar doesn’t mean she’s a good mum. Far from it. In fact they’ve earnt going to a few poxy after school classes by being the centre of her brand deals and social media and slagging Lachlan off to anyone who will listen. If that makes her a good mum god bless your children.

She’s horrific. Selfish idiot.
Also how you villify a working mother because their child attends nursery - just wow! Maybe just maybe she is showing them the normality of a WORKING parent! Perhaps you might see the benefit of this in a child of you were a parent or worked yourself? 🤣

Also the chief complainer, mundane Jane, Sarah willox the absolute pillox is on about baby no3. She can’t cope with the 2 she’s got. All she does is moan how will she manage. Poor Lachlan he will have it even worse.

I think she needs to get Isla checked out she talks through her nose. She probably hasn’t noticed though cos she only speaks to them through a camera. Poor kids. At least they will get some company at granny’s when they get shipped off to the other side of the country.

Rugratz your hilare 😅 love the bantz but honestly why are you on tattle to defend this loser unless you are her or friends/relative of her.
Also the chief complainer, mundane Jane, Sarah willox the absolute pillox is on about baby no3. She can’t cope with the 2 she’s got. All she does is moan how will she manage. Poor Lachlan he will have it even worse.

I think she needs to get Isla checked out she talks through her nose. She probably hasn’t noticed though cos she only speaks to them through a camera. Poor kids. At least they will get some company at granny’s when they get shipped off to the other side of the country.

Rugratz your hilare 😅 love the bantz but honestly why are you on tattle to defend this loser unless you are her or friends/relative of her.
You have just shown the level of competence you have speaking about a child like that. Isla could have medical issues and you have just said that about a 5 year old child - disgusting honestly. Also you may want to refer to the Oxford English Dictionary if your written English is lacking? 🤣


VIP Member
Didn’t she send them to school the very next day after traveling back from Dubai? They must have been exhausted.