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Imagine being trained by her 'and so then on the speadywedy sheeties you type how many staplies are in the warehousey'.
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Why on earth is she making Mars bar cake on a Sunday night?! She is so busy she is overwhelmed yet this is a priority. Why not do it as an activity with the kids taking part during the day? I just don’t get it!
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Does she realise if she’s horribly overwhelmed she could always just...not decorate. Or not edit YouTube videos. She doesn’t HAVE to be doing these things. She’s giving herself things to do so she can moan about being too busy & that’s just sad.
I think she’s constantly doing stuff so that she can distract herself from whatever torment is going on in her mind. I think as soon as she stops and sits still she can’t handle whatever it is that’s obviously in her head so she feels like she has to constantly be doing things.
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When has L showed any interest in space? Surely a super hero theme would of suited him better and a football theme for Isla. I guess theyre not insta worthy though.
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I mean I’m not a “kid person” as in, I wouldn’t make my career about being a mum. I love being a mum but children aren’t my calling. I do love getting inspired from those that do, like actual parenting bloggers and vloggers that actually spend time with their children and, well, blog about it 😅
I fail to see what parenting she does. She just films them running around by themselves. Or themselves. I don’t get her. I just don’t understand.
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Here’s an idea Sarah, instead of asking your followers, most of whom you don’t know, what colour cabinet to buy for Lachlan’s room, why not ask Lachlan which one he likes best? Oops silly me, it might not be Insta worthy enough hahahaha


She’s completely disregarding her own children’s likes and what they want THEIR rooms to look like and how they’re decorated, all for the sake of having a theme that is ‘grammable. How selfish can she get?!
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Finally the penny drops that if you sit at the table to eat and actually talk to your children they might eat better....👏👏That will involve you not filming them I am afraid Sarah. Soz about that.

Shame it has taken her this long to work this out.
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Panelling... another bandwagon our Sarah has jumped on 🙄 Robert will be so excited to have an excuse not to spend any time with his kids
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Don’t get me started on the ‘bless him’ husband who gets stressed by having to prepare a meal. Is it because he has zero life skills or he knows Sarah will moan or patronise him about the result?
she’s the last person who should be critiquing anyone else’s cooking. The useless bint can’t even fry sausages without destroying them and serving them raw.
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647 people voted on her listerine ad story. She has 44.3k followers. That’s an engagement rate of 1.46%. Sounds like listerine are getting their money’s worth?
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Chatty Member
Latest story “every week this home schooling work balance seems to be getting worse”
Shut the fuck up Sarah, you’ve only been doing it for a week and one child is still shipped out to nursery!
She is so clueless!
And the fact that Isla’s online lessons are 45 mins spread over the day tomorrow 🙈 and the remaining days are only for two half hour sessions...
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That panelling looks like the inside of the public toilets in the 80’s. I wonder when she’s drilling the glory holes in the wall 😂
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Is it just me who thinks it’s weird to fill your young kids up with chocolate & sweeties at 9pm.....? And have them jumping around, dancing and generally completely over stimulated at that hour of the evening?
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Ruby’s mum

VIP Member
Yeah redecorating isn’t the issue. It’s the way she’s manically rushing around trying to redecorate the entire house and staying up late to paint when there’s absolutely nothing wrong with the house as it is now. It’s not like it’s in a state of disrepair and needs urgent attention. It’s just this crazed, frantic need to be doing everything that’s really odd. Like, what’s the rush? The woman of off her rocker.
And not being able to cope with work and ‘homeschooling’ (you’re not, you’re supervising one child do a bit of school work). Cut out the unnecessary evenings doing ‘renovations’ (you’re not, your painting,putting horrible unnecessary sticky backed plastic on perfectly adequate inoffensive tiles and building flat pack furniture) and you’ll be able to catch up with work when Popeye is home to supervise the kids.
I might have said this before but she is a twat.
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Does she say wee constantly just to remind people she lived it Scotland for 10 minutes/calls it home?
I feel like it's a massive overuse of the term? Or is that normal use? 🤣
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VIP Member
Send us a mayday signal Sinbad if you need rescuing under all the Ikaya and flat pack furniture.
Show us a sign like a gormless grin or pretend you are tapping something on your phone so we know you are safe.
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That “funny story” was absolutely hilarious, I had to keep going back to read it as it made me laugh even more everytime I read it... there’s literally fuck all funny about it Sarah, you bint
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