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Good job Sarah isn’t in her precious scotland as our nurseries have been closed since the chrtimas break! Announcement today on how much longer . I doubt if she was living up here right now she would be swinging about her kitchen having a ceilidh or addressing her M&S haggis , trust me !
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I thought I'd gone back in time with the shelving unit.

I like her prison tracksuit set alongside her dirty prison protest panelling. So aesthetic.
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Was so tempted to comment on her story about Isla being football mad, to tell her I was so surprised she chose grey butterflies for her room when she is so football mad. So sad that her selfish mum chose a theme for Instagram instead of letting her choose the theme she really loves.
My mum was super house proud when I was younger, my dad used to call her “hyacinth bucket” as a joke. Everything was spotless and perfect but she still put up cheesy as hell Care Bear wallpaper all over my room and Transformers all over my brothers...even with the matching curtains. 😂 so 90s. We came from military housing too so she really went to town and let us choose whatever we wanted, even if it made her cringe when we got our own house.
I can’t believe Sarah won’t indulge the kids just a bit and let them choose something...anything! Make the house clinical asylum white but just give the kids their own space to feel comfortable and themselves!
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She needs to stop belittling Rob all the time. Especially when she even manages to make sauce dry.
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The weaning bowls and plates 🙄 I thought she’d finally got rid of them when we saw her 6/7 year old eating from a normal plate a few weeks ago, but no she is still feeding her children like babies because she thinks it looks good for the gram. Why doesn’t she understand that it actually looks so wrong and embarrassing for her children?
She seems to have no issue with letting them eat as much as they want when it’s “movie night” - she’s more than happy for them to gorge on pizza/cakes/sweets etc but she completely restricts how much they eat when it’s completely normal food like soup?? It’s madness
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Why not start one thing and finish it before starting something else!
She’s just absolutely manic and all over the place. If she’s got so many genuine work emails to deal with then why not spend an hour on a Sunday evening going through them quickly - read them, if it’s something easy and quick to deal with then do it there and then. If it’s something more in depth then leave it for now and keep going so that you get all the easy quick jobs done and then have an idea of what you’ve got left to do and then make a plan to tackle the rest. It’s just basic time & work management that she really should be proficient in by now, she’s been doing this job for how long?
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Chatty Member
It’s just bizarre that this lockdowns the worst one out them all and the one where we’re been warned if we don’t listen it’ll get even tougher .. so why would her work want their staff back in an office? Either her employers are very inconsiderate or she’s a lazy parent as always milking the school system so she can pretend she’s working at home but really she’s pre recording all her ads

can I also say why on earth is she always banging on about wanting another child but then she moans that robs never home to help his works demanding (which she new when she married him) & doesn’t seem to interact much with her children? The cameras always out at dinner times ..
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Ruby’s mum

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The words Sense and Sarah just don't go together. Why rush the house? Why put your kid in nursery full-time when you work part time? Why not eat together as a family? Why the need to take your phone into your son's bedroom whilst he is trying to get to sleep? Why not get professional help with your obsessive behaviour and parenting bond with Lachlan? The list is endless.
You forgot one: ‘why is she such a twat?’
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I purposely picked a name that you can't shorten because it drives me mad when people do it!!! So many names she could have chosen with nice shortened alternative aswell!
So did I 🙋‍♀️

Why does she always add ‘hahaha’ or ‘lol’ to her posts that aren't In the slightest bit funny. It’s so Awkward! You just n
know that she’s the kind of person to chat incessantly to fill in silences.
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Shes an actual arsewipe. Im fed up with her whole 'woe is me' routine. Sarah, pull up your big girl pants and get on with life. You only have to deal with one child during the day and Im sure shes big enough to sit and do a home school activity for an hour or so while you work.
If its all to much then let something go, like your ridiculous attempt to be an 'instahun' its never going to happen, youre too negative, too behind the fashion trends and just very very akward to watch. I would honestly watch paint dry for an hour than watch you attempt to parent your children.
So grow up, be a Mum to those children rather than an akward babysitter and get your prioritys straight!!
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Agree with all the comments. I used to work 3 days and loved my days off with my eldest. I remember once having a half day and leaving him in creche... dont get me wrong the me time was lovely but I felt so guilty!
Then I went to 5 days but school hours so my youngest was in creche 5 days but I'd always pick him up straight after the school run even though I paid for a full day. I think I had maybe 3-4 days where I'd have one on one with my eldest and leave him there until later. It's a hard balance with two and you feel guilty for choices like that, but she does it constantly! Its so unfair on Lachlan!
it’s worse still when they don’t even give the kid an evening meal when he eventually does make it home. And the times where they transfer him from the car and just dump him straight in bed - no bath, no food, no clean jammies, no interaction with the family. Just straight in to bed and forgotten about. They do not deserve that boy.
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Chatty Member
I think it’s interesting how she never mentions Rob in any of her rants...she tries to make out that she does everything in the house. She only shows him when he’s sitting on the sofa watching tv or when he’s done something wrong. What a martyr.
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Call me cynical but by saying she is struggling and feeling anxious and especially the effort she must have gone to to set up her camera to take the bathroom floor selfie I feel it is more for likes and comments than a real message to others who might be struggling.

Yes, she certainly has some psychological issues but remember that everything an influencer posts online is for the benefit of her bank account. Even when not an AD she needs the engagement, the likes and comments to keep her relevant.
I thought exactly the same - that she's trying to boost engagement by posting something she thinks her followers would relate to.
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