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Just sharing in case Sarah is here. It’s Simon Sinek’s ‘Start With Why’ and it is an absolute must-read.

This little section is about trust

‘Trust begins to emerge when we have a sense that another person or organisation is driven by things other than self-gain’

In other words: the Why. Why you do what you do.

And believe it or not, but scrambling to make ‘a milli’ for yourself is not a why that a loyal client base or consumer base will buy into.

Fancy that.

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I didn’t lose any money to SA but I have been following this. Saw what she wrote on Twitter.

Nothing she does or says surprises me anymore, having worked with people before who believe they are the only
victim in the village, you will only waste your own time trying to get her to see other people’s points of view.

You may have lost your life savings to her, but she still believes she was affected more. She may have wrecked her marriage and her husbands trust, but she was a victim of abuse and affected the most. She may have kept all your money and built a pink office, but this impacted on her more. She wakes up every day thinking about herself and goes to bed thinking about herself.
She’s a text book narcissist...that’s all there is to her.
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Sarah, stop playing the victim.

We know what you're really upset about - all this negative coverage WILL be around forever and WILL tarnish you forever, making it harder for you to make money.

YOU brought this on by your unethical approach. YOU and ONLY YOU now have to own the consequences of your actions.

Did we "conspire" in a "witch hunt" - bullshit. We worked together, shared information, supported each other, tried our best to help each other, and pooled our experiences and expertise/skills to try and find a way to force your hand, seeing as you continually refuse to do the right thing, and attack anyone challenging you.

At least you recognise the damage your actions have brought crashing down on you. It's called consequences Sarah.

View attachment 336539

And she'd have a clear cut legal case against them, with the support of the Press Complaints Commission.

Oh, hold on......
What a complete idiot. Why has she only realised press articles on the internet are permanent? Well Tattle is permanent as with the deleted posts on the undelete website. Yes Sarah, it’s all permanent which means your daughters can read about your affair & watch you admit it. Your naivety & stupidity astounds me.
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Taking of the cards......

Here's a good indication of the costs to make them, including custom printed box.

We know she's ordered at least 30 sets from the pictures so around £13+VAT to her.


She's not going to save her precious finances with this misguided project.

Any true business expert would have seen the long term benefit of doing the refunds and protecting her reputation and business.

As it, she's now starting to realise that her actions have caused consequences that are far reaching and permanently damaging.

On that basis, Sarah Akwisombe is wholly unqualified to give ANY business advice or coaching. She's a chancer with a shiny pink backdrop, spouting regurgitated genetic content.
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I was just coming to say the same thing. Its gross she’s referred to it as a relationship and in public too. I honestly don’t know how he stays.
On the insta live where she outed the affair I clearly recall her referring to it as a relationship & thinking this is more than an affair. She must be emotionally invested because experience tells me you do not refer to an affair as a relationship unless you are emotionally invested. At that point I thought if Jason had any shred of dignity he would have split but he is either brainwashed, does not want to try to get a real job because he is now very unemployable by mere association with Sarah or both. No company would let him near any financial records now as an admin so what’s left? A receptionist job?
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When you’re all about feminism, but also invite the patriarchy to come and do a big fat steaming dump on your doorstep....great quote....

"The girl boss does not seek to overthrow the man, but become him; she is, to all intents and purposes, indistinguishable from any other CEO in her actions and behaviour, although she obscures this by talking in the language of individualist fourth-wave feminism, and encouraging other women to empower themselves by becoming as fabulously rich and powerful as men. The girl boss is not a feminist in any transgressive or collaborative sense. She does not want to overthrow patriarchal capitalism, or unite with other like-minded people to nudge it into a fairer, more equitable iteration."

From this excellent article
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She's just responded with this.

She reckons she's forked out £75k on refunds - any of you lot here received your share of that?
Anyone in business knows that if you’re getting pushed into a corner by what ever circumstance be it clients, suppliers etc you give your legal teams details as they’re LEGALLY trained to give educated responses and don’t just use “ dummies guide to the law” books . She continues to press that self destruct and make herself a laughing stock with every single post on Twitter and Instagram. She’s like the uk version of trump😂 step away from social media Sarah you’re a social hand grenade! If you actually did have a legal team they’d be screaming at you for your phone. That shovel you’re using is digging your hole bigger with every typed word! You’re so unprofessional and acting like a precocious child. It’s so embarrassing
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It’s terrifying how unaware she is of her own self and her actions. She genuinely thinks that the affair and abuse has caused all of this. Stop blaming external factors and take some accountability in a compassionate and vocal manner.
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SA is unbelievable...this on Twitter an hr ago 😬😩🤦🏼‍♀️
Oh my god, she really is so blind isn't she?! I'm actually furious reading that, still playing the woe-is-fucking-me card, Sarah get off your high horse and OWN YOUR SHIT like a real woman.

We never asked about your dirty laundry. You decided to use it as a way to play the victim card more and get sympathy during a shitty business situation, we never asked about it nor did we care.
You're STILL blaming the hundreds of women who have supported you for years, but I guess you're just following your own mantra of 'getting rid of dead wood', right?

Honestly, the audacity of this woman-child is mind blowing. I'm not surprised she never ended up staying at any job, I imagine she's a fucking nightmare to work with.
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If the entire thing wasn't such a bad vibe itself I'd definitely write a proposal for Netflix 😩🤣
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I wish someone would. Respond to her comment to sian re 'rinsing' clients - thta was her own exact word she used on a podcast wasn't it
How dare she be so rude regarding something actually she said on the record!!! Makes my blood boil
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I imagine they are sitting back and letting it fall on her shoulders. Llewelyn Davies is not innocent in the Sarah Akwisombe debacle but the sticky brown stuff is not sticking to him like it is with her.
Oh god of course they are! This situation is perfect for them, as they get to hide behind this explosion. It’s really frustrating as it feels like there isn’t enough of a spotlight on them and in the meantime, they are getting worse with what they’re doing. Hypnotherapy now? 😫

Llewellyn Davies is so far from innocent in this, it’s actually a joke. His main purpose with working with her was to access her community, infiltrate it and make money out of them, charging them money and in return providing them with nothing but AIR (with perhaps a side of confidence knocking, if you were one of the unluckier ones).

Rhys Davies apparently gave that to you as a guarantee, multiple stories of him shouting/raging at his clients 😡

It’s probably harder to make anything stick, as there isn’t as much as a public outrage circulating about him and his brother and secondly, they have a smaller community of people, as they aren’t as known as they make out (though are still able to target unsuspecting victims) and have bought all there followers. They operate sneakily by luring people in and then getting them to advocate them, leading them to obtaining more people to con.

This is why it’s even more important to have conversations going about them in order for them to show up, if anyone unsuspecting was to google them.

I recall finding very little when I googled Llewy back when he made an appearance (which I did find slightly odd, considering his claims of being the ‘world’s best coach’ 🙄😂) and what I did find wasn’t anything of any concern. Had a number of negative things come up, I would’ve run a bloody mile!!
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Sarah is on fire on Twitter, she’s really pissed people have a brain and an opinion. With a public insta account of 40K+ followers, she has had the chance to tell her side of the story but she still moans that no one bothered asking?

In the meantime the Bosstragic shop is open for a special 12 hours preview (and obviously stock is very limited so hurry up) and I confirm it’s overpriced shit of dubious provenance
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FFS Barbara

Active member
The thing with a research/test group is you get paid to be in that group. Not the other way around.

A proven method to scam money more like it.
Exactly, how can it be right for you to pay to be part of an exclusive group where the founder is taking advice from you? That was my experience in the past when I was approached. In my opinion, if you're being approached to help test something new then no money should be changing hands.
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Oh please.. so chess is the new distraction. Get ready for the constant chess references on her grid/stories, then we all know what Sarah will do next...:sneaky::sneaky::sneaky: 3....2....1

Guys so many (1 random follower and 3 friends) have been asking me about chess and are interested in the different tactics involved. Do you struggle to understand chess even though you've never thought or cared about it? Have you mastered checkers and ready to go to the next level? Have you always thought it was a game for men because the colour of the board gives masculine low vibes? Are you looking for something to take your mind off being accountable?
Introducing MAJOR CHE$$ MOVES
Major Che$$ Moves can teach (I'm not a coach) you how to show up and play chess like a Bo$$ - I know simply amazing stuff!
It took me 20 minutes to put together and even though im not an expert I've won 2 games and only started playing 3 weeks ago which means I'm f***king SICK!
This is a chance for you to get a step-by-step guide on how to win (I'll use your time and money to figure out wtf I'm doing) because being a champion like me isn't that hard;)
Sign up to the waitlist now as spaces are limited and you don't want fomo. Once it begins and everyone shares their workouts (h/w for months 1-3) I know people will be messaging me to join but its too late - you obviously weren't serious about your future.
Major Che$$ Moves is a 6 months course (might be 3 or 4 though) priced at just £19999.99 a month but if you've purchased Toss magic (buy it again) you will get the course for the discounted price of £19999.97 with a free smoke stick.
Our large team Major Che$$ Mob (Jason & I) have been working so hard behind the scenes so once you get the launch email buy it quick! If you have any questions contact the team at [email protected]
Dislaimer - If you're unhappy with the quality remember im not a coach/guru and we are all figuring this out together, complaining and asking for refunds is very low vibes babe. If there's a problem just move on because I cant lose the Tesla so smile and share your workouts and fake success stories in a chance to win a repost on my socials, alternatively you can F**k off and do one.
*4 hours later*
WOW i can't believe so many of you (8 people) signed up.. remember the waitlist closes tonight so be quick, only a few spaces left (but there will still be an opportunity to join anytime).

* 2 months later - Sarah has been playing the Ukulele for 5 days*
Guys so many of you have been asking about my music career.. so I have created a course called Cush & Lele like a Bo$$ - how to learn the Ukulele while you smoke weed. So SICK right!?

This is the basic template Sarah uses for everything with segments she obviously learnt from Llewy. Its funny but dangerously sad, pathetic and not normal behaviour. She needs to give refunds and seek professional help not start a new business. When will the cycle end? o_O
Quite possibly the best thing I have seen on here! 😂
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Also most businesses insurance offer a legal cover within the policy.
So because it’s evident so has no PI cover, it’s highly unlikely she will pay for the cost of a lawyer. X
Exactly this. I’ve had to gain legal advice on a few things over the years (just niggly things, nothing to this extent!) and every. single. time. the solicitor has asked if a) the money is worth the stress and b) is the money worth potentially damaging future business. In every single case I’ve opted against it and moved on.

On another note, Sarah really needs to revisit her refunds policy on her Bosstragic site. No returns allowed on “sale items” yet out of the 7 products on sale, there are 3 bundles marked as “sale.” So no returns on them? Oh dear Sarah...
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I have an issue with how she screams mental health when things don’t go her way. The dark thoughts, the anxiety. The woman never apologised or recognised the negative impact she had on other women, who lost precious money during the pandemic. It’s hard to have sympathy for her.

Next she will play the feminist card
Fully with you in this one. She acts like a petulant child when things don’t go her way and brandishes the mental health card at all opportunities. Yes she may be struggling, we don’t doubt that, BUT she has largely caused this struggle herself and has never once given a thought about the mental health or struggles of her customers, except when she tried to create a ‘trauma bonding’ experience for other gaslit women, which as we know was just another way for her to feel like she was some kind of messiah.

I get the impression she will never be happy.
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People are only starting to pick on her personality and appearance because she’s being an absolute wank stain about everything and angering everyone. I wouldn’t usually condone this sort of behaviour, but for the amount that she’s deliberately winding everyone up, I don’t blame people for snapping and getting petty about her. It would happen to anyone, in any situation. This is a very emotional matter with a lot of money involved and it’s naturally getting nasty. Not the ideal scenario, but she brought it on herself.
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