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Maybe the Mother of the half sister insisted on that wording if she was to be mentioned, nobody knows .. either way its heartbreaking
But the sister is an adult, so surely her mother would have no say on the wording. I can't see the girl herself saying 'put me down as a half sister'. There's obviously some issue there, due to the fact she was never mentioned before.

I think it wasn't the time or the place to use the word 'half'. It's a death notice, not a DNA analysis (where full vs half sibling might be an important distinction)!!
When we saw on Insta how much Dada Ollie doted on and worshipped the two girls (and rightly so), it makes my heart break for their older sister. Whatever the situation is, she is his full daughter.
I feel for all the family and hope they're well supported and minded going forward.
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God help us that reel was so heartbreaking. Saoirse looked so frail and ill. I can understand wanting all those memories to look back on especially knowing that she had to go from them but it’s a little strange to share them so publicly in my opinion. I know they’re hers and she can do what she likes and whatever helps her get through this awful time but I just can’t wrap my mind around the why of it.
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After Dr Niamh's post above yesterday specifically mentioning we shouldn't be seeing kid's bedrooms on SM, we're treated to seeing FR's bedroom and bedtime story tonight. Wonder if it's on purpose or a coincidence?
Poor child’s pants on show as she’s getting under the covers 😡😡. I bet she wouldn’t put herself on social media if her own underwear was on show.
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That’s what it sounds like & it reads to me like that snámh lady might have thought it would be a nice surprise.
I didn't watch it but I saw a photo of her with snámh woman, who has a thread of her own on Tattle. It's not a rave thread let's just say.

It kinda says a lot imo, about the company she keeps, and the 'fame' she intends to hold onto. Even at the cost of sacrificing the privacy of both Saoirse (RIP) and the little sister.

If Tubridy was still doing the LLS, she would definitely be back on too, I'd say.
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Does she really think that people are interested in her? That if she never had a sick child that she has anything to add to the influencer world? She built this following on the back of her daughter and now she is continuing to ride the wave that mourn porn has created. That makes me sick.
Yeah I agree she built her insta following on back of saoirse,she shared a photo of saoirse this eve with a poem gods garden , poor saoirse is clearly not well in the photo very fragile and pale, weak in the photo, the poor pet, I really wouldn't want a photo of me posted on social media after I let saoirse rest in peace, she was over exposed when she was alive , give her some respect now the poor thing has passed....its horrific what mama is going through..I used to visit a woman in her very late 80s often she passed since, she had a hard life hubby died young reared all her children on very little means, I remember her daughter died before her and she was heart broken like she gave up after it happened remember she saying she seen alot of heart ships but this was the worse pain...she wasso sadshe could lift herself out if the saddness...her joy towards life was gone....
It's horrified what mama is enduring but it is personal private pain and it doesn't mean the same to everyone so she should respect saoirse and stop belittling her very short fragile life by this exposure....
Like its does madden me, then the silly force d Videos of FR and she does not know how she feels really as she such a young child...and there she is being forced to do Videos after losing a big part of her family.....anyways il stop watching her page....
....its so important to remember your own departed family but.if my sister was doing this online stuff like mama I'd be so annoyed for the innocent deceased child.......
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Drives me mad that she's a happy to film FR and Dadda but has hardly appeared on camera at all herself. Obviously I think she's right not to show herself if she's not up to it but at least afford the same respect to her young child and husband, who are also grieving!! I dunno, Dadda Ollie is a quiet, patient man not to have taken that phone off her and deleted Instagram.
I never liked her putting either girl on Insta, but it just feels so, so wrong to be exploiting FR now for likes and comments. Let the child grieve and adjust to her new normal without a camera in her face.

On a different note, I love Dadda's bond with Willow. He adores her.
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I cannot believe she posted this. You can see in the reel Saoirse seems to have been in her little Confirmation outfit too. It's heartbreaking, her little hand and the Teddy.
Like someone else said I also attended a relatives funeral 2 weeks ago. Last thing I would ever do is take a photo never mind post on instragram. As someone said, yeah she absolutely could post photo of her laid out yet. Someone needs to have a word with her. Maybe she might listen to their local Priest or someone if it was approached delicately.
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Oh god I was one always on here defending her. She needs to be told to stop posting
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Absolutely nothing is private and every video and reel so rehearsed
It's actully so sad for that child
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I hope she doesn’t start making it all about the small lady now and her grief at the loss of her sister.
I really hope so too but a photo of her leaning over the cross marking Saoirses grave at the weekend followed by a photo of her & talking about how she is doing just a couple of days later has me thinking this will become about her. It’s far too soon to be sharing her, whatever about the parents, they’re adults & if social media is their way of coping then that’s their business but I don’t think it’s fair to share FR. Talking about wanting to protect her yesterday, surely the best way to do that is to allow her privacy to deal with this without a public audience, she might be oblivious now but she will hear all about this from someone as she gets older.
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Followed by a story explaining that she is putting AD on it as she hopes to be working with the brand again in the future. That makes no sense, it's either an ad, or not... That's just a desperate attempt to get the brand to hire her again.

And another story thanking everyone that visited the grave over the weekend. The message she got from that follower shows the type of person that would visit a stranger's child's grave. The message saying the whole country felt her loss, etc. That's only pushing her in the wrong direction, making her feel like she needs to share all of this.

I'm happy to see FR will be starting play therapy soon, but I hope those sessions are kept private.
No play therapist worth their salt would be taking a child in this situation until a good six months later.. and oh god yes, re private.
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I got up at 5am

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There is something severely lacking in these women who use their children for some sort of online ‘fame’. They are usually plain & unremarkable but sly enough to market what they can for a follow.
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I had a very brief look yesterday and had the exact same thought. I am sure whoever owned the cows wasn't going to be in any way offended by a small child calling them hers. She absolutely snapped at her. Then take two. 🎬 Jesus wept. 🙄

Most people would say haha, no, remember they are John's but he won't mind that you like them and have names for them. I feel very sorry for the little girl, she is the mother's ongoing ticket to 'fame' now.
You could hear the poor kid emphasising the “Alan’s cows” in the next clip. It really upset me. Everything the child was going through & mam still focused on perfection. That’s two weekends in a row now she has shared a memory where she seems clearly annoyed that something hasn’t been perfect.
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Someone i know thinks shes a blogger, she has pics of her childs bedroom on her grid, school, loads of things! Its actually unnerving
So inappropriate, isn't it? Has she any idea the dodgy characters who could be watching and even saving her stories. And these weirdos know the layout of FR'S bedroom now on top of everything else. She really needs am education in basic social media safety. I just feel so sorry for FR.
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Hector Crowbar.

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I think you are being unnecessarily unkind! It is her page, she can post whatever photos or videos she likes. If she wants to show a shot in the distance of her small child visiting her sisters grave that’s her business . If you feel so strongly that you do not agree with what a grieving mother does and does not post there is an unfollow and block button on her page profile!
I don't follow her.
I just dip in if whatever is being discussed here catches my interest.

Of course the flip side of that argument is that Mama could activate the privacy settings on her account.
She seems reluctant to do that for some reason though...
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My own boy is the same age as Farrah Rose and I don’t know how I’d explain it to him I could hardly manage to tell him about the neighbours dog when it died poor child she will be totally bewildered and lonely for her big sister. But there are amazing children’s grief counsellors there and I’m sure her parents will sort that out in time. I don’t love the way Saoirse’s mam used the child’s illness to gain followers and all that but she did stop posting when Saoirse was at the end of her fight so at least there’s that. And her heart must be just shattered God love them you wouldn’t wish it on your enemies.
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Unfortunately, I can well believe that there are people who would do that. It's beyond weird, imo. I can't imagine why they do it but I can believe it. They probably share it on instagram too. 🥴
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Flogging away. Using the platform her poor sick daughter created. It’s just shocking. She is exploiting the other wee mite too. This kinda stuff really needs to end
Adding reference to her deceased daughter to work related content that depends on having a large following is just sick.
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