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Chatty Member
Unfortunately that comes across as I am so busy doing this wonderful, wonderful thing that I also can’t cope with the Herculean task of responding to people on Twitter about this wonderful, wonderful thing. It is great that they’re doing it, but maybe a ‘really sorry if we can’t respond individually to the mentions but here’s our official process’ might work.
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Posts about chocolate are spot on. Life is too short for nibbling tiny squares of dark chocolate. Especially in the middle of a pandemic. Just another subtle way to shame women.
Exactly! If you can't have a big dirty Mars bar in the middle of a pandemic, then when in the hell can you?! 🍫
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Brian Butterfield

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I feel really terrible for all small business owners, watching what they’ve poured their lives/money/time into just disappearing, but I find it hard to feel anything but bewilderment at the fact that a grown man was making thousands going to events and taking photos of his handbags, and is now borrowing from his father.

what a time to be alive...

View attachment 116030
Quite. I've said it before but if one good thing comes out of this it would be the death of influencer culture.
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She'll send Eric after me for this, but I dont think that red lipstick suits her 🙈
I can't decide if it doesn't suit her or if it's just a terrible photo.

Also, that essay about not caring what makeup/ clothes others wear- she says people often ask if she has the urge to fix womens makeup (she then proceeds to list specific examples). People often ask that, do they really Sali?

That kind of sh*te is her trying to imply that women are cack handed idiots who can't apply makeup and it's a skill available to only a select few. Sali and other influencers have got to stop acting like makeup is some kind of black art. We're not all going to be Lisa Eldridge but pretty much all women will be able to apply makeup decently
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I actually agree with SH on this. Women (and men) who have decorative tat in their homes declaring their beverage of choice *are* reductive twats.View attachment 118697
Fuckawesome! So quirky!

I thought she found this sort of thing "reductive tat" but yet she has stuff with slogans on them? Or "a slogan" as she'd probably call it


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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
I don’t even think it’s a matter of their being tone deaf. I think it’s more a case of their egos and neediness overriding any sense of ‘other’ in favour of the me me me. Feed me some likes! Pay me some attention! Need me want me! I know it’s a global crisis but I need to fit into it somehow!
I think a lot of them are cynically looking to the future and how they will be remembered for this time - all striving to be the Vera Lynne of coronavirus.

Plus being ignored for 5 minutes as something actually important is happening worries them in case people wake up to how irrelevant they are.
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I’ll never forget SH saying that Laverne couldn’t have been expected to know anything about her Directorship and financial detail of The Pool because she’s a creative.
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Going to detail with skincare chat- I had a revelation recently. Noticed that I had a few broken capillaries on my face and couldn't figure out why as I always use SPF. It then hit me that it's probably the hot cloth cleansing that's recommended by SH and CH etc. So I've switched to just cold water.
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Satisfying Click

VIP Member
Stressful? :ROFLMAO: Is she for real?

God, this is the Marie Antoinette moment.

"But Sali, they don't have Veuve Clicquot!"
"Then let them drink Moet"
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Jade Mitzi

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It came across quite stilted and needy and so very full-time influencer. Videos are not her forte.
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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
Up there with her reply yesterday to someone agreeing with her about something (not watching the government update every day) - 'I really don't love being told what to do tbh'.

Today’s piece is shite on a stick!! More patronising drivel from Hershesons, and how to do a basic manicure... 🤦🏻‍♀️ The Guardian lifestyle section have really given up.

Plus all that “I do beauty for myself” stuff is getting battered repeatedly:

View attachment 106991

If I had an avocado, I would not be smearing half of it on my face, FFS!
That Hersheson's thing is unintentionally funny - admitting your hair 'very often looks better' if you just wash it and leave it. Rather hard to justify the no doubt exhorbitant prices they charge for a blow-dry then isn't it?
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I don't know what kind of 'product' Beauty Banks send to refuges etc. but if I was in that situation I can't imagine I'd care that much about premium skincare at a time when so much else is potentially worrying. I guess I could be wrong...
But how would you maintain your acid mantle?
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I wonder what The Hygiene Bank make of it all? Maybe they just think it is good that there is another organisation doing the same thing? Very gracious and charitable attitude if so.
I see that their founder won a Woman of the Year award last year.
Woman of the Year and they do appear to be a class act as a whole. Somehow I don’t think Sali would be as gracious if the shoe was on the other foot.
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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
I'll just leave this here.
I'm actually cringing for her at that tweet 🤦‍♀️. The post she was responding to was about men commenting on her thrilling sandwich. But she has to reference here which as we know is all WOMEN.
So. Random. (And a teensy bit needy).

She’s got a peloton. She’s such a middle class parody.
I thought she didn't *do* exercise?

That article is eye opening. I find I have little sympathy for professional gloaters at the moment. What pointless existences they have... All surface, all insubstantial. They don't employ anyone, they don't create anything, they have little in the way of skills. Their aim is to stimulate greed, shame and dissatisfaction in their followers. They get stuff, photograph it, post it online. Repeat. Absolutely pointless.
Spot on - they are parasites.
I tried to explain to my mother once what influencers did and she was rightly baffled. It is such an ephemeral and vapid existence it truly is hard to comprehend. It is a job that relies on selling stuff sneakily to people. Actually not even actual stuff, but the idea of stuff. Very strange.
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