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Jonny shoving half eaten fruit in their hand for the latest TikTok! Trying to prove you feed your children something other than sugar and pasta?
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Pretty sure poor E2 will think they are going to get periods once E1 gets hers. E2 seems marginally brainwashed into thinking they are exactly like a biological girl.. 😫
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Did Jonathan delete the video where Eduardo literally says he doesn’t want to be a girl and that he’s a boy? I guess he just kept in asking him everyday until he got the answer he wanted
No thanks exactly what he did. Every morning Jono admitted he asked E2 "is today a girl day or a boy day?". Some days were a girl day and some days they didn't know (but none were a boy day). Eventually, with the praise Jono gave E2 for choosing girl days, girl days increased to a point where now E2 is identifying as transgender (of which, doesn't know what transgender is because they explained it as part girl and part boy if I remember correctly)
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I thought it was quiet thats because edie was on a playdate went to the park had some crisps however the minute jonathan told him about all the fun they had he instantly went into a strop as if they couldn't possibly be having fun without him!

For a moment I thought I was imagining that look on Edies face, but nope she looked furious, literally the angry face emojis 😠 😡 until jonathan promised she could do it too... im actually surprised Edie rolling down the hill wasn't a whole 10 minute section
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I think it’s telling she says she’s fully recovered. I’ve never heard anyone with an ED say they are fully recovered when it’s an on going issue that they face everyday to do the right thing. Anal says she doesn’t even think about it, I would assume that if someone suffered from an ED since they were 12, like she’s stated that there would be many times that they were triggered and would bravely face it. She just acts like she is completely cured no issues everything is roses. I think she would be more believable if she were to be truthful and say that some days are hard etc… It makes her sound braggadocious, and that it’s easy to overcome one. Some people are going to look at her and think bad about themselves because she is “cured” and they are not. Could make someone relapse because they are comparing themselves to her great life of eating everything she wants and not having any lasting mental issues that require therapy.
I 100% think she is not “cured” as she herself stated that she suffered from orthorexia. She has a preoccupation with pasta eating and has cut out any meat consumption because she’s “veggie” now. She also works out on a schedule that’s odd. It’s like she forces herself to workout like a punishment instead of it being rewarding to the body. There is no reason she cannot wait until the kids go to school to do it, it HAS to be at 5 in the morning. These are just my opinions on what I’ve observed. I do not think any girl or women should take any advice from this unhealthy idiot.
She was "recovered" from literally the day after her last purge. She didn't do anything first, purged, realised Emilia might have seen and being older might have wanted to know why, and said "I can't do this anymore" and started saying she was recovered from her ED even before hiring the phone coach. Then she gained the weight while still trying to squeeze into her skinny clothes (that pink exercise set, she wore at her slimmest and at her biggest) and then the weight started to come off (even though she claims to never have weighed herself she stated that she weighed more at her heaviest than she did with all her pregnancies) and now she continues to control what she and everyone else eats under the guise of intuitive eating
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I’d never normally wish infertility on anyone but I do wish she hadn’t have been able to conceive- I feel bad we that but between them , those kids are destined for so much hurt .
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Todays video is called my trans daughter(answering your questions)

The big issue with this video is the way anna answers the questions almost giving E2 the answer or telling him what to say.

They were closed end questions meaning it's difficult to say anything other than yes/no

Anna was determined to make e2 repeat that he would never want to go back to being eduardo despite saying how supportive they'd be if that were to happen however she also said their legally changing his name but that takes time and is a long process so how do you expect him to change back if wanted?

Who would he tell first - Emilia.
What were the teachers like- very supportive in allowing the swimsuit and separate changing areas as he didn't like changing with either the girls or the boys.
Does he know that he can be a boy but like girly things- yes but essentially doesn't want to
Would he ever change back to eduardo- not likely
Do the videos of previous years upset him- Anna's actually discussed deleting them they would delete memories and parts of his life to suit this new Life?!!

Because he didn't like football much which is absolutely fine by the way he believed that meant becoming a girl

Anna supposedly always knew what would happen so it wasn't a shock at all, as for wearing a dress to school for the first time she claims he forgot about wearing it yet jonos video says different he was upset for ages in the video and tiktoks after Emilia was pushed aside for the star of the channel.

Anna had to get used to it but has no issue saying she has 3 girls and 1 boy to those who ask rather than 2 girls 2 boys.

A big regret was cutting E2s hair just after lockdown as if most women don't have hair cuts and now he gets away with not having one whilst Andrea's buzzed regularly.

They will be having wardrobe refreshes soon as if anna needs more clothes! That had better include all of the children not just Eduardo
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Their icks for each other are weird. They seem to really despise one another on the inside. Also Jono is so much more gross in that video than he has been anywhere else.
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Chatty Member
Matt is thirsty for attention, huh? I would have thought it was okay that he made a public account until it was pointed out that he follows Zoe’s gay friend, out of 5 accounts he publicly follows.

Honestly, it is looking like he considers himself the token gay the way Anna does, so he truly is signing up to be used hoping to get some bones/scraps.

And in my opinion, he’s cringey because he calls Anna “bitch” even when it’s not just ribbing during banter.

When she opened some of her presents he got her, I remember the only thing I could make out between mumbles was an oddly socially awkward, “bitch” that didn’t make sense at that moment.
Anna’s perfect version of a gay bff is like the one that’s stereotypical gay bff in movies like this….

although Matt seems to be playing the role for some reason. I just can’t imagine being a weird character all the time seems exhausting! I can’t imagine having someone call me Barbie and other bullshit things when in my 40s.
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Let's be honest there is no good reason for Anna not to attend at least one particularly when the others were occupied with sport matches she just isn't interested in the As, now when it's The Es turn you can bet they will both make time for it.
Jono literally said they could have done them online via zoom so they could both do them together - Anna would have been back home for 15 minutes after picking up from the sports match, and Jono wouldn't have had to drive into school. But nope Jono thinks they should be done in person, so who cares if Anna can't make it (maybe won't put the effort in to make it is the better term, girl definitely could have made it). Its like the two of them only communicate through the apple calendar they share, never actually talk about stuff in person to try and arrange things like parent teacher interviews to work for the both of them
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I only really watch them on tiktok now but have they ever said anything about Edie and puberty / hormone treatment etc and what the plans are as she gets older?
im sure Jonathan at one point commented saying something like 'stay tuned to find out' :sick: :sick:
Also didn't he tell Edie that they can have babies? Setting them up for disapointment
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Scarlett O' Hara

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I wonder if J will mention the tragic case of the girl who lost her life in a hate crime last week, i hope he at least acknowledges it but that vile narcissist will make it about himself
I've never heard him mention any crimes before, so probably not.

So it's Jonathan's birthday, in the clip on annas stories with A and the kids dancing E2s massive t shirt falls down multiple times feels completely inappropriate to have filmed it and again on stretching it whilst sat on the chair then there's E2s card for jonathan a big picture of their face scribbled with non binary and the relevant flags that also doesn't feel appropriate for the occasion plenty of cards to choose from or even make one and they chose that one?!

I have to mention it what's his aversion to birthday cake instead has crumble!?
She should have made him a 'tipsy cake', way more appropriate;)
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Chatty Member
Not to defend A & J, but my little boys have once described pain as “boob pain”, but it just turned out they meant both a stitch, or indigestion. Edie could have been trying to tell Anna this, or this may be what Edie calls that kind of pain but Anna just dismisses it as always so she never gets to explain herself further.
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It's like both anna and jonathan refuse to say no to their kids maybe not wanting to deal with the drama that follows even though lessons will eventually be learned from it.

Because of that Andrea's allowed to act out and hit his siblings with no consequences , they swear on camera left right and centre because nothing will be done about it

There has definitely been times where the camera needed to be stopped and the kids having time out and a talking to.
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