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Just unfollow Her.
lol do we have a white knight here? 😂 How about you unfollow us and go watch a study with me or something, maybe read a kids’ book or two. Bound to make you happier than watching us laugh at your precious queen.
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You guys (missmina and both have really good points. It is a bit of a strange contradiction that she appears to be so inarticulate and naive in her videos and yet receives really good grades for her uni work.

I don't believe it's any kind of conspiracy or preferential treatment, or that the uni is too lenient with its marks.

I rather think that Ruby doesn't share her worst marks or the most critical comments she gets from lecturers. Surely even the best students get critical feedback sometimes, so it is kind of suspicious that she never seems to have much of that. It seems like she would quibble with the lecturer about every single point they made she doesn't agree with, and we have seen evidence of that.

Secondly, I think that she is not very good at thinking on her feet, but needs reassurance from secondary sources and criticisms to make up her own mind and forms her opinion based on what others have said. She is not an original thinker, and she needs to be told what she should think.

That's why when she makes videos she rambles and makes vague, generalised statements.
But with her uni work, she can spend hour and hours reading what other, smarter people have said about a text and she is able to incorporate those things into her work well. There seems evidence that even her tutors have picked up on that, as one of the comments she got for her exam was that she discussed the secondary sources more than the actual fictional text they were supposed to be considering.

And finally, I get the feeling that she talks down to her audience, whom she knows is younger than her and look up to her. She definitely acts like she thinks she is superior to them and might think that she doesn't need to work as hard making her content as she does with her coursework, because they won't get it anyway. She often says things like "today I'm going to TEACH you about... (insert Victorian girl's job description)." She gets all the validation she needs from her adoring fans without much effort.
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God shes such a brat isn't she? In her new "reacting to my 2nd year Grades" video every time she reads a bit of constructive criticism from her lecturers [even when her mark is really good!!!!] she says "I don't agree with that" 🤢🙄
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This has probably been mentioned before but it drives me nuts, Ruby uses "in lieu of" as if it means "because of". Like... "in lieu of it being anti-bullying week, I thought I'd share etc etc". Probably meaning to say "in view of"? Anyway, I'm gonna sign her up for a french class.

Lesson 1: How to pronounce Poirot
I think she needs to learn basic English before she takes on any other languages.
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I really wonder what made Ruby want to lose weight initially, what triggered her potential ED? She used to be at a healthy weight and she seemed to enjoy a diversity of foods, I rewatched some of her vlogs in her first year at Uni and although she was already restricting (going vegan), she still bought a lot of food and ate decent portions. She didn't seem obsessed with tiny portions or with the same boring food like peas or yogurt bowl with a quarter of a banana...
TW: ED's

This is all speculation and I can only speak from my experience (I suffered from an ED for over 10 years) and because I see a lot of my past self in Ruby. But here are just some potential reasons why I believe it manifested the way it did for her...

1. Control: ED's aren't always about food but more so about the control it gives you. The pandemic definitely didn't help and with Ruby being away from her childhood home/comfort zone at the time she panicked and resorted to something that would give her some sense of control. I'm not sure if going back home was worse than staying in her uni house. For me being away from friends and family fueled my ed more because I didn't have to worry about other people finding out in a way but regardless she still carried on.

2. We all have speculated she might suffer from OCD or have autism which is common in people with ED's. (Also autism in girls/women is often under diagnosis compared to boys/men). This ties in with the amount of pressure she puts on herself to be perfect so maybe she thought that since she already had "perfect" grades she needed to "perfect" something else: in this case her body.

3. I think another part of it comes from her fixation on being a child and not growing up. She doesn't want to be seen as an woman, she wants to be seen as a child/young girl and in order to do that she thinks she needs to remain small and dainty, which again is common in people who suffer from eds. She doesn't want her body to grow up so she's preventing it by starving herself (when in reality it's just going make her age quicker). I think another things that ties into this is that she wants to be a fictional/historical character. And all the characters/figures she sets out to be are either skinny (think Anne from Anne with an E) or a starving Victorian. She purposely eat like these characters and figures because she wants to emulate them.

4. Lastly, maybe she did want to lose a bit of weight in general. Some ed's do start off as harmless as that but then they spiral, take over and are hard to come back from. She was never overweight. She was healthy and athletic given her gymnastics background. So maybe she did want to lose a bit of weight at the beginning but it turned into something worse.

Again this is all speculation. But I see a lot of my old ed behaviors and tendencies in Ruby. I was a similar "perfectionist" student, I'm autistic and I'm a history nerd (I studied history in undergrad and post grad) so I even somewhat get the fasciation and desire to emulated the past as Ruby has done. To me it's almost like seeing a past version of myself and noticing the warning signs as they are happening to her. I really hope she gets help soon.
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Honestly, to me her cluelessness when it comes to being bullied really shone through to me in a video she did years ago (I’m not sure if it’s still up). She discovered one of her friends was being bullied, and made a very angry video where she rants at the bullies - a lot of “how DARE you do this to such a lovely person!!” and glaring at the camera as if anybody would actually be intimidated.

I was bullied so badly in school that I had to change all of my classes to get away from the girls doing it, and the moment I saw that video I cringed. It was a nice gesture I suppose, she thought she was sticking up for her friend, but I immediately knew it would just be more ammo for the bullies. They’d find it HILARIOUS. If anything they’d probably quote it at the girl they’d been bullying the next day, if they ever even saw it to begin with. I had no idea what she was trying to achieve. Did she really think they’d see it and think “aw jeez I better stop or Hermione’s gonna hex me!”?? Yikes. The naivety was unreal. I feel like if she’d ever been through real bullying, she’d have known how ridiculous she was being by even making that video, and how much she was opening up her friend to even more ridicule.
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The problem is that she should not feel obliged to address anything, given that she has a right to privacy. What needs to stop, however, is the triggering content she continues to post online. She apologised for the food picture, was called out by a friend, and yet THE NEXT DAY posted multiple stories about food.
It’s not really about a right to privacy imo, when you become an influencer and monetize your sm, you kinda lose that privilege. You’re putting your life on show and you’re making money off it, you should at least be honest with your followers when you’ve spent months posting content that’s clearly triggered a lot of people and now it’s come to a head. Either address it or get off social media, she still appeals to school age people and she knows there’s a lot of kids following her, I feel she has a responsibility to just be real at this point.

ETA this is probably the harshest comment I’ve actually posted about Rubys ED, but I honestly just worry about the amount of kids I see in her comments section who clearly adore her and want to copy her, and don’t know any better. It is concerning that they are consuming her content and thinking her behaviours re. food are normal when they’re really not.
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I watched this out of morbid curiosity.

Main takeaways:

All comments praise Ruby for being so brave and that they're so proud and her words brought them to tears. All Ruby actually says in the video is "Bullying is bad, everyone should be kind." I didn't realise stating the obvious was brave?

Ruby claims she was bullied, but that she didn't realise it at the time. At no point does she say what this "bullying" entailed, but she alludes multiple times to it just being that people didn't want to be friends with her. Yeah, no shit. You left everyone in your class eyebrows-deep in homework they could've avoided because you wanted to suck up to the teacher.
This is such a weird thing to say and what makes me think that it was not actually bullying or it was nothing particularly serious and Ruby just made it worse in her little head.
Bullying isn't usually something you look back at years later and realise "omg I was bullied". Like if someone is harassing you or beating you up or playing mean pranks at school or spreading nasty rumors about you, you tend to notice in the moment. Which makes me think that it was actually nothing more than Ruby being her bratty self and other kids not putting up with it, which she wasn't used to at home.
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I was just thinking about the ‘you can unsubscribe if you don’t like what I’m doing’ response and why I don’t like it. I think it’s because on the surface it seems like a reasonable response but it’s actually just shutting down debate and is a refusal to take responsibility for potentially harmful content. There are lots of unpleasant things in life and online that I can choose not to look at - like animal abuse or far-right content, for example - but it doesn’t mean they should go unchallenged or unacknowledged, and should just be allowed to happen because I’ve been told to stay away if I don’t like it. If someone’s doing or posting something that’s harmful, then they can’t just choose to not engage with the feedback.
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"Whymsicam." Really? "Whymsicam"? This has to be her trolling by now, right? Nobody can be this stupid. You have to go out of your way to spell "whimsical" so wrong. That's absolutely how she believes it's spelt/pronounced.
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Apart of me cant help but think that Ruby knows exactly what she is doing in regards to all of the triggering content she is putting out. So many people have called her out on it and at no point has she attempted to actually confront the situation on her YouTube channel. She has just been writing silly little messages on Instagram.

Perhaps she loves the attention, maybe that is why she keeps doing it. She probably loves the fact that we are all talking about her.

It is very strange behaviour. I know denial is a big aspect of Eating disorders but most people are secretive about it and they go out of their way to hide it which makes me think she is doing this just to get attention.
She without a doubt knows what she's doing, but she likes the gratification of most of her fans fawning over her as she wastes away to nothing and knows they'll dogpile on anyone who dare speak critically of her.

I hope she gets help, but at this point she should be well aware that help is available to her and she's actively choosing to ignore it. If she wants to do that, that's unfortunate, but entirely her choice. But to then openly put that dangerous lifestyle on display for impressionable kids and people dealing with EDs is inexcusable.

All sympathy I have for her went out the window when she got called out for her toxic behaviour by viewers and people she knows personally who've suffered from eating disorders and her response has been to say "Sorry you're offended. Now please stop being negative in my comments" and then just continue posting more intentionally triggering content than ever.

Molly ditching her should have been a wake-up call, but she clearly doesn’t give a crap about anyone that's not Ruby.
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I was just reflecting on things (as I’m sure we all are, it feels like a lot has happened in the past 24 hours) and I realized why Roobee’s disclaimers are even worse than they seem on the surface. Whenever she posts an inadequate meal and says something like ”I fully recognize this isn’t a very substantial meal but I’m just not that hungry,” she probably thinks she’s negating the fact that she’s modeling disordered eating by posting a disclaimer. But that’s not necessarily the effect it has, especially for someone who may be 1) unhappy with their appearance and/or having a complicated relationship with food or 2) looking to Ruby for a role model. Her dislclaimers also serve to draw attention to the small portions, so it becomes equally a message of ”I recognize this is not what the average person would eat, but I’m skinny and have self-control, so this is all I’m going to eat” or ”I only ever eat when I’m sufficiently hungry!” And while of course everyone is responsible for how they interpret things they see influencers post, a mature influencer would also recognize that even disclaimers aren’t able to force viewers to take things purely at face value - there’s always going to be a degree of reader interpretation, and that’s why you need to consider the wording/presentation and potentially harmful ways of reading the message. You’d think a literature student would be particularly sensitive to this.
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Ripley Rose Kat

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Ruby isn't stupid. She knows exactly what she's doing. Her reaction video has loads of comments asking if she's okay and she's ignored all them.

I think she's a humongous attention seeker. If she didn't like the speculation, she would have addressed it in a more mature fashion.

The fact she's happy to loose a friend over it tells you everything.
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It seems naive to base a dissertation on archival sources right now. New variant emerges and we go back into lockdown? She would have to find a whole new source base. I started my MA dissertation in January 2020 and only managed to get one archive visit in before Covid and subsequently changed the structure of my dissertation so I could use online sources (luckily for the better in the end!).

As others have said, she's planning a postgraduate dissertation in an undergraduate time span and word count. Hopefully a supervisor will point out to her that scouring the country for sources isn't necessary the best thing to do - I know people do did similar and lost a significant number of marks due to it as they had too many sources for their word count and couldn't actually analyse any of them properly. I get the feeling this is all for the dark academia aesthetic of sitting in some dusty aesthetically pleasing Oxford college library pouring over a manuscript untouched by academics - this is far from reality!
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I really wonder what made Ruby want to lose weight initially, what triggered her potential ED? She used to be at a healthy weight and she seemed to enjoy a diversity of foods, I rewatched some of her vlogs in her first year at Uni and although she was already restricting (going vegan), she still bought a lot of food and ate decent portions. She didn't seem obsessed with tiny portions or with the same boring food like peas or yogurt bowl with a quarter of a banana...
It's tough to speculate, but I imagine this past year hasn't done her any favours, and I wonder if staying at uni instead of running home would've helped curb her habits any. Moving back home during covid has really encouraged her worst tendencies and kicked her desire to regress into childhood into high gear. She's always had those tendencies, but being alone at home where her situation hasn't encouraged socialising and she hasn't had to act like a grown-up probably exacerbated her issues. She replaced her double bed with a single. She's dressed younger and younger. And I imagine losing weight has been part of her attempting to make herself look younger, as people here have speculated.
She's so dumb and immature. I'm being harsh but that is no way to approach university. Your lecturers are there to teach you, if you think you already know everything what are you doing there?
She's infuriatingly ignorant and entitled.
She probably believes she's the real teacher in the room. I can just picture her non-stop interrupting the lecture and trying to "correct" the teacher and "educate" the other students.

"Actually, I believe it's pronounced "poy-rot." Oh, Professor Tweedington, whatever would you do without me?"
"My job without interruption?"
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Quick recap for anyone who didn't want to watch!

View attachment 647559

Excuse the weird screenshot - taken from 32 seconds into the video. I was going to pick a couple of these words to talk about - only a couple of them are particularly uncommon, but there's just too much to unpack here (especially the first three, holy shit)
Where she's written "sumptious" does she mean sumptuous? If so it certainly doesn't mean cosy where the fuck is she getting these definitions 😭
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Thinking back to my undergraduate dissertation, it was a car crash. I was assigned a supervisor who I could tell had her favourites and I was not one of them. I was also suffering with personal issues and so really didn't try hard enough. I remember the supervisor being really savage about my draft that I walked home feeling so defeated. I think it is a lottery as to whether you get a good supervisor or one who just lets rip 😂 Imagine if Ruby got assigned the most fed up, sarcastic supervisor like I was 😬. Again I reckon Ruby will work hard, not smart, she will waste the summer reading but find her first draft gets torn to shreds and I don't think she will cope (I didn't).
This is where the dark academia side of things will come into play.

When Ruby offers up her plan to trawl the dusty archive rooms of universities all over the country in search of primary research for her dissertation on the subtextual complexities of Anne Shirley's hat, she'll be laughed out of her tutor's office and warned to come up with something that makes sense and doesn't sound like the ravings of a lunatic.

But Ruby will claim there's more to this bullying injustice than meets the eye! She clearly stumbled onto a university secret society, who're hell-bent on keeping her from uncovering the secret cottagecore manuscripts she was bound to find!

They only told her that her dissertation ideas were intensely stupid to dissuade her from uncovering their secrets. It had nothing to do with her being an indescribable moron with incoherent ideas.
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Jade gets on my nerves in terms of her attitude and behaviour but I will say in her favour that she shows you can be vegan and look healthy, and her posts don’t centre her food a lot, so she’s not a bad influence to kids on that topic.
True, she's a terrible role model in her own ways, but at least she's not encouraging starvation (which puts into perspective how awful Ruby is if that's the bar we're setting.)
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This may sound harsh, but I hope she DOES feel somewhat ganged up on. I hope she feels bad, I hope the comments she‘s received over on Insta have caused a crisis for her. And, above all, I hope the crisis leads to her getting help, maybe taking a break (though I will miss the loltastic content) and figuring out why what she’s been doing has been damaging to everyone. I hope she’s able to overcome any self-pity and self-hatred she has and actually grow from this experience.
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