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Sorry, could someone update me on Molly please? Who is she, and what happened between her and Ruby?
She's an influencer who's recovering from an eating disorder and posts content around that recovery journey, amongst other things.

Ruby's roommate Blakeney became friends with her online, introduced her to Ruby and Molly came to stay with them last month.

Yesterday Molly posted some Insta stories (without mentioning Ruby by name) that someone she was following had been posting triggering content - this was just after Ruby posted some triggering food stories.

Ruby vanished from Molly's follower list just as Molly posted about the mental health benefits of unfollowing toxic people.
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So glad everyone else is confused by participation marks!! I absolutely agree that it seems counterintuitive to what uni is all about - being independent, putting in as much or as little work as is required. I would imagine they do it as a way of being able to give out more good results - it’s probably a guaranteed high 2:1/1st for most students. That being said, I would have thought it would really impact someone with certain mental health issues. I have quite serious anxiety, and though I was always fine contributing during in person classes, I HATED virtual ones. During my English module last semester I spoke twice overall (and that was when I had to present), because something about the process of contributing just really freaked me out. That wasn’t representative of my effort or intelligence (got 19/20 in an essay and a first in my degree!), but I’m sure lots of people would have similar issues. Also regarding Ruby I would have thought there’s a risk that being in a class with her would be a disadvantage. If she speaks constantly then everyone else will look bad by comparison, and potentially get lower marks because of her obnoxiousness.

I’ll be honest, Ruby is really reducing the respect I had for Exeter as a uni. It really is unbelievable to me that she gets the grades she does. It should not be possible to do so well at uni just by doing tonnes of research. Because my uni has a different method of marking I don’t have exact comparisons, but at mine to get firsts your work has to be very very good. Not perfect of course, but seriously good. Essays I got firsts in had words like “excellent”, “bold” and “superb” in (we shan’t talk about some of the less good feedback 😂). To get high firsts your work does have to be very close to perfect by undergrad standards. It really does seem like they’re rewarding Ruby for being able to spout a load of stuff she’s read on Jstor back at the markers.

Video idea Ruby! Take us through one of your essays that you’ve written over the last year. Talk us through how you went about writing it, and then put the actual essay on screen and discuss it. If they really are that good it will make us all look stupid, you could do something genuinely academic which I’m sure lots of people would find interesting, and people starting uni in September would find it useful as a guide for what uni standard work is like!
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God shes such a brat isn't she? In her new "reacting to my 2nd year Grades" video every time she reads a bit of constructive criticism from her lecturers [even when her mark is really good!!!!] she says "I don't agree with that" 🤢🙄
I was literally coming on here to say that, the point where a lecturer says something about how she uses academic criticisms, and straight away, instead of accepting the criticism and using it, she jumps into "I actually don't agree with that, this is what I intended to do"??? The lecturers definitely know more than you, Ruby
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View attachment 643950
Ah, wk to the rescue 😂 ”It’s your own fault for following her! She wouldn’t hurt a fly!” (no, but she’ll happily let a dead one hang out on her desk for weeks without giving it a proper burial lol) Also, ”you don’t know she’s bodychecking, you just assume she is!” B***h, we have eyes, and it barely takes half a braincell to see that’s exactly what she’s doing. And your precious Roobee may be doing none of this intentionally, but she will also do just about anything if it gets her views and engagement. She’s vain and greedy, and the only #kindness she cares about is the kind that makes her feel good about herself. She doesn’t give a crap about anyone else.
God, the cult brainwashing is real. There's nothing some of these dopes wouldn't defend her for.

"Ruby didn't stab anyone! And if she did, it was an accident! She was just twirling with a knife while showing off her wonderful grace and poise in her OOTD! People shouldn't be getting in her way! That's their fault, not hers, it wasn't intentional! So what if she screamed "I'll stab you!" before she stabbed them, that could mean anything! It was just taken out of context! She was just rehearsing a play! So what if she screamed "I'm not rehearsing a play!" while stabbing them?! It's just a very meta play! And even if it wasn't an accident, maybe they deserved it! They're lucky to be stabbed by Ruby!"
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UGH. I'm sorry for posting about something a couple pages back but I cannot with this child any more! This is my first post- I've lurked for a long time- and the way Ruby lives in a fantasy world just infuriates me.

I'm starting a PhD in English Literature in October after leaving my teaching job to go back to Uni and pursue a Masters. It's HARD and I haven't got any funding because there IS no real funding in Arts & Humanities any more- out of the whole of the North West consortium (where I applied), three applicants were successful. Three. Out of hundreds. And I can guarantee, these were not three students who would seemingly dismiss expert academic advice and input OR be so ridiculous as to plan the dissertation she seems to be planning? MY UG dissertation was hell, I was really mentally ill throughout it and I went through three supervisors (first one was apparently a 'place holder' anyway, second one left the department, third one didn't really know anything about my topic but tried their best). On top of all the other Third Year work she'll be doing, to think she'll have the time or even be able to go see archives is beyond a joke.

Apologies for the rant. I just needed to explode ahaha.
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Thinking of words to use in your “everyday” vocabulary… Once again, it’s so PERFORMATIVE. Imagine pausing before each sentence, just so you can cram in a new impressive word? That’s what I did for my GCSE Spanish oral exam, not as a native English speaker! Yes, I may occasionally discover a new word and think “oh that’s amazing” and maybe use it.

But the way she does it… I know I’ve called her Baby Kangaroo Tribbianni before, but this is a textbook example of that scene where Joey dates Charlie and starts using “acrimonious” in every sentence!

As for the fixation on masters - I don’t think she quite gets the structure of a Masters? All the people I knew who went on to do a masters at Exeter (for English), ended up doing something completely different to their undergrad dissertation. The bigger link I’m study was between masters and PHD, when you’ve really honed in on what you’re passionate about.
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”I recognize this is not what the average person would eat, but I’m skinny and have self-control, so this is all I’m going to eat”
you put it into words perfectly, this is literally what I thought back in my ED days when someone skinny talked about their small food portion
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It's the same with her channel - her brand is her entire identity, but she's too lazy to put any effort in, and even super-obvious opportunities to grow her brand and expand her audience (and make more money in the process) are too much hard work.
The honestly biggest glaring example of her laziness is her outro, she's been using it for what seems like forever, like she genuinely looks like a child in it. And am no calligraphy snob, but it's pretty mediocre, and doesn't even seem like her best attempt.

How hard is it to make a new outro Ruby!?! And how hard is it to put it on every video!?!
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In no way am I gymnast or anything like that, (I have never done gymnastics, so I'm sorry if this is wrong!) But when she does that front walkover she always looks like she is going to break her back when she comes back up. Did she ever have proper training or is she just self taught?
Self-taught, which is probably why her technique is crap and why she tore ligaments in her ankle the last time (and then refused to relax and rest, so it took longer to heal.)

Also, tin foil hat on for a second, but I'm slightly dubious that Insta "gymnastics" footage is even recent. The camera's too far away to judge, and it seems like a convenient "check me out, I'm stronger and healthier than ever!" video to drop after the recent backlash. Would also explain her suddenly dropping that unreleased video from weeks ago when she weighed a little bit more, when in her up to date photos, she's looked so frail that it seems like her neck could snap under the weight of her hair at any moment.
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What’s this now 👀 What ”insta girl”, surely they’re not talking about Molly? Are they just shit-stirring?

View attachment 655969
What’s this now 👀 What ”insta girl”, surely they’re not talking about Molly? Are they just shit-stirring?

View attachment 655969
And the brainwashed Ruby apologists arrive right on schedule.

Remember, everyone: If children are being negatively affected by the toxic behaviour of content creators who are directly marketing to young people on the internet, it's entirely the children's fault for allowing themselves to be influenced. Not, y'know, the adult woman who knows better and is a self-proclaimed influencer. The clue's in the name - she has an influence on the people who view her content. She knows that and should know better.

And her adult fans likely came to her channel to see "productivity" content, not an increasingly skeletal illiterate posting quarter-slices of toast and calling it a giant meal. Again, what does food have to do with productivity? Why is she constantly posting dangerously small portions on a channel supposedly devoted to encouraging good study habits? The connection she's drawing between the two things is clear as day: "Eat nothing to be productive."

Ruby knows exactly what she's doing. The second she started framing people's concerns about her health and content as "negativity", she was sounding a dog whistle to her rabid fans to come to her defence. She's to blame for her actions and their impact on people. Her deluded fans need to get the fuck out of here with this victim-blaming bullshit.

Imagine if Ruby made a video confirming she has an eating disorder and that influencers on Instagram had directly contributed to her decline. I bet my left kidney they’d immediately do an about-turn, bring out all the double-standards in the world and suddenly Ruby would be the poor victim and the Influencers posting irresponsible food content are the evil bullies.

As much as I'm sure Molly could do without the drama of an internet beef, a big part of me hopes she makes a video outing Ruby for the toxic snake she is and goes for the throat.
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Chatty Member
I'm glad that Molly seems to have distanced herself from Ruby. I was pretty shocked that she was hanging out with her in the first place, given how triggering Ruby's content/eating habits are and how much healthier Molly's overall outlook on the world is. She strikes me as someone who likes to see the best in people, so maybe it took a while for her to decide enough is enough.
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I don't think she's mentioned a single thing she enjoys about being an adult. She mentioned learning to drive in one of her past Q&A videos, but nothing's come of that. I'd be fascinated to know what she truly thinks about adulthood, because for most people it equals independence and freedom, but for her it seems like she prefers to be still under the yoke of parents/teachers.
This confused me about Ruby, because (and I know this is highly generalising and I know this is not the same case for everyone) very generally this period should be great for her because to a certain level she can indulge in ‘just being a student’, but she seems to have vilified adulthood before even *really* getting there? I’m below 25 and my lowest point was just having left uni, done two months Christmas temp retail which I enjoyed but it was followed by job hunting for 8 months just desperately trying to feel like I was getting somewhere, if Ruby had already been through something similar or was currently facing the reality of renting a tiny London flat on her assistant salary, working a retail job to ride out a gap between uni and applying for jobs or training consistently for her dream job then maybe I could see how it would be tainted for her but, while yes she has rented and lived out for uni, the majority of her time has been frolicking in her field closely attached to her parents

Addition: I also forgot the general context of this is the girl who uploaded one of her longest videos to “drop the bombshell that she was dropping her degree” when in reality she got a price of paper signed so she could change degrees, it just highlighted her sheer over dramatisation of the situation and I remember being so annoyed about how much emphasis she was putting on how she “never thoughts she’d ever drop her degree” 😱
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sorry rubes but aesthetic is not a descriptive word - she wishes she was in the queens gambit so bad View attachment 650271
I don't know why she thinks that shirt with the magnifying glass and the "curious" logo somehow represents her. She's not curious about the world AT ALL!!! She just hides from it as much as she possibly can and refuses to venture further than her doorstep.
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I’ll be honest, I had to go to Goodreads and check to make sure this review wasn’t a parody 😂😂😂 It isn’t, she really is just that stupid 😂😂😂
Yup! It's one step removed from just saying "Words flow into sentences, which metamorphose into paragraphs, themselves forming ebullient chapters in which the characters are unveiled to us. They are often blithesome, occasionally mournful - always alive, unless they're not. The 350 pages are filled with a narrative chronicle of events. Contains some of the best words I've ever seen written down."
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