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Nah that’s damage control, she’s unfollowed Ruby on insta and all. I think they’ve fallen out but she doesnt want the smoke so is downplaying it.
Honestly, I understand her. We've all seen how Ruby's stans will react in the comments if you dare to say that their darling girl is not perfect, so Molly is very probably just protecting herself and her mental health. It's a shame it has come to that though.
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I am SO MAD that she's releasing a meal planner. On its own a meal planner isn't necessarily problematic - I plan what I'm going to eat over the week so I know what to buy at the shop - but after all this ED baiting? It's obvious that she has a problematic relationship with food and she's now monetising that. Meal planners have to be used carefully because they can make people more obsessive about food. She is so gross.
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Can someone quickly explain why this has suddenly come to a head now?
People have been speculating that she might have an ED for ages, so why has this blown up now?

I don't follow her on instagram anymore so I don't know what's been going on there, has anything happened recently? Is it because of Molly's post?
I think Molly's post was a catalyst because people began to see actual consequences to Ruby's behavior. It is pretty egregious too, like, one of her IRL friends who is also an influencer stopped following her because her content was triggering her. It's not a good look. I think it was the last piece that was needed to convince a lot of her followers of what they already suspected (that her behaviour isn't normal or acceptable and that there is something wrong with her)
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This may sound harsh, but I hope she DOES feel somewhat ganged up on. I hope she feels bad, I hope the comments she‘s received over on Insta have caused a crisis for her. And, above all, I hope the crisis leads to her getting help, maybe taking a break (though I will miss the loltastic content) and figuring out why what she’s been doing has been damaging to everyone. I hope she’s able to overcome any self-pity and self-hatred she has and actually grow from this experience.
We definitely have at least a few half-assed non-apology videos and instant returns to ED baiting cycles before that happens.

"Recently it's come to my attention that there's been a lot of comments showing great concern and worry, and I just want to put your mind at ease and thank you for reaching out and showing your support...

...In response to those comments of concern, I just want to offer some reassurance. I've had so, so many reach out, and I don’t want you to worry at all. You have been heard: I'm pleased to announce that I will now be doing 5 daily routine videos per week! This was highly, highly requested from people in the comments who you may not have seen but definitely exist, and I'm only happy to deliver!

I also have some big life changes to annouce. I've come to the difficult decision to drop out of university, to devote more time to making university vlogs! I can't thank you enough for your support, emotionally, but mostly financially. Please buy an LG laptop or two from my affliate link."
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Outfit story followed by food story…. Even if she IS okay, she knows that both of these types of content have triggered her audience. WHY does she keep posting it?!

Also, if she wants people to stop thinking she has an ED, posting about going back for “three” slices isn’t going to magically deter people. It’s awfully the type of thing someone with an ED (speaking from experience) would say to try and reflect concern….
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I don't get her explanation of her results - 70 does equal 70% in UK marks. As someone else said, she shouldn't be surprised to be getting high marks when she studies all the time. That would explain why she disagreed with her feedback (regardless of what the token text on the screen says), demonstrating that her remarks about being 'surprised' are disingenuous. Just the way she reported the 67 in her summary of her marks shows how bad she considers that to be, she barely say it without grimacing.
I think it's part of her two-stage grief process of Entitlement, then Denial.

"I really should have gotten a much higher score for this. Don't they know who I am? Well, now that I think about it, nobody would've gotten a higher score for this anyway. I got the highest score they would've given anyone." Like when she says things like "Nobody gets above an 85, it just doesn't happen." Yeah, it absolutely does (less common, sure, but entirely possible,) but Ruby has conditioned herself to believe that if it's a higher grade than she's ever got, it just doesn't exist.

I also had flashbacks to that first uni essay reaction video where she had a mental breakdown because she wilfully ignored the essay structure/subject guidelines, got a bad grade during a year which didn't count towards her final grade anyway, then cried about it with utter entitlement. She said something like "I was expecting higher, like a 2:1, because I know you can't predict getting a First and you shouldn't expect a First..." So, she was absolutely expecting a First, but she's oh so humble.

Also, at 4:20 (nice) she mentions that this was the assignment she enjoyed the least - says that she needs to bear in mind, 'don't write an essay which isn't exciting'. She's coming to the end of her third year at Exeter - you'd think that wouldn't be the message she takes from this, but here we are.
Thisthisthis, so much. I though the exact same thing the second she started saying "Okay, I do keep doing that, that's something I'll definitely need to think about in future." Ruby, you've been doing this for like 3 plus years now and I imagine getting all the same comments from lecturers. Time has run out for you to improve. That's like slamming on the breaks five minutes after your car slammed into a ditch. But it's the classic Ruby 'I'll say I'll change something, then just keep doing it because change requires effort and ultimately, I shouldn't have to change since I'm perfect" tactic.

Seeing Ruby respond to a reasonable and constructive criticism by holding a finger in the air and saying "...See, I disagree with that" gave a tiny glimpse into the hellscape of spoilt Tory Karen energy her lecturers must endure in every seminar and meeting with her. How many times has she interrupted a lecture and said those exact words? If there were a talking Ruby doll, one of her phrases would be "See, I disagree with that." Ruby, just change the things the people grading your essays ask you to, and you'll get better grades from them. It's simple. Insisting you're the arbiter of all knowledge and literacy when you can barely form words is not a wise path to take.

I saw her scores for 'Holocaust Memory' module pop up and kept expecting "...and a minus 500 for stealing money from Holocaust Charities and coming up with a flimsy, dubious cover story about building Holocaust memorials in "underfunded state schools" to avoid giving the money back. ...See, I disagree with that."

Would anyone mind recapping what marks she got? I can't bring myself to watch the video.
They were all far too high for someone who struggles to form a sentence.

I'm entirely convince that there's been an error on the system, and the faculty have simply mixed her up with a different student when assigning grades. Somewhere at Exeter Uni, there's a student called Rupert Grinjer who's constantly confused by his failing grades despite being a hard-working, intelligent person with impeccable language and literature skills.
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“I wasn’t expecting to do so well” girl you literally do nothing but study all day and night. It would be strange if with all that goddamn studying she got 50’s lol.
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Has anyone else noticed that Ruby measures her life in school years? For example, she'll say things like "I haven't always been a goodie two shoes - in year 3 I was quite naughty" or "In year 7 I wasn't particularly organised". I know we all do this to some extent growing up (e.g. I would say "Year 11 was really stressful because of GCSEs") but with Rubes it seems to go further than that. Idk it's almost like she's still holding onto her identity as a schoolgirl by doing this (a classic Roobee move).
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God shes such a brat isn't she? In her new "reacting to my 2nd year Grades" video every time she reads a bit of constructive criticism from her lecturers [even when her mark is really good!!!!] she says "I don't agree with that" 🤢🙄
I hate people who find a way to always make it seem like it's the teacher's fault and like they're misunderstood little angels who can do no wrong. It's so arrogant and disrespectful
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While it is always worthwhile to remember people to be kind to each other, the fact that she keeps on riding that bullying bandwagon is to me just a means for her to not let go of her childhood. You could obviously argue that her audience is young and it would make sense for her to wave the pacifist flag towards bullies, but I don't think that argument stands when you consider just how much content that she puts out doesn't apply to an younger audience. Her diplomatic mission against bullying is precisely of the same nature as is her preference for childrens' books. And what she probably considered bullying is stuff similar to what happened between her and Molly: someone gets tired of her shit, she does not believe that her shit is able to tire someone, therefore, she considers herself bullied.
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Watch her take a week off insta, then come back either like nothing happened, or with a sob story about how she’s being bullied on the internet. (Roobee, in case you’re reading, there’s a difference between being bullied and being called out for behaving in a way that’s damaging not only to yourself, but to others. What’s happening here is the latter. We’re calling you out, people are calling you out in your insta comments, because we’re sick of your bullsh*t. I’d tell you to look in the mirror, but I feel like you already do quite enough of that.)
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nice passive aggressive hummus and crackers eating. Its like she's saying screw you to everyone whose worried about her, like a foot-stomping 8 year old
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I honestly think she is making such a mistake applying for Oxford again, she’s clearly shown that she’s not a particularly resilient person and I genuinely think doing a masters there would finish her off...
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Frankly if I were her I would be disappointed with that 67, given the amount of work she does.
I agree. I achieved a 67 in an essay recently, but wrote it whilst experiencing awful mental health; I just couldn't articulate my thoughts and consequently spent hours reading and rereading the same part, trying to understand what I wanted to say. I hadn't been to some of the seminars and I also hadn't read all of the suggested reading for the module, again because of my mental health. I probably could have done better under normal circumstances - there were things I didn't include or research, because I basically ran out of time - but given the circumstances I was happy with my result.

Ruby will have spent hours meticulously planning and researching her essay. She would have had pages and pages of notes, and fully participated in every seminar. Our experience and approach to writing our essays will almost definitely have been entirely different, and yet we achieved the same mark. She literally dedicates her whole life to studying, and I'm not at all surprised she is disappointed.

The problem is that, in reacting in this way, Ruby will create an unrealistic and unachievable image of the 'perfect' university student for her impressionable followers. She is demonstrating that a) you have to spend every waking minute studying in order to do well and b) 67 is not a good mark. 67 is a good mark. Let me repeat that: 67 is a good mark.
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Oh God I actually forgot that she compared the Holocaust to bullying.
Can't she feel empathy? Does she need to relate everything to her own experiences to feel for those involved? So many things wrong in the world to speak about and she chose bullying. She's so childish.
Honestly I couldn’t get over that, it was probably her lowest moment imo and the moment which showed actually how out of touch she really is.
Speaking of the Holocaust, still can’t believe she took the charity money and then tried to fob everyone off with the ‘memorial for an underfunded school’ lie.
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One of the commenters has said she spotted "your friend Molly" in the park today...
I actually screenshotted that because I found that whole reaction bizarre? It was like Ruby was replying in the hope Molly was watching...? Or trying to hide the fact that Molly cut her off? Idk, here it is for anyone who didn’t see



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It was in one of the extra voluntary workshop lectures so I guess the fact that not everyone went to them explains that. Trust me I’m not here to spread mistruths, the only reason I made an account and commented was bc there was a narrative that Exeter uni had low standards and I wanted it to be made clear that Ruby’s grades are not the norm, I’m never had anything over a 72 and no one I know has either. She’s definitely not getting the grades she does get easily lmao
It definitely doesn't paint Exeter in the best light if someone as staggeringly stupid as her is she's not just passing, but getting consistent firsts. I guess it's possible that she's a puddle-brained dumbass only on the internet and in real life she's actually a genius, but that seems very unlikely.

How do all the other students there feel about her getting such good grades when she's can't get through a sentence without misusing, mispronouncing or inventing words? Does she mangle the English language constantly in lectures/seminars, too?
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Wait so was she actually camping in the garden I thought you were all joking
Yup. She's been camping three times over the last month from the looks of it.

Once in Brighton with Blakeney with her parents parked close by in their campervan.
Once in her garden with Blakeney.
Once in her garden with her family.
Following the pattern of proximity, the next camping expedition will just be her setting up a blanket fort in her parents' bedroom.
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God could you imagine if she did somehow mange to get in? She would crack. If not by the academic atmosphere but also by her colleagues/other students around her. Imagine working so hard and actually being intelligent to get into a postgraduate program at Oxbridge only to find yourself sitting next to Ruby Granger. I would be offended.

Just think of the discussions and criticism that would take place, which Ruby would just turn into "Mummy, daddy, the mean smart kids are bullying me!"
If she got in, I imagine there'd be an influx of additional Oxbridge applications the following year. Not because they want to go to the same uni as her, but because they saw she was accepted, thought 'Wow, they'll let any dumbass in now!' and put in an application where they'd previously ruled out the idea of getting accepted completely because of the uni's high standards.

That or she singlehandedly kills the prestige and allure of attending an Oxbridge school and their drop in standards bites them in the ass. Like if you let a murderous inbred hillbilly family move into an upper-class suburb and then the property values suddenly plummeted as a result.

Also, if she got into Oxbridge, just imagine it: Every single video she uploads will have Oxford University or Cambridge University in the title, regardless of the content or time of year. "I get 6 colonoscopies in a day! Bookish / Dark Academia / Whymsicam / Oxford University"

Couldn't agree more. I think she's envisioning having it written months in advance, with a lot of calm focused research, ✨aesthetic✨travel, and absolutely no panic or stress - it's a pretty nice dream, but just so unrealistic. Hopefully she realises sooner rather than later that almost every single thing on her list is somewhere between 'unrealistic' and 'absolute lunacy'.

View attachment 648739

You are completely right and I can't unsee it now holy shit :LOL:
This list is like a 5 year old child designing their dream home, with no concept of things like practicality, cost, or structural integrity. "I want it to have a rollercoaster inside that whooshes around all the rooms, and a rocketship landing pad that goes pchsttooo! up into the sky to take me to school on the moon, and my bedroom should be a spaceship too, and the kitchen should be a swimming pool where Aquaman lives and there should be unicorn stables in the attic!" She's living in a fantasy world.
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