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View attachment 643989
I haven't seen anyone body shame her? Considering this is a topic of concern about an eating disorder ??????
Yikes, that comment reeks of ignorance and fatphobia. Yeah, if I followed someone 'chubby' or obese and they displayed worrying behaviour I would be concerned too. You don't need to be 'gaunt or emaciated' to have an ED either. That commenter needs to go read Beat's website.

Said this in the last thread but wanted to send a big tattle hug to anyone who is dealing with an ED.
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Oh Ruby... she does look really ill. If that hair isn't falling out yet it probably will be soon. I'd wager there's a fair bit of brain fog going on as well. I hope people don't take this the wrong way as I have nothing against veganism but this is what a friend of mine looked like after years of eating vegan (low cal)... plus she was obsessed with eating "clean". She was always cold, hair falling out, losing her train of thought, etc.
I think a lot of vegans get given a bad name by a small few like ruby. which sucks for people who go vegan for ethical reasons and not just to control food idk
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I bet there is a massive temper tantrum going on in the Granger household mommy people bullying me again help me delete all these horrible messages saying I'm to skinny
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Well there is nothing brutal about the marks or feedback Ruby gets. It does seem pretty laid back. I went to a good uni in my country and even the best of the best sometimes would get a really bad mark or fail an exam. Taking into account how Ruby has no problems in getting good grades despite not being very intelligent (yes she is definitely dumb just studies a lot) shows really well how the grading is very light or she's in some way favourised by the staff. She wouldn't be even able to adapt a good vocabulary or literary knowledge when mostly reading kids books. Absolutely no. She even lacks basi knowledge or basic understanding of basic concepts - like in the 1984 incident.
I'm guessing her grades have something to do with the tremendous amount of time she puts into every one of her assignments, compared to her peers. For example, if you look at any of her exam-related content (i.e., the 24h exams), you'll see she spends way more time on these than she should have. The same goes for any of her essays. But, of course, she's only able to do that because she does literally nothing else (sorry, but transcribing war poems for 30 minutes a day isn't exactly a time-consuming extracurricular). If Ruby actually committed to any extracurriculars (e.g., sports, a uni newspaper, research assistant, etc.) or had an actual job while at university, I'm sure her marks would suffer tremendously.

I study at an ivy league law school in the U.S. An essential aspect of a law school application here is the resume because it shows whether an individual has done something with their time at university or just studied day and night. The latter would not be a competitive applicant. In the grand scheme of things, Ruby's grades are actually quite mediocre, given that she does nothing all day but work to achieve these grades. I think a first is everything above 70%; her average was 74% (I think). If she worked 20 hours a week (for example) in addition to receiving a 74%, I'd be a lot more impressed.

Edit: I've seen a lot of mediocre people do exceptionally well at challenging universities and subjects. As far as undergraduate degrees go: putting a lot of effort and time into your work will get you a good grade, not intelligence.
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I sincerely hope she does not get into Oxbridge. Her smugness is driving me nuts already.
God could you imagine if she did somehow mange to get in? She would crack. If not by the academic atmosphere but also by her colleagues/other students around her. Imagine working so hard and actually being intelligent to get into a postgraduate program at Oxbridge only to find yourself sitting next to Ruby Granger. I would be offended.

Just think of the discussions and criticism that would take place, which Ruby would just turn into "Mummy, daddy, the mean smart kids are bullying me!"
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It feels like she’s panicking, and rather than just stopping posting photos of food altogether she’s decided that posting pictures of more food will somehow fix things. Like this is somehow evidence that she’s actually eating properly even though we know none of this is for her. Basically overcompensating. Ruby if you just stop posting pictures of food completely that will put an end to all this! You can eat what you want, but it will stop all speculation. It won’t be taken as evidence that you’re eating nothing, people will just forget about it.
You can tell her thought process is so straightforward here. Like it's little kids logic. "People don't like what I post because they think it's too little food. But if I post no more food people will think I'm not eating anything! I know what I will do. I will post random pictures of food other people are eating so people can see I'm eating something without knowing how much I'm eating!"
*cue meme of black guy tapping his forehead*
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The last line in that story says it all. "If we want to romanticize our lives." WTF I live in the real world. There is war, hate crimes, ugly politics, famine, pandemic. If I spent all my time staring at hayfields and dreaming away my days, I am not a living a real life and hardly a worthy human being. No thank you. I prefer work, intellectual pursuits and spending time with family and friends. Appreciating the now is just an every day occurrence. People are pretty aware of the differences in seasons by the time they are 5 years old, not some sudden lightbulb when you are 21. Just another oblivious remark from living constantly in her own make-believe bubble.
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I think regardless of the fact that she likely needs help and that we are also rightfully very concerned for her younger viewers, it would feel like she is being ganged up on. Some of the comments are very confronting and there are a lot of them in a short time. I agree that the triggering posts need to stop, but if she’s as unwell as we think she is then having that many comments (some written with a lot of intensity) would be so overwhelming and fuelling presumable self loathing which can fuel more negative behaviour. I’m not at all excusing the triggering content, but at the end of the day even when people are not acting in a good way, they are doing the best they know how in that moment. I think people can and should express concern and even say they’re stepping back so as not to get triggered (or some may just unfollow and step away quietly too, because the numbers will still show her there’s a problem), but yeah I’m getting a bit of a gang mentality vibe in the comments, which happens so easily and often with humans. It’s so easy to get caught up in the drama of it all. I’ve found myself doing it simply by the amount I’ve refreshed this page 🙈. I know it’s probably the wrong platform to share this, but I’m not going to apologise for sounding soft lol. At 30 I’ve seen some sh*t, and I’ve met a lot of unwell people (be they traumatised or sheltered) who sometimes take a bit longer to find the insight and experience to do better. Not many people (if any) are simply ‘bad’, and life and people just are not as black and white as I used to insist they were. Okie doke, Merry Christmas everyone 😅
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I'm guessing her grades have something to do with the tremendous amount of time she puts into every one of her assignments, compared to her peers. For example, if you look at any of her exam-related content (i.e., the 24h exams), you'll see she spends way more time on these than she should have. The same goes for any of her essays. But, of course, she's only able to do that because she does literally nothing else (sorry, but transcribing war poems for 30 minutes a day isn't exactly a time-consuming extracurricular). If Ruby actually committed to any extracurriculars (e.g., sports, a uni newspaper, research assistant, etc.) or had an actual job while at university, I'm sure her marks would suffer tremendously.

I study at an ivy league law school in the U.S. An essential aspect of a law school application here is the resume because it shows whether an individual has done something with their time at university or just studied day and night. The latter would not be a competitive applicant. In the grand scheme of things, Ruby's grades are actually quite mediocre, given that she does nothing all day but work to achieve these grades. I think a first is everything above 70%; her average was 74% (I think). If she worked 20 hours a week (for example) in addition to receiving a 74%, I'd be a lot more impressed.
This. People seem to be putting her grades down to the fact that Exeter are giving her special treatment or their standards are lower when the latter has been convincingly refuted by posters who know Exeter and the former may be the case but realistically essays are marked anonymously/why would they sacrifice their academic reputation/ do tutors care enough/ she’s hardly a celebrity/ why would a 2:1 or 1st matter at the end of the day through Exeter’s eyes etc....

I thinkthe mistake we’re making is comparing ourlife or grades to hers. She spends her life studying, if I did I’d be getting her grades too. Instead I had multiple friendship groups, a boyfriend, in uni societies, a part time job. I had balance and was pleased with my 2:1 at the end of it. She has none of this and we’ve all seen the effort she puts into her youtube “job”. No mystery here.
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OT but when I was 6 we had to make posters showing what we wanted to be when we grew up, and for some reason I said I wanted to be a waitress. Guess who fucking smashed that dream 😂😂

Seriously tho, surely when she was still getting therapy this must have come up?? Like no therapist could possibly have missed all this can they, unless she just straight up lied in all her sessions. I wonder whether that's why she stopped - it is true that to get better you have to want to, maybe she just refused to acknowledge she had a problem.
I get the impression she didn't take therapy seriously or treat it the way she needed to. I doubt she was open and honest about most things. It always struck me as something she treated like another box-ticking exercise - six sessions and then she believes she's magically cured of what ails her.

Also, congrats on crushing your dreams like an absolute boss!
There comes a certain point in therapy (if you have a good therapist!) where I think you have to confront probably very uncomfortable things about yourself in order to grow as a person. I don’t know if I can see Ruby having the insight to be able to do that without being defensive and ‘bullied by the therapist!’.
For example, I’ve said it before, but what if the therapist asked her what she was avoiding by spending every hour of her day working when her peers could get the same grades + a good social life? I can imagine Ruby bowing out of therapy at that point.
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I can't remember each one, but I think she got 76 for her second year overall and her lowest exam mark was 67 (which she was wincing at and it brought one of her module marks down "LOADS!" to 73).
She also gets a 'module participation' score which is about 10% of each module mark or something and she got 85 in each one.
participation score?? what a joke! my uni gave us marks solely based on essays--the one true marker of academic performance (for english at least). no wonder ruby picked exeter, their grading system seems to suit her perfectly. she wouldn't have gotten any extra points for contribution at oxford!! i kind of wish that she had gotten in so that we could have watched her go there and be faced with her own academic mediocrity
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Roobee, is probably going to create a video now, that romanticises the French Revolution :cautious:

"I followed a starving peasant's morning routine (healthy, productive, vegan)"
I’m already shuddering just imagining the thousand different ways Ruby could mispronounce the world guillotine in her painfully irritating childish voice.

« Hello it’s Ruby, I am officially announcing that I will now stop deleting all the super mean and unjustified comments I am so unjustly receiving to document officially the astronomical bullying I am enduring. Consider this a warning to all of you internet bullies, I have copied your Instagram handles in my Notions bullying log AND on my brand new pumpkin productivity « #bekindandvengeful Bully Log ». Of course, I used my favourite feather quill dipped in the blood of my very favourite dead fly, which I have been keeping on my desk for that purpose. So aesthetic and deadflycore! I have read the back of a Francious vegan cheese pack an hour and a half ago (+1 for my Goodreads!). I am consequently the world most renowned expert in Francious history and most specifically the Francious Revolution. All the person listed on my bully log will be Gwenlotinated at dawn. Did you know that the gwenlothyne was invented by a guy call Joseph Ignace Gwinlowtown? Astronomically interesting!”
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The shade
"I had six large meals during the trip, but my camera died during those sections. Trust me, whatever I ate was delicious! I couldn't get enough of whatever it was!"

i think all her stupid clumsy verbiage is from the malnutrition unfortunately……..
She's been like that since the beginning.

It's not her brain mixing up words in most cases, it's her using an online thesaurus to sound smarter, or just using a word she heard once but then not double-checking the actual meaning of the word she grabs. Googling synonyms will often just get you similar words, not fancier words with the exact same meaning, and I still don't think she realises that.

Her not eating definitely hasn't helped with her cognition though, which is probably why we're getting more and more manic nonsensical ramblings.
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It looks like she’s also looking at Cambridge masters- that red crest on the tabs is for them. If jack edwards can’t then surely ruby wouldn’t either?
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Thanks for posting the picture (I wanted to, but couldn't be a**ed 😄). Two things:
1. Is it just me and the current debate or does her head look massive compared to the tiny body? I mean of course the camera angle is a little off as well which might help the impression, but to me she just looks like one of those wobble-head toys.
2. People in the comments calling her "queen of vaccinations" and I'm here laughing my head of about how tiny is needed to impress some of those (surely very young) people. Of course with anti-vaxxers all around, everybody getting the vaccination is a reason to celebrate, but calm down. 😄 She didn't invent the vaccination, she just got her shot. These people kill me!
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Just doing some internet nosing and found Ruby’s old askfm she hasn’t used in a while, think she used to have it linked in her video descriptions… idk if people have shared it on here before but a few errrr interesting posts 🤣 forgive the dodgy collages
View attachment 655370
This one jumped out the most for me “I try to focus on productivity over anything I suppose.” This is Ruby’s fundamental problem, and which I think is detrimental to mental health of both her audience AND herself. I have spoken to people who watch her content and still claim to love it, only to admit that they find themselves negatively comparing their “productivity” levels.

The fact she can’t find value Hermione beyond productivity shows that, to quote Dumbledore (yes I am a potterhead and going there!): “their knowledge remained woefully incomplete - that which Voldemort does not value, he takes no trouble to comprehend.”

That is Ruby’s issue. She can only find value in productivity, not passion. It is why Molly’s recent video was so refreshing to watch, because she shifted the focus and showed that a book and it’s characters are there to be loved for their words, not what number they come on a reading list.

I’d love to think that, as with most humans, Ruby has matured beyond this viewpoint re productivity. But I know that is wishful thinking, and it almost makes me so sad for both her - if it were not so potentially toxic for her young, impressionable audience.
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Honestly such a weird ad for ruby to have on her insta story, seems like she'll take anything...

Like does she think her audience are unaware of what a train is?

I bet she thinks trains are so 'romantic' and 'victorian', when actually (atleast in Scotland) they are a cheapish shitey way to get around.

View attachment 655405
Oh great, another ad.

Gotta love Trainline's logic. "Who should we pay to advertise the joys of travelling the UK using our train company? Oh, I know! The girl who only leaves her house to frolic in fields and is chauffeured everywhere in her parents' car!"

Stop giving her money!
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Roobee, just in case you’re wondering, it’s Oh-die-SEE-us, Pat-roe-CLEE-us, and ATCH-il-lees. You’re welcome 😁
Let's be honest, she'll skim through the whole thing, glance at the occasional sentence, not really understand any of it and then start misusing all those names in everyday conversation as if they were adjectives.

"The patroclian nature of the text really grabbed me, it fully encapsulated the deidamia of the narrative. The choice of words used by the author were filled with such wonderul iphegenia. And then the main character's weakness...I'm sure there's an expression for this...ahh yes: his Achaeans' Clavicle!"
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