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So dark academia (from what I understand from various YT videos) can be about classical literature, studying unusual subjects (think Holmes and his studies on pipe ash), and romanticising both study and moments from life/ the past.

I'm guessing that finding obscure primary sources to answer a question that no-one in the history of mankind has yet posed, travelling to far off libraries to gawp at old books, and writing the most florid prose imaginable ticks all of those boxes.

(Honestly there are so many sub-genres of dark m-acadamia, but I've pulled a Roobes and cherry-picked the points she mentions wanting to focus on in her Notion)
It's weird that, despite how much she goes on about it, she's generally so disinterested in the dark academia aesthetic that the most she'll do is wear a plaid dress and light a wonky candle and call it a day. Yet now she apparently needs that 📚DARK MACADEMIA ENERGY📚 to stay interested in her studies. Sounds like she's subconsciously trying to find any reason not to write her dissertation.
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oic she’s reading the June book for her book club 😂😂😂 How about you check your #pumpkinproductivity planner Roobee, IT’S FUCKING JULY.
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The music she chooses makes my teeth itch it's always so loud and never fits the vibe of the video
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OMG She just can't stop. Back to the little kids gymnastics dream. Seriously? Isn't she almost 21 (or maybe already is)? At 21 I was working towards my Masters and working full time. I dated, I drove, I had a car, I was paying off school loans, I paid rent. What the F is she doing? Back to doing cartwheels before succumbing to her fate as a pathetic and incapable university student come fall? What ever happened to learning how to drive? Did that go down the tube too? A little too grown up and responsible for her to handle? She is such a loser.

I immediately took her changing bed sizes and pushing it to the side of the room as acquiring more floor space to exercise in. I have seen anorexic girls do the same....rearrange their furniture so there is a big space in the middle to do situps and other exercises, especially at night after everyone else has gone to bed. Another sneaky twisted way to lose weight behind people's back. Sleeping does not take priority anymore. Center stage goes to having room to work on losing weight. Just another sign of what probably is....
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Chatty Member
Love how her stories hone in on the “sugar free jam” shelf….

Also, speaking as a vegetarian, I would never post photos on social media of non-veggie food! I am NOT one of those people to critique/comment non-veggies, I must stress, but I see my own content as a reflection of me - and not eating animals is a core part of that.

It’s just really bizarre to me and is also - from past experience in the “Ed recovery” community (spoiler, 90% of this isn’t proper recovery), people would post photos of other peoples’ food - sometimes without stating whether or not they ate it.

The only trouble here is - we know Ruby hasn’t eaten it. Unless she’s suddenly not vegan, and let’s be fair to her - in her own words she has the right NOT TO DISCUSS THESE TOPICS…
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Honestly.... influencers DO influence people. Even on a subconscious level....

Everyone gets influenced. Like you know when you get on YouTube a yummy KFC ad, and the next day you are craving KFC 🍗😋😜.

Or when the person you look up to/follow swears by some kind of product. Or has an opinion on something.

This is why people keep saying be careful who you follow. Unfollow if they make you feel bad etc.

Just by watching Ruby and reading this thread, my phone keeps bombarding me with ED content. On YouTube, on Instagram on FB. If this content would have reached me 10 years ago, it would have been a real problem, as I wouldn't have known any better.

I just hope young people are strong enough to keep the distance, but it is HARD! Even on tiktok people start crying when they see themselves with that face thingy filter. (Which one is it Tattlers?)

Also a lot of younger girls I know in real life. I don't recognise on insta with all the filters. They are so insecure, which I get. Being a teenager is so difficult. But than add this studytuber toxic productivity on top of it, with the small meal portion posts from Ruby and other influencers who should know better.

Wow what a ramble in these early hours. 😳 anyway, enjoy your day Tattlers :)
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View attachment 645578

Unless she's ditched veganism for fish and chips, her new alternative to posting triggering images of her food is apparently to just show other people's food instead? Just stop posting images of food! It's not hard!
I remember in an assumptions video a while ago she made a really smug comment about not liking 'junk food' so she's probably watching everyone eat. She then made another post about how she hateed her vegan cheese dominoes! If she doesn't like it fine, but making out she is above eating these foods really annoys me and is clearly passing this message onto her fans.
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I think the issue with her ability to take constructive criticism is that so much of her self worth and identity is tied up in academics. She’s not hearing that her argument was flawed or expressed incorrectly, she’s taking it as a personal attack. Doesn’t help that she’s probably spent her life being overly praised for every little thing up til now within her own little bubble - and anything that didn’t fit that bill was just nasty and jealous bullying.
She's so dumb and immature. I'm being harsh but that is no way to approach university. Your lecturers are there to teach you, if you think you already know everything what are you doing there?
She's infuriatingly ignorant and entitled.
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God shes such a brat isn't she? In her new "reacting to my 2nd year Grades" video every time she reads a bit of constructive criticism from her lecturers [even when her mark is really good!!!!] she says "I don't agree with that" 🤢🙄
right? and then adding some text to the video to say "actually I sort of see what they mean" doesn't help her case!! I can imagine her lecturers are much better qualified to grade and provide feedback for her essays than she thinks...
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Ruby arrives at a banquet for English Literature students

"Oh, isn't the decor just sumptious?"

A dozen scholars roll their eyes as Ruby sticks her chin in the air and grins from ear to ear
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she will not get into oxford for post grad. They want someone with actual personality and can use language properly, yes Ruby gets higher marks but she can’t think that critically. She is making a mistake by applying and not just working for a bit enjoying reading etc but she will never listen
Her school (I’ve mentioned before I know it quite well) is a nicer one in the area but not like the most prestigious one that she could have gone. She probably hates her parents for not letting her go to a school where she can board like in Harry Potter 😂
No shade to Exeter, but I feel like Oxbridge will be well aware of which universities tend to be more generous with their marks compared to others.

Also, as someone else mentioned, her tendency to write long rambling sentences which actually contain no relevant information and mean nothing will become blindingly obvious when submitting writing samples. I can think of one now, but that doesn't mean I deserve a literary prize: "The style of writing is reminiscent of many previous authors who conveyed feelings related to the concept of childhood, in that childhood is a way of reflecting abstractedly with the past." Lots of words, literally no content.

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This is such a weird thing to say and what makes me think that it was not actually bullying or it was nothing particularly serious and Ruby just made it worse in her little head.
Bullying isn't usually something you look back at years later and realise "omg I was bullied". Like if someone is harassing you or beating you up or playing mean pranks at school or spreading nasty rumors about you, you tend to notice in the moment. Which makes me think that it was actually nothing more than Ruby being her bratty self and other kids not putting up with it, which she wasn't used to at home.
Absolutely. If you were bullied, you'd notice. If it were as traumatic as she makes out when she harps on about it endlessly, it wouldn't take years to realise. She either made it all up or embellished tiny things years later to play the victim and get sympathy and attention.

You'd think she'd been beaten with a sock full of rocks every day at school from how she cries about it, but here the worst example of bullying she can come up with based on her endless ordeal of torment is getting the nicest mean note anyone ever received. I've had birthday cards that were meaner than that, Ruby!
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I really need some Youtuber to call her out now and have that video get like a million views.
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She has become completely disgusting. Her insta and channel are no longer about studying or books. They are about food, exercise and playing dress-up. Nothing that interests me. Kind of random, but can anyone suggest any interesting booktubers? I already follow Emmie/Emma. Would appreciate more suggestions. I stopped following Ruby ages ago. Now I am not even looking at her stuff. It is just a complete waste of my time and I am not at all interested in watching some random YouTuber starve themselves and watch their channel and life decline. Pretty sure I can find someone better to watch in my spare time!
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Chatty Member
Just doing some internet nosing and found Ruby’s old askfm she hasn’t used in a while, think she used to have it linked in her video descriptions… idk if people have shared it on here before but a few errrr interesting posts 🤣 forgive the dodgy collages View attachment 655368View attachment 655369View attachment 655370View attachment 655371View attachment 655372
so off topic but 'THEE most bigoted white feminists of all time'? tf? did she commit some genocide i wasn't aware of? why are girls forced to trash and destroy any imperfect women they like, but it's okay if guys pushed by the media are flawed?
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Omg imagine if she did though! And even if she applied and didn't get in imagine all the videos we'll get about her rejection. Idk what would happen IF she gets in
I think if she got rejected she would pull a Jack Edwards and just pretend that she had decided not to study a masters...😅

In his masters rejection video he made a huge deal about how determined he was to try again and "prove them wrong" (lmao), but then when decision season rolled around the next year he never addressed it in any of his videos, and just sent out a vague tweet which just said something like "I'm not going to be doing a masters this year"...must have been embarassed to be rejected three times.😂Can see Ruby doind the same thing tbh!
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And this, in her mind, will be the end of it. Just like her 24 hour break from Instagram that nobody noticed after she took a bunch of money from a charity, she believes she's solved the problem. Case closed. I was about to give her genuine credit and respect for that OOTD picture as it looked like a step towards change and the first time she's thought of her audience (even if it likely wasn't her idea.)

But this post of hers is disgusting. It's a "sorry you chose to be offended" non-apology in the least visible place she could find. She he will absolutely return to posting triggering content before the week's out and if anyone complains, she'll ignore it, or point to this "you're the problem, not me, but I'll take the high ground and wish you glad tidings, peasants!" unpology as what she believes is a Get Out of Jail Free card.

The irony of her having a 'Protect Each Other' sticker on that vaccine picture of herself when she's spent months encouraging ED habits and knowingly baiting people with an ED is astounding.

Here, Ruby, I fixed your apology. It took like 5 minutes. What's your excuse?

"There have been a lot of comments recently regarding my physical appearance following my recent weight loss, and I just wanted to acknowledge and address them.

Firstly, I want to thank each and every person who has reached out. These comments have invariably come from a place of care and concern, and that means the world. I appreciate every one of you, and your words of love and consideration mean the world.

My physical appearance and weight loss isn't something I feel comfortable talking about openly or publicly. I truly hope you can understand and respect that.

That being said, as an influencer in the public I, I fully understand that I have a responsibility to ensure that the things I show of myself and my content do not impact others negatively. In this instance, and many others, I've let you down, and I can only apologise for that from the bottom of my heart.

While social media only shows a fraction of what someone eats and how they life their life, in the moment we see an image online, that's the whole picture in that moment. I've put images and videos of food and habits that are unhealthy and that have negatively impacted others and not given proper thought or consideration to the damage they could cause to someone who viewed them as normal or healthy.

I've promoted unhealthy eating habits and posted content that would be triggering to anyone currently dealing with or recovering from an eating disorder. I posted these things without fully thinking how someone on a different journey might view these posts and be affected by them.

This wasn’t done intentionally, but ignorance, immaturity and thoughtlessness are no excuse. I can only apologise from the bottom of my heart to anyone I might have hurt with my posts. I am striving to learn and to do better as a person and as someone with a platform of influence. Influencers are fortunate to have a voice which is heard by a great many people, many of them young and impressionable, and those people deserve better.

I have a responsibility to people to help encourage positive habits or just to shield them from negative ideas and images. I can do better. I will do better. And I hope you continue with me as I try, and pledge to listen and put more thought into what I put into the world and how it affects others.

While I don't wish to discuss my personal weight loss and hope you understand my wish for privacy in that regard, there are a lot of people dealing with weight issues or eating disorders who do want help, or someone to talk to. Eating disorders are a dangeous, crippling disease that affect a great many people and those around them. If you or anyone you know are struggling with an eating disorder, please know that help is available, and that there are people you can talk to. (Include big list of NHS links and ED helplines and charities here.)

I have main a donation to the charity Beat, which offer an array of support options for victims of eating disorders and actively works to encourage healthy eating habits. I hope you join me in doing the same and supporting the vital work they do. Help is available if you need it. Be safe, and remember that you are loved."

(Post to main channel where people actually see it.)

How hard was that?
This is such a good apology and definitely what she should have said, not that random "I'm sorry you feel that way ✨🤍" mess 😭
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I doubt very much she actually read CMBYN though. She skimmed it, at most.

I mean, this is her classic review of it:

"Aciman's writing is rich and quiscent. Past, present and future intercept in Call Me By Your Name, and I love that this book is etched with memories which are immediate and distant at the same time. Just like Elio and Oliver's relationship which is both carnal and abstract.

One of the best final few pages of any novel I've read."

It's not only word vomit nonsense, it could apply to almost any book. She read the back cover and spouted vague nonsense to jump in on the popularity train of people who enjoyed it at the time.
I’ll be honest, I had to go to Goodreads and check to make sure this review wasn’t a parody 😂😂😂 It isn’t, she really is just that stupid 😂😂😂
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