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Now What

Chatty Member
Is Amelia Liana Rose's friend that she brought to comped resorts? I remember the first name.

I'm so dense I forgot about Cannes being the reason they were in the area. Imagine having to attend loud film parties filled with phonies and rich old farts roaring with laughter about their successful cinematic ventures. Also imagine seeing withered Hollywood movie stars and everyone groveling while screaming out 'Volare". No wonder she's silent, probably wondering how she ended up in this nightmare.

Who takes care of her daughter while she attends these events? She must have an au pair, or the child is living with grandparents and Rose is keeping it secret.
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That weird AM Dupee guy she dated for a while, it’s got to be the same AM Dupee who’s just married that Anastasia Dupee from TikTok hasn’t it? I can’t remember what he looked like, but it’s an unusual name!
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Its very common but not always that the mother who is autistic might have also autistic kids..but like I said I don’t know if Lily is autistic or not Therefore I don’t want to make any speculations but She won’t be doing any homeschooling ...I wonder what does rosie say to lily about her job..Being autistic parent is not fun at all.I been study this subject for some time now.
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Thanks, I just took a look at the Amelia Liana thread and saw that Dupee's scandalous ex was Stephy Scolaro. He was seeing her quite soon after Rose, and there was a big story in Daily Fail about Stephy and her sister. He has great taste in women.
I think Dupee was the guy Rosie was seeing at the time when she went to that fancy dress party and wore the SS hat.
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Isn’t her daughter old enough now to be attending pre school or play group or is she homeschooling?
I assume she will homeschool, remember she posted something about it recently and her ex assistant Tania commented on wanting to set up some kind of school like that?
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What’s funny about this is that Rosie is guilty of manipulating her audience into believing a made up narrative herself. I do agree with her and her response to “Tim” but posting these exchange being holier than thou is pretty ironic.
true, she often used to post random fake nutrition stuff etc, he seems awaful too though
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Active member
I assumed it’s that he’s said he wants privacy?
I understand that's what she has said but I mean he's very easily found online. And clearly he is very prominent and knows a lot of people who run in famous crowds. But who am I to judge. I was just confused given the fact she posts pictures and hides his face. I can understand not posting pictures at all but to post pics which include him and then to hide seems odd to me. I haven't seen other influences do this..
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I think this is finally it, fizzled out just like Love Taza. For all the bravado online, in the end she just evaporated. Good, I hope Lily is in a school making friends and building an actual childhood with other children now and not being pulled from one place to another so her parents can feed their egos with oily tomatoes.
What happened with love Taza? After lesging née York did she just vanish?
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Yeah! They moved to Arizona. Not even a goodbye post. Just complete silence. Eventually her account disappeared too. Josh put his Instagram to private and their website is gone. It was a complete shutdown! To be honest, their life in Arizona just fell a bit flat. Without that New York backdrop it was pretty samey and boring.
That's crazy! I guess Rosie, having cited them as her example , may well do the same
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I hope that car was parked and she’s not so shockingly stupid she would put her child unrestrained on the front seat armrest of a moving car. Also highly illegal in L.A..
They’re in a brand new Tesla Model S or Y to have the screen & yoke steering wheel
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snarky mcsnark face

Well-known member
It’s got nothing to do with his appearance and everything to do with him not wanting to appear on her socials for image/professional appearance purposes. I actually think it would be very hard for Rose given she was successful and low key famous in her own right before she met him and it would be very hard to navigate content creation while keeping him off her page
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Active member
Home birth is actually my idea of a nightmare, even more so having been through the ‘giving birth’ thing since she posted her birth story!

My friend gave birth at home for her second but the reason for it was not to have a fairytale but more because no.1 came so quickly that there were no guarantees she’d be able to make it to hospital in time, so obviously there are good reasons to have one, but absolutely not for me.

What irks me though is how dismissive she is of hospital births as if she is making a superior choice by giving birth at home in their rental.
Exactly- I think it’s pretty it’s selfish- hats off to those who have done it but I just think the risk isn’t worth it.
If I had a home birth with either of my babies (I was low risk) I or my babies would have been in a lot of danger had it not been for the panic button and a team of doctors coming in each time.
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Wow, great job finding her villa! No wonder she wants to tag along to LaLa land.

There are quite a few resale sites that sell Hermes, also remember her friend Bella has a high-end resale shop. I've always noticed Rose has a thing for designer items. Her schoolgirl crush Valentina carried Prada Saffiano so of course she had to have a bogus-looking one too. Then she latched onto Julia... and we watched that unfold.

The constant showing off of increasingly expensive high end items is amusing. Seriously, a Ritz Paris sweatshirt to go watch basketball - not even a legit item from the Ritz. Even the people she tags as her 'friends' are all rolling in money. Is her husband as shallow?

It's going to be interesting to watch when circumstances change in her life: kid in school, husband maybe leaving film industry. Hopefully her voice-over work pans out for her.
It's funny she hasn't changed this, I was convinced she was going to lean in totally to whatever hippy retreat thing she went on or focus on her alleged neurodiversity.

I remember thinking when i first read her blog thinking she must be loaded from.all her holidays, obviously this was all before they had to disclose gifts or ads
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Now What

Chatty Member
Noticed Rosie has liked Val’s post.
Did she remove the like? I do see Miles and Rose's uni boyfriend Luke's names liking the Norwegian photos.

Anyone remember the model Halcyon who was dating the mega-rich friend of Rose PJ's? She's been together with her girlfriend for a year or so and they just announced they are engaged, Rose congratulated in comments.
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