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Great pal eh, if there's no drama Bush isn't interested.
They can both say oh we r like sisters all they want, but i think alanna is more of a friend to rosie than rosie is to her! When louise was being transphobic rosie telling alanna to be quiet, when alanna was upset about her dad rosie, when she was there- was more interested in putting fistfuls (like her actual full hand was in her gub) of food down or throat or fixing her clip ins!! Rosie cares about rosie and louise and like or loathe alanna i think she has to open her eyes and see shes not like a “sister” she uses you when her and louise fall out and she doesnt care about anyone else!!

Apparently someone said in Lex’s live that Allana was at it & Lez said “yeah I heard that too”

Just say d in last post the problem I have is that she could’ve got same result by sorting something out with funeral director. It’s the sense of entitlement by begging that’s wrong. Some people were giving money from kids Xmas or sending last few quid. She’s a passive aggressive bully when she’s begging
Yes that is what drew the red flags for
Me!! Us normal folk if we were in that situation we wouldnt run to tiktok we would have to work it out. And her agression from anyone who tried to help was uncalled for wether you have to repeat the same thing a million times if your asking for help
People have a right to ask questions etc!!
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Queen Slabbery chops Tracy Hunter has been covering her hair in oil, she’s on a mission to make her hair thicker ( hinting for hair extensions again ), blows my mind that Tracy’s hair smothered in oil still looks less greasy than Rosie’s manky heid.
Omg 😂😂😂😂I just showed my hubby this and said to him mind the time I followed her on tik tok and she followed me straight back asking if I had any tins in my cupboard or spare money to make a donation 😂😂😂😂I can't breathe
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Some of the language she uses and the play on words. I used to like her page but I don’t watch her now.
Give us an example? Is it the big words she often uses in the correct context, does someone with some intellect confuse you on Scottish Tiktok 🥴😂

See before Rosie spoke about it The Diamond Inn was bloody brilliant! We used it alot during lockdown as it's my local Chinese.
Then they couldn't cope with demand, delivery was 2 hours, food was poor etc. Decided to give it another try tonight, their chicken curry samosas are brilliant but the curry was a watery tasteless mess. OH's dish was like prison food.
Going back to our previous takeaway in Partick me thinks.
I had a diamond inn not long ago I swear if you flung a bit of the chicken on the floor it would have bounced back & hit you in the face like a bouncy ball it was like rubber 🤢
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Why the fuck would she call Primms sister with Down Syndrome a goon?
And then she said wee primm reminded her of michael jackson with a learning disability! Wee primm says she does have learning difficulties, so does rosies daughter how disgusting is that (obv that hits a bit of a raw nerve with me cos my child does also) she has really pissed me off tonight. Her son is in that house (and her daughter is not) how can she behave like that the rancid mess
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Hope you and bump are doing well 🥰
Everything is fine, just a couple of appointments today to make sure we are still on track 😊 he is more emotional than i am the now, was sobbing his wee heart out when he heard the heartbeat again 🥺

She'll be back, she was talking about getting Just 2 cans - Alana invited her over tonight she said naw she couldn't be bothered but this was at 10am or something so it could all change😂
Carnage is due to happen, she hasn’t been on a mad one for a few weeks now….cmon Bush, get your act together 😭
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I wonder how much Rosie and her antics cost the taxpayers a year. Must be frightening. Rent, council tax, social work, police, NHS hospital visits, PIP, medication,child benefit, tax credits, child support, uniform payments, free school meals, cost of living payments etc.
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Missed them back on cause I was having my dinner but they were calling kdawg a bully earlier and how shite it is pandy made them look bad in his tiktoks of them 😭 pair of jealous wee rats the two of them
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She’s more bothered that Rosie was wearing James’s jumper than the fact the lassie was sexually assaulted. She’s a bunny boiler that deserves all that is coming to her when he fucks her over
Every single person in that live laughing is disgusting!! Just because it is rosie doesnt make it ok that the beast SAd her particularly when other women have said the same happened to them!! Aw but the beast gave his pet a jumper so he must love her eh 🥴🥴🥴🥴 just when a thought steph couldnt be more of a piece of shit she again shows how low she goes!!!!!
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I actually done blame Rosie one wee bit for being angry with Blanco. Its actually shitey n snidey what she has done. Always thought that Big Bawface Blanco was a 2faced git tbh 🙄
Blanco tried to say that when she was saying she felt sorry for the beast it was because they were talking about the situation with the lassy being dragged off the couch and she was showed she was wrong about that (that wasnt what they were talking about shes a liar) but even if it was she still knew what he had done to her pal so she should never have spoke to him!!!
Bush has been right about a few things- but a lot of shit she tells pure lies about
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