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VIP Member
Feel very sorry for Rosemary. I just hope her parents rethink it. My parents are older and have a dog. The dog is older too!
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VIP Member
And she’s off again telling women how they should and shouldn’t feel and what should and shouldn’t bother them.
Do fuck off Rosemary and when you get there fuck off again.
Yawn. There she goes again, so glad I unfollowed her.
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VIP Member
I’d say she’s smarter with money than Rosemary anyway. I’m sure she’ll find work soon enough but I wonder will that mean she has to move to another state
Definitely, she seems cautious. So yeah, plenty of savings, but she won’t want to be out of work for too long and it’ll take a long time to find another position like that
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Over it

Active member
How long could Coilean have left? Awful rehoming a dog at that age, there has to be other options for what life she has left in her.
Mad to think Coilean, the dog she loved enough to get a tattoo of on her forearm, could potentially be surrendered.

I missed this, where does she say the mum can’t travel? I listened back to the stories and didn’t hear her say this.
I heard it on her stories.
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Active member
Don’t get the fascination with those pouches, the food is heated to preserve it so can’t have much nutrition, surely easier and cheaper just to blend up some veg 🙈
If there was not enough nutrition in the pouch they couldn't be sold as there is certain standards that have to be met for baby food so I'm sure they're fine just a more expensive option
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VIP Member
If there was not enough nutrition in the pouch they couldn't be sold as there is certain standards that have to be met for baby food so I'm sure they're fine just a more expensive option
Sadly there are safety standards but not nutrition standards and it has been proven that babies fed on pouches alone can lack nutrients (I say this as someone who’s child would only eat pouches for about a year - no judgement)
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I really like Rosemary, her honesty, how she addresses things on her stories good or bad, etc, but the only thing I will NEVER understand with her is how she actually supports Faces By Grace!! Grace is the definition of lazy, unprofessional and utterly contemptable, but Rosemary likes all her posts..... I just don't get it.
Not I tbh. I commend her on be able to move past the Gossie’s thing. She’s so intelligent and hard working, author, podcaster and mother to name but a few strings to her bow. Grace is the polar opposite, no redeeming qualities… maybe it’s because they were part of the first “proper “ group of Irish influencers.
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No 😂😂 I wouldn't be able to not look and then I'd be afraid I'd start to dislike her! I really surprised myself when I actually became a fan again after the 2015 Rosemary - she was so cranky and annoying! It's mad to think she's changed so much in such a short space of time. I'm thrilled for her though, she seems really happy now.

Does she still spend like a mad yoke? I did have to cancel the patron because of cutbacks!
Yeah off the back of everyone’s subscriptions!! I had to cancel too. She seems to provide content only when she can be arsed. No need for her to get childcare, she doesn’t do anything
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Also how good is she to publicly support faces by Grace who was an absolute bitch to her?! Honestly, Rosemary is just showing how amazing abs mature she is. I don’t know why she bothers but fair play to her.
Tbf, I don’t think Rosemary was ever half as bothered about that whole Grace thing as much as everyone else was/is on her behalf. I think she got over the hurt very quickly and herself and Grace made up since and have gotten over it.
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And don't even start me on georgie crawford and her ads onher podcasts
The ones on soul sisters were so cringe - how are you getting on with mineral 89?? 🙄🙄

I suppose I'm in the minority but I still really like the podcast, but maybe that's because I'm on patreon so avoid the ads.
On patreon too, still like the pod but it’s not as good as it used to be. Kinda feels like they have run out of topics
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VIP Member
Whatever about Bea, Rosemary can't move, not with sharing the children with their other parent.
What did Brandin do?
I've no idea how big FW is, or how things work in America, but could he get "any" job until he finds one in his preferred industry?
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