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Look, all I'm saying is, your government isn't very good at its policies to kill people.
I'm saying this as someone who is comfortably middleclass and doesn't interact with the benefits system at all, but I do think that labelling everything a government plot to kill people, as she seems keen to do, just makes her look hysterical and ridiculous.

Are there huge problems with the benefits system, the amounts that people are entitled to, the way it is administered, the way it is easy to fall through the cracks, the way DWP employees hassle people who are clearly incapable of working and the ease with which they apply sanctions or stop benefits? Yes, of course there are. But just because the system is badly designed, underfunded, and poorly administered doesn't mean that the government is planning a modern Aktion T4.

There is no excuse for frightening people who are encountering the benefits system for the first time with "the government want you dead," all it does is devalue the message that the social security system is massively threadbare, significantly underfunded, and failing people. That's the drum she could and should be banging.
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I'm saying this as someone who is comfortably middleclass and doesn't interact with the benefits system at all, but I do think that labelling everything a government plot to kill people, as she seems keen to do, just makes her look hysterical and ridiculous.

Are there huge problems with the benefits system, the amounts that people are entitled to, the way it is administered, the way it is easy to fall through the cracks, the way DWP employees hassle people who are clearly incapable of working and the ease with which they apply sanctions or stop benefits? Yes, of course there are. But just because the system is badly designed, underfunded, and poorly administered doesn't mean that the government is planning a modern Aktion T4.

There is no excuse for frightening people who are encountering the benefits system for the first time with "the government want you dead," all it does is devalue the message that the social security system is massively threadbare, significantly underfunded, and failing people. That's the drum she could and should be banging.
Well said @Witchfinder Sargeant and @Wooh

I've survived on benefits for a while now and it IS brutal for all the reasons you mention.

This week's announcement by the Work and Pensions Minister has sent chills up my spine, along with many others who have to go through their awful work capability assessments. Just because it's SUCH a slog to get all the benefits you're entitled to and, once you finally get eveything sorted, you're just hoping for it to remain stable so that you can focus on your life. So, whenever govt threatens to make life harder for welfare claimants, it does freak people out.

However. The govt ALSO likes to throw out periodic clickbait announcements like this which are intended to get the press activated (left and right) and send a message that it's somehow tough on welfare spending. It means nothing until it's been through the whole parliamentary process and things like this take months or years to come to fruition.

The media doesn't help because they immediately pick up these stories and run sensationalist headlines, mostly fact-free. They are very few journalists who actually understand the complexities of the benefits system and there's so much misinformation in the media which contributes to agitating both the left and right wings.

My policy -- whenever one of these announcements lands in the media -- is to take some very deep breaths to calm my anxiety and then look at what credible people are saying about it. Organisations working with ill and disabled and low income people. Reputable think tanks. MPs on the relevant committees or portfolios. If it looks like a big new policy shift (like introducing Universal Credit for example), then there'll be months and months of political to and fro and plenty of opportunities to join campaigns, air your voice and use social media to put out a message.

Even if there is some hideous change to the system coming down the line, we have time to prepare for it and to mobilise against it. Nothing is going to be taken away overnight.

This kind of hysteria displayed by Roadside Mum serves no purpose other than attention-seeking. She's not working with anyone else to create a broad representation of voices on this. She's not allied to any organisation or citizen group or anything. It's just drama with her. And that pisses me off just as much as the weaselly ministers dropping little bombshells in the press for clicks.
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Yeah, "choose violence" when you were apparently umming and ahhing about getting a takeaway for the kids the other night, then sent them out to buy frozen chips and "frozenmeatlikesubstancesinabox" instead. Different when mummy wants a treat, isn't it?

Hope it gives you the shits xx 😘
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Still think she should date Jack Monroe just for the chaos.
Can you imagine it?!

Warning: sexual language:

You go down on me

I can't, arthritis in my shoulder/s due to poverty. You go down on me.

Me? I can't. I have ME. Get stuck in the bath, me.

Well, I can't move my fingers. Arthritic hands, innit.

I'll call Roadsidedad, he's used to driving half a day in the van *I own* to attend to my whims.

Can he cook?

He's not much chop, I used to mention it a lot on my twitter account; such banter I made.

Could you just put something in the oven?

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I mean - look at this reply. How is she not utterly shamed at this point. She has literally admitted physical improvement to the point of holidaying around coastal Scotland FFS. And it wasn’t that long ago she was being rogered within an inch of her sad pathetic life. Repellent.

Wonder when HER begging will pick up again now a summer of burning through the “pay it forward” pip money has come to an end.


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I was thinking in the night about a woman I know from Twitter. Never met her but we've had a few good chats on DMs as we have some things in common.

Anyway, she's in her 40s and has a degenerative condition that's meant she started using a wheelchair as an adult. She tweets a lot about disability access as she's often frustrated by Transport for London.

Her two main passions are live gigs and travel and she's working through a modest bbucket list while she still can get out and about. She's sued a couple of hotel chains and train companies successfully using the Equality Act because she's had some truly diabolical access fails. She always donates part of her settlement to charity and then uses the rest to fund her bucket list. And she is hooked into a network of wheelchair users who share info online and club together to lobby for better access.

She couldn't be more unlike Louisa. She's a working class lass who had to give up her market stall when her condition worsened but she's a grafter and is often taking on little bits of work for other people when she can. Her personality is optimistic and she's got loads of friends and contacts IRL and online and I'm always happy to see her pop up on the socials.

There is a cottage industry in suing businesses around disability access and sometimes it's the only way to get redress if they break your chair or you have a fall or something. RCM just goes about it in such an unpleasant, disconnecting way that I'm certain nobody who meets her wants to make things easier for her.
I was thinking in the night about a woman I know from Twitter. Never met her but we've had a few good chats on DMs as we have some things in common.

Anyway, she's in her 40s and has a degenerative condition that's meant she started using a wheelchair as an adult. She tweets a lot about disability access as she's often frustrated by Transport for London.

Her two main passions are live gigs and travel and she's working through a modest bbucket list while she still can get out and about. She's sued a couple of hotel chains and train companies successfully using the Equality Act because she's had some truly diabolical access fails. She always donates part of her settlement to charity and then uses the rest to fund her bucket list. And she is hooked into a network of wheelchair users who share info online and club together to lobby for better access.

She couldn't be more unlike Louisa. She's a working class lass who had to give up her market stall when her condition worsened but she's a grafter and is often taking on little bits of work for other people when she can. Her personality is optimistic and she's got loads of friends and contacts IRL and online and I'm always happy to see her pop up on the socials.

There is a cottage industry in suing businesses around disability access and sometimes it's the only way to get redress if they break your chair or you have a fall or something. RCM just goes about it in such an unpleasant, disconnecting way that I'm certain nobody who meets her wants to make things easier for her.

ETA: One thing she does that makes me smile is take photos of herself on some sunny foreign beach holiday and tag in the company who had to pay her a settlement. It's not nasty, all very light-hearted but she's making her point and thanking them for the costs of her week in wherever.

AND she often posts if some person or business gets things right, from an access perspective. I've never seen Louisa posting a shout-out to the train manager who went out of their way or the store that sorted out a better ramp or anything like that. There's always another way of looking at things, RCM.
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The irony is we can easily imagine this story told from her perspective as the person waiting for the parking space.

"Man in white Nissan refusing to leave parking space he no longer needs. He is denying me the space on purpose to bully and intimidate me because he knows I am disabled. He wants me to go to a nearby car park, and on fucking principle, I decline"
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Hello friends

Popping into this thread from my usual hangout at the Jack Monroe forum just to say that I see Roadside Mum still doesn't seem to have made progress with her book.

I tentatively approached her months and months ago about contributing to that project. I have personal experience of living on a low income, navigating the benefits system and living in unsuitable housing etc.

RSM is, from interactions with her and with Unbound, very clearly middle class and university educated. Any traveller heritage, if any at all, is heavily diluted by generations of intermarriage. My best guess is that she is/was a hippy chick who hit the road in the noughties for adventure or to opt out. I think, if she was a travelling eco-warrior, we'd know about it and she'd be much less likely to tweet endlessly about cars, consumer goods and holidays.

She was also very cagey about her real name and I get the impression that Britain is a pseudonym. She also refused to say where in the country she lived -- I only asked in a conversational "get to know you" kind of way -- and she made a strong allusion to being a victim of DV who was on the run from an abuser. Of course, this could be a ruse and a convenient technique to shut down any probing questions about who she really is. All in all, I didn't feel confident at the time that she knew what she was doing with the book and I thought her unwillingness to disclose her real identity to me (offline and with a confidentiality agreement) was sketchy AF.

Anyway, I ultimately decided not to contribute to her book for reasons. It looks like a dead duck and I don't really get why Unbound are still trying to flog it. They were asking for contributors just this week on the X site. So much has changed around poverty in the last year or two and my personal view is that this book is a dud. They should call it a day and refund all the donors who've forked out so far.
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View attachment 2472391View attachment 2472392View attachment 2472393View attachment 2472394View attachment 2472395View attachment 2472396

I don't even have MECFS and I feel like I need to take to my bed after reading all that. Those poor bloody kids.
I'm really not sure I understand what point she's trying to make with this excruciatingly detailed breakdown of her morning. I find it revealing, though, that she's chatting on the phone first thing before even saying hello to her family -- and then when she does interact with her kids, it;s to complain about yesterday's jobs not done and will they make her a coffee? Says a lot about how she prioritises her tasks and also shows us a home where there's a lot of expectation of the kids looking after her.

I don't get why you would wake up late and your first thought is to phone your pal, rather than getting yourself up and getting the kids to school on time.
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As I've said before, she has something of a point but she is so aggressive about it that it doesn't help.
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It makes me sad that she makes it known to her children that she’s so “broke” they offer their pocket money for food. There are ways of telling kids no when they want things that you can’t afford without making them feel guilty enough to offer you their cash. It gives me JM making SB buy his own sausages cos she was cosplaying vegan vibes.
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She's tweeting asking for child friendly resources on the US Civil Rights Movement for the little historian who finds the era fascinating with its staggering levels of racism.

I wonder how the GRT people she drowned out by posing as a traveller feel about her child being shocked by racism when they and their children are subject to it constantly? It highlights how disingenuous she has been and has never acknowledged it or been held to account for it. She's written numerous articles and tweets purporting to speak for the GRT community and very much presenting herself as one of them.

See this article for example:

This deception needs documenting as it's Rachel Dolezal, Jack Monroe, on a smaller scale yes, but she's managed to leverage it into a book deal and some random by-lines under a pseudonym. I fully believe she would have kept it up if tattle hadn't started to take an interest.

It is a bugbear of mine as I see daily the problems faced by travellers. This poser decided to co-opt the identity for clout (and I was taken in) and dropped it as soon as it no longer served her. That is disgusting.
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Jelly Bean

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Thanks to @Shimmering for thread title suggestion. Inspired by RSM's own words when an Uber driver stole food from her. Or something like that.
No idea how to provide a summary tbh 😂
She's still very angry.
Still moving to Scotland.
Still no zine.

Please feel free to add more!
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Guess she managed to refrain from being her true obnoxious self during the recent late-night social call.

Still, if nothing else now she'll have someone to do the dishes and make her all the coffee she could ever want, freeing up time for her to haul her thighs into familiar denims and for the kids to "decide about" going to school.
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I'll read this in full later. For now, I hate the part that the kids have to decide about school. How about just going to school ?
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Blood and soil RSM is fucking terrifying.

Interesting to note she's been offered a bread maker off the back of her whingeing thread.

Silly RSM followers. She doesn't want a fucking bread machine, she wants cash and cash only. The link's right there ffs :rolleyes:
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Jelly Bean

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The trouble is that Louisa is really quite thick and defensive. She does not have the wit or ability to argue her point in an intelligent, listening fashion.
Plus as has been suggested she often comes across as drunk.
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latest rambling thread (still ongoing) is absolutely insane

she's taken herself and naughtiest to "not technically a soup kitchen", seemingly to sit and judge people

she's describing people as "dirty", "rough", having a "basic wheelchair" or "standard nhs crutches". some staff are described as having learning difficulties and apparently one "stank"

she's just appalling
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