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Well-known member
I felt sorry for her too but deactivating her account after people calling her out screams guilt
Whoā€™s next?
I saw Ellie live last night saying she had loads of screenshots if people come for her and she is disgusted at whatā€™s gone on
Honestly the whole thing is disgusting.
I sincerely hope that Ellie one is not involved because I did like her. If sheā€™s sensible sheā€™ll stay well away from the lot of them.
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Ellie does tue, weds, thurs because big nose does mon & fri. Obviously no aftershow if the main show aint on šŸ¤£

I didn't know that about Shelly either though I'm not suprised he took over.

Will await the "bully" comments once he's aware of this thread :rolleyes:
It was around the time I first saw them all, Iā€™d been watching a couple of weeks or so by that point so I remember it really well. Before that he used to just sit in front of his fish tank with about 10 people watching in the mornings. I used to scroll in going through lives and it was all a bit boring so Iā€™d scroll away again after a few mins. I knew who he was from that and he seemed pretty harmless at that point.

If you see this Rhys, itā€™s not bullying, the way you speak to people is not funny, itā€™s not your Scottish banter, you are rude and nasty to people until it suits you or they are one of your chosen few.
youā€™re not a celebrity you are watched by bored housewives and depressed people who rely on you to bring the drama from Miss Reds lives. Your interviews are only watched because of the people in them, who are mainly big giftersā€¦ and the one interesting interview you had lined up was Aunt Sally, an elderly lady with a hell of a life story to share and you pied her off last minute because you had a hissy fit because you didnā€™t like what someone said online.
Please for goodness sake reign your ego in and look at the way you behave, not just the feedback from your ā€˜Modsā€™
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VIP Member
Oh well! Strap in!
So SJ was in a really bad mental place and called to confide in Rhys, he said Iā€™ll ring you back in a minute.
Heā€™s written down all sheā€™s said, got the rest of the coven on a call (not miss red) and for an hour and 50mins they all told her what they thought of her, put her down whilst she was on mute.
she tried reaching out to them the next day and they ignored her
she sent them a card to apologise as she felt it was her fault and they ignored her. Rhys told her to try again, knowing they were ignoring her and the poor woman ended up in crisis so her daughter couldnā€™t leave her and had to call for professional help.
they all ignored her until this day.
Itā€™s also happened to another mod Where they all mocked herā€¦ and more are coming out of the woodwork.
Well thatā€™s a completely different story she was saying on Lukeā€™s live yesterday. Why if it affected you that much would you keep that quiet? Thatā€™s mental. Nasty nasty group! Why are people letting an app affect personal REAL lives. Mental.
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VIP Member
yep he got caught being a cunt plain & simple! Well done shelley for doing the right thing and outing him on the sly ;)
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Shelley who joined a live just as Rhys said ā€œ she can shove her anxiety jewellery up her arseā€ for everyone to hear šŸ˜‚ he said shelly was a technophobe & it was just a mistake.
Does she have another phone or something? How do you manage to join a live and have your phone call heard??
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Well-known member
She still sounded wound up even a bit earlier and he was laughing about it. I would say it was friendly banter but didn't really seem that way
That woman puts up with way more of his crap than she should. Whether you believe she genuinely believes all her medium stuff or not, she clearly does and he ridicules her a lot. To then do it on a live shes on with other people and call her a crap medium etc pretending to be someone else and then to bring it all up again in his own. Well thatā€™s no friend is it. Itā€™s childish bullying of a vulnerable woman and itā€™s disgusting.
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VIP Member
Accounts gone, spineless prick.
Apparently he also said on that call anxiety is not MH yet told everyone on live the other day his MH is general anxiety disorder

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VIP Member
I felt sorry for her too but deactivating her account after people calling her out screams guilt
Whoā€™s next?
I saw Ellie live last night saying she had loads of screenshots if people come for her and she is disgusted at whatā€™s gone on
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VIP Member
I wonder if he will actually do the weeklies next week or if he will drop out again due to personal issues

The last time he dropped out and did a show the next day made me suspicious - it felt like he hadn't been getting the views so realised that it wasn't worth trying
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VIP Member
I felt sorry for shelley with her tumours but she has a nasty mouth on her being bullied doesnā€™t mean you should bully others she was the nastiest to that Australian girl with the John chelsea drama
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VIP Member
I wonder if he will actually do the weeklies next week or if he will drop out again due to personal issues

The last time he dropped out and did a show the next day made me suspicious - it felt like he hadn't been getting the views so realised that it wasn't worth trying
You wrote it !! Haha heā€™s doing the wrankings šŸ™„
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Well-known member
I never seemed to catch Ellie, I did want to watch her. So reaching a target means send gifts in other words, does it ?
I think sheā€™s been off for A couple of days.

yeah, reaching the target is getting enough gifts of a certain type, and itā€™s rarely 20 rosesā€¦
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Well-known member
I wonder if he will actually do the weeklies next week or if he will drop out again due to personal issues

The last time he dropped out and did a show the next day made me suspicious - it felt like he hadn't been getting the views so realised that it wasn't worth trying
The amount of subs heā€™s had this morning Iā€™d be surprised if any of his followers have any money left to gift.
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