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and the one interesting interview you had lined up was Aunt Sally, an elderly lady with a hell of a life story to share and you pied her off last minute because you had a hissy fit because you didn’t like what someone said online.
I feel like you have all the info on this dude and wow. He sounds so much worse than I thought

Mentioned it already but there was a live in which Barbie was speaking about something and he was completely ignoring her and cutting her off by laughing at the chat. He lost any respect I had for him (which wasn't a lot) by doing that - it's basic respect to listen to someone when they are speaking
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After Miss Red admitting she reads here, I wonder if Rhys will address his behaviour? I have no doubt he’ll bullshit his way out of it, in the most patronising way he can.
Rhys, if you’re reading this, you seemed like a decent guy until a couple of months ago, then you turned into a schoolyard bully with an Ego.
You have a chance to turn it round and realise that you can be a decent guy, your Mental health Mondays were a great idea!
Unfortunately I suspect we’ll just get a rant and told if we don’t like you to fuck off. And that’s a shame.
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What a fucking gang Of little bitches, but Donna doesn’t do group WhatsApp’s 🤥
Think this needs to be on the fyp. See how she addresses people calling them out!
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Ok, so I’m not really sure of all the characters involved. I literally saw five mins of Miss Reds live when they were discussing it. Anxiety
Jewellery lady used to be a mod for Rhys, they had a conversation where she said she didn’t want to mod for him any longer, because she thinks he has changed in the time she has been a mod. She also said a few other people have noticed the change in him, the money, gifts, etc have changed him. He said that they ended the conversation okay, no beef. He then had a group phone conversation, which included Shelley who joined a live just as Rhys said “ she can shove her anxiety jewellery up her arse” for everyone to hear 😂 he said shelly was a technophobe & it was just a mistake.
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Well-known member
Waiiiiit, what?

Cancel Rhys for stealing an income from Shelley right now
Yep. The original Aftershow show was Shelley’s. Rhys was only meant to support her as you know she gets a bit nervous. As it went on that day he was in the box taking over, and then he said he’d alternate with her, that was the last show she ever hosted as he just took over from then every day.

Im surprised he’s let Ellie keep her slot, but I don’t think he realised she’d be popular and people would like her, so you’ll see he has to drop into her box all the time just to stay relevant.
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Lazy Sunday

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He runs hot and cold so I've not bothered watching for a while.
I want to watch someone who is consistent at least.
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His live now is awful. He’s on telling how he wound Shelley up And upset her and he’s laughing along with all his minions. I wish he’d GTF off my fyp. I’ve filtered him out so many times. He’s being streamed in someone else live now so I’m seeing him 🙅🏼‍♀️🫣
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Well done Rhys. You’ve bullied a young vulnerable girl off the app this afternoon, shown your true colours yet again by slagging people off and getting caught on a live (Not a one off, the evidence is all there)
Ps Go Shelley! I don’t believe for a second you did that by accident. He had that coming. 😂
That girl who was upset that you didn’t seem as nice as she thought after hearing you Bitch on a call, and that’s all, was then hounded and humiliated.
You know the girl who is a complete state as her best friend unalived themselves because of online bullying? And wanted to try and stop online trolling. She was so fragile and if it was a mistake you could have PM’d her and sorted it out.
Maybe you should have got the facts before you and your flying monkeys blew that whole thing out of proportion.
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Ellie does tue, weds, thurs because big nose does mon & fri. Obviously no aftershow if the main show aint on 🤣

I didn't know that about Shelly either though I'm not suprised he took over.

Will await the "bully" comments once he's aware of this thread :rolleyes:
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So many of his ex mods coming out with stories about how he’s treated them really badly now. The man is a nasty piece of work, a real two faced bitch behind the scenes, and I’m glad that people finally see it so hopefully he won’t get to take anymore people in And make them feel crap. It’s such schoolgirl behaviour from him.

I know people don’t think much of SJ but she didn’t deserve that, and for her to come out and say what happened is good for the others who may feel they couldn’t say anything before.

I would love to hear Shelley’s story once she realises how he treated her in plan sigh. I don’t know if she’s there yet though.
(But where’s the money Shell?)
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Oh I’ve been waiting for this one!
I’m just getting it out there that Rhys is a smug, arrogant, patronising twat of a man, who only got an audience off the back of being Miss Reds after show which he stole from Shelley who was originally going to do it, but he took over the one she did and muscled in.
Got as much out of it as he could, using again his ‘friendships’
with big gifters such as the annoying Panda and Lionking (Look at me I have money and that makes me important, love me….)
Repeatedly throws his toys out of the pram and patronises people in his lives. And literally sits there telling people to ‘Hit the target guys, we’ve got a target and yous need to smash it…’ but in the next breath telling us how he’s ‘Not like those other creators demanding and begging for gifts’

and breathe….
I mean… just sayin 😂😂😂😂

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The amount of subs he’s had this morning I’d be surprised if any of his followers have any money left to gift.
Some woman was gifting like 5 subs at a time so I think that’s where the Marjority came from, not singular people subscribing. She did it 3/4 times while I was in there.
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I listened to a bit of Luke’s live before & the anxiety jewellery lady was speaking (sorry, i don’t know her name) saying she had messaged Rhys to apologise - bearing in mind it was Rhys slagging her off that started this whole thing & he told her never to message him again !! He’s got some chin on him that one !!
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Has he deleted now?
Yeah. Him and Birdy both went totally yesterday.
I listened to a bit of Luke’s live before & the anxiety jewellery lady was speaking (sorry, i don’t know her name) saying she had messaged Rhys to apologise - bearing in mind it was Rhys slagging her off that started this whole thing & he told her never to message him again !! He’s got some chin on him that one !!
Tell me about it!
Both Kels and SJ both apologised to him, even though they knew he was attacking them really, he totally gaslit them. That’s some serious Narc behavior. Exactly like battered people do with their spouses and partners.
That’s why it’s so important that people speak up so they all know it’s not their fault.
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I’m disgusted how he’s buggered off again and left Miss Red to do his damage control.
Amazing how his best mate Blue has outed him, exactly what we all knew.

I’m just amazed it took this for people to see through his act. He was always utterly poisonous but slid it under the radar as banter. Well I saw it Rhys!

You’d been trying to be nicer this week to do the rankings, and then that mask slipped very quickly which is why when this came out we all knew it was true!
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