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She looks so thin in her story in the taxi. I’m not sure people should be taking advice from someone who looks unhealthily skinny
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Yes and as a nutritionist she talks a lot about intuitive eating which is exactly what Zachary is doing when he eats more one day and not the next but this is a real problem to her. It’s worrying how obsessive she is over food and I don’t see how she can advise anyone with eating disorders when her own relationship with food is so distorted.
The over the top mum voice is so annoying and unnecessary. Zachary does seem like a lovely boy though and I hope she reigns in all of the neurotic behaviour around food and sleep so that she can actually enjoy being his mum rather than obsessing over everything all the time.

I don’t follow her anymore as she drives me mad but when you say obsessed with his sleep what do you mean? Is she always whinging when he has a bad night or does she keep track of the hours he sleeps or something?
She obsesses over his routine. She does a post about his routine almost weekly! As soon as he started waking up at night she called a sleep expert. She always tries to find the ‘reason’ why he doesn’t sleep as well. And will always say he hasn’t had his ‘usual’ nap as if he is some kind of robot who must power down at a certain time and reboot at the exact time she expects him to!
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Farmer Sam

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I also remember her saying that she lived on slim fast shakes back then as a singer due to the pressure of thinking she had to look a certain way and all that then so I think being a performer ultimately made her somewhat ill. 🤷‍♀️
I forgot to post this the other day. But Sophie is one of RhiRhi’s clinic colleagues. I am sure genetics play a part in body shape but equally she gave birth about 8 weeks ago, was posting speeded up exercise videos after 4 weeks and to me just looks immensely triggering to anyone following her for “healthy kitchen” recipes. There’s lean and slender and then this. I’m not body shaming but there’s a responsibility here when they’re working in nutrition and posting “personal life” stuff.


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What was that all about today? Sweaty Betty - not an ad but swipe up and use my link! Do they think we’re buttoned you the back and don’t know how affiliate links work?
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Working out in a crop top and you can literally see her ribs. I feel like for a page that probably has a lot of eating disorder sufferers following this is actually the worst content to be putting out! But maybe it’s a cheap way to boost people paying to see her, they might think if they get advice from her they will end up like her.
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Farmer Sam

VIP Member
Motherhood and Adversity???? Really?
Come on then RhiRhi do tell me your tales of coping with adversity. Did Ocado screw up one of your deliveries?
Does she have any idea how unrelatable she is? Try having a baby when you’ve been diagnosed with cancer. Or when you don’t have a job any longer and can’t pay the rent. Or you’re in a violent relationship and scared to speak. Or your child is diagnosed with a serious health condition. What’s she banging on about - I had to stop watching about 4 minutes as I just couldn’t deal with the patronising tone.
Oh and stop sad fishing. Have a takeaway and watch some trash on Netflix. 😳🙄


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Thankfully, I unfollowed her ages ago. I will be spared the mummy posts on my feed!

I used to really like following her, and her content was informative. But the constant preaching and trips to super expensive gyms/rooftop Pilates etc just really grated on me. What tipped me over the edge, was her dramatic reaction to her gender reveal party, where she was also dressed up as a bride for some reason. Weird.
Oh gosh yeah, that gender reveal video was way OTT. We get you’re excited and yes it’s lovely news but to me that is a very private moment which had no news of being plastered on the internet.

The lifestyle she portrays is totally unaffordable for the vast majority of women in their 20s/30s and I don’t think there’s any care or consideration for how that might make some feel.
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She is so privileged she just doesn't see it!....when my eldest was 14 weeks old I had to return to work full time as a nurse in a busy dialysis unit....I'd had a traumatic delivery, resulting in an emergency c section and a stay in SCBU ....we lived in a 3rd floor tenement flat ( no lift) so I had to stay with my mum for 6 weeks until I could drive as husband was on call Junior Dr (working 100+ hrs/week and no parental leave - this was the 90's)
I had a 50 mile drive/commute to work each day , yet managed to continue breastfeeding her for 10months , so had months of broken sleep....what did she think babies did?'s incredibly unusual for bf baby to sleep through the night until they're weaned....just wait till he starts teething/ growth spurt ....then we'll get all her knowledge about weaning 🙄 ( oh and btw I weaned all 3 of mine by 5months and they're all healthy 20+year olds!) ....wonder how we survived without the internet all these expert instamums 😂
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Haha yes! That’s not really BLW now is it... she looks so gaunt as well - her collar bone is protruding so much
I find this new type of eating disorder really worrying, because it’s hidden under the guise of ‘nutrition’. As much as she irritates me, she is clearly unwell and I hope she finds the help she needs. Having a baby in 2020 is tough (I think she had her son in the peak of the pandemic) and she’s clearly had a tough time of it, like many new Mums this year.
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I do like Rhiannon, but I definitely think she lives an extremely privileged life and seems a bit out of touch at times.

The sort of healthy lifestyle she promotes is just not accessible to the vast majority of women.

She’s one of those ones you follow to be like ahhh I wish my life was like that when you’re sitting eating an entire box of Thornton’s... 😂
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Chatty Member
I'm finding her constant sad posting about the effect of Covid on her baby and birth experience quite difficult and I say this as someone who had a baby a week before she did and also had to stay in the hospital after the birth. Yes, it has been a difficult year, and some people have had truly horrible experiences.

But her previous moaning post was that Zachary is 11 months and never seen the sea. Well 1) there have been times last year when you could legally take day trips away, why didn't they pop down to the south coast then if it was that important 2) babies don't know what the sea is, he couldn't care less. What a weird thing to get all upset about. Of all the things to complain about, she's going on about that?

Not sure if I'm explaining myself well. I'm hugely sympathetic to anyone who had a tough covid birth, and talking about it is so important. One person can be sad about something that wouldn't bother someone else. But she is incessant with her moaning, and there is never any gratitude for the positives in her life.

TL:DR she needs to stop with her sadfishing
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You're not alone - my boy is 11 weeks and I'm breastfeeding him after a rough start. There have been a few times where I've fed him in public and I confess I thought I would be more shy about the whole thing. But there's a big difference between feeding your child in public when they need it and whipping out a camera to film the event. There's something about the way some influencers show off when breastfeeding that comes across as extremely smug and attention-seeking. Would she have filmed the same scenario if her boy was bottle-fed? Doubt it.
Yes,where are the influencers whipping out the iPhone to video themselves bottle feeding? The smugness with these people is unreal. Breastfeeding your baby does not make you a better parent. I’m also an advocate for fed is best and don’t understand why if you need to feed your child that the Instagram story can’t wait until you are finished? What point are they trying to prove with breastfeeding while recording? It’s pathetic.
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Chatty Member
She really reminds me of that Lottie out of The Apprentice :rolleyes: the competitiveness, smugness, big ego, superiority complex and talking down to people
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Just watched the videos from their day out with Zachary and she’s more interested in eye fucking herself in the camera than anything else 🙄. I honestly don’t recognise her anymore, I used to really respect her and what she had to say, but since having Z she’s just another influencer selling an impossible life to people watching and it makes me sad. I suppose everyone has their price that they’re willing to sell out for 🤷‍♀️

Posts herself eating chocolate to try and be relatable and prove she doesn’t have an eating disorder (nothing to do with reading here I’m sure ). Bar of chocolate is 1.99, yeah really relatable there 🙄
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Giving advice on weaning now, after being a mother for all of 5 minutes. No doubt she’s trying to do a Joe Wicks and diversify her brand, especially given she’s teamed up with his guru....wonder how her advice will differ now
She’s even used his ‘weanin15’ hashtag! I came here as I’ve dipped in and out of her page. But this weaning post when she’s literally just given birth is ridiculous! Absolutely looks like she thinks she’s an expert now she’s a mum.
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