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No big deal if you ask me. She isn’t a celebrity or person requiring great privacy. So what basically. Not a dig at you, but it’s not an’s just a name. Like every other normal human being 🙄
Haha I know, she is just being a bit cryptic about the Birth and hasn't said what his name is yet. You're probably right the blanket was strategically placed 😂
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As someone who has had a traumatic birth I would never want to dismiss that and I’m sorry if you feel like I have. Labour and birth is not easy! I just can’t get my head around her on the one hand having this horrific experience and on the other hand being all lighthearted posing in her mesh knickers and all her smug mummy baking banana bread posts.
I suppose its just a magnified version of new mums pretending theyre ok when theyre not? But she does have a platform and product to sell so its all a marketing tool as well.
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I saw she said she was starting to wean her baby in the next few weeks. Is he 6 months already? I was trying to work it out? No doubt she will be force feeding the child random blends of mushed up food!
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What a feckin prat. Of course it’s borderline eating disorder. Before she started to carve out her way as the “only voice of reason” for having a healthy relationship with food (yawn)... I heard her on a radio interview a few years back saying something along the lines of her avoiding dessert because it was bad. She’s all fake. Her message is all a facade.

A lot of people in the wellness wanker and nutrition industries have been known to say she has disordered eating. There’s one particular wannabe who goes around slating her..with reason..but yeah.
Who is it?
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My 3.5 month old baby does sleep this long and is breastfed but it took a lot of trial and error with naps and feed times to get there. And I’m assuming it will all change soon anyway once he starts teething etc
Lucky you and fair play! They’re all so different!

I haven’t watched her stories in ages because she doesn’t come up for me much... Instagram algorithm.

is she a mummy blogger now then? I thought her Instagram was about nutrition. I don’t follow her for baby content, I’m not a mum.

I follow a lot of mummy bloggers because one day I will be one (I hope) and I love babies but I don’t her for baby content!! Especially if it’s all ads. Not helpful at all
Lots of nutrition stuff still but also a good amount of Mummy posts eg the buggy. Genuinely don’t know how she finds so much time to post!
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100% the best thing about breastfeeding is the licence for Kit Kat Chunkys 😅

It doesn’t come as any surprise that she is adopting such awful practices. Even during pregnancy she pretty much starved herself. The only reason she doesn’t come out and film a ‘what I eat in a day’ is because she know she will get flack.

She is obsessed with being thin. Obsessed. That’s why when she was pregnant she made sure that every single photo was of her cradling her bump in case she was mistaken for being fat!

I cannot imagine the damage she is doing to other new mothers who may feel inadequate for not snapping back into shape as she has.
Now I’m craving a Kit Kat Chunky... and yes sure I’ll use breastfeeding as an excuse if I have too!
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Chatty Member
I’m a big breastfeeding advocate (though obviously fully aware it’s a choice and there’s nothing wrong with formula etc etc) and know a couple of friends who breastfed past 1 year, but their children have one breastfeed a day, possibly 2, first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Not 3 times a day PLUS a bottle.

No wonder Z doesn’t want his breakfast, he’s full to bursting on breast milk!!
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I saw her story about the nurse not being able to take blood and bursting blood vessels in both her arms because she’s still not 100% and dehydrated. GO BACK TO BED THEN AND STOP PLAYING THE MARTYR!

God forbid she prioritises her health and pregnancy. It might result in her being a burden to her husband 🙄
She is such a bad advert for pregnancy. Excessive exercise, basically admitting she is starving herself and then allowing herself to get that dehydrated. My sister is a medic and you have to get pretty pathetically dehydrated to get to the point that they can’t take blood!
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Does anyone else find it quite insulting to her son that she hasn’t bothered to announce his name for this long?! She isn’t a celebrity!!
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Which Sophie is that?

I also think she needs to stop being so needy for attention on Insta, and just relax and enjoy time-out now, especially with demands of being a new mum. She comes across as incredibly neurotic, anxiety-ridden and emotionally needy for attention and likes. Quite sad and pathetic really. If you can't take a break from social media during this time then that's tragic.

It shows an incredibly sad frame of mind that you crave so much attention from strangers that you can't even reduce your time on social media to spend spare time with family, baby and friends without constantly displaying it to a random bunch of strangers gawping on the internet.
Sophieshealthykitchen it's not on her stories anymore
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Jeez..a gender reveal & a baby shower...just plain greedy. I’m glad I’m not her friend- I’d be ‘you can have one present when the baby is born, like normal folks’. She’s a total ball ache. Chessie & her ‘fat rolls’ can bugger off with her, Alice needs to be told not to wear those stupid Kazband, Megan can take her crystals and shove ‘em...Lucy is ok. She may stay for now. 😬
Let’s hear it for the ‘yaaasss queens’

I do love Lucy Mountain though, she is the only acceptable one of these lot as she does actually have a sense of humour!
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I’ve no doubt that she couldn’t wait to start weaning because she sees it as a way to expand her brand, I’d put money on her releasing a weaning book or a book on children’s nutrition. As much as she likes to say that ‘just because it’s worked for her doesn’t mean it will work for everybody’, I feel like this is all gearing up towards her bringing out a book.
She’s so sneaky with her ads I’m surprised no one seems to call her out on it, or they do and she just deletes those comments.

Rhi just wants to be famous, always has done so she’ll use anything to get there. The singing didn’t work out, the nutrition stuff has done quite well for her and now she wants to be an insta mum. I bet she’s love to get on an episode of happy mum happy baby and be accepted into the insta mum elite with gi Fletcher etc.
Yup. She’s an attention seeker through and through. Thing is it will be hard for her to get the success of SR Nutrition who helped with Joe Wickes’ weaning book. Plus I’m not sure why anyone who follows her would want advice from someone with such disordered eating herself!
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I actually don’t think her business will be that badly affected. Isn’t it like £150 for a Skype consult
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He does seem to be teething a lot! I think I got really lucky when mine were teething though as they only seemed to be fussy for the first tooth and then they just sort of got on with it!
My eyes nearly rolled out of my head about her story of Zachary really enjoying tofu though. Of course he does!
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She also looks like she’s had a bit of Botox, which there is nothing wrong with btw each to their own
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