Rhi Mummy of Four #6 underwhelming gifts, routine is key unless it’s for Disney

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But they had a takeaway? Is it really necessary that a grown-man (wearing black anyway) wear an apron to dish up an Indian? And let’s face it, he definitely didn’t even dish it up, control freak wouldn’t allow him that level of responsibility
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Has he got his own bib.? That can’t be one of the girls as it’s massive, also do I spy another round his neck.?
That looks like two aprons. One he's wearing and one round his neck. I wonder if he is wearing them to mock Rhi's policy of the kids wearing them. I have seen him use humour before to make fun of her rigid ways. He needs to be much firmer with her though and to tackle these things properly rather than use humour to highlight them. Rhi isn't a subtle creature and it will take a lot to prove to her that treating the kids like toddlers is really damaging to them!
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Just wondered if it was to worn as an adult bib and it’s the same pattern as the girls bibs
Have to say I’m desperate to watch the cruise vlogs
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Why does she insist on calling them the ‘little ones’? Surely that’s reserved for under 5s no? Seems to me like another way to keep them as immature as possible for as long as possible.

She clearly wasn’t able to contain Dylan from becoming his own person. Do you think she uses the autism like a metaphorical l stick to beat them with or a leash round their necks?

I don’t necessarily see the unhappiness in the kids that you guys do but I do think they don’t know any different.
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Why have all the ‘little ones’ got bloody heavy bags on to go out for food?! The more I watch this woman and read the threads the more she baffles me
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She calls the younger three and particularly the girls the 'little ones' because her rigid mind genuinely views them as little children. That's why she buys them clothes and toys that are targeted at much younger kids and why she generally parents them as if they are under 5 with the bibs etc. I think she does all of this because she doesn't know how to parent slightly older kids that don't need the strict routines and uber controlling mother but need to be taught age appropriate independence and to be encouraged to develop their own interests and personalities. She is completely incapable of the latter type of parenting because it threatens her core identity as a busy 'mummy of lots of young children' and exposes the fact that all her weird rigid systems and controlling ways are perhaps not for the children afterall, but for her.

I believe she lives in fear of them or anyone else challenging her rigid behaviour and forcing her to change her ways. She simply couldn't cope with that so she clings to the 'young children' era with all her might because she can't face the alternative. It is literally impossible to imagine a world where Rhi would relinquish enough control to allow the children to dress how they choose (potentially in ugly mismatched outfits) or take on interests that weren't Disney related or ones she was comfortable with such as dance or karate. Have you ever noticed that the kids never have playdates without her, never go to holiday clubs and Will never seems to go out with his mates to the park? She narrows their world so much because she can't let go and she is afraid to lose the total control she has.

I stand by the fact that I believe she has uncontrolled and unmanaged autism and this is massively adversely impacting her ability to parent those children properly. Superficially they are all well cared for on a practical level but her rigid ways means she barely interacts with them whilst at the same time she runs such a rigid household that any individuality or independence is crushed immediately. It is bordering on emotionally abusive in my view but I know that's controversial. I just feel it's horrible watching her stunt the children's growth and development, all under the guise that she is some kind of 'super mum's.
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At wills age I was helping with laundry etc, as I’m sure plenty of others were. At Zara’s age I was hoovering to help mum and other jobs like that.
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You are so right. What's she going to do when the kids reach teens and don't want to open their presents in front of the camera!
Rhi will be the one having a meltdown!
I also feel she will need a change in direction to her whole social media approach.
Being a busy mummy of little ones will not cut it soon. I can see her going back to cleaning and food vlogs more and more as the kids want more privacy however she will really struggle to allow that.
Dylan does have privacy now but that's likely only because she has the other kids to use and he's living at uni.
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Haven’t watched the videos. Poor will. My son is 11 this month and getting a VR headset. He would be horrified by Disney gifts. Wish I could send will a VR or something he would actually like.
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I could not watch the travel day vlog, I got stressed watching it. With the amount of travel they have done over the last two years it should not be such a faff by now.
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So what do we all think is always going on that she “can’t talk about”? Is it Dylan’s dad perhaps? I’m wondering if this is the case. I doubt it’s her mum as surely you would just cut someone out if it makes you this miserable. It seems to be upsetting her every other week
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No idea but if she can’t talk about it then just be quiet and stop trying to be dramatic about it! It’s like she is desperate to say what’s going on! Just come on and say you’re having a busy week not I have things going on but I can’t tell you etc! Absolute drama queen
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She’s a flipping drama queen and makes a bloody fuss over everything.
Probably nothing, bin-men probably missed her bin while she was away.
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Can't help think she is also on there with those "wellbeing" memes and her "issues" video because she needed to go to the dentist and Do4 couldn't be at home to stay with the kids and they had an argument. He probably said "why don't you go when the kids aren't on half term".
It's nice she is giving her kids an exciting half term week.
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Oh Daddy of 4 is getting ripped today! Maybe he's reminded her that's it's actually him that keeps the family not her....
If you don't work (and she's doesn't) then why shouldn't most of the housework and child care fall to her???
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Oh Daddy of 4 is getting ripped today! Maybe he's reminded her that's it's actually him that keeps the family not her....
If you don't work (and she's doesn't) then why shouldn't most of the housework and child care fall to her???
Whooo was coming here to say the same! She’s really got it in for him today! Does she forget that his income will be the main income of the family and without it she wouldn’t be able to stay at home and buy all her Disney shit! She’s so incredibly selfish, also daddy of four can’t do his job from home so he’s sick it up Rhi and get on with your chores and stop your whining! Rhi is the issue in all this!
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