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Chatty Member
New house must have a smart meter and Steve can’t get away with bypassing for free car charging any more
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Q&Q is up🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿
Fuck off
4 minutes in
Got the house valued last spring & its gone up in value so thats why we are MOVING
Christ she is THICK🤣
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Never in my life have I seen someone so obsessed with themselves.....

God knows what she sees when she looks in the mirror, but it sure aint pretty.

Even more hilarious is all her photoshopped pictures, which make her look even worse. Don't know about Afleh needing to go to Specsavers - Beggy needs to go too...

And all those dodgy cosmetic procedures she has recently had - just add to her ugliness.

She's scared shitless of Beaver running off with a younger model isn't she? Especially now they are moving downwards to a seaside metropolis with young girls in the arcades and chippies!!

Well they won't be after him for his looks or his money will they?? Or his red face and squeaky voice LOL.
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Chatty Member
Just catching up. That house is beautiful. I knew they would come out of this smelling of roses, they always do. I am so happy for those children. A nice, warm house in civilisation. If she is hating it, I just don’t understand, she needs to give her head a wobble. However, I am sure she will be back to her smug “look what a successful boss babe I am” self soon enough.
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That beach looks proper shit 😂 i know people are annoyed they could afford that house but lets be real, its a perfectly attainable house in an undesirable area. The shack was a shithole but she could lie to herself and pretend it was amazing because it was on the telly, is in the middle of the dales, is isolated so no nosey neighbour's and the views were lovely. This is a bog standard family home that any one of us trolls could live in a similar version of. Surrounded by neighbors but with absolutely nothing else there but a bleak seafront and her mother in law 😂 she has got her karma for sure - if she tried to do a YouTube video of this house all like ‘i aren’t posting this to brag’ she would be laughed off the site 🤣 bog standard house for our bog standard failed influencer beggy bogtrotter!
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Wonder what the neighbours will think when it's a 'day in the life' vlog day and she sets up the camera to record herself getting into the car then stops down the cul-de-sac to run back and pick the camera up 😃
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She’s going to be on a high when she moves. More content, sunny evenings on the beach etc etc. She will be manic. UNTIL… the winter draws in, the tourists go home and the little shops shut, the freezing wind from the sea… I can’t wait 😁
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We know you get on beavers shrivelled shroom every night, you literally showed us yourself labouring in a car park. But showing us round your new gaff is where you draw the line 😂
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Fucking hell she doesn’t have a clue if she thinks she’s wild
The child didnt speak or move. Imagine if she had an active,talkative,inquisitive toddler to look after Rebecca would have a complete breakdown. I honestly believe they're moving not just for financial reasons but also to palm the kids off onto his mum. Rebeccas family are as useless as her,only seem to appear if its one of her crappy buffets. Her dad's clearly more involved with the two kids he has with his new wife,Rebeccas mum just comes across as hard faced,no wonder Rebecca is so messed up and such a rubbish parent
That's the thing with the real Steve just how narrow minded and meat headed he really is, he's a liability himself

I'm not at all surprised hes been all but fazed out from her YouTube because we all know behind the scenes he holds views that don't align with the modern world he's bad for her 'brand'

She is as bad of course but she knows how to play the game but in my opinion more than once we've seen the real her as bad as him case in point (and I'll never forget it from many years ago when Alfie was little) was her saying she was DISGUSTED at the suggestion of her child being either autistic or Downs syndrome following from her receiving DMs from concerned followers, she was livid !
'How dare you say he's not perfect' were her exact words totally forgetting that she had an audience of mums who will love their perfect children who are autistic or their perfect child who has downs.

It was telling to say the least, like those things happen to other children not THEIR perfect children so how dare you kinda thing .
Shes an arsehole to even suggest that anyone with autism or down syndrome, is any less than perfect. Her kids are so vacant because of the poor home life, no parental interaction unless its for content, both parents struggle to string a coherent sentence together and if brains were dynamite, between them Steve and Rebecca wouldn't have enough to blow their noses. My sister in law has Mosaic Down syndrome, she has a job, does everything for herself with minimal supervision and definitely has a better quality of life than Rebecca can even dream of.
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The way Rebecca is acting like she can understand every word she's saying is the kind of thing you do with a 6 month old when they're babbling away. My little girl was born in the June, Roma was the September so 3 months older. Her speech is excellent and blows us away at times - she loves the Hungry Caterpillar and the other day she said 'butterfly has powerful wings!' she's not even 2 yet. I have no idea where she's getting it from, we've never taught her that word specifically but they're like little sponges at this age.

She also stroked some of my chin hairs the other day and said 'mummy your face is crunchy' but we won't get into that :ROFLMAO:

I worry about my kids surpassing my level of intellect at school and me not being able to give them the support they need. What a shame for Rebecca that her kids have already surpassed hers!
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Chatty Member
Why couldn’t she just google nearest Aldi or just type it into maps on her iPhone. She’s not in a different country just 2 hours up the road.
Imagine doing content with Tesco and then out right being disgusted on your story cause you’ve had to do the shop there and it was so expensive 🤣
While it looks impressive they’ve managed to move to a lovely house without ever working a day in her life. As an accountant my eyes have been truly opened about money. Steve may well have sold his rentals to free up the money, if they weren’t on interest only mortgages (given how skint they have appeared to be for a while I’d be surprised if they were paying anything off the actual mortgage) he’d also have capital gains tax to pay, I don’t think Rebecca can spell tax return nor understand what one is. They don’t make good financial decisions, they’re being poorly advised but thinking they’re so sneaky, when it’s glaringly obvious to anyone who works in property/finances/accountancy.
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I’m sorry but looking at the most liked posts has had me in bits, I’m talking literal tears hahaha this thread is comedy gold. Thankyou Mrs and Mrs Hobson for providing such top class entertainment for the last 5 years 👏🏼
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Chatty Member
She did take the cat! Thank you for answering our question Beggy! 😂 Whilst we have your attention…please explain how you as an unemployed twot & your work-shy husband have afforded the new house?! Ooooo…we need ALL the questions answering! 😂😂
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“Wild” hahahah. While she sits nicely and quietly in the trolley for most of the trip and then toddles down the aisle at the end. Mate, if that’s wild then I dread to think what you would think of my toddler 🤣🤣
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Why is she bragging about splashing the cash on a “new” car surely the money only comes through after completion If that’s the case they’ve not completed yet or they would be in Hornsea. Just because your thick as pig shit beggy don’t presume we are
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Omg her sniffing and breathing in that video is revolting? She actually reminds me of my neighbours unwell overweight pug
Unpopular opinion, I do agree that the house is better for the boys but it’s not my style at all. I actually can’t wait to see how she decorates it 😂
The 4 plain mugs cracked me up 🤣🤣 inspirational.
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