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It is quite peculiar! I have a feeling he is involved somehow, maybe he hired someone to kill her? Was she planning on leaving him and taking the baby? He seems quite happy to stand in front of a camera.
I totally agree, strangulation is a very “up close and personal“ kind of murder and it’s usually a partner.
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I can't fathom how this case hasn't been on every news outlet, how this case has been handled and silenced is nothing short of shocking and extremely questionable. How is there no CCTV footage in public areas of Noah? How does the body of a naked teenage boy be found in a locked storm drain be almost immediately declared as "no foul play" . None of it makes sense and it stinks to high heaven!
I know, his poor mother. She has a massive fight on her hands trying to get the truth. Noah was her only child, a straight A student and very gifted in music and sport, poor kid, such a waste of life 🥺 I don’t think anyone ever believed his death was an accident, the question is who are the police trying to protect and why?
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I don't know if he has committed other murders, I definitely think he's committed more sex attacks than we know about, particularly now we know about his visits to sex workers, but he made a lot of mistakes which makes me think this was his first time (I do think he would have committed more if he wasn't caught though)
Men who murder almost always have a long history of domestic violence. I’d bet money that WC also has a long history of abusing his partners, which then escalated to using/abusing prostitutes, then indecent exposure/sexual assaults, then murder. It’s such a well-trodden trajectory. Opportunities to apprehend him will have been missed. Sickening.
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Two horrendous examples of violence against women in court today.

This case in Scotland went to sentencing:

And this domestic violence murder in which charges have been brought.

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Oh definitely. Tourniquets are key. I think the public (myself included) were under the impression that they’re to be avoided, or do more harm than good, but one thing that’s arisen from this inquiry is that tourniquets saved people (and other people may have died for the lack of one).
I think a lot of police are now voluntarily carrying tourniquets that they have purchased themselves as it can make such a difference. And they’re campaigning for them to be a part of standard kit. There was a Police officer that was run over by an offender, he lost a leg, but I believe he survived because he directed people to apply a tourniquet.

ETA: found an article that mentions it


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The case in Greece with Caroline Crouch sounds so bad. Why wasn't her husband killed? If you kill one wouldn't you kill the other to stop them talking about what happened? It doesn't make sense.

How long had they been together? I ask as it is very creepy a guy in his mid 30s married a teenager and got her pregnant.
I think he’s 30, so not mid 30s but it doesn’t really change that his wife was a pregnant teen. Did feel a bit odd about the story as I read first Caroline was sleeping in a different room, then he was tied up and couldn’t see anything, then his blindfold slipped and he saw the attacker and called for help with his nose (which granted does work on touch screen) on the phone. I’m hoping it’s the translation which is making the story change and sound a bit jarring. The poor woman though, didn’t even get to see her child’s first birthday.
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I saw a documentary, think on the C&I channel. Where Huntley and Carr’s old neighbour had befriended her and had gone to theirs for a coffee only for Maxine to get jumpy and wash and dry the cup and Chuck the neighbour out incase Huntley caught them together. It smacked of massive abuse to me that she was scared to be found chatting with a neighbour.
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That poor girl Danielle Jones,uncle accused loads of stuff instigated him,but typical freak,not saying where her body is,should be allowed out,like all murderers that’s don’t disclose where they hid the body,should stay in prison rest of their life.
Agree, and I also believe the sex offender registration should be retrospective- to include those such as Colin Pitchfork.
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I remember this one so clearly as it was so close to home for me at the time. He was arrested not far from where I used to live growing up, like roads away. I remember seeing her funeral procession going past my house. She was so young, and I cannot believe how long it took the police to find her body considering they had already searched the loft several times.
Trigger warning - child abuse / death

I remember this really well too, from SE London but not Croydon. From memory it’s because he was moving her from under the bed back up, and the police hadn’t searched under the bed at the time. It makes me wonder how the Nan didn’t know tbh, surely you’d have smelt decomposition from memory it happened at the height of summer?

He also had hidden a memory card of images of her posed whilst dead in the end of a broom handle. Absolutely horrific.
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I had my suspicions as well,it doesn’t sit right.Hope police really investigate this terrible murder.Killed their pet dog as well.
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Double Denim

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WC was dismissed from The Met today. Scroll down this Met News link for a link to document outlining the outcome of his accelerated hearing.

Edited for a bit more clarity.

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Not seen it but from your description it reminds me of those makeup videos that also talk about gruesome murders. Bailey Saran does one called Makeup and Murder. I’ve said before it’s disrespectful and if my loved one was a victim I wouldn’t want anyone like this to cover their case but got flamed for that on Reddit.
Totally agree I used to watch her then I realised it’s actually pretty perverse. She makes a lot of money out of the advertising, and often is trying too hard to be funny when telling such sensitive stories. A family friend of mine was murdered and her family have always welcomed any televised or YouTube episodes about her murder but I think something in the style of Bailey would deeply offend them so I unsubscribed. I felt if I wouldn’t want her discussing my friends case like that I shouldn’t watch her discuss other people in the same manner.
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I’m curious to hear from someone who knows about the psychology of people like him about him now being ‘depressed’ (the daily mails word not mine) because surely someone as psychopathic as him wouldnt be feeling ‘depressed’/not eating because he feels guilty, so why isn’t he eating? Is it because he selfishly can’t go out and satisfy his urges anymore so that’s making him feel bad or is he just going to try and kill himself to get out of going to prison for the rest of his life? I read a line in the article that someone said ‘the enormity of his crimes is now catching up to him’ but surely someone as sickening as him doesn’t feel guilt? So what is it that he’s thinking about?
Agree. I read the DM article earlier and I just thought… what were you expecting to happen after you did this? Did he genuinely think he’d have gotten away with it? Surely being a police officer with some degree of seniority / niche experience he’d have seen similarly awful cases unfold and how they’re solved? He was a bit more forensically deceptive (rental car) than other cases afaik, but that’ll only stand to work against him when he inevitably pleads insanity like Peter Sutcliffe and the rest of that sort.

It brings us back to the fact he must have done this before and gotten away with it for him to feel emboldened enough?
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Very traditional

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I watched the Footsteps of killers last night about the lads in chelmsley as i was a postman in chelmsley at that time.

I found it interesting because you never really see programs cover this case very much, i just found the feel of the program odd , it was essentially a murder documentary, but whether it was because emilia fox was doing it they tried to add drama music , plus the interactions between her and Davis Wilson were really odd as if they were acting in a drama.
I agree, I actually turned it off as I thought it was so odd, it just didn't seem sensitively done. I'd not heard of the course before.
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I tell you what, if my partner killed my child, Id be done for murdering him. No amount of love for a man/woman would ever over ride my love for a child. Fuck, if he ever murdered anyone I would be first to grass on him!!
Couldn’t agree more. 👏🏻
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You alluded to it in response to another post.
I really didn’t. I pointed out that the girl wasn’t Asian, but African. If you want to interpret that as a veiled accusation of racism that’s your prerogative.

Not only that in a further post you make a comment about possible language barrier between the girl and the Bangladeshi community, as if to assume they can't speak English. That itself is worse than what you were actually criticising other people for in the first place. I'll leave it at that now.
You read way too much into things.
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Yes I kept sobbing yesterday thinking about it. So harrowing. It doesn’t sound like these poor boys have had an easy/stable life. I get the impression this is something to do with owed money/drugs. The 18 year old living with them knew the murderer.

I guess if this is to do with drugs/money/revenge the kidnapper could be part of a gang and he’s saying someone else in the gang killed the poor boy.

America doesn’t have anything right tbh. So much poverty, crime, addiction. Why were those boys so lost in the system that they weren’t even living with their legal guardian and their own mother couldn’t locate them. I know we have some deplorable incidents in the U.K. and social services often drop the ball. But they don’t even seem to have a safety net set up there for children to slip through.
I have seen the first shot of the child being snatched.
I cannot watch or read any more, as it is just too awful.
There are some stories in life so awful, I just have to swerve them.
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