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There is no blood test for epilepsy. A blood test might show WHY you’ve had a fit - infection, low blood sugar for instance - but there is no blood test to prove that you’ve had a seizure.

You’re right about the heart attack one but that protein (troponin) can also be raised for other reasons, so you can have a high level without having a heart attack.

I don’t know the details of the case so don’t know if it’s likely that she had a genuine seizure or made up the fact later. But like another poster said, unless you catch the seizure on an EEG while it’s happening, there’s not really any way of “proving” it.
Thank you.

I knew that there were some unexpected conditions that left hormone residues etc in the blood and assumed that if the court and jury were so convinced of the defendant's innocence, that epilepsy must have been one of them. Appreciate your letting us know.
They will check if your white blood cell count and neutrophils are higher - they call them seizure markers. But you’re right the blood test alone can’t confirm it!
Thank you for this, too.
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So we reach the closing arguments in the Karen Read case.

Based on the evidence (lol) I would say innocent and at least three of the police officers involved be charged with perverting the course of justice and the entire police department be sent for retraining.

My problem is, based on things I've seen outside of the trial - particularly things she has said - I think she probably did reverse into him (however lightly) but I don't see how it could have killed him.
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Unless they’ve had some kind of suicide pact where they both kill the other somehow at the same time? Idk how that would be done without guns, don’t really want to think about it. But I wonder if that’s why the wording is so odd.
Yeah that could be possible but like you said without guns it doesn't sound nice.

Another prison officer having sex with an inmate at Wadsworth 🙄
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Thank you so much. Yes, the knife attack itself (which was openly antisemitic, he was shouting racist abuse, and only foiled by the shop staff literally fending him off with shopping trolleys etc.) got barely any press, and then the court case, when he was convicted and let off with a suspended sentence it got no reporting at all other than a couple of Jewish papers.

He lives on the road where he carried out the attack - I can't imagine what it must be like for those shop workers and other neighbours knowing he is right there. (For those who don't know, Golders Green is one of the most Jewish areas in London.)

Thank you so much for every word of this. It means a lot. I don't go anywhere near most threads/discussions supposedly about 'Israel/Palestine' (not only on Tattle, but anywhere) because a huge amount of the stuff posted is just the most blatant old-style Jew-hatred. You are absolutely right about Glastonbury and Nova. xx
It doesn’t fit the narrative people would like to portray if they admit there is antisemitism going on so it gets totally ignored. Hence all the mental gymnastics from certain sides and the mainstream media to make a sentence literally calling for the eradication of the Jews acceptable to shout on the streets of the UK.

Disgusting. It’s claimed it’s all about the deaths and “genocide” but there are numerous genocides going on yet only one gets the headlines - no coincidence that’s the one they can blame the Jews for as if British and European Jews all have a direct line to Bibi.
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I can’t believe that police took 2 hours to try and secure the cow and decided that hitting it with their reinforced van was a sensible idea. In that time they could have called a farmer, a police unit that deals with animals etc, anything.
I live rurally and if we rammed every loose farm animal that had wandered into a local town or village there would be no live stock left!
I can.
Someone ( a traveler) put a randy cart horse in my garden on Christmas Eve.
It took hours on the phone trying to get the police to contact the owner - in the meantime it was kicking the house.
In the end the only reason they did anything was when I threatened to let it out.
I worked for a short time with the police and quite often there were calls about deer in the road I was shocked that they go out and shoot them
What else would they do?
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sorry if this was posted here already but this is so horrific. Hoping he never gets released what an animal
Three defence witnesses were called during the trial, who said they had had consensual sex with Shorten in his taxi on separate occasions.

What the fuck, how is this even allowed. Maybe those witnesses did consent. But how would that supposedly prove the two victims are lying and must have consented too?

Honestly I know people have a right to defend themselves but I hate how it plays out in court for rape victims. The fact he said they initiated it too 😡
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I as watching LawyerYouKnow and he was talking about Sarah Boone.
He played a clip of her lawyer (the latest one trying to get excused from the case) saying that she expected the trial to last 5 days.
Which doesn't sound right.

I get that her lawyer probably doesn't think she has a leg to stand on.
But 5 days?
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I guess the video evidence would show the majority of the crime. Boone wants the battered spouse defence and I wonder if the court app lawyers have been unable to find an expert.
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Has anyone been following the story of Jay Slater who has gone missing in Teneriefe?
It looks like it's a bit more complicated than him simply going missing walking back in the early hours from a party .

Thread here, I just joined today.
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Watching the Karen Read trial on Andrea Burkhart's steam and I really don't agree with Andrea about the texts.

According to her, the texts show John in a bad light - because he is not treating Karen Read as a person yadda, yadda...
MY problem is earlier in the trial wasn't there stuff about the ATF agent who gave Proctor screenshots in which he confessed to kissing and flirting with Karen Read?
And when Proctor was embarrassing himself, didn't he say that this ATF agent was only 'joking around' when he was squaring up for a fight with someone at the party?
And wasn't it implied by the the defence that this ATF agent may have been involved in the alleged fight in the house?

Do these texts, and the 19 phone calls (11 of which were rejected) amount to a motive?
I don't know.
But I don't think they are as great for Karen Read as Andrea does.
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KR didn't Google it Jen McCabe did. She says that sue did it when they found Johm around 6/6.30 as Karen asked her to but one of the searches is timestamped around 2.15 but experts have said this was because she searched on a tab she had opened at 2.15.
But either way I don't see how it is incriminating.
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I think with OnlyFans, is that it's only the top % making great money. The rest below that are making decent money to barely anything. I believe there were statistics released a year or so ago showing that the majority of people on OnlyFans are making barely anything to around £150 per month.

There is a reason that these people are doing absurd stuff to get attention, because they hope it will bump them up to a good enough level to profit from their short lived fame. Because short lived fame will likely be what it is for the majority.
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