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The latest vlog was a very strange one (even by their standards).

I don't believe it was staged. It was clearly Aimee's birthday as we see Tillie in the frame still while she was opening presents. It seemed very half hearted though. Let's face it, they seem to film literally every aspect of their lives these days, in case it'll make good vlog content, so I'm not surprised they have footage but those scenes really felt like something they wouldn't have normal bothered editing to make the final cut for a vlog entry. It's obvious someone is reading on here and has seen the criticism aimed at the apparent bypassing of Aimee's birthday (hi Radfords!) So they've gone back and hastily put this together. When do we ever usually see them publish vlogs out of sequence? This was definitely an after thought.

The presents were indeed bizarre and Aimee didn't seem particularly keen on any of the clothes she was given. They were far too big for her. It definitely appears that they raided Chloe's wardrobe at the last minute. I get that her presents hadn't arrived but at 14 I'm sure Aimee would have understood and could have waited.

Whilst I agree it's unusual for Aimee to be a main focus, she's often there in the background helping with the little ones. The real shock for me was James making a brief appearance! If Sue hadn't of said his name I honestly wouldn't have known it was him sitting there fussing Heidie (I think he looks a lot like Luke).

A random aside, it makes me laugh how every vlog recently has shown the little ones either eating or at least being offered Coco Pops for breakfast, yet Sue always feels the need to point out it's a rare treat. Hardly that rare if they're having them in every vlog! It's fine Sue, many families let their kids live off Coco Pops, you don't need to justify it!

Also, why don't they bulk buy the massive boxes of cereal? They would save a fortune and it would be used up long before it goes stale in a family of that size. The cupboard was stuffed full of about 16 boxes of different cereals in the smallest size boxes. It must cost them a fortune and is far too much choice imo. Two or three choices of cereal at any one time is plenty.
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So Sue and Noel posted about missed appointments at Alder Hey on their stories and then go on to say how much this costs in wasted NHS time. Now surely those appointments are due to the Covid19 and I’m not being funny but pot kettle black no? How much drain has 23 kids had on NHS services or does that not count?
I was thinking exactly the same. Also this is the woman who was absolutely slating the NHS last year when she found out her father was terminally ill. She was going berserk all over instagram and Facebook about how crap the doctors and nurses are because they couldn’t do anything for him, and how crap our NHS was! I wish I had screen shot this at the time, maybe it’s still on her Facebook story’s, vile

Sophie posted Noel going out of his way to deliver pies in Liverpool, when infact they were going to Alder Hey the whole time anyway.

Omg never got on to this until you said! They did just deliver the pies because they were in Liverpool anyway! and they’re loyal minions will be thinking how wonderful they are! I live in Liverpool and it a very small city easy and quick to get around and Alderhey is quite central so absolutely no effort made
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Has she never heard of a full stop? Why would SS care if they had a nice garden? That’s hardly going to be at the top of their list.
Of course social services didnt care about the garden.

I think part of it was her manipulation because she also said after this that she wanted for Chris and the baby to come and live with them when she was born. Yes this womb,was trying to take a newborn baby from its mother.
No matter what went on, Chris and Nicole are obviously doing well now and seam very happy.
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I'm sure Noel's more concerned about the money coming in than Sue's ego. Yes it will hurt her, but she's probably sure she'll have an announcement around Millie's due date anyway. It will be even more speshul for the fans because it will have been unplanned, but Noel's sperm are just so strong that a new 'miracle' will be made. Then we'll be subjected to 50 million tabloid headlines about how it was such a shock, even though Sue wasn't using contraception *yawn*
Was she ever on contraception?


Can you imagine the panic when Sue hits menopause and her body is really finally done and just cannot produce any more kids. She's left with this load of kids she has to raise and no more babies. What if all these youtube families disappear in the future, how are they meant to pay and afford them all. The pie shop won't keep them going. All their riches is coming from youtube. When they get to be 60,70 or 80 even they are going to still have children to raise. I was thinking about millie. Maybe she will want to keep this attention going you know have more kids and keep the family thing of having a load of kids going. I was thinking one of the daughters will do this. Once sue cannot have any more. The attention might go away. They're known as one of the biggest families in the UK. So I was thinking one of the daughters might pick up the torch and continue on. Then she can be known for having a large family like her parents. I think one of them will end having a big family themselves. Cause they won't want the bit of fame to die away 😂
There's always benefits to help out if youtube ever vanished. They're allowed to claim whatever they're entitled to, but they did also bash other large families when they've claimed they received nothing at all this time.

"BUMPER BROOD Britain’s largest family about to become even BIGGER with baby 21 on the way – and they’ve never claimed benefits"

Later with the sun it became "just 170 a week in child benefit" - that alone is £8160 a year.
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Yes they are separated, he has another girlfriend, she got pregnant to trap him apparently and it didn’t work as it never really does in the long run, now his new gf has been doing tiltoks about Millie, Millie put that on her instagram,

I would never buy any product endorsed by such low rent low moral family, in the old days the radfords would have bought things with there own money, I cannot believe sue has had that many kids she can’t pass down even a nice newish cot that she has been gifted? I may contact snuz myself and say do you realise you are actually putting people of buying your products? Giving them to these people who have no intention of working for a living ever??
I messaged another company (MAM) to say that after using their baby products for years, I was disappointed that they were now using minor reality stars to advertise their products on insta, and that it and changed my opinion of them/put me off. They never graced me with a response.
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I think it was in one of the earlier shows (15/16 KAC?) when both their parents were introduced - it was said a social worker at the time had advised Sue's parents to not make any hints at giving the baby away or put up for adoption as there was a fear that she would take off with Noel and not be seen again. Although Sue never confirmed/denied that she would have taken off - another interesting point! I think the age thing was a big deal even back then but as with many things they've lied/covered it up. I feel that that kind of warning and fear would stay with you so that might've contributed to how much Sue's parents help out and why her mum gave up work for Chris.
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She wont go to Inverness but she will threaten it of course. The whole lot of them have made alot of threats in that direction.
The Sausage roll mum was 100% telling the truth.

But yes there is a change and I dont believe the vlogs at all.
She had said previously that one of the middle boys was being tested for Autism and another was being monitored, I am sure that was Max and Oscar.

But its all edited. People who live in the area see her out and say she looks stressed, pushing the buggy up the road with toddlers picking up from Nursery.
You can see Noel has a temper when they get lost in I think it was Florida and that resulted in a huge row.

I have also seen from people in the area who have spoken about the older kids behaviour too.
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I have always thought omg there amazing how they can have so many kids and provide amazing holidays for them, it was the first Florida holiday or the Australian one we’re I started to think, somethings not right here, we have 2 children and both work full time in standard jobs, about 45k a year between us, and after bills there’s no way we can afford a holiday like that, why the hell are they still making out the bakery is there sole income? There’s thick people out there who will think they can have loads and loads of kids and have that standard of lifestyle, it’s all lies and binding things, just tell the truth radfords! Your pie shop makes hardly any money, all your money now comes from tv shows, YouTube, freebies, ect... I will love to know if that new Range Rover/Land Rover was gifted.....
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Anyone realise Tillie’s name is a remix of her siblings’ names? Hers is Tillie May. Tillie is very similar to Millie and May is the same middle name as Ellie’s. I just think it’s interesting considering how much thought they put into naming the younger ones.
I've always thought they seem to give far more thought to names since becoming 'famous'.

Millie and Tillie is truly ridiculous (even without adding Ellie and Hallie in the mix too! They clearly have a thing for double ll names but to go for one that completely rhymes with one they'd already used was just plain ridiculous).

I'm sure they'll say Ellie and Tillie both have the middle name May as they were both born in May, or something naff like that but, added to the rhyming thing, it really doesn't appear there was much thought there, does it?

With Bonnie and Heidie they went ridiculously ott with name reveals but they went ott with everything with them tbh, elaborate pregnancy reveals, gender reveals etc. It's like they think they're some sort of z list celebrities now, doing whatever they can for maximum social media likes. It's very sad.
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Personally I am not a fan of the bar I just don't really get it? I know in America people have bars next to the swimming pool but just seems a bit random for them to have one? A large family with lots of little children! Maybe just me thinking that though I'm probably a bit boring.
Guess it will make ttc more fun for Sue and Noel. Can already hear Sue giggling in the bar whilst Noel pours the tequila 🙄
I think they are just grappling for content and a new The Sun article. It's not as if we have a great climate for hanging around an outdoor bar all year round. They can add bar to the water park that they have 🤔 and the fanz can all pour in about how lucky their children are.
They do seem fond of drink though, I remember in the days following Heidie's birth Sue constantly had a massive glass of wine beside her in all of the IG stories, which struck me as odd as someone who was supposedly breastfeeding!
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have the privilege

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This programme just highlights the selfishness of the pair of them in all aspects. The hospital so overrun they have trouble fitting her in - possibly to the detriment of a first time mum, while she’s on her 16th.
The boys saying how another will come along and replace them 😢
Expecting her parents and older kids to look after the other kids just so she can keep having more.

It gave me anxiety just watching the chaos and noise which must be constant.
That holiday, imagine being couped up in a minibus with 15 kids- one of them a baby, 2 pregnant women driving for 15 hrs or however long it was. Ffs I’d not want to do that justwith two kids.
The swimming pool and beach must be pure luck no one had an accident, wondered off or worse as it would be impossible to keep an eye on all of them.
It all just seems like massive stress for everyone involved including the kids. It can’t be enjoyable. What’s the point?

There’s no way they didn’t have credit cards and or benefits, unless he was earning about 100k.
I’ve got two and we both work full time. Just to give them a uk holiday, keep them clothed, fed, birthday’s, Christmas etc we could only manage it with a credit card to help out when the washing machine would break down or school trips came along. So how they did it is a complete mystery.
my partner’s on 52k, we’re single income as they were due to a disabled child, 2 kids and 2 adults. We manage with occasional bits like the odd take away, but there’s nothing left at the end of the month and no holidays abroad. They’ll have hit the same issue as we have in it being taxed more than if they both earned half of the wage. There’s no way they’d be managing it on the pie shop alone.
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I think they are just grappling for content and a new The Sun article. It's not as if we have a great climate for hanging around an outdoor bar all year round. They can add bar to the water park that they have 🤔 and the fanz can all pour in about how lucky their children are.
They do seem fond of drink though, I remember in the days following Heidie's birth Sue constantly had a massive glass of wine beside her in all of the IG stories, which struck me as odd as someone who was supposedly breastfeeding!
It was Echo Falls. I think she’s partial to getting hammered and chatting shit online 😂
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One thing that is striking about Sue that recent conversation reminded me of is her belief that she (and Noel) did it all alone. Having a baby at 14, getting no help, them doing it all etc which could not be further from the truth. I think the very stark reality is that if Sue's parents were not as supportive as they were then she could have been very strongly coerced into giving Chris up for adoption. She had no recourse to social funds at that age, if her parents and Noel's kicked them out they would have been homeless with no money and the baby might have been taken into care anyway. A lot of questions would be asked about Noel having a relationship with a child. But no, according to Sue they didn't get help. Her mum even gave up work to look after Chris so Sue could finish school.
All true. And when I was 14 I was still playing with dollies!
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Saying it’s the suns Facebook page. In the comments some comments calling Noel at pervert etc.
not me then

Shes doxxed people before.

I have never called Noel a pervert.
I mean quite a few people have pointed out the age issues, but thats just facts.

I love how shes accusing people of bullying, while making stories about people and obviously posting on her page about these people, I mean its very passive aggressive bullying on her part.
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Does anyone have any info or know anything about their life before 2004 when they bought their current house?

I remember during the 16 K&C special (that was just posted in the thread) Luke is sitting on the stairs next to Millie and they are discussing how Sue gets on with her house work and whatnot. Luke says that when they hit double digits with kids, that Sue really struggled, so she had to "pick up the pace" around the house in order to keep things running. That would mean they moved into the care home with 9 children and #10 (Ellie) on the way.

I wonder how things were done in their previous, smaller, home with 9 children. I find it odd that they never mention the time before being with double digits. They never mention any time when they had a smaller family. They sort of give the impression that the large house and mini bus came first, and therefore they were well prepared for each child, but we know that cannot be the case.

Have you ever heard of the trend on YouTube called "draw my life?"Well, I wish the Radfords would do something similar, only it's "draw my family." There you go Sue, there's your next video idea, you're welcome.
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have the privilege

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I'm kind of pleased it's for Archie as bless him I do feel sorry for him but oh my god at the price. Cant believe they have been gifted that whilst the world seems to be in a mess at the moment with everything that's been happening.
Watching the Radfords they haven't ever really seemed to really acknowledge that we have had a pandemic and all these riots. They just carry on their lives as normal.
Having watched back Sue's Labour vlog and the early weeks when Heidie was born it didn't seem as though Sue was worried too much about the pandemic at all 🤔
They’re back to having Sophie and her kids visit according to Sophie’s insta, there’d def be more than 6 of them even if only meeting outside as per the rules about socialising! With that many of them, Millie pregnant and a newborn in the house you’d think they’d be more stringent with distancing measures. A virus going through that house would be hell!
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