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Purple star

Chatty Member
I can totally appreciate that. Who would want to spend time with anybody or any living thing if theyre behaving in such a way.
I know it makes me feel sad..We got a puppy and some days we don’t enjoy him at all..Todays 1 of them 😒 ..Someone has posted about it being resource guarding and it does sound like that after I’ve just googled it..I might have to get a dog behaviourist ..I was thinking if I had him done but that help?


VIP Member
We had several of the heart beat lambs when my dog was a puppy. She loved them but as a toy destroyer she went through several.


VIP Member
I'd also echo the value of bringing the pup home as soon as you can once they are 8 weeks. It's only a couple of weeks difference but the amount the dog will develop in those couple of weeks is incredible, and you can have such an influence on them at that stage. I definitely under-estimated the value of this before we got our retriever, but fortunately was well advised and read a couple of really helpful books on what to do. Even just exposing her to noises, people, household objects, going in the car that kind of thing, the earlier you can do it in their life you reduce the risk of having a nervous/anxious dog.

If you are planning to leave him overnight with a friend after only a few weeks I'd make sure you familiarise the pup with your friend asap too and maybe try leaving him with them for even an hour or something. We did this with ours and it made such a big difference when she had to stay overnight at their house. It also made our friends less nervous at the prospect as they had walked her before without us.


VIP Member
I don't know the breed, but maybe she's about to come into season ?
I don’t know, I think she’s a bit young for that. According to what I’ve read it’s normal and she should come out of it in her own time and I shouldn’t push her, but it’s been going on for a few weeks now.


Chatty Member
Do you leave her alone when she’s locked in the crate sleeping in the day?
I WFH so she goes in the crate behind me
When did you bring her home? If its only been a few days it will settle down. I promise. We've slept downstairs with all of our pups initially, just as you describe, crate next to sofa and us sleeping on the sofa. Some of our pups have settled quickly and some have taken a good few weeks.

Youl know yourself but I think I speak for quite a few of us when I say its so common to feel massive regret and like you want to take them back to the breeder. Ive felt it every single time Ive brought a pup home 🙈 it is hard work and extremely stressful.
On Thursday. I’m just at my wits end. No proper sleep for a week, stressed out, my older dog is stressed because I’m stressed and now she won’t eat. I feel like I’ve made a huge mistake.

Luckily I work from home but I haven’t left the house for a week and can’t see a time when I’ll be able to because she screams if I go to another room for 10 seconds.

Crying again now 😢 ffs


Chatty Member
Does anyone have any advice for stopping their puppy barking at other dogs?

We got the green light from the vet a few days ago to start taking the puppy out on walks now he’s vaccinated and he’s really bad at barking at other dogs. I think it’s out of fear as opposed to him wanting to engage in play with other dogs.

We had been carrying him on walks most days before this and found he was would start shaking a bit and then growling when we passed other dogs and we would try to comfort him, cuddle him, talk soothingly, give treats etc. Now he’s on the ground he goes wild barking and tries to lunge at every dog 🙈 I try to crouch down, talk soothingly, offer treats etc but he’s so worked up it’s not working and he doesn’t calm down until the other dog is out of sight. I’ve taken to picking him up a lot of the time now when I see a dog approaching but not sure if this is the wrong thing to do as I know he needs to get used to being around other dogs.

We’ve been taking him to puppy socialization classes already but they’ve not been a huge success so far. Our puppy seems to be super timid and is really small compared to all the other puppies in the class and he just keeps hiding between our feet and seems scared of the other dogs in the class 😢

So actually I’m probably looking for advice for timid dogs and barking out of fear!

vanilla cupcakes

VIP Member
Thank you guys so much! This is all so helpful. Turf is an amazing idea I will definitely look into that. we do sleep beside the crate but he’s in our room, we are hoping to move him out eventually into the living room. Is he more likely to adapt if we sleep on the couch beside his crate? I’m worried that if we never leave him overnight now we’ll never be able to. I know that likely won’t be the case, but it feels that way sometimes 😅
You guys have really opened my eyes to the stress of owning a puppy and how tough they are. We have two cats and are considering getting a labrador puppy.
Has anyone had experience of cats with puppies? Our cats are quite chill with one of them being more than happy to be boisterous with the other one (she hates it!)
I think it depends on the cats. My mums cat has left home ( she’s next door with the neighbours ) since they got two lab puppies 😂. But she’ll come around. She always does. This will be the third and fourth dog she’ll have lived with. She was a kitten with their first. 5 when they got the second and now she’s 14. She doesn’t particularly like dogs but she learns to tolerate them as long as they leave her alone. Whereas their other cat who passed away now loved dog 1&2. He used to snuggle up in their beds with them.


VIP Member
I have a 3.5yr old and considering getting a dachshund puppy.
Does anyone have any experience of this age with a very small dog? Will it be better for me to keep them separated for a while?
I'm intrigued why you've picked a dachshund? What is it that draws you think them?


VIP Member
Our puppy is seven months old and I feel absolutely terrible but I feel we’ve made a massive mistake. He’s a good dog and house trained but are struggling with adapting to having our dog. I know people will call me selfish and I’m in a predicament. I feel guilty if we sell him but I want what’s best for the dog. At the moment we can leave him around 4 hours and he’s fine but we are out a lot and will need to leave him longer once we are at work full time. He just cries and cries. Unless he stops crying I feel we will have to sell him but I feel so guilty.
I totally understand, but you have to do what's right for you and puppy, I've spilled my guts on here having to re-home a puppy, but that was down to my other dog who wouldn't get on with him, think carefully about your decision, my boy I got now was a pain as a puppy, but now, nearly 4 years later, he's one of the best dogs I've ever owned!


VIP Member
Some peanut butter have xylitol in them which is extremely toxic to dogs.

If you use a peanut butter that is 100% nuts its absolutely fine. I tend to use Meridian as its what we have in the house anyway but Aldi and Morrisons do their own brands which are 100% nuts.

Palm oil isnt toxic to dogs, its just not good for the environment.

Peanut butters labelled for dogs are not any better for them than 100% nut PNB and often have palm oil in them.
That was it, xylitol! Thank you :)

I've been always buying peanut butter specifically labelled for dogs just to be 100% sure it would be safe but I'll have a look in aldi next time!


VIP Member
How did you guys manage with puppies pre lockdown/pandemic? I WFH and still find it so tricky. You guys must be superheroes!

Caffeine Fiend

VIP Member
Well my older one wasn’t a dream to start with but she wasn’t as bad as this. She’s perfect now though, gives us an evil look when we’re leaving the house without her but then she just goes upstairs to her bed in our room or lays on our bed. She’s such a lovely girl. I keep telling myself that the puppy will grow up to be just like her - fingers crossed!
It will pass. I know it seems extreme but Ive wanted to take every one of them back at some point 🥴 puppyhood is not fun unless its not your pup, you can have a cuddle and go home 😁


VIP Member
It probably is a lot to expect but it’s still hard going and coming on here and expressing that it’s hard makes people feel better that they are not alone in how they are feeling …
Sorry if my comment has been misinterpreted. I was agreeing it's hard.


Active member
Cockers are the most adorable dogs. Id have one in a heartbeat if it wasnt for the hair 🙈

Hence why I have 2 cocker crosses who dont shed but cockers are just gorgeous. Our neighbours had an apricot and white old fella who I adored. He's no longer with us but he had the nicest nature.
We're quite used to the hair. Our old boxer was red and short hair and would get everywhere. I know these will be more whispy and the grooming will be a new thing to! But will give us something to focus on and love. ♥


VIP Member
When did everyone remove the crate for puppies? Ours is 10 months old and wi happily stay in his crate overnight but it gets to 6am and he wants out to go sleep.on the couch downstairs. We're thinking of just biting the bullet and letting him sleep downstairs but any and all advice is welcome 😁


Chatty Member
Yup we've done all that! She hasn't yet peed on her walks (done poos) so I did actually put her lead on he just so she wasn't running around but as she's not weed on the lead yet I don't think she'll get that it's ok to! Got a command which is "hurry up" then reward once done. Which in the day time she's spot on! Absolutely no issues there. We are always out with her as she too get distracted/wants to come in/picks up everything so can't be left on her own. 🙈

Think she could be too attached to my mum.. and I may ask if e can reverse the rolls tomorrow see if she cries if I'm inside and she's out with her.
Perhaps that would work! I’ve nothing else to suggest but I’m sure someone else will be able to suggest something. The lady that used to do it’s me or the dog program (Victoria Sitwell I think) had some good advice.

like you say she will get there and this will all be a distant memory