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VIP Member
Advice needed! My partner is getting really upset because the dog keeps chasing our cat. Our cat is treated like an absolute prince, he has the entire upstairs, breakfast in bed 😂, VIP outdoor access via the bathroom window, whilst the dog has downstairs but on the occasion they cross paths the dog tends to chase after him (obvs in a playful way). Is this something that will calm down as the dog gets older (she’s only 6 months)?

Pesky Tarian

VIP Member
Try giving a wee biscuit before bed. Just something small like a lilys kitchen bedtime biscuit or something. Sounds like hunger sick. Cockapoos tend to be bad for it for some reason.

What time do you feed breakfast and dinner?

Yes mud daddys are great!
He is fed raw. Latest meal being 6.30. I do give him kong treats in the toy around 8.30 as this activity seems to tire him for bed!. I hate to think he's hungry but like I say there's no real pattern. Thanks I will Google the lily's kitchen brand.

Elle Woods

VIP Member
My dog is now 1, he's brilliant. Still has his moments but generally he's good. I never ever thought I would say it, but I really miss the puppy stage 😫 At the time I don't think I appreciated all the good bits enough because I was so overwhelmed (and crying a lot) over the hard bits but now we're on the other side I miss it so much 😂 Desperately trying to convince my partner that we should get another but it's not going too well atm 😂


Chatty Member
We had to have our 12 year old girl put to sleep late last year and I’d had her since a pup. Hardest thing in my life. Miss her so much. I’m finally feeling I’m ready for another dog… we’ve been looking at puppies, but it’s been so long since I had a puppy I forgot what it was like and this thread has really been an eye opener 😅 we’re looking at adopting a 9 month old boy, he’s already fairly well trained so far, but I know how important carrying on training is for the “teenage” stage. Has anyone adopted an older pup? How did it go? Did they adapt to their new family fairly easy? I honestly dunno whether an older pup or a young pup would be best.


Active member
We seem to have had a bit of a breakthrough and he’s stopped biting quite as much now and if he does he can be easily distracted with toys instead. We have also started to see his signs of when he needs to go outside which is a relief 😂
Unbelievably getting up less with the puppy in the night than my 3 year old 😂

Pesky Tarian

VIP Member
Little boy has gone in for his exploratory castration today 😥. I hated leaving him, pretty sure he thought he'd done something wrong when he wasn't given breakfast too, he looked so sad. 🥺

We're with more than. They don't cover the op (buried deep in page 10), not that I knew I would need it when we took it out.

A little worried about after care as he loves walking on his hind legs (not that we encourage it). Worried about the stitches pulling.


Well-known member
Which vaccine did you pup have first? Your vet should continue on that? If not then youd need to do the full course if its a new one. So if your breeder hasnt used Lepto 4 then its unlikely your pup will have that.

Personally I havent heard great things about Lepto 4 but neither of my breeders have used it so hasnt been an issue here.
Ooh that's good to know thank you. She's going to a different vet than the one the breeders used.

I thought lepto 4 was a continuation of the 2 but I could be wrong.


VIP Member
Our older dog was a bit like this when we got our pup. I think he thought she was just here for a visit so just wasn’t arsed 😂 now they are great buddies! Our younger pup encourages him to play, at the start he hated it but now he loves it and her lol it’s very cute haha
I'm really hoping these will be best buds, we lost our other dog last September and it's been strange just having one dog! But now. I worry if I've done the right thing


VIP Member
I’m with PetPlan - they’re pricier but most vets deal direct with them, they pay out without quibbling as much, they’ll often cover dental work and my premiums haven’t gone up massively considering the amount of claims I’ve put in!

Purple star

Chatty Member
I've been very glad and thankful to read the last few posts this morning as I'm having a particularly bad day with our puppy already and it's not even lunchtime yet.

For some reason he just seems really agitated today. He keeps trying to bite me more so than usual, use my legs as a scratching pole and keeps barking at me when I try to tell him to sit etc. The barking at me is a new thing so I'm really hoping it's just a bad day and not the start of new bad behavior.

It is so hard some days and sometimes I feel like I'm such a bad puppy mum and am letting him down 😢 But it's so reassuring reading all your posts and I know it'll be worth the pain in the long run.
I know what you mean I feel the same ..Ur not alone in how ur feeling ..How olds ur puppy? What breed is he?


Well-known member
Hi. 10 days in with puppy and going ok! Obviously had a few wobbles and 'what have I done' moments but day 10 certainly better than day 2!
Anyway, just looking for some advice about toileting at night. At the moment, he is in a crate in the room next to me. The last few nights he has only woken up once. He's then pee'd either in my room or the floor in his and gone back to sleep. I've woken up too late to get him outside so I've just gone back to sleep. Is it going to matter with his toilet training? I'm not allowing him to pee inside as such, I'm just not quick enough to get to him first! I'm loathe to set an alarm to let him out as I wouldn't know what time,and the fact he has settled himself the last few nights is a good thing I think,?


VIP Member
Sorry I know this is a puppy thread, but I know some of you have older dogs, and probably older pups now!
Can anyone recommend a good tic collar? I've tried 2 this year ( also have a natural spray) but my boy has had a few, specially around his eyes :confused:

Caffeine Fiend

VIP Member
If we go near him some days..If you take something of him he shouldn’t have..And if he’s relaxing on the couch and my 8 year old comes down the stairs he starts to growl as soon as he hears the movement..
Okay Ive just read this and it definitely sounds like resource guarding. Again this is something Id see a good behaviourist about. If hes growling at your child and also guarding things. Its really easy to make resource guarding worse without knowing it.

For now if he has things that you dont want him to have, try swapping for a higher value treat.

If we go near him some days..If you take something of him he shouldn’t have..And if he’s relaxing on the couch and my 8 year old comes down the stairs he starts to growl as soon as he hears the movement..
Okay Ive just read this and it definitely sounds like resource guarding. Again this is something Id see a good behaviourist about. If hes growling at your child and also guarding things. Its really easy to make resource guarding worse without knowing it.

For now if he has things that you dont want him to have, try swapping for a higher value treat.


VIP Member
Our 11 month old golden retriever decided that she wanted to whinge on the landing from 2-3am last night. My husband and I both went out to see if she was okay and he let her out in the garden (she did actually go to the loo then) but she just lay outside our bedroom door and cried near enough constantly for the best part of the hour. She must have given up at that point as we both managed to get back to sleep til the alarm went off at 6am (and I had to waken her up from her deep sleep on the sofa downstairs). I felt so mean not giving in and letting her into our bedroom but I don't want to make a rod for our own backs by giving in like that. Will be interesting to see how she is tonight as we're going up to my parents and she sleeps in our bedroom there. She's having her first season at the moment so hoping that she's just feeling a bit meh and that was why and it doesn't become a regular thing as usually she is good at staying downstairs through the night, only coming up if we dare to have a lie in past 6:30am and even then she usually just wants to have a cuddle.


VIP Member
I have a 8 month old cockapoo, such a good boy in most aspects and i've really invested in his training and behaviour. However there is one thing I need help on!
On walks when we're close to walking by another dog, he is so reactive. He wants to run up to them, say hello, very excited, pulls on his lead and jumpy. When we get past, a few looks back then he carrys on with his walk.

He's walked on a collar and 1M lead, then transferred to a long lead clipped to his harness as his 'off lead' alternative, when we arrive at a field/green.
I have a slip lead, although i lack confidence using it as it doesn't stay up high behind his ears.
He would ignore if i lure with a high value treat such as cheese shoved by his nose as we walk lol - should I keep doing this?
Or any other advice? Thank you all
bless you, my cockapoo is 18 months and it really does get easier. She used to be so excited around any dog/person/child (drove me nuts) but she’s definitely settled down. Also, it amazes me how intelligent she is and she understands if a dog doesn’t want to play then she will walk away and find one that does!

don’t worry, it gets easier!

Elle Woods

VIP Member
Hi! Just after some advice. We have a six month old Cockapoo and she is genuinely lovely. She has her moments but overall she is lovely natured and well behaved. The problem I’m having at the moment is she is destroying every toy she owns. She had two toy boxes full and she loves to play, but I don’t think she realises her own strength. I’ve tried every type of toy imaginable, kong toys, super strength toys, balls, rope toys, stuffed toys, plastic toys. She is breaking these within 5 minutes. She’s got less than half a toy box left now and I know I need to buy her more, but I just know as soon as we give her them they’re going in the bin and it just feels like I’m wasting my money. Any advice much appreciated!
Have you tried things like natural chews - antlers, hooves, deer ears etc? She can chew and tire without ruining her toys. Our boys will demolish a chew and now just play with their toys. Might be worth a try!
I'd definitely echo what @snapdrag0n says! We had the exact same issue with our little pup up until he was about 10 months, I dread to think how much money i wasted on toys that lasted literally minutes! (And how pissed off I'd feel picking up 1 million pieces of stuffing/chewed rubber/fabric etc etc etc 😂). We tried lots of natural chews, this favourites are antlers, pigs ears and rabbits ears! Chomping on those really wears him out and he doesn't destroy his toys half as much any more..... apart from cuddly stuffed animals, I don't think they'll ever be safe 😂


VIP Member
I’ve just seen this thread. My puppy is just over 5 months and is going through a wee fear stage. I’ve read this is normal and they can go through a couple of these before they’re a year old.

My issue is she seems to have regressed in terms of going out walks. As soon as she sees someone or another dog, even in the distance, or hears barking she immediately panics and makes a bee line for the house or car and I’ve no idea how to help her 😭. Has anyone experienced this with their dog?
Yep I've been through that (many years ago), it's so upsetting, what breed is she?


VIP Member
Oh Maid Im so sorry. Its awful how they have treated you. I dont really understand what is so difficult about sending updates. She sounds horrid.
She has been awful to us, and the one thing I care more about in my life, apart from my oh, has been my dogs, am soo looking forward to tomorrow, I'll have to keep my anger in check, cos all I want to do is punch her, really hard!


VIP Member
What are your best toilet training tips. We picked up our pup (15 weeks) a few days ago. First night she got 2 pees in the garden but since then they’ve all been in the house, and pooing on the stairs 🤦🏽‍♀️

we’ve been leaving the back door open and I’ve actively been putting her out even when it’s open but any tips would be greatly appreciated.

also, does anyone have one of these, are they worth the money? I feel it might be creating a rod for my own back with it though
Never used them heartbeat things myself but was recently looking to see whether to get my puppy one.
From the reviews I’ve read the battery doesn’t last long and people said the pups like them but also that if it was a different toy the puppy had instead then it made no difference. So I haven’t ordered one


VIP Member
Oh wow, you're not far from me at all. We're getting ours from 2 and a half hours away so that will be a fun journey home (family otherwise I would have chosen closer!)

I'm super excited about training but also super apprehensive. I've got two cats and my main training aim is to make sure he doesn't chase them and ignores them 🤣
We have no other pets, 2 kids though which will be fun!
Can you private message on here? Where in West Mids are you?