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No cockapoo! Thanks again everyone - just trying to navigate myself through everything as we own our house etc … I’m hoping it’ll all be ok in the end x
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Ohhhh I need to vent. I picked my puppy up today (well hes a year old) from his daycare to be told he can't return.
Long story short, the owner of the daycare had her kid sat on the kitchen counter (toddler aged) with a snack and my puppy (labrador) ran up to the kid, stole the snack and cut the kids finger with his teeth.
I'm absolutely mortified that he managed to do that and feel I've let him down in some way by not training him properly 😭
Does anyone have any advice on stopping him from doing this? He's absolutely fine with myself and partner at home, doesn't beg, doesn't snatch our food and I've never known him do this before 😭
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Hi guys,
asking for some advice again…

my auntie has a puppy, he’s about 6 months old. Every single time she takes the puppy in the car to the vet he will vomit and poo. He came back from the vets this afternoon in a total state - vomited over himself, really badly drooling and shaking, had pooped in his carrier. It seemed really off to me. The vet said (according to my auntie) the dog has a protein deficiency but is otherwise well…

The problem is… she will not, at all, feed him his puppy food. He gets everything she eats - McDonalds burgers, steak, curry, pies, KFC, even birthday cake. I have told her time and time again he needs his proper food but she doesn’t listen. He’s become very fussy and refuses to eat his puppy food so she takes that as a sign he prefers human food. Whenever he sees new people (me, the wider family etc) with food he will start begging for it.

It makes me really uncomfy to see because he just isn't right. I wish I could take him and look after him properly 🫣

Do you think if she carries on feeding him as he is and his protein gets lower he will be severely unwell? Is it normal for him to mess in his carrier like that during car trips or do you think it’s related to his diet?
Omg she Will kill her dog if she’s not careful. Birthday cake? Curry! What thr hell is she thinking. Why on earth would she give her puppy those things. Is there any way you can get through to her!? No wonder he doesn’t wanna eat his own food if that’s what he’s been living off
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An update: the season is here! Little girl is sleepy, and quite irritable, but doing well. She’s cleaning herself up and is coping marvellously 🥰
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Can anyone advise on the lepto 4 vaccine? Due to take our mini schauzner to the vet's next week for her final jabs but our breeder made us promise we'd say no to the lepto 4 as apparently it can kill them?! She did tell me to "do my research on Facebook" though so she could just be an antivax (she had a live laugh love sign and some crushed grey velvet furniture in her living room).

Obviously I will be asking the vets but I'm going to assume they'll tell us to get it. What I found said it only protects from things caught in tropical countries so I'm not sure.

Thank you!!
Maybe too late, but lepto 4 is perfectly safe. I am a veterinary nurse, and my practice vaccinates 100s of dogs every week and I cannot recall any side effects of the vaccine.
I can recall dogs dying of lepto.
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Regarding the Kongs. Mental stimulation is so important. Too many owners fixate on physical activity to tire, but brain games are tiring too. Walks are a human invention.

Mix up stimulation. Games, play, nose work, training and walks.
Also licking action is anxiety reducing.
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You're doing a fantastic job. Just doesn't feel like it right now.

I never thought we'd get our dog toilet trained but it does eventually click, feels like one step forward two steps back. Like the others have said look for cues. If you catch him mid toilet, say a firm no and you can pick them up (they will stop) and take him outside.

Our dog has the zoomies as we call it, we used to let her out in the garden to run around like a lunatic. I think cats do this too weird!

I was watching dogs behaving badly last night, and there was a dog on there that would snap and growl if the grown ups tried to pick him up, he got them to use treats to show they were not a threat. Could try enticing with a treat and when he gets the hang of it, say off or similar instead of picking him up
Dogs behaving badly is my favourite programme!!! Soo informative.

The sniffing is annoying especially stopping and starting but it is mentally stimulating and goes towards tiring them out.

Glad he slept well!! I remember the first time my dog slept through I felt like a queen lol
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Chatty Member
We’ve had our puppy for 10 days now and am having my first proper what have we done moment 😞

Things have generally been going well and we’ve bonded well (almost too well as he hates when I leave him for even a minute to go to the bathroom 😂) but he’s acting up so bad today. His nightly crazy witching hour has been going on for well over 2 hours now and I just can’t calm him down or control him. He‘s running about like crazy and keeps jumping at me and biting me constantly. I keep trying a time out in his crate which does calm him but within 2 mins of being out he’s back at it.

He had diarrhea yesterday so we skipped his meal last night (on the vets advice) but fed him today. I didn’t take him out today (for fear he would have an accident on me as he’s not fully vaccinated so can’t go for proper walks yet, I’ve mostly been carrying him in a sling to help socialize him). So not sure if he’s punishing me for starving him or maybe he’s just got cabin fever and built up energy from being cooped up inside all day.

Anyways I know from reading this thread puppies are hard work and I’ll have good days and bad days so not really looking for advice as such but wanted to have a little rant as I sit here crying quietly while the puppy’s on a time out and I’m waiting for my husband to get home to help 😢
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Please help me! I haven’t slept since we got our pup a few days ago. First few nights she was in a pen in our room but hardly settled so we tried crate training today - managed to get her to sleep in there but tonight when she was so tired she couldn’t even open her eyes we put her to bed in the crate and we’ve had 2 hours of screaming even when we took her out to comfort her. I’ve been in tears myself. Everyone I speak to has different advice.
this post has given me ptsd 😂 but please please remember it will get easier and it is SO worth it. I honestly don’t know how I would’ve got through the early days without Tattle and the support of the people on this thread. So keep posting updates and we’ll be here.
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Chatty Member
Hi guys,
asking for some advice again…

my auntie has a puppy, he’s about 6 months old. Every single time she takes the puppy in the car to the vet he will vomit and poo. He came back from the vets this afternoon in a total state - vomited over himself, really badly drooling and shaking, had pooped in his carrier. It seemed really off to me. The vet said (according to my auntie) the dog has a protein deficiency but is otherwise well…

The problem is… she will not, at all, feed him his puppy food. He gets everything she eats - McDonalds burgers, steak, curry, pies, KFC, even birthday cake. I have told her time and time again he needs his proper food but she doesn’t listen. He’s become very fussy and refuses to eat his puppy food so she takes that as a sign he prefers human food. Whenever he sees new people (me, the wider family etc) with food he will start begging for it.

It makes me really uncomfy to see because he just isn't right. I wish I could take him and look after him properly 🫣

Do you think if she carries on feeding him as he is and his protein gets lower he will be severely unwell? Is it normal for him to mess in his carrier like that during car trips or do you think it’s related to his diet?
Poor thing, that diet will seriously be affecting him! Things like onions and garlic (which will be in curry) can be really toxic to a dog!
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Caffeine Fiend

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Getting our boy on Saturday, labcocker. Very excited but read too many forums and now scared too! Hope I’ve done the right thing 🥶
Puppies are hellish, they are. I never sugarcoat it but they are so so worth it when you get a companion for life!
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What do you do when puppy bites? I have a 6 month old sausage dog and she's really understanding the word 'no' now, you have to be firm with them, even though you feel mean telling them off. It definitely does get better, once they get into a routine with their meals/bedtime etc they do start to calm down. When your pup is 4 months old, look into 'yakers', they're compressed yaks milk bones and really good for teething/biting
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Chatty Member
Ah I know I moaned yesterday but we had a lovely day for the end of yesterday and he actually wanted to cuddle, and today too. He still has his mouthy times but they seem to be calming down a tad 🤞🏻
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I used to tell my puppy he ruined our family :cry: I hate myself for it now and things did get easier, but at the time I believed it!
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Makes you know why people buy and not adopt.
Especially when some rescues make you refill them out if you miss out on a dog. I know someone who is looking for a rescue puppy but so many people apply so they always miss out. But have to refill in the whole form when they find another from the rescue that fits what they need.
THIS. I'm a renter, and I get rejected for dogs all the time because I don't own, and I don't have a garden, but I live next door to an enclosed garden space.
I tried to adopt 11 dogs over the past four years from different rescues, and all rejected me because of this. Yet last year, when I bought my second dog, I was shamed by everyone for buying another dog to be friends with the dog I already own. One of the people who shamed me worked for my local rescue, and I showed her the emails of my rejected applications from HER shelter.

I know why they want to avoid renters because if a renter moves, they're unlikely going to find another home which will allow them to have a dog, so they end up dumping them. I get it, but there should be more nuance to the application and selection process. For example, I've lived in my home for 13 years now, and I would love only to rescue dogs. I live alone, and my dogs are the only family I have. I have cried over so many dogs I didn't get a chance to adopt, but I get shamed for "not adopting". The system is so whacked.
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Thought I'd do an update. Puppy is now five months, teeth falling out left right and centre so the nipping is still going 😂 training going well to but only has a small concentration span but really wants to learn! We are getting really good at knowing when she's tired/teething for naps. Still won't go in her crate on her own though 🙄 wants to be with you and doesn't want to miss out if you get up lmao. But we are very slowly getting there 😆


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Mine is going in to get spayed tomorrow morning and now I am getting nervous and having second thoughts. I am sure it will be for the best but just feel so bad for her, especially since she is oblivious about what's coming!
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