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My pup is 6 months old but he's still currently having 3 meals a day as the vet said to keep it that way until 1 year. The last few days he's just not interested in his breakfast or lunch at all. I walk him early morning then give him his breakfast after, but he just isn't interested. But in the evening after his walk he'll scoff it all down. I wondered if he'd decided to be picky about his biscuits so I tried him on a handful of different ones and he ate them but wasn't particularly bothered - it took me a few minutes of waving them under his nose. I boiled some chicken and gave him that with a handful of his usual biscuits which he scoffed down. Could it be that he's just being picky, or gone off the biscuits we were giving him? I know you shouldn't change a dogs biscuits suddenly, but if he's not eating them I don't know what to do? Or could this be his way of telling us he no longer needs 3 meals?

He seems fine in himself, really playful etc. I get access to an online vet service through my insurance so I think I'm going to speak to them tonight as I can see on the camera he's still not touched his biscuits from breakfast but I just wondered if anyone had experienced similar or had any thoughts?
Don't over think it. I'm sure on occasions you don't fancy eating, he is the same. If he's hungry, he will eat, if not he won't, that's ok. If they aren't eating because they are unwell there are usually other symptoms, vomiting, drooling, lip licking, praying position.
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I'm having a day where I am severely mourning mine and the cats freedom haha. I miss days where we could just put the fire on and snuggle up together.

I know it'll pass but I'm feeling very miserable about having a puppy today 😔
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Getting our boy on Saturday, labcocker. Very excited but read too many forums and now scared too! Hope I’ve done the right thing 🥶
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Thanks so much everyone 😊
We've literally just gone on what the kids liked the look of as a very first starting point, so thank you for the advice re frenchies.

I won't lie, the hair shedding is a bit of a worry as I like everywhere nicely hoovered....but it's part and parcel I suppose isn't it!! We're leaning towards a lab, as they seem to be the most reliable to train and we like they are a nice size. I would personally love a chocolate brown lab.

My friend has a beagle x, he is lovely but very sniffy as you say. He also cannot be walked off his lead at all as he would just bolt. We have heard labs are easier to train than some breeds which interested us too as we want to make sure we train a puppy the right way.

What breeds tend to molt less out of interest? We would ideally like a medium sized dog if that helps.
Schnauzers are fabulous family dogs and don't shed, also totally naturally hypoallergenic.
Cuddly but with their own personality, stunning little dogs.
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So we have decided to get a Puppy. We have two children 10 and 6, and we feel it's the right time to start looking into it. We have a very big garden and access to lots of walks, we're a fairly active family and plan to take a dog with us to the kids football and on weekend walks etc.
We are still deciding whether to go for a labrador, French bulldog or a beagle. Or some sort of cross.
Firstly, any experience of these breeds and the pros and cons? Secondly, any top tips to research beforehand? I've been watching a lot of fenrir canine training on YouTube which I think is good. My husband grew up with dogs and my mum has had one for 6 years so we sort of know what we are getting into.....
Personally I would avoid a flat faced breed like french bulldog - they quite commonly have breathing problems which would worry me (but I am an anxious person so it may not be such an issue for you) (you can read about it here
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Me and my oh are going to face this awful woman tomorrow who treated us like shite, her attitude was you've given up puppy, you need a clean break, there's been more than what I've posted on here, she really has been awful, hopefully we'll try to make some closure tomorrow, but I don't think so.
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My pup doesn’t even say goodnight to me anymore, she just takes herself off to her crate at 10pm or when the lights start going off. It breaks my heart that I don’t get that final cuddle!
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You guys are being kept awake by licking, I'm getting kept awake by my dogs snoring.. He doesn't come in my room, he sleeps on the landing outside my door and he snores like what I can only imagine a hippo sounding like.. worse than a human sometimes.. This morning it woke me up at 5:30 and I opened my door and had to physically lift his head away :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: He's a British bulldog so obviously its expected but god almighty give me strength.
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Does anyone elses pup just LOVE socks? :LOL: I swear he has some sort of sixth sense, he just knows when you're about to take off or put on some socks. He could be asleep in another room and as soon as I've got a sock out he's there thinking it's a game of tug of war :ROFLMAO: when I'm emptying the washing machine he's there, waiting to pounce on any socks I might drop :ROFLMAO:
Yes. Mines 2yo and still loves them.
ETA Just appeared beside me to prove my point🤣

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Caffeine Fiend

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I WFH so she goes in the crate behind me

On Thursday. I’m just at my wits end. No proper sleep for a week, stressed out, my older dog is stressed because I’m stressed and now she won’t eat. I feel like I’ve made a huge mistake.

Luckily I work from home but I haven’t left the house for a week and can’t see a time when I’ll be able to because she screams if I go to another room for 10 seconds.

Crying again now 😢 ffs
What breed is she? (Wondering if any spaniel in her as theyre v emotional) I know it doesnt seem it like it but it is v normal. She sees you as her new mum and you are all she knows now. She spent 8 weeks in her old home with her siblings and mother to reassure her and now has to get used to new humans and a new house. Everything is terrifying to her right now.

I know it must seem counter intuitive right now but allow her to be close to you as much as she likes, it really does help build a secure dog.

If shes getting stressed out then shes reaching her threshold and it means shes more likely to freak out as soon as you leave.

Whereas if she realises she has access to you whenever she likes it should make leaving her easier as its then boring to her.

Dog Training Advice and Support on Facebook is such an amazing group. The resources and experience are really great.

Ive had 2 human kids and in all honesty Ive found having pups much much harder. If there are 2 adults in the house then make sure youre both getting adequate puppy free time. It will make a huge difference. I have resented all of my dogs when Ive brought them home, I find it v overwhelming and my mood is affected massively but it does pass. They become less full on over time.

Noone talks about how difficult it is, how hard the sleep deprivation is.

Re your older dog, they probably will come round, Ive had both scenarios in the past, one who took to the pup instantly and one where it took a good while for older dog to tolerate and enjoy the pups company.

Lots of solo walks and affection for older dog as much as possible. Feed separately.
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Chatty Member
@Caffeine Fiend @S4buk thank you both for your responses! I gave up (for now anyways) on keeping him strictly in the playpen and it's going so much better. It's a bit awkward to get anything done as he follows me absolutely everywhere and takes naps on my feet when I sit down but he seems much happier and isn't howling/barking anymore apart from the occasional playful bark when he gets over excited playing. He also remains calmer and just wimpers a bit when I do leave the room briefly now.

Last night was only night 2 in the crate and there was also a huge improvement in that. We left the crate door open all day and he went in completely by himself about 10pm without any prompt and even took his favourite toy in with him 🥺 We gave him a little bit of time to settle down then closed the door and he was absolutely fine. He woke up wimpering a few times during then night but settled quite quickly just on hearing our voices and realizing we were still there.

I know we're still got a long way to go as we're just a few days in but feel so much better now he doesn't seem as upset.
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Elle Woods

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Does anyone elses pup just LOVE socks? :LOL: I swear he has some sort of sixth sense, he just knows when you're about to take off or put on some socks. He could be asleep in another room and as soon as I've got a sock out he's there thinking it's a game of tug of war :ROFLMAO: when I'm emptying the washing machine he's there, waiting to pounce on any socks I might drop :ROFLMAO:
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VIP Member
I WFH so she goes in the crate behind me

On Thursday. I’m just at my wits end. No proper sleep for a week, stressed out, my older dog is stressed because I’m stressed and now she won’t eat. I feel like I’ve made a huge mistake.

Luckily I work from home but I haven’t left the house for a week and can’t see a time when I’ll be able to because she screams if I go to another room for 10 seconds.

Crying again now 😢 ffs
Honestly, I spent many a night on the kitchen floor crying- I know you’ve had dogs before but try and remember, despite the stress and tiredness, it gets much better and the frustration is probably coming from your tiredness.

Mine was my first dog (always had cats before) and I was not prepared for how much work it was. But so so worth it in the end. As a previous poster wrote, suddenly it all clicks (touch wood), it’s weird to think what a blur my life was during that period.
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Tips for everyone: Praise the behaviour that you want

Eg if dog is barking then they stop barking you must praise them as they will associate the quiet with being rewarded. Even if you are fuming that they’ve been barking for 15 mins, you have to praise them when they stop. This works for most things! If they’re biting your hands, replace your hand with something that they can bite then praise them for using that
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The dog crate has been delivered this morning and the cats are looking very confused and curious about it. I give it an hour before one of them has jumped in it 😑

Starting to feel very real now and I'm absolutely bricking having another small creature to look after 🤣
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Oh gosh, I feel for you - I feel the same often :(
It's awful isn't it? I don't bring it up to my partner cos I don't want him to think I'm saying we need to get rid of the puppy but he takes up so much time.

I just miss it being the 4 of us. I know it'll pass but I feel very sad today.
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We’ve had our puppy for 10 days now and am having my first proper what have we done moment 😞

Things have generally been going well and we’ve bonded well (almost too well as he hates when I leave him for even a minute to go to the bathroom 😂) but he’s acting up so bad today. His nightly crazy witching hour has been going on for well over 2 hours now and I just can’t calm him down or control him. He‘s running about like crazy and keeps jumping at me and biting me constantly. I keep trying a time out in his crate which does calm him but within 2 mins of being out he’s back at it.

He had diarrhea yesterday so we skipped his meal last night (on the vets advice) but fed him today. I didn’t take him out today (for fear he would have an accident on me as he’s not fully vaccinated so can’t go for proper walks yet, I’ve mostly been carrying him in a sling to help socialize him). So not sure if he’s punishing me for starving him or maybe he’s just got cabin fever and built up energy from being cooped up inside all day.

Anyways I know from reading this thread puppies are hard work and I’ll have good days and bad days so not really looking for advice as such but wanted to have a little rant as I sit here crying quietly while the puppy’s on a time out and I’m waiting for my husband to get home to help 😢
Honestly I felt the same yesterday. My husband was home although working, I have a chest infection and was manically trying to prepare for an online job interview while she was biting, crying and weeing absolutely everywhere (never wees outside, only in the house!). Husband was getting annoyed at me because I was getting stressed and it was all horrible.

After the interview, I pretended it went on a bit longer than it did and just sat in the spare room with the lights off for 15 minutes. I came back downstairs to relieve H of puppy duties and seeing her cute little face made me realise it isn't her fault, she's only a baby and doesn't know any better. She gets her final jabs next week so we're taking her to puppy training. Just got to take it one day at a time, you're smashing it queen ❤
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Neville Longbottom is home. Finally flat out in his playpen after following me everywhere 😂
He’s very cute though. Older dog is curious but slightly indifferent at the moment.
Helpfully husband has a meeting the other side of the country so I’m on my own for the night.


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Thank you @whisperchat @Rxt156 ! It's sooooo draining sometimes as I just keep thinking he's being naughty because I'm not being good enough 😂 He's 16 weeks now. He loves his walks, but he sniffs EVERYTHING so a 20 min walk takes about 40 mins 😂😂
He loves being cuddled and picked up normally, so I dunno why he growled. Maybe because he'd just got comfy and thought he was off to sleep then I wanted to move him? Idk.
I'll definitely try the method of turning away from him. I think I probably have been a bit too soft in going over to him when he barks. I live in a terraced house so when he starts barking I always feel conscious that my neighbours will be able to hear him so I give in 😂 but I'm probably creating a rod for my own back and they'll have to deal with it (I listen to their kids screaming 24.7 so I dunno why I'm so worried!)

In other news he has stayed downstairs all night on his own for 2 nights, with no crying at the stairgate! This feels like a breakthrough at least as he'd been coming upstairs in the middle of the night when he just cried and cried.
The sniffing drives me nuts lol ! I see other people walking their dogs and they actually have a pace on but with us its, stop, start, stop start lol I get that completely! The turning away does work.. also try making a loud sudden noise at him if he nips at you.. like a screech.. It will stop him in his tracks. See, you can't be doing that much of a bad job if you've already cracked the sleeping and no crying anymore! 😊 keep doing the great job you're doing, it will get better! x
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I’m pretty sure they are in north wales. I think the way you did it before with taking the puppy from someone you knew is harder as at least rescues have assessed them. I definitely understand my standing is always rescue or buy from a respectable breeder. I don’t agree adopt don’t shop as some people can’t rescue, some can’t find what they are looking for through rescues and I’m sure there are many other reasons for some people.
Thanks, I will definitely consider adoption again as I know charities will assess them thoroughly, we took the word of a friend and the dog was far more damaged than we were lead to believe. Definitely a lesson learned.
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