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Yeah I plan on carrying on long walks although I’d probably not go on very long walks anyway till they are older. Anything to get me out the house is better than I do now. A lot will be socialising as well like going to garden centres etc so won’t be hard walks. A lot will be going somewhere in the car so it’s used to the car as well. Once old enough I plan to do agility as well
I’m waiting till after Christmas because I can get more time off work then plus I have some extra work over new year whereas after I won’t. It’ll only be 10 weeks when I collect anyway, they aren’t old enough to go until end of December. Going to pick one on Monday as I’d rather go in person rather than do it via video call.
If the breeder is the type of breeder who would allow you to do video call (I know you don’t want to) then I would walk away.
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any tips on how to stop the puppy biting? We believe its teething/frustration as we know she gets crazy in the evening (puppy witching hour!) but as shes getting her adult teeth they are really starting to hurt. weve been doing all the things, getting up/moving(shell follow and grab/bite clothing)/giving her puppy toys/games etc but then soon as shes done that its back on us. she gets garden play and such too and walks (only 20 minutes as shes 4 months) but this is the worst shes been since we got her mind june. shes not over tired, we arent saying 'bite me' ,shes been to toilets ,we dont pet her when shes like this, shes not over excited either (as we had food in a ball before hand that she was quite happily using right before and nice and chill) if we do pop her in her crate for time out wait til she calm, shell get back on it... im trying to think of what else we could do or what it could be. but every site and book is saying the same which weve done to try and prevent it!! we also can sorta see when it starts but it can also just be a switch and we arent prepared!

sorry for the long ramble and any tips would be appreciated!! the culprit in person! English cocker spaniel, a week and 4 months. View attachment 1532770!
my pup (cocker spaniel) was exactly the same at that age. I was at my wits end some nights in tears because I just didn’t know what to do. in the end i had to just keep putting him in the crate or behind the stairgate in the other room to calm down. sometimes he would be straight back on it like you say, so straight back behind the gate he would go.

all i can say is that the phase does pass and the pup will grow out of it. i promise, i know its hard, but it will pass
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Thank you @whisperchat @Rxt156 ! It's sooooo draining sometimes as I just keep thinking he's being naughty because I'm not being good enough 😂 He's 16 weeks now. He loves his walks, but he sniffs EVERYTHING so a 20 min walk takes about 40 mins 😂😂
He loves being cuddled and picked up normally, so I dunno why he growled. Maybe because he'd just got comfy and thought he was off to sleep then I wanted to move him? Idk.
I'll definitely try the method of turning away from him. I think I probably have been a bit too soft in going over to him when he barks. I live in a terraced house so when he starts barking I always feel conscious that my neighbours will be able to hear him so I give in 😂 but I'm probably creating a rod for my own back and they'll have to deal with it (I listen to their kids screaming 24.7 so I dunno why I'm so worried!)

In other news he has stayed downstairs all night on his own for 2 nights, with no crying at the stairgate! This feels like a breakthrough at least as he'd been coming upstairs in the middle of the night when he just cried and cried.
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Thought I'd do an update. Puppy is now five months, teeth falling out left right and centre so the nipping is still going 😂 training going well to but only has a small concentration span but really wants to learn! We are getting really good at knowing when she's tired/teething for naps. Still won't go in her crate on her own though 🙄 wants to be with you and doesn't want to miss out if you get up lmao. But we are very slowly getting there 😆
What a gorgeous pup 💛 My little male spaniel is a Velcro dog too, he can be in the deepest sleep ever but if you dare to stand up he’ll be wide awake and ready to follow 😆 he’s 9 months and although he’s not quite as clingy as he was as a bubba he’s still definitely clingy but I’ve kind of got used to it!
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Elle Woods

VIP Member
Those of you who leave your pups while you are at work, what do you leave behind to keep them entertained in your absence? Do you have any amazing puzzle toys you’d recommend?

I’m going to go ahead with adopting an older rescue dog. They assure me she’ll be happy left at home on the days I go into the office, with a dog walker visiting half way through the day to break her day up but I want to get her some enrichment too 🥰
I always make sure I give my pup a good walk in the morning before I leave to tire him out. We tried snuffle mats with him but he wasn't really interested. Now we alternate between these two treat dispensing/puzzle toys and he loves them. We do have a puppycam to keep an eye on him as well but generally he's good as gold when we go to work now. (I'd be lying if I said it was easy from the start though, for a good few months whilst he was getting used to being left we'd come home to find beds chewed to shreds, our woodwork chewed etc etc. It took a lot of perseverance!)


Licky mats with peanut butter (dog friendly butter only) or natural yoghurt, or frozen kongs also worked as good distractions for us.


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Caffeine Fiend

VIP Member
Hi I just found this thread and your original post. 6 months on how’s it going?
I’ve got a toddler and am considering a puppy but have been scared off by many re how hard it is 😂😂

I cant add much more to the person above. I brought a puppy home to 2 kids (8 months and 5 years) and then again 5 years later.

Much much easier 2nd time around with older children.

Its not to say it cant be done but its extra stress imo.

Leave it a few years would be my advice.
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It’s hard work , really hard work but absolutely worth every second. My pup settled down (sleep wise) really really quickly. But there were still a couple of weeks of early mornings and late nights. Now she takes herself off to her bed at 10pm every night and sleeps through.

My pup is 18 months and currently going through her second season (also a cockapoo) and then getting her spayed once she’s done. Wish me luck - also how long should I leave it after her season to get her spayed? I’ve read varied opinions online - and I trust you guys the most!
I’m a vet nurse and we always say three months post-season is the general rule of thumb! Enough time to let the blood supply settle down in that area but not long enough for her to start another season!
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Caffeine Fiend

VIP Member
I think in Maids case they are refusing to even send updates?

Maid has chosen this family to rehome a dog that they really didnt want to do but felt it was best and was torn up about it. Surely the new owner must have known this and if they were an animal lover would know how difficult it is to give up a pet or can imagine it.

I can see why a visit isnt a good idea and if I was the new owner Id be wary of that too but I cant see what harm updates and photos would do :(
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My partner really wants to get a dog and he's nearly talked me round. I would be keen to get a Goldeen Retriever as they seem calm, good with kids etc. Does anyone have any stories to affirm my choice or horror stories to put me off? 🤣
Do your research, get one that parents are hip, elbow, and eye scored.
Consider costs of a larger breed - vet bills, feeding, equipment, insurance.
Need to exercise minimally whilst growing.
Generally great dogs. Occasionally see aggressive ones, buy less frequently than other breeds.
Not sure if there's a 'fad' yet to have silly colours like red or blue - ignore these.
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Caffeine Fiend

VIP Member
If you dont have it yet, tell whoever is putting it down that you have a dog or will be getting a dog.

This will ensure they dig it out properly and layer it with the right stuff. Also provide the grass that doesnt heat up in the sun and burn paws.

Spring to autumn you will need to wash it down and disinfect to stop it smelling
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Have you got a camera? Theyre relatively cheap on amazon. Id start by staying local or even in your car on the drive way 😂

That way you can watch and see how he is.

Good job on the desensitising training btw, you sound like you are doing a great job.

If he does wake up and is distressed just come back in as quickly as you can. When you do come back in youl probably know this anyway but be as neutral as you can be. You dont want to make you returning a positive thing as difficult as it is. I want to just smoosh my babies when I return 🙈
To be honest that was my plan 😅 but didn't want to seem too much of a scared mum haha.
Ideally, both my partner and I would go out on Mondays and Tuesdays to play sport for a couple of hours which we've been splitting to ensure someone is at home with puppy. So I'm thinking I'll take a couple of weeks of testing him on those evenings but sitting outside rather than making the jump to going out both of us at once straight away.

Thats super helpful thank you!

Eta that yes I have a camera. I have far too many cos I'm a crazy pet mum 😅
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Chatty Member
Thank you, we had such aggression from my other dog, he's never been like that before, and he's a lovely boy, I didn't want to mess his brain up, he's a collie, and they're so sensitive! Just heard back, pup has settled in really well, really miss him though.
Im sure you did the right thing. People Will talk bad about it but to me it shows you love both dogs very much. You did a good thing. Take care!
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Got our girl spaniel on Saturday! She's been super so far! Apart from being so dramatic at the vets for a check yesterday cried in the car and at the vets and on the way home 🤣🤦weighs a healthy 2.6kg does have ear mites but that's common and getting that sorted. We are learning just as much as she is. As it's been exactly 11 years since we had a puppy. ♥ Love her so much already.♥
View attachment 1361192
She is beautiful! My little cocker spaniel came home with ear mites too but the vet gave his ears a good clean and some drops to put in and it was sorted in no time!
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My dog was crate trained. He is 13 now and he goes into his crate often but rarely gets locked in. It’s a safe space for them not only for them to feel safe their but to keep them safe if your not there. It’ll stop them eating or chewing things they shouldn’t and stop them getting into trouble when you can’t stop them. Also maybe will help in terms of going to the vets where if they have to stay they’ll be in a cage. We just locked him in at night he cried the first few times but it for long, we just ignored him and he soon settled. We didn’t stay in the same room as him, he was in the kitchen and we were upstairs. I also couldn’t cope with having a dog in the bed with me when I’m sleeping, it’s fine when I’m awake but I just find them annoying and I can’t sleep well when they are in the bed and mine are small dogs.
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I bought a puppy mini labradoodle. All my family and friends said it would be a nightmare. I work full time and I’m single with 3 kids 😂 we have had him for two months now and honestly he is such a good puppy. I think maybe I’m just lucky and it’s his natural temperament but he was trained within weeks, has no accidents, sleeps all night in the kitchen, doesn’t trash my house and is just generally easy and a joy to have . After having kids the puppy is defo the easier one!! I nearly got a cockapoo then decided against it as they can be quite hyper
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Teenage time is hard work in a different way to puppy time. We had some silly sleep stuff with both around 10-12 months but crate training did help with that and put an end to it quickly. But mostly for us it was complete lack of impulse control and forgetting all their training overnight, however I recently read that it can take up to 24 months for impulse control to fully develop in some dogs.
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Hi there, I read this thread often but haven't commented until now.

Schnauzers are full of character, they're their own little person and it really can be exhausting at times.
In regards to him waking up early, is your boyfriend potentially waking him as you said he works early?

When it comes to the chewing the best advice I can give you is toys and lots of them, teething bones, Nylabones, Kong, teddies they can cuddle into when they do (eventually) settle for a nap.
Treat balls are also great for keeping them occupied for a while, try as many as you can and you'll naturally find the one your pup gravitates to the most.

Are you working at a desk or have a space near where you work to put a little bed for him? Schnauzers tend to just like to be with their owners even if it's just sat in the same room doing nothing, they're very annoying and very demanding but honestly the best little companions... hang in there.
I second this. We used to have a schnauzer. She passed away just before Xmas. And all she wanted to do was sit with us all day everyday from day 1 💗
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vanilla cupcakes

VIP Member
Can someone please tell me at what age it gets easier 😩 I literally can’t get a minutes peace, he’s constantly biting, yelping, barking. Anything we give him to bite instead of the furniture he isn’t interested, if he bites and we turn our back to ignore him he keeps jumping about biting anyway and doesn’t even notice we’re ignoring him. He cries so much if you do anything else but sit with him. I feel like we just can’t get anything done and this is the first day that we’ve really felt like we’ve made a mistake and are in over our heads. I’ve never felt so sleep deprived. I don’t even know if I’m writing this for reassurance or advice or just to vent or all three 🤣
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