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Elle Woods

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Frozen carrots and a sock with a knot tied in the middle, my litter of pups have not long left me 🥲 and all 4 favoured the socks over anything I bought.
Yessss another vote for the sock with a knot tied in the middle. My dog is a total destroyer but this can keep him occupied for ages!
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@vanilla cupcakes @Blond3g1rl @Hamburglar @Nosymum @Caffeine Fiend thank you all for your tips and words of encouragement. I will definitely get rid of the pads. She keeps pooping on the stairs 🤦🏽‍♀️😂 I don’t know why she’s so attracted to them, maybe because of the angle she can get herself at.

I’m guessing once she starts going in the garden, she’ll also realise she can go when she’s on walks too. I’ve always had dogs growing up, but my parents were the ones doing the toilet training. We’re only day 2 so just taking it all in our stride!
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I wouldn’t let it out you off getting another collie, as you said it was from his upbringing before you got him. Don’t know if you’d be interested in a rescue or where you live but a rescue I follow have 3 collie puppies they are looking for homes for which don’t seem to have any behaviour issues. They are many tears animal rescue posted in their Facebook page.
We previously did apply for rescues but were never successful before we got our boy last year. I may consider it again but I would need to be really sure of it's temperament and background so the same issue doesn't happen again. We have also moved house since last year and have a better chance of adopting now as there's usually someone home and we're quite rural with a big secure garden for a dog to run around in and fields nearby. I will check out many tears, where are they based? I'm in Lancashire
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@Gamu thank you, I'm such a bloody softy when it comes to dogs, I prefer them more than humans! And I know I'm lucky with the dog I have, but I really have to get my head around that he's the only one for the next few years! I probably come across as heartless, but I've always had 2 dogs, and I really miss the character of a Jack Russell, I had to pts my jack last September, out of all my dogs I've lost, he broke my heart 💖

Sorry me again, talking about my last dog, has made me so upset, then giving up puppy, who was a bloody gorgeous jack, and we did a 14 hour drive to get him, then the hassle we've had after rehoming him, all I wanted was to see him and the knock on from this I have to change vets
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Finn had his first walk today after his vaccinations and felt great to be able to finally get him out as he’s growing so fast and has so much energy. Didn’t actually make it too far as he loved just sniffing everything and taking in his new surroundings. Didn’t meet any dogs but saw a couple of workmen as we’re on a new development and just loves meeting people! Did have the zoomies though when we got back and now currently sleeping 😄
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Purple star

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I'm feeling quite upset today, I feel such a failure for giving up puppy, I really wish I could erase the last 3 months, hindsight is a wonderful thing, I think about him everyday, wondering what he's up to and what he looks like!
Hi there ..Don’t be hard on urself ..We got a puppy in February this year ..He’s a cockapoo and he’s nearly been re-housed aswell..It’s really hard work ..Some days I still find him hard….In the early days myself and my husband were arguing a lot ..It’s settled down now …You probably found it really tough decision to make 😞…What dog did you have?
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Next on the list! Thank you - we bought a shuffle rug but she finds all the treats in about 30 seconds!
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First full week done. And I am super pleased to say it has gotten much easier. Today has been a quiet one as we were out all day at partners families house yesterday and puppy got to interact with another dog. Only one accident so far today as well so fingers crossed it stays that way.
Scent swapping is going well. Cats are not hissing or hiding (other than when we move things!)
Now to decide how and when to do the face to face... we are currently feeding them treats next to his door and giving them lots of fuss for being near/on us when we smell like the puppy.
Having 2 cats with him is far much harder than I anticipated!
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My dachshund was terrible for barking at other dogs. We took him to a behaviourist who told me that by reassuring him and offering treats when he was going mental, I was essentially rewarding the bad behaviour.

We started him with sitting whilst out and treating him with a ‘tch’ type tongue click noise. When approaching other dogs, I’d sit him and do the noise and distract him with the treat. If he barked he didn’t get it and we carried on, but if he maintained eye contact with me he’d get the treat. We progressed to walking past other dogs and doing the same thing. Now when we walk him I just make the noise and he comes to heel when another dog is passing. I hope that makes sense. It did take a while but it was so worth the effort!
I've been watching lots of videos with trainers who use the short sharp noise technique, seems to be really effective for lots of things!
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Hello! Just after some advice! We put our pup down for bed at ten and she used to go straight through til 6/6.30 but now is starting to wake at 5/5.30. we can't have her upstairs with us in her crate at the moment as we don't want her up and down the stairs. We thought it might be the paper as that comes early. We've had foxes recently but not heard them for a few days. Kinda stumped as to why she's waking up early nothings changed in routine, she's not a huge fan of her crate (doesn't want to miss out on anything!) As she won't go in on her own accord. 🤦But will sleep there when we put her in. We might try putting in an old shirt and see if that helps and get in touch with our trainer in case we are doing something wrong but other not sure what to do! Forgot to add she's coming up to 6 months 😊
We went through a similar thing with our puppy recently. He used to sleep till around 6.30/7 then all of a sudden started waking up and whimpering/barking to be let out at 5.30am. Strangely also when he was around 5 months - so not sure if it's just a phase some of them go through.

Our puppy sleeps in his crate in the room next door but we leave the doors open so I started shouting through to him - too early, back to sleep. I did that every morning saying the exact same words and it was like over time he kind of somehow learned what I was telling him. At first it would only get us another 5/10mins before he kicked off again but over a couple of weeks he would pipe down give us peace for another hour or so.

He's now just 7 months and he doesn't make a peep until 7/8am when I let him out for his walk!

Good luck! All puppies go through ups and downs but you'll get there :)
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Thanks everyone! He seems much more himself today as he currently sits chewing my pyjamas leg even though I’ve give him lots of toys as a distraction 😅😂
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Caffeine Fiend

VIP Member
We’ve had our puppy for 10 days now and am having my first proper what have we done moment 😞

Things have generally been going well and we’ve bonded well (almost too well as he hates when I leave him for even a minute to go to the bathroom 😂) but he’s acting up so bad today. His nightly crazy witching hour has been going on for well over 2 hours now and I just can’t calm him down or control him. He‘s running about like crazy and keeps jumping at me and biting me constantly. I keep trying a time out in his crate which does calm him but within 2 mins of being out he’s back at it.

He had diarrhea yesterday so we skipped his meal last night (on the vets advice) but fed him today. I didn’t take him out today (for fear he would have an accident on me as he’s not fully vaccinated so can’t go for proper walks yet, I’ve mostly been carrying him in a sling to help socialize him). So not sure if he’s punishing me for starving him or maybe he’s just got cabin fever and built up energy from being cooped up inside all day.

Anyways I know from reading this thread puppies are hard work and I’ll have good days and bad days so not really looking for advice as such but wanted to have a little rant as I sit here crying quietly while the puppy’s on a time out and I’m waiting for my husband to get home to help 😢
I dont want to make it worse but there will be many days like this.

However we've all been through it and have survived.

When theyre being like that it's soul destroying. It does get better I promise, just hang in there. Xx
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I’ve got a Cockapoo and she did exactly the same with the puppy pads, would pee or poo next to them - I always thought it was because she didn’t want to ruin them so went on the would floors instead.

She was also very bitey as pup but only when you played with her.

Trust me, they grow out of it very very quickly, she will still bite occasionally (when playing) but it’s not hard…more of a clamp haha.
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Looking for some advice, growing up I have had 2 border collies over the years, I took them to classes and trained them and both were loving, obedient dogs so I thought I was pretty experienced with the breed and their quirky ways. Last year we decided to get dog as we are both working from home and felt it was the right time as we have wanted one for years. We adopted another border collie from a friend's brother at 11 months old and sadly he was too damaged, under socialised, and was becoming aggressive. He ended up biting my husband as he tried to stop him attacking a dog when he managed to chew through his lead. He had also shown aggression to others and we felt after speaking to the vet we had no other option than to let him go which was heartbreaking. We only had him for 3 months in the end. I don't want it to put me off getting another dog but we will definitely get a puppy that I can train and socialise from an early age. My dilemma is do I go for another collie, my husband really wants to but last year's experience was so upsetting and I don't know if I want to risk getting another or do I go for a totally different breed. I know it was mainly because of his background before we got him (he was chained up alone in a barn all day) but I'm still not sure. I also know how much of a handful they are especially at the puppy stage. Even working from home, how do you keep an eye on them when you are still working and they want to explore and chew everything? I'm happy to take some annual leave but after that? Is crate training an option with lots of toys and puzzles for an active collie mind?
Sorry for the long post but would appreciate an outside view or recommendations of other active intelligent breeds that are known for their good nature
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My mums lab puppies have been a dream. They already respond to their name one sits when asked and they house trained really well!
This makes me so happy. Everyone who I've spoken to who has a lab or has had a lab has nothing but positive things to say about them.
I've gone from super apprehensive to super excited about it so quickly!
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Getting our boy on Saturday, labcocker. Very excited but read too many forums and now scared too! Hope I’ve done the right thing 🥶
We're picking up our golden retriever on Sunday so very in the same boat. Mixture of excitement and nerves. My husband has had dogs in the family, but it'll be my first time. Feeling as prepared as we can be though. Sending so much positive thinking your way! I think the first few weeks will be tough, but hopefully it doesn't last forever and things will get better...
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I'm really struggling after rehoming my pup, to me it's worst than them dying, cos they're all buried here, but it's the not knowing how his little life is
So sorry to hear this. Are you able to stay in touch? I rehomed a cat from a lady who didn’t really want to get rid of him, but life changed going back 3 years ago now. We have a little WhatsApp chat where I still post updates for her to this day and she visits whenever she passes through. I get not everybody wants to keep in touch etc but I trust that you made the right decision and they will have a lovely life.
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