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VIP Member
God you're such a troll! Some of us can't eat cheese (it gives me migraines) and I can't believe you could be so insensitive as to mention cheese where I can read it. I'm feeling personally attacked here!
Bet @Newbie mcnewface fancy cheese sandwich was gifted. Or one of her followers will ask what kind of cheese it is and she'll tag Cathedral City hoping for a collab. Cheeky bitch.
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It is I that says Joyce is the one. He is overbearing, a god awful nag, he looms around in the back ground of everything that goes on with the girls. Rachs personality is distinctively different when he is there. She’s on edge a lot. He just has something. I can’t quite put my finger on what, but it’s like there is no enjoyment for him with any of the older kids. His affection is forced aside from with Wilby.
I sometimes think he is the one that has her doing mountains of ADs. The money is in his sights more than hers. He dresses her, supposedly is moody over her not breastfeeding. She seems more and more reliant on him 🤔. Yet the kids clearly think he’s an idiot (out of the mouths of babes and all that.)
I don’t know. I could be wrong 🤷‍♀️ I mean we only see so much, but what I see, I’ve definitely seen similar from not so good men. (Not personally, but in other people’s partners.) I’ve been bored so you know, speculated it
I think she has no respect for him and the constant phone filming every thing they do probably makes him uncomfortable. I've seen it a few times when he's caught off guard with the camera its like a wall goes up. She and those girls have no respect for him and its learned from their mum. They should parent together not her laughing along with the kids as if she's a child also... then again 🤔😉
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Penny for them

Chatty Member
From a safeguarding point of view, some of the stuff they say/allude to is bordering on sexual abuse.

That may sound overly dramatic but I have trained extensively in safeguarding and been taught to look for signs of abuse in children (I work in a school and am a trained TA), and “sexual abuse” doesn’t just mean being sexually abused. One of the things that would sound alarm bells is a child using sexualised vocabulary, mimicking sexual behaviour or being exposed to sex either on TV/online or in the home.

Things like their parents washing together in the shower every day, stepmum walking around topless to “tempt” the baby and then milking herself at the kitchen sink? Its not entirely clear that it crosses the line but it’s definitely borderline.

If a child in school told me they had walked in on their parents in the shower together once, I’d think it was just one of those things, but if it was a regular (and Rachel says it is daily) occurrence, I would be escalating that as a safeguarding concern.

If a child told me their daddy had told them to ask their mum about his magic lips, I would also be concerned.
She also mentioned during one of her bat shit stories that she goes for her 2 am wee naked. Struck me as a strange to say being step mother to teenage boys tbh 🤷‍♀️
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No not at all. I actually came on to have a look what all the fuss was about with people wanting the forum removed and simply putting a viewpoint across.
And you are absolutely entitled to give a viewpoint. It would be a pretty boring place if we were all clones and had the same opinion and didn't question eachother once in a while 😊.
You're right, some cultures do shave their babies head, for religion etc. but I'd like to think the people doing the shaving have a fair amount of knowledge and expertise in doing so.
However in this instance, the person doing the shaving (Josh) doesn't have the expertise and it was purely for aesthetic reasons. There wasn't actually a need for it.
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That list of Edies presents has really annoyed me, she’s clearly posted it on the beg, there’s absolutely no bloody need. Greedy bitch.
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I just watched those vids from this morning and I can’t work it out. I thought they were set up at first but then towards the end Edie was clearly exasperated. I don’t know why he was sitting there nagging her or why Rach was filming it around the corner like a weirdo. It’s as if he was purposely trying to wind her up.
Like how many of us have convo’s with the kids and then when they get a little cheeky we just go ‘ok that’s enough now.’ It’s just life. We don’t sit there and have a full on debate with a 6 year old about who cooks what and how they are at fault for everything. I think if I got that moaning from him first thing in the morning I’d be pretty fed up as well. I’m sure a family therapist would help there with the strange dynamics.
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Lori J

Active member
I thought the same, thats such a grim thing to say to your children they dont need to know everything! There has to be some boundaries!
I thought the ‘ magic lips’ comment was awful , there really are no boundaries with this couple.
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Chatty Member
Edie is a spoilt little madam.

Rach laughs at her and encourages her.

She is rude and cheeky to Josh and her mum just records her and laughs at her.

I wonder how she behaves when she's with her dad?
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VIP Member
God you're such a troll! Some of us can't eat cheese (it gives me migraines) and I can't believe you could be so insensitive as to mention cheese where I can read it. I'm feeling personally attacked here!
#DontLikeIt #DontReadIt #ScrollOn #BeKind 🤣🙄
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What makes me laugh is when the kids are doing it to josh, she finds it highly amusing and uses it for content.
When it's the children doing it to her she really hates it, doesnt find it funny, and cuts the clip short.
Edie is a very intelligent child, she knows exactly what shes doing, shes doing it for entertainment because she gets laughed at rather than disciplined. Shes very sassy
I’d also say she’s doing it as it’s guaranteed to get her some attention from her mum. She’s seeking that praise, and with Rach standing there laughing Edie is glowing, thinking she’s doing something good and playing for the camera. It’s so messed up.
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Chatty Member
Fucks me off so much you know when she says “I’ve been shouting about this *insert latest shite* for over year” like she’s doing it out of the kindness of her heart and entirely for our benefit when we all fucking know it’s BECAUSE THEY ARE PAYING YOU TO. Stop making out like you’re Saint Sally and all about helping people when the only arse you’re worried about is your own. Cock.
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I believe that is just in jest and hes meaning it as his hobby... it's not a job for him and he doesnt get paid for it (according to them anyway)
I still dont believe hes a full time key worker though (but let's not get into that one again 😂)
She really is fucking stupid to allow betsy to take wilbert out alone imo (yes I have severe anxiety so I over think things anyway)
I take it betsy isnt doing her usual 10 hour shift at scoopz today??
And she never looks into her reposts... she only ever shares them because she thinks she relates/hidden jabs/it looks good.
Same when she shared for BLM, nearly all of them she wasnt following or she hadnt liked the original post. Shes thick as pig shit
🙌🙌🙌, nothing more to add, you have said it all, oh hang on, just because I know she lurkes in here, Rach, this one is for you.... you are a cunt. The End
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Wow the way she just spoke to josh.
He was just saying oh I need to rake the wood chip.
if my other half spoke to me like if tell him to fuck right off
She really is a nasty piece of work, no wonder he always looks so miserable!
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Wibble makes me laugh every time I read it. Reminds me of the weebles
I never think I contribute much to this discussion in comparison to the rest of you, but I’m proud of this one. Wibble was inspired by SuperHans describing his dick on Peep Show.
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Poor Edie. It’s so strange that PTWM seems hellbent this weekend in trying to humiliate and degrade her young daughter on her stories (along with doing the same to Josh but nothing new there).

Rather than sticking a phone in her face, pressing record and telling a 6 year old that she isn’t very nice, PTWM needs to put her daughter before her followers. I can’t imagine ever filming one of mine when they were in a strop and putting it on social media for shits and giggles. She may only be 6 but she deserves to have a bit of dignity and not be publicly degraded by her own mother to her 200k followers.

Doing this to her kids will come back and bite her on the arse in years to come.
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Mrs H

Well-known member
The discussion here is not regarding piercing baby’s ears - that is a whole other debate. We are here to discuss PTWM and she shaved her baby’s head so we discussed it. Serious question and I am not in any way trolling you: are you here to attempt to derail the thread?
I would say yep, defo here to derail the thread. Conveniently popped up as Twitter was being talked about. The poster came over after being sent over by a different influencer, really?! But ended up on this thread...
Hmm...someone doesnt want twitter involved imo💩💩💩
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VIP Member
Straddle pic is on the grid along with bragging. It's all a touch desperate now 🙄

I respect my hairy big toe more than I do her.
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