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Although I will not be purchasing KDILs book of knowledge, I have a feeling it will be better by a mile than anything Each Peach Rach Plum can write. I can't stand KDIL but she does have a better grasp of vocab and humour than R does.

R has written this purely so KDIL will share it, KDIL has a much bigger Insta following. If that was truly your good mate, then post links when it's published, send her a card, some flowers that she loves to buy a la Elton 😂 you wouldn't write this gush.

Plus I think they have only met a couple of times in the flesh. How is that any different from any other influencer mateying up together? Not denying they get on well but it's so false! BFFs because they talk about public hair and cystitis to hundreds of thousand of people not in an educational way but for cheap laughs and shocks?


I will shut up now 😂
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Yes, bullying wasn’t mentioned in your original post, you said your son didn’t like her and she used tears to manipulate the teachers and that a bunch of adults had high-fived over her going to a different school.

I actually feel sorry for T, she’s had a shitty start to life with all the drama surrounding R and her dad, and it seems to me the only way she knows now to get any attention from her mum is to perform. As a 10/11 year old child it’s almost expected that would spill over into all aspects of her life. It’s learned behaviour, and all she knows.

She’s a young child who needs guidance and compassion. Sadly, I don’t think she’ll receive either because of her mother. Children learn by example, and poor T has no example but R.
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Chatty Member
I completely agree. I have a friend who's really edgy and I love it, she could wear a bin bag and make it look cool. its like girls that look amazing with messy buns, I just look like miss trunchball 😂😂
I’ve just dyed my hair blue due to lockdown boredom. I’m in my forties. I look like an absolute dick. 🙈
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Since it was mentioned a few days ago I just cant get the image out my head and its absolutely true. Their "family dynamic" is a real life Cinderella story. Lucyinthesky88 absolutely hit the nail on the head there!
Those boys are her slaves, it's her way or the high way, they have to do everything for her and her girls. The girls get pampered and spoilt while the boys left to their own devices.
She can defend it all she likes. We all see her stories..they dont lie! She never boasts about what she has ordered the boys, or the boys being gifted something or doing an ad for something the boys would be interested in. It's all girls girls girls rach rach rach..
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They have only just exited the honeymoon period of their relationship. The 7 year itch is impending 🤷‍♀️. They have yet still to go through the sustainability tests. Managing the kids as equals is just a part of that. Not a day goes by when you don’t learn something new or have to reform something.
In most step families you’d be lucky to get a full family photograph for Instagram. The rota of kids in and out to parents and grandparents is like a revolving door 😂.
That ‘obsessed’ thing is absolute teenage nonsense. You need patience, compassion, humility, flexibility, trust and finally love. You don’t have space to be obsessed 😂
Edit to add, I think Josh knows this, but Rach is deluded 🤔
100% agree on everything you said. Spot on! We are currently at the 7 year itch and my god he does my bloody head in 😂
Although rach doesnt have a revolving door as all but 1 of the children doesnt see their other parent! 🤦‍♀️
She has a revolving door of men throughout her life though 😂😂
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I used to think josh was alright , bit of a wally prancing about in his leggings and that , but as a wildlife lover and bird watcher i thought he must be ok , but how he can sit back and watch rachael using his sons the way she does completely changed my opinion of him .
if anybody spoke and sneered at my children the way she does there would be wars .
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Chatty Member
So can we just clarify - josh left him on the rug because he has to go and make Edie’a breakfast like every Rachelelelel was where?!

Accidents happen I get that - but why is josh doing the majority of parenting in the morning?

Also - horrific queues in a&e yet you seemed to be in and out at a decent time.

And totally agree - she will have been running about saying surgery etc because she’s a dramatic prick who put updating her Instagram BEFORE updating her kids.
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Totally agree with both of these points. Have no issue at all with the photo but posting it out on your social media to thousands of people in a public domain - she is still just a child for gods sake.
Post pics all day long but when you can’t verify who your followers are - makes me uneasy anyway.

The video with T last night made me feel really uncomfortable. Imagine being that age and no matter how much you say you don’t care about having friends - your mother films every single bit of your family life. Not going to make it easier is it.

But at least she got some free flash products because she’s always cleaning.....oh. Wait.
I don't buy for a second that she doesn't care about not having friends. She may say she doesn't, because it's easier than the alternative, but I don't know any 11 year old that would be ok with feeling isolated and left out of friendship groups in school.

I think it's also really naive of Rachaeaeaele, if it's true of course, to say that Tallulah is more than happy going to a secondary school where she doesn't know anyone and that if she doesn't make friends it's ok because she's got her chickens, dogs and family. High school is the loneliest place in the world without a friendship group and it's ridiculous to think otherwise.
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I expect she will say that she had to stop the clubs because we made her too anxious to leave the house unless it’s for an eyelash appointment or meal.
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Tbh I only follow 2/3 mummy insta accounts and they have other things going on than just being a mum. Before the ‘Tattle meltdown,’ I thought Rach was full of shit, but that confirmed it as I knew she’d lied. Now I find it interesting for two reasons. First is how far Josh is willing to degrade himself and family for money and second is how long she can continue to peddle the myth she made up. Apparently they are both in it for the long haul 😂
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I work in Childrens A&E. It is very quiet at the minute. Josh would not have been allowed in, one of them would have waited in the car. Why she couldn’t go alone is beyond me 🤷‍♀️

We have mothers coming in at the minute who have recently given birth and have to wait on their own with their poorly newborns, no support from their partners/family. One on my last shift had just had a csection and brought her poorly toddler in to hospital and the baby was at home with dad crying to be breastfed. I had to carry her toddler as she could barely walk, the poor women! We have very poorly children in intensive care and only one parent can visit at a time. It’s bad enough adults can’t have visitors in hospital at the minute but to have a sick child and have to go through that alone is heartbreaking.

Not really sure where I am going with this but maybe she could have done a shout out at how lucky they were that Wilby didn’t need to be admitted (He probably only licked the fire lighter anyway) Could you imagine the drama if Queen R had to sit in hospital, alone, without Josh. That would make for a good woe is me post for the gram!!

Also .. there are currently no ques! Triage/streaming is happening at the door. But of course it made her story sound better !
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If she genuinely cared about that kid, she'd question why the girl has her Paypal details in the bio. Why is a child practically begging for money from strangers?????
** the girls PayPal details, not PTWM's details
That’s shocking.

She really does seem to prey on younger vulnerable people and exposes them in a way that makes them even more vulnerable. Rachel has now shared this young girls account with nearly 200k followers after telling them the girl has issues/problems and indirectly informing them that the girl is open to receiving cash via PayPal (I wonder where she learnt that from?! #rolemodel)

No common sense and zero safeguarding towards a troubled young person. She’s a danger to others at times.
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Wow filming myself laughing my head off after my child has poisoned himself due to my own negligence is exactly how I’d react too!

How’s about Racheallleeeeeeee, you get your lazy bone idle arse out of bed in the morning and help, rather then leaving it to josh to feed and supervise all your kids! Maybe then accidents like this wouldn’t happen.
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You’d be surprised at the amount of kids that come to a&e for accidents like this. SS are at breaking point, children that are actually getting abused, that have real neglect in their lives need SS a lot more than this. You can clearly see the children are well looked after, fed, are happy and aren’t being abused or truly neglected. Accidents happen... parents feel bad enough without the fear of SS. Also S didn’t actually break his arm and SS got involved around that time if I remember right and closed the case without proper interviews etc because it was all vicious allegations.

She said she was getting dressed
S had a suspected break when they first took him in, it was put in a sling etc. She didn’t need to be there then, she took Wilby when she could have stayed home, she wasn’t even there because she was concerned for Seb - he got a bollocking from his dad for giving her grief by injuring himself 🤦🏼‍♀️

I agree this incident doesn’t require social services involvement and that services are beyond stretched. But people always say they’re fed, clean and appear happy but there is such a thing as emotional abuse and neglect, which I would bet at least one of those children in her care fall under.

If she was getting dressed, there’s no reason why W couldn’t have been with her or in his cot for a minute or two waiting for her. Or he could have been sat at the kitchen table while Josh was making Edie breakfast. Yes, accidents happen, but I stand by what I said - leaving an 8 month old baby alone in a non baby-proofed room is asking for trouble.
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Well-known member
That bitch has filmed her kids at there most vulnerable , upset after therapy etc , shes filmed josh just to take the piss and his boys just to try and be funny , doesnt seem to like it when the shoes on the other foot does she !!
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I cant even comment on the da stuff anymore because it just makes my blood boil. I get so so angry about her lack of awareness. I really cant believe that post was just to share a memory of HERSELF... she could have turned that into a grid post and added real information, she could be posting it on facebook where she has more followers and more chance of them re-sharing it spreading it wider. She could do a few stories sat there talking about different services available in different regions. When she does eventually post something in the rare occasion it's only in her home town! Instead of making shit youtube videos she could do a youtube video on dv. Or she could go through her messages and signpost people to the correct people. Honestly the list is endless! Coming from someone who has been in a DV relationship I'm absolutely disgusted in her!
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I'm almost all caught up. I need matchsticks for my eyes. My gob is well and truly smacked and my eyes opened.
Wow. I wish wish wish I had seen this shit show months ago.
:oops: :confused:
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Her FB post today is absolute bollocks.

Anyone here, go onto the PTWM FB page and search the page for "wine"...dozens of posts come up about her going out drinking, enjoying gin cocktails, necking fancy wines and what not. She used to talk about it LOADS back in 2016/2017.

She used to sell gawd awful PTWM wine glasses as well 😂

And now she's saying she doesn't like the taste?

Hmmmm... 🙄🧐😂
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Poor kids shouldn’t be left alone to panic. Shit parenting, honestly.


It’s not cute they were worried about their brother, it’s bloody irresponsible parenting.

Looking at the timings on this, it also looks like she updated Instagram before she reassured her bloody children.
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