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There needs to be proper professional advice and if even go as far as to say training for some parents if they happen to have neurodivergent children. Too many parents enabling their kids and creating excuses for them because of their disabilities. I’m sick of seeing lazy parents using SEN as a reason to let their kids get away with anything and everything. It puts pressure on social spaces, education and their own families.

please note how I said some and not all!
There is nothing wrong with him. He’s just a spoilt brat that’s been indulged constantly. If I was that spoilt, I’d play his game
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I mean school photos are embarrassing enough to look back on without your mum cos playing you as Princess Leia for the likes 🤷🏻‍♀️
(Absolutely anyone should be able to wear their hair how they wish to but he’s four and this is all on Rachel 🤦🏻‍♀️)
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But she's previously shown Hannah cutting his hair, it's just to give it a trim but even so. This is all about Rachel and nothing else, she dressed him in ridiculous babygros for as long as possible and some of the little outfits he wears are too small or tight and must be so uncomfortable for him.
She did the classic Instacunt move of having a baby for attention and freebies, not realising that while babies garner a lot of attention on social media, when they grow out of the cute baby stage the interest wanes (and there's always another influencer waiting in the wings to announce a pregnancy) so she came up with the level seventy billion autism story to get her the "edge" she desperately wants. It seems to give her a carte blanche to do whatever she wants, claiming it's down to his autism. Won't cut his hair, because he doesn't like it. Won't feed him proper food, because he won't eat it. Can't stop buying him toys, it's because the autism makes him obsessive.
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Isn't it strange how she is mentioning all these autism terms whilst Wilbert's level 3000 diagnosis is being questioned on Tattle. I'm not questioning that he *is* on the spectrum, but she really needs to walk a day in the shoes of some of the parents who have children at the school that Betsy works at before she starts throwing out the whole "worst meltdown ever" spiel.
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I can’t believe that this drivel will be published in a book that people will buy and think actually happened 🙄 I can just see the reviews from the huns as to how brave their leader is for sharing her ‘trauma’ with them all. To me it reads like a spoilt brat trashing her room when things haven’t gone her way. She’s really just pissing all over people who have suffered real trauma and have severe mental health issues as a result of it. She just gets worse 😡
Thats exactly what it is.
Betsy also did the same on holiday, trashed the room because she couldn't get own way. Wonder where she learnt that from.
Also remember that R smashed up the phone box when her mum wouldn't send her new trainers 🤷‍♀️
spoilt little brats the lot of them.
In other words according to that extract, if josh agreed with her, she wouldn't have had her "tantrum"
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Right so I watched her saying he's "poorly" (in the Tweenies outfit,) then skipped to him going up the stairs and then at McDonald's and in the Kitchen with them all. What exactly is wrong with him as he's eating, his eyes are bright, there is no water or stains, his tail is up and wagging, he can walk and get on the bed, his coat is healthy and he's interacting with them and Ethel when given attention. I know dogs really well and apart from hesitation on his front legs, I can't work it out 🤷🏻‍♀️. Is it the actual Vet coming to put him to sleep or one of these internet countrywide Euthanasia companies that do it for £275 and don't ask questions?
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She just loves churning out same old, same old, time and time again doesn't she? Never 'known' anyone to live so much in the past when they apparently live a great life and have everything and everyone they need. Why regurgitate the 'truth' (ahem) constantly? These huns are a sucker for a lie or ten and clearly have nothing else to focus their tiny little minds on.
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I'm covered in men. I've got my Husband, 3 sons, 2 of them have a dad each (not my Husband,) and their paternal granddads. I've got two brothers, 4 step brothers, 2 brother in laws, I've had 2 step dads, two grandads of my own and one step grandad. Plus all the above peoples multiple friends and I have never seen any of them get a card like that 😂🤷🏻‍♀️. Baffled.
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A bit more reverse psychology to make it look like Jo is the big boss of webl, as well as everything else so when the shit hits, Teflon coated Rachel can back into her holding company.
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I took my daughter for a speech therapy appointment yesterday, she can talk but struggles with pronunciation and understanding.
The speech therapist said, do you know how annoying and upsetting it is when people call their children non verbal? She said, non verbal means… non verbal! Sounds only.

Wilby is a very good talker for his age.
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Oh all of a sudden she's interested in DV again? I thought what she loved the most now was her all female business, Webl?
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I remember her crying that he was so different to her girls, typical woe is me style “Imagine how shit this is for me”, and that she was gutted that she might never hear him speak or call her mummy 🤦🏼‍♀️
She's still riding along on that paid for level 3 diagnosis. When, looking back, the truth of the matter is that probably a lot of his behaviours and lack of early language development come down to the fact that his early years were spent at home with them rather than in childcare like the girls. We all saw how he flourished as soon as he went to the childminder and then to preschool. We obviously only see what she shows :rolleyes: but I do wonder what the charlatan that gave him the level 3 would say now.
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I’m amazed that the hair isn’t a sensory issue being pulled so tight, my daughter has a loose low pony as she doesn’t like how it hurts having hair up high and pulled tight. Like others say, clearly being able to sit there for a hair style should mean he can sit and get his hair cut. Plus it’s clearly in his way down as it’s always up so what’s the blooming point in it being long?!
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Those poor kids couldn’t even say goodbye to their dog without her phone shoved in their faces 💔if ever there was a time to put the phone away and be present for you babies that was it! 😢
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I knew I was almost right 😂 think the license will be gone before the summer as none of them give a shit about driving safely.

I reported my neighbour for drug driving. Currently waiting for blood test results and he's previously been banned for drink driving.
I didn't give a toss if he crashed when he was in the car alone but he was smoking weed several times a day then taking his kids out in the car.
thing is, its never the people that are under the influence that suffer, its always the innocent victims of the other vehicle that they hit.

You'd think with what happened with her nephew, that they would be more strict with S and make sure is is fully aware of safety and consequences of drug/drink driving.

My son is the same age and anytime he has a lesson or I take him out, its a constant lecture of road safety, looking out for kids running across the road out of our village, never drink never take drugs, if mates are being idiots kick them out the car. Honestly, as much as I want him to pass and am helping to do so with lessons etc I am dreading the day it happens and I know he's out there on his own. No matter how good a driver he is and no matter how much he listens, there's far too many dickheads on the roads like sloshy, Seb and Betsy.
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But she's previously shown Hannah cutting his hair, it's just to give it a trim but even so. This is all about Rachel and nothing else, she dressed him in ridiculous babygros for as long as possible and some of the little outfits he wears are too small or tight and must be so uncomfortable for him.
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