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But the account didn't make those claims... People have written in and said them 🤷‍♀️
How do you know the keels stuff isn't true? Nobody knows whats true regarding her except herself. We will never know.
But to be honest, most of what people have written in on that account can actually be true because come on, its R 🤷‍♀️ anything is possible with her and josh isn't a police officer for a reason, and its not because it was his choice lol
Okay. I'm not going to argue about it. What people believe is up to them and not anything to do with me. All I was saying is it's all a bit heavy.
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I know that, but do two wrongs make a right? Does Edie's Nan want this? Does her Dad? Am I over thinking it and none of them are bothered? I don't know. I'd just go nuts if someone I didn't know was making those videos about my family.
Where did the TikTok-er get the screenshots of the messages sent to nans inbox?
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Posting her kids leaving that shit isn't relatable! In the slightest. Why does she think its OK for her kids,at their age to leave that. You just don't.if you have an ounce of respect from your family,to your family it doesn't even 💯 be a "thing" anymore,passed a certain age. It's not a vhore or a Ballachulish. It's not even a thought process to have that sort of respect for the home and people in it. I got up put my bowl away. Or some sort of cleared up. And it wasn't a "ah fucking parents Ballache" it just happened. Like changing the gearstick.putting one foot in front of the other. She has practically adult children treating their house like a shit heap
And that not all laziness. Its down to no respecting or caring for the people around you enough to just help there. Want to.
Noone mention the primark clone top?
Few comments on sized. Err well no no asswipe you make less of the small sized then! You are prioritising ylusing what "woe is me little" you ha e on certain sizing. 😉 china would have to put more effort into bigger sizes though right rachet,they are made cheap template fits all.
Stop being so offensive and excusing it though

If you have a specific funding. You work out a share between the sizes. That's what businesses catering for all sizes and small businesses too surprisingly if you look in the right places more often than not now,the very small business is trying to cater for actual woman not geisha girls.
she has obviously been in a witter. how does she spread her hate. show her family up. throw her kids under the bus. show the arguements. but then be smug pirssy knickers. dont think the girls arguments got the reacting she wanted. so oh look the same outfit. shared a car. how cute are they. how much love.
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If a young person turned up to school minus a pair of shoes there would be an intervention. If she has said that .. not caught up on here, then she is having an absolute laugh?
It wasn't her (though it is similar to the shit she comes out with.) It was another one of the many CIC's in Torbay.
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I'm sure Edies nan isn't bothered in the slightest going by what quotes she puts up on her page 🤣 and im sure they are quite happy to have someone defend them publicly tbh. Not everyone gets that chance when they come up against R 🤷‍♀️
The tik tok just exposes the truth, if R didn't lie about Edies nan then there would be no content to use
And tbh its not just R who has these exposè videos on tik tok. Its happening to all the shitfluencers atm and rightly so imo
Okay. I don't know. I just watched it and thought even though Rachael is absolutely sickening (and the lies ffs, they never end!) I still wouldn't like being content for that page about her. But that's just me not them and you are likely right in what you say.
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I'm going to try and give it a go but will leave the recap for dipsy on her return, hope you're ok dipsy where ever you are

I had a quick scan for a thread title but couldn’t find one. I can do it if someone can suggest it!
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Chatty Member
Ratchet the new tops are fucking shit 😊 and you’re about 15 years late with the design you’ve blatantly ripped off 🤷🏻‍♀️ I expect there will still be a hardcore of live laugh love/FM fragrance yummy mummy’s that will snap them up though so that’s lush 😊
Sure someone posted the design she has copied. Does anyone remember which page on here?
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Only Keels herself can say it’s not true and if they are mostly wrong?! I would ask if you’d care to elaborate but clearly you don’t need to and you’ve confirmed who you are!
No actually I haven't confirmed a thing. But whilst we are here, why do you care who I am. Why do you care if people are still here from years ago or joined yesterday? What does it matter. It happens time and time again whenever anything happens off here and I say something that equates to common sense. And every time the same people pop up with some bizarre theory and get all Liam Neeson about it. But I stay quiet because we have rules on here. Honestly get over it. I know absolutely nothing more than anyone else and come on here for 20-30 minutes a day. If you want to ask "Keels" anything, go and ask.
Oh sweet Jesus - it was already established about 20 threads back that FridaK = Keels. She strangely possesses similar behavioural traits to R - just can't help exposing herself - gives away too much personal info each time (Yes love - you were the one who shared your public Insta page here in 2019 with your own children on it - for career boosting reasons. Of course. Whilst lamenting R for doing the same....smh)

That paragraph which crammed Covid, conspiracy theories and the Gaza strip into one sentence whilst wagging the moralistic, tutting finger at us thickos is classic wannabee Journo/Blogger.

Just be honest woman. Too many here have sussed it. She'll probably come back under another handle - just like all the others. She's actually got at least one other account on here too.

I'll go back under my rock.
You are just wrong. Sorry, bitter for some reason, and wrong 🤷🏻‍♀️.
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