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The tik tok that was hidden because it violated community standards, is back on there! I know we've probably already seen it via Twitter, but I thought it deserved some views too 😊
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I've a feeling she's seen what that twitter guy has done with Jack Monroe and is now panicking after finding out he's looking into her.
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I didn't know about the cruise, but it's interesting in terms of Rachael & her Mum being similar, which I've always thought when hearing about how her Mum seemed to put her own happiness and relationships above her kids.

(You would think her Mum wouldn't want to take money that's been earned on the back of selling her Grandchildren and books slagging her and the rest of family off. Only no, off on her cruise she goes.)

The apple didn't even fall off the tree there in my opinion.
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Chatty Member
One thing that really saddens me are the poses E is pulling. Turned in legs, scrunched up hands to the face, turning her head away with her eyes shut. All the same poses that you see T and B doing on their Instagram. She’s 9 going on 16 😞
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Honestly the outfits. It's like a couple of pensioners have googled "what to wear at a festival" then gone on a shopping spree. I absolutely cringe at the state of them
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Bugger me. I must admit I’m very anti drugs. Always have been, always will.

If any of my kids came to me and told me they had tried K and coke especially considering one is still too young to drink alcohol and the other is only 18, I would be beyond devastated.

I don’t think any child would openly tel their parents they have tried drugs unless…shock horror, they either know their parents wouldn’t give a shit or there is no boundaries there whatsoever.

Let’s say he is still a serving police officer, I’m shocked that he sat there and barely said a word. He should know the devastation that drugs cause from petty crime and stealing to human trafficking and organised crime. He is such a disgrace to the police force.

Can you imagine him returning to the police force in 5 years time, pulling someone over for having a bit of gear on them and they say “hold on PC twat face, your wife says your kids are bang on it every weekend”. 🙄🙄
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Im actually disgusted at the amount of stuff she has stacked at that centre… WHILE BEGGING FOR THINGS!!!!!
Nit so long ago she was begging for a car seat.??? And does anyone remember when they had to rescue that elderly lady in the middle of the night and go to the supermarket to get a duvet.????
All those clothes that she has continuously screamed out for, We really need pleas, She should be embarrassed and so should her PA…. What sort of a shit show is she running🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
Those duvets! Put out a begging post, kind people sent them, then Mother Toothesa has done fuck all with them! :mad:
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wonder Lu

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Given that she has 3 daughters who have friends I’m surprised she isn’t giving the trainers away to them.
it does seem a huge coincidence that she has loads of trainers and in the past has asked for foot locker vouchers. It’s not looking good is it?
most people would have got rid of them quietly.
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Somerset girl

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Now she’s on about the pregnancy comments.
Acting all gobby. Size 8 my arse.
Such a fucking drama queen. She knew that photo made her look pregnant (like the tight green trousers at the book launch) and she's just hoping someone will comment on it so she can post accusing people of trolling. It's soooo boring. At least she's shown a few more huns what an absolute knob she is.
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See, I don't think the wagon for the festival is a bad idea. A safe place to go when everything is overwhelming and a place to rest little legs. Autistic or not, a festival is probably a very busy and overwhelming place for a nearly 4 year old, especially if your normal world is just your bedroom and your Ipad. It did seem to me that they were just treating W like an inconvenience though.
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So much I don't understand
How could she not have helped and supported the boys mum with her apparent addiction , as she claims everyone deserves support and a second chance.
How is it funny she bought a vape for an underager to piss of her stepson .. are K's parents not pissed off...
How is she not more upset her kids "allegedly" take recreational drugs , I would be gutted If it was my kids, not doing a live Q&A for a load of strangers.. not to mention potential employers who might lookup their digital footprint fml .
This actually blows my brain. My grandson lives with us, his mum (my daughter) has addictions, his dad is a knob. I never slag them off & encourage contact (in a safe place with other family members)
I never ever post on SM about his parents 🤷‍♀️
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It's a weird approach for sure. Apart from it being really dismissive of the problems her teens are seemingly facing (and some of those are not high school / child problems by her own account) the decisions you make at this point can affect your life more long term than 'temporary'. School isn't something to "get through" - it is a way to gain the qualifications and life skills you need to face the adult world. Although I guess teaching her kids to just ignore issues until they go away or you can profit off them via a Sunday Times bestseller is more on brand for her!
I think she’s already decided when Lu was into plants and animals that she was “different” and had her down as a failure for school. Such a shame cos Lu was always the one I felt sorry for. But recently her whole attitude of “they pay for stuff we need” is really crap and nasty, What a way to bring up your kids and portray this as an ok way to behave.
I bet she won’t get a fully funded trip for 6 months like the golden child🤬🤬🤬
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Chatty Member
paid full price or in the sale?

View attachment 2340238
Whenever you guys post links like this, I always imagine J huddled over a laptop, scrolling away then shouting ‘Rach, Rach! Can I buy this, please?’. I just feel like he has to have permission to spend money, given that he only pays the water bill, was it?

Reminds me of when I was a kid going through the Family Album catalogue and writing down the page and item number for things I would like for my mum to see.
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I wonder if mum of the year looks at the photos of Edie and Jo’s daughter and notices that one is acting their age beaming away; whilst the other is pouting and posing like a model?
It makes me feel really sad.

Rachael however, probably feels pride. I can’t believe for a minute that Jo really approves of how she ‘raises’ her children, because her daughter seems very sweet and behaves much like any child that age should.

Not a single child in that family emerges unscathed from the Patchwork Shit Show.
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The list of abuse we’ve seen against Seb would be a good one for tik tok.

Josh taking a call from school saying he’d been bitten by something- He couldn’t give a shit and sarcastically said he wasn’t coming to collect him and told the school exactly that.

The ignored broken arm. Then when they were forced to get treatment Josh berated him for causing R stress.

R watching him struggle with a plate with one arm after said incident.

The messages where Seb was saying how upset he was over something only for them all to jump on him and R using it as hilarious content.

The shower incident.

That’s just the ones I can think of off the top of my head.
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The pregnancy argument is absolutely raging on Facebook. Someone said "might be bloated," and another said she "might need a 💩."

Im waiting for someone to point out that any bloke willing to wear that outfit isn't going to be getting any woman pregnant........ Just thought, he most likely chose them didn't he 🤦🏻‍♀️😂
‘Is she pregnant, bloated, or does she just need a big shit?’

I mean, if someone was commenting about my photo like that I’d be off all socials in a heartbeat and sobbing into a bottle of Prosecco.

But for influencers, this seems to be the aim, get em talking about you no matter what. Any publicity is good publicity. Sad really.
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Eyes Wide Open Now

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I’ve got a nearly 18 year old who vapes. I HATE it! If I catch them doing it I go mad. It’s definitely not allowed in the house or in front of me. I can’t get my head round being ok with it. Also if their girlfriends mum brought them one I’d go nuts 🤬

As for the meh attitude on drugs 🙄🙄
I experimented and took a lot of drugs when I was young. I had a messy childhood and I can now see after a lot of therapy, I was looking for escape, I took a wrong path and got involved quite heavily in the drugs scene. I also took hard drugs, I was very lucky that I didn’t get an addiction, but if it had carried on I can see now that I would have.
I lost someone very close to me from drug addiction. When it was age appropriate my kids know how that person passed because I want them to know that weed isn’t ok, it is a gateway drug. No one who has ever got a hard drug addiction starts off just trying that drug, 99% of people who end with a hard drug addiction start their drug taking by getting stoned. (I made up 99%, I haven’t looked it up but you get what I mean)
I know that my kids have tried weed and I wasn’t all cool mum about it. Because I know where that can lead! Hypocrite really considering I was doing a lot of class a drugs when I was 17, but it would break my heart for them to go down the path I did.
If she lived the drug mule life she makes out she did, there is no chance she would be so ok with them dabbling in hard drugs.
I know any normal parent would want better for their own kids, but sadly they aren’t normal caring parents are they.

Sorry didn’t mean for this to be as long!!
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