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Unfortunately they have behaved in such a way that if either of the boys wanted to initiate contact with their mum, they wouldn't feel able to tell the gruesome twosome for fear of their reaction. That's just encouraging them to go behind their backs and do it without their knowledge and support, which may be what Isaac has done (I know she said it was S that contacted him, but she lies so much that I just can't bring myself to believe her).

Just for when Ratshit is catching up on here - parental alienation is abuse. As others have said, it is extremely rare for a court to order that a parent has no contact whatsoever with their children. Bear in mind that men who have fathered a child through r*pe can and do get contact.

The constant dragging of Joyce's ex-wife is absolutely sickening, and to say she gets annoyed at herself for sympathising with "the women at the centre" who are in similar situations is just disgusting. If you want to pick and choose who you support, then you're in the wrong job, love.
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Sorry if this has been mentioned, but doesn't it seem od that Wilby seemed quite happy spending a day with B and her mates, out and about, on a boat, no meltdowns, no nothing... but his parents can't get him to get in a car without drama?
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New thread title thanks to @Queeniebee , I edited the name as it didn't sit right with me having her name in the title.

Last thread recap:
- Rachaele Hambleton is a cunt.
- she doesn't work either full or part time, and can't be arsed to parent her kids and step kids.
- Joshua Marshall was dismissed without notice from Devon and Cornwall Police for improperly accessing the police database, and using a false identity to contact members of the public.
- Ratface shared a bit of a Q&A from her Patreon, that Edie had answered. A question of "what would you do if you had a big win on the lottery" got E's reply of "mum would get us a nice house and loads of nice things". Rabies said "what about giving it to other people", and Edie said "yeah, and that". Raise them kind, eh? She was asked when Bratsy was coming home, Edie didn't know that she's coming back next week.
- Racquetball shared a post from Wilbert's pre school, clearly showing the name of where he goes. But she can't show where the kids go to school because otherwise the chrolls start contacting them with fake concerns 🤔
- Rabies "did the big kids' school run", and showed Edie being handed a plate of pancakes in the car. Two adults with no job between them, and they can't get organised to have breakfast at home 🙄 Joyce was left to wrangle the violent, level 3 autistic child by himself, and called to say that Wilbert wouldn't let him do his hair, so she told him to just take his brush and hairbands and let the teacher do it. Because all teachers have time in their day to be doing the jobs the parents should do at home. Also, Wibble apparently loves routine, isn't doing his hair part of his usual morning routine before school?
- the front of the house looks like a scrap heap, with the dismantled conservatory all piled up (remember it's a shared drive, bet the neighbours love that). I'm sure Evri Kevri will be along soon to take it all to the tip for them.
- Rancho got a parking ticket (luckily the PatreCON funds will cover that nicely) and headed to IKEA with Lula.
- Wilbert had his hair put into bunches at school, so they've had to recreate it at home. Out driving in the van, he talked about dinosaurs and told Sloshy that fossils are "bones" and "skeletons", despite being non verbal and not understanding anything at all 🙄
- more from the PatreCON Q&A including "how to be open with your kids from a young age", led to Rabies telling everyone that Seb looks after his girlfriend when she has her period. The poor kid is 17 Ratchet, she probably doesn't want a bunch of strangers knowing anything about her menstral cycle. She then went on about Edie having "unsafe adults" in her life, clearly alluding to her dad and his family. People who don't like you for very valid reasons aren't automatically "unsafe" Raq, stop using terminology to paint them in a bad light to your huns.
- on the reel about the conservatory being ripped out, someone asked where the sofa from the second lounge had gone (the one that was a freebie for an #ad). BV Babs replied that she'd "given it to someone who's wanker of a husband stripped the house when he left". Why not just say it went to someone who needed it more than her?
- they're off again in the Cuntmobile Camper this weekend, but leaving Wobble at home and just taking Seb and his girlfriend. The gf (Katie) seems to be Rancid's new little favourite, to throw money at and lovebomb until she becomes toxic. Why two 17 year olds would want to be sharing a van with Pervy Pete (who, let's not forget, entered Seb's room without knocking not long ago and saw them both naked) and Tits Out Tina is beyond me 🤷 how many hilarious "whoops you caught me with my boobs out again" moments will there be 🙄 Wilberforce isn't coming, so they can enjoy getting pissed and stoned in peace. So the child who can't cope without routine is being left without his parents in a house that has building work going on. Sounds sensible. Meanwhile, it was discovered by Tattlers that Katie's dad has a history of unsavoury behaviour, and has even served time for it 👀 Slosh and Wrecks better not sling her on the toxic pile too quickly!
- the scammy pantry set up has apparently had a visit from Environmental Health, and the person said it was the best, lushest set up they'd ever seen (of course).
- time for a ramble in the sex loft. They've recorded a podcast for PatreCON with questions from the huns, including "what's your favourite sex toy" 🙄 they were due to go away in the camper van, but Joyce's mental health "isn't doing too well" because of the work in the house (Ratchet sniggered at this point, because mental health is SO FUNNY) so they're going in the morning instead. Wilby's anxiety is "through the roof" but he's coping well.
- the gruesome twosome set off to St Ives with Seb and his girlfriend, no doubt Racket was snorting all the way while pawing at Sloshy's hand while he was driving.
- they went out for a nice 3 course meal, with Seb having a beer.
- back at the Patchwork Palace, employee Janey was looking after Wilbert (wonder whether it was part of her usual duties, or if she was paid overtime).
- back at the scampervan after a birthday meal, Joyce was clearly pissed and dancing like a prick, while Seb and his girlfriend were drinking beer (which Ratfink later stated on PatreCON was "ginger beer in Corona bottles". Of course it was hun, because we'd all go to the effort of emptying out a beer bottle to fill it up with ginger beer just to pretend we weren't giving alcohol to 17 year olds 🤥
- Bucket Hat Brian was clearly hating spending time with Seb
- Madchester Malcolm decided to add Katie to the family group chat, and said that hopefully Seb would move in with her soon.
- meanwhile, Rabies shared a photo of Wilbert and said that he gets "anxiety relief" from carrying a dinosaur around (or he's just doing what most toddlers do 🤷)
- in another snap from home, Wilbert was lying on the sofa with an iPad and full nappy, by himself.
- Joyce told Seb that he's not taking him camping again, yet again proving how much he hates his kids.
- finally back at the hamster cage house, Wilberforce was asleep on the sofa, so both parents were all over him, pretending to be caring and attentive, like they hadn't just ditched him with an employee to go and get pissed with teenagers.
- later, on PatreCON, they both mocked Katie for spending some of her birthday money on ordering a Chinese for Seb, saying "he doesn't deserve it". Just remember that Bratsy has been farting about in a bikini on the other side of the world for months, all paid for by mummy, but Seb doesn't deserve a Chinese when he's been at work. They couldn't be arsed to get out of bed to go down and collect the food, and Seb didn't see it, so it was left on the doorstep all night and then no doubt fired straight into the bin in the morning. Don't forget guys, the community pantry to avoid food waste while helping those in need will be open Monday and Tuesday, 10 till 2.
- PA Jo is on holiday, and her daughter (around Edie's age) is apparently reading Ratchet's books. Not really the target audience, is she?
- Remember how Racket cried over how Wilbert "doesn't understand who his family is"? Despite that, he knows Tony the builder and goes to find him each day to tell him "I'm here".
- Hair Bow Harriet was down at the packing office to paw through some goods, then she announced the winner of the latest draw (after selling just over 2000 tickets). She then launched the next prize draw - no hotel stay this time, just cold hard cash, plus some of her unwanted #ad products.
- apparently eating a bowl of pasta covered in cheese is "a new low" - I bet for some people that would be an absolute luxury, especially with a branded can of Coke on the side 🙄
- Tony the builder brought Wilbert a couple of dinosaur toys, Ratchet said "what do you say Wilby, say thank you", which he completely ignored.
- despite level 3 autistic Wobbly having no understanding of anything, and not knowing who or what his family is, he knew exactly who Racket meant when she asked him if he missed Bratsy.
- apparently Thrushy Thelma has an idea for her next book 🙄 which apparently the literary agent loves, yet another self published load of nonsense probably. What's the betting it will be all about raising teenagers, and will end up being a rehash of her previous books (her teenage years, let down by every single adult that she came into contact with etc) with another chance to stick the knife into Sloshy's ex wife?
- Sell Out Sandra showed a load of messages she'd received after doing some stories on PatreCON about how difficult it is to raise teenagers 🙄 our spies told us that she'd told Seb he's like the men they talk to the the women about in the centres, because he argues but then creeps around when he wants money or affection - and apparently she's told him this to his face. If he's acting like an arse, I would say it's down to the upbringing he's had, and the relationship dynamics he lives in every day in that house 🤷 him and Lula have swapped rooms (because having a vulnerable 14 year old girl in the room that has an external door sounds like a GREAT move), and he'd had all his friends up there "doing things they shouldn't" (probably smoking weed), and she doesn't want it in her house, so threatened to kick him out. In regards to Lula, they usually take phones at night (yeah, right), but forgot to take Lula's and Joyce found her on it so took it away. Ratchet looked and found that she'd also been "doing things she shouldn't", it looks like she's back either ex, and it was hinted (but not explicit said) that she's sexually active. Mum of the Year tried to talk to Lula, but she refused, went to bed and turned her back on her. Probably because she knows anything she tells her mum in confidence will end up being broadcast to thousands of followers for entertainment.
- also on the Patreon, Rabble said that in the last 2 months she's had to transfer £8k of her PatreCON money into Snatchwork because it's running at a loss and she needed to pay wages and bills. Well done for finally admitting that the 'rachisonpatreon' account is going straight into your pocket, not sure so many would have signed up if they'd known that in the first place.
- Spendy Sandy apparently "needs" £3k for a computer program, but Jo says no, despite Ratchet's insistence that they've given away 500 jumpers since December 🤷
- a Tattler drove past the tat shop and reported back that it has a "to rent" sign in the window.
- Rabies has of course joined Threads, yet another platform where she can whinge about being trolled endlessly 🙄
- up in the loft for a ramble - starting off by belittling Sloshy for being negative because he's upset about the mess from building work (she called him a mood hoover).
- boo boo, they've had a hard week with Lula and Seb, Isaac's been lush because his phone was taken away 6 weeks ago so he's made "No bad decisions" - that they know about from his phone. Anyway, he's managing to get his hands on vapes and weed, so how do they know he hasn't got a secret phone stashed away?
- she's going to start a weekly live on the PatreCON about managing teenagers - anyone paying money for her sage advice of "just ignore it all and leave them to it, then cry to your phone about what they're up to" needs to rethink their priorities
- Wilbert's had transition sessions for his new school, with Racket making out like it's all been done especially for him because he's level 3 autistic. He's not special babe, kids up and down the country at every single school have been doing it this week 🤷
- later, she shared a clearly fake message from a fake social worker who's apparently on the beg for birthday gifts for a child who has cancer. Just in time for Slosh and Wilby's birthdays coming up 👀 of course the huns came through, and Ratchet took the opportunity to ask for even more, including Costa and Vue vouchers, because that's what every kid with cancer needs 🙄
- off camping for the weekend again, with only Edie and Wilbur. Yep, the teenagers are running riot, so they'll ignore it and leave them home unsupervised while they're off drinking fizzy cat's piss at a campsite (or is it sparkling apple juice that Raq decanted into a prosecco bottle?). Edie was mincing around in a tight minidress, perfect camping attire 😬 of course they're not camping alone, they've managed to con another family along to ease the tension between the happy family. Wilberforce needs a pat on the back for trying new foods after seeing his friend eat things, like every other kid his age 🙄 it rained (not like it's been forecast all week or anything), and Wilby "couldn't cope" with the can getting wet, AKA he was looking at the rain on the van and pointing at it. Wilbert wailed about his friend going home, and how he's only got one week left at pre school. But he doesn't understand anything ever 🙄 instead of comforting him, his rancid old mum just filmed him.
- Racket's texting Seb's girlfriend, saying "love you". Leave the fucking kid alone Rayban, try having a normal, appropriate relationship with her.

Running total of overnight breaks away since Joyce started his career break on 15 June 2022:
Night at Herpes Lodge (midweek)
Night in Exeter (Saturday)
Night in London (midweek)
Joyce's birthday - one night at Boringdon Hall (midweek), then two nights (Friday and Saturday) in a lodge in Cornwall with Arsetrid and Simon.
Herpes Lodge (weekend), night in London (mid week in half term), Friday night in Southampton
November - 2 nights in London (Sunday and Monday)
December - 5 nights in Jubai
January - 1 night in London (Miss Greedy's book launch)
February - 1 night in London after dropping Betsy at the airport
March - 1 night in Birmingham (book signings)
May - 2 nights at Herpes Lodge
June - 2 nights in London (Label Lady book launch and SEN protest)

If you are new, please read the wiki (pink button at the top) and if you are in need of support or advice in relation to domestic abuse, there are some links and helplines listed at the bottom of the wiki page


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As a family we talk openly to our kids about everything (relationships,drugs,feelings just life) BUT we don’t talk about my husband and I’s intimate moments with them, they lads get grossed out seeing us kiss 😂😂😂 Imagine putting that out in that much detail for your kids to hear 🤷🏼‍♀️ Yes talk about the fact you had body issues from “abuse” and how you felt that’s great for awareness but these two are are doing it all wrong 😡 They definitely get a kick out of sharing what they get up to. They should just set up an Only Fans already 🤢
She says she has to make her kids strong because of unsafe adults in the internet..... what about the unsafe adults they live with!
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Rachel: we can't let the boys see their mum as she's an alcoholic.

Also Rachel: Josh has become an ambassador for a brewery as he drinks so much of their product.
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If your child, who only eats beige food, is asking for jam on toast how about just get him the jam on toast. Instead you (and/or e) sit they’re mocking him and telling him he doesn’t like it because he’s never had it before. 🤦🏼‍♀️
Just get the kid the toast and celebrate the fact he’s at least asked for something different!! Ffs 🤬
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She's a what now? She needs help for the compulsive lying and if she's the spokesperson for all dv victims, we may as well just abolish all laws now and be done with it🤷🏻‍♀️
Aww look how happy she is to have been able to spend a whole day talking about waynbo 😍😍

I'd expect people to come out feeling a little sad, subdued, anxious etc after speaking about the abuse and trauma they had suffered at the hands of their abuser and the courts even if it was over 12 years ago.
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Come on huns, fresh air alone won't pay for the new kitchen.
View attachment 2316781
You don’t need carpets, it’s nice to have them, I know that. We struggled for years due to my partners depression. Ended up being lucky enough to get a council house but no carpet. We can’t afford flooring yet but we’ve lived here over a year and it’s no biggie. Rugs cover the main parts and when we can afford we will get it. Honestly just appreciate having an affordable home.
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I’ll remove them if anyone thinks they shouldn’t be posted.
She is a piece of shit. This isn’t her story nor should it be shared with anyone outside of the closest family. Not for any other reason (there are plenty) than to protect I. But she never does think of anyone else but herself and her bank balance. If they didn’t fight S having any contact and instead allowed it in a controlled manner, with a third person supervising then perhaps it would actually be a good thing for the boys. It doesn’t matter one bit how it makes her or J feel and if they really loved those boys they would allow it.
How long before the huns offer more money so she doesn’t have to close the centre? She’s a piece of shit and a leach. She sucks the life and money out of anyone and everyone.
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As a victim of DV, I genuinely couldn’t think of anything worse than repeatedly talking and writing books about it. We’ve (myself and my eldest 3) been free for nearly 10 years, it hasn’t been easy, but we are all in a much better and happier place now. The last thing you would see me doing is posting about our traumatic experience. She’s a scammer and a bare faced liar. A shit mother, and treats her husband like shit. And that’s putting it mildly!
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A 5 grand watch is not even enough to clean shit off my husband. If I ever shitted myself, I would do everything possible for my husband to never find out about it let alone clean me up. She is such a strange woman
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I had an awful DA relationship that was so bad he very nearly killed me a few times and I hate reliving it at any point and sometimes when I do it forces something in me that takes me back to how I feel at that very time, I could never stand in front of people and talk about it or laugh. When my children removed things and as they get older more things get unlocked I have to talk about it with them as they need it but I hate it. To the women that can do it I applaud you for making a change for the unfortunate people that come after the ones who survive. This cunt just seems to make a mockery of it all sees it as a money maker.
If o ever had the strength to help women I would do so quietly not like a fuxking morris dancer banging about bells round a pole.
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Basically they’ve found nana’s old phone in a drawer, not checked it, give it to I and I has rung his mum. Mum has explained her side which doesn’t fit with the narrative and Rachel’s had a paddy. Don’t know why there’s some long winded bullshit story ( well I do, it’s Rancid it has to be).
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Paetron live this morning - conveniently not saved- my friend only saw a bit of it, so no idea what was said at the beginning.

Apparently Rach has been invited, with Betsy to appear on a TV show. The producer follows her on insta, and has messaged to say she wants her on the show. This then changes to Jo has received an email to ask if Rach and Betsy will do a casting audition.

R refuses to say what the show is incase the Chrolls spoil it by contacting the TV producer.

However she hints it will involve going abroad for 3 weeks at the beginning of September, and that they could win a lot of money (which she says they could buy loads of designer bags and shoes with- so she's clearly reading here, or aware of the tiktok).

Huns are creaming their knickers and telling her to do it. A few are suggesting it's Coach Trip, buy she doesn't respond.

She says Josh recons they've a good chance of winning, and she agrees, as she and Betsy are "so entertaining" together.

But she probably won't do it, as Betsy has a job starting in Sept, and Wilby will be starting school. She wouldn't want to leave Josh in charge as he is a strict parent and her kids are only happy when she's home as her parenting style balances his out. Besty suggested that they do it and ask one of Rachel's friends to stay and coparent with Josh.

Live ended as Betsy really complaining of feeling poorly, and then leaves the hobbit hole where R follows her and you can hear B vomiting in the background.

That's all I've got. You're welcome 🤣
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I actually think she needs to take notice of how her daughter acts and dresses. If my then 13 yr old dressed and danced like that on a video, on a Public Forum I would be stamping on the phone, not just removing it🤬🤬
Why is is acceptable to have these people following her, she’s a child ffs🤬🤬🤬🤬
Rachet where’s your safeguarding you think cnut.!!!


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Me coming on here to see people arguing and I'm not involved for a change 😂

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I agree with everything you’ve said. All people creating stuff like this and ‘trolling her’ does is inflate her ego, give her another excuse to do a poor me rant/snot face and drum up more financial support. The best thing that can be done for somekne like R is just to ignore her and that will boil her blood more than anything. If the people in her life, and those who for some weird fucking reason choose to pay to watch her shitshow, can’t see what a toxic, manipulative, abuse woman she is that’s on them. Her children (both real and stolen) are already going to have a hell of a lot to recover from/unpick when they mature. The last thing they need is people on TikTok slating them too.
You could say the same really about this thread! You say the best thing to do is ignore her yet we are all still here commenting on what she does. The TT videos just highlights her in one space! It's okay people commenting on her SM post but if you was a Hun and wondered over here would you want to read over 100 threads to get a hindsight of what she's really like! The videos just puts it all in a 3/4 min video so the huns can see what she's really like! Scamming people need to stop! Ffs she ask for donations for food, gets given free food and then sells it! Yet doesn't show where the money is going but begs for mattress, double pushchairs whilst she's buying £200 trainers, pink kitchens and other expensive stuff! You can't stop the sheep paying her money to expose her kids which I do think is the lowest of the low but you can try and make them aware on where the £5/10 is going each month and that isn't to help families in need! The only family she is helping is her own and laughing and snorting at everyone!

p.s I didn't make the TT account but I salute the person who did! People like her need bringing down and get into the real world because if your gonna lie about shit you need to be a good liar to remember what you said and everything she's said recently is one big lie and it will all catch up with her soon and this time it won't be the chrolls fault!
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Wow, well what I got from that was a great big pity party for one, all the I, I, and me, me, me. Another opportunity to throw Sam under the bus, because she can. Have they ever considered that maybe Sam is like she is because of them, no of course they haven’t. She an absolute disgrace 🤬
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I just think even if the boys mum is a total shit person (probably not) and a total shit mum who hasn’t bothered (again probably not) it’s STILL not ok to post whatever about her on the internet for strangers to see and the poor kids to have their most vulnerable moments advertised 😢😢
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