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Never has there been a bigger bunch of embarrassments than those 4 stood in that hall. Josh has so much fake tan on, he looks like he's jaundiced.
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Shout out to all the neurodiverse parents on here I know there are a few 🥰 Just in case it hasn’t been said to you lately both you and your children are amazing 💕 I know W is not well but she had time to film him sick 😡 the least she could do is put an awareness post. We will probably get a nice long post now after this 🙄


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She was aware he was ill before she left on Wednesday. I think he’s bang out of order to be honest inconveniencing his poor mother like that 🙄 anyway back to her and how she made a new friend (she can dump him on)…
Is it a Nursery Wibble goes to or a commune? Where on Gods green Earth gives out information about which children are sick and then the parents dump the sick kids all into one house? I've never heard anything like that 🤷🏻‍♀️.

What is wrong with these people? Kids aren't community property.
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Get that poor little boy who can’t give consent off your public social media channel and get him seen by a doctor, you stupid idiotic woman.
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I’m no drug expert so please forgive me, however I do wonder why they all sit outside injecting when they could do it in their flat 😕
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Have I got this right that the store is the front for the freedom programme which is by all means not a refuge or anything close to that, that she is requesting monitory donations for?? Google doesn’t give much info on their web page . Her moral compass is so far off point I am speechless.

She is not an advocate for domestic abuse she is using vulnerabilities for her own gain .
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I think the reason she won't say who it was and what they did is because it exposes some of her nefarious deeds. So she would have to admit something she does not want to.
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Been maintaining a dignified silence for ages. But the non verbal violent narrative is bugging me, Wilby is more elequont than me.. and if he scratches bites himself and them, how come none of them have a single mark ever Fml stop lying, you don't need to lie for content or clout. If people find you interesting they will follow you
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New thread title thanks to @Roma890 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 edited for the swear, the original version was "The Patchwork Family: Cunts in capes and kids with vapes". You've won yourself your very own tacky as fuck cape, emblazoned with "Tattle bastard" on the back, with a bonus PayPal logo
Ooo thanks @DipsyDoodle. 😂😂
I'll post a selfie of me in the cape when my eagerly awaited autobiography, "The Failed Rehabilitation of a Tattle Bastard Troll" sells 5 copies and becomes a Sunday Times Bestseller. 🥂
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wonder Lu

VIP Member
Erm, yeah, I’m afraid that is asking a bit much! 😳 this was last week.
can always bring EVERYTHING back to trolls!! 🙄😂
Thing is people who sit on the internet, as she puts it, aren’t hating on nice people.
That was a genuinely heartfelt thing to do give someone some money when you are struggling yourself. What mahoosive point Rancid is missing here is that she’s sat there dripping in designer tat and allowing the poor to give to the poor. What about all the clothes and food she apparently gives out? I don’t believe for a second she put her hand in her pocket or gave any money or vouchers ( surely haven’t rinsed through the £1000’s of pounds worth of Costa vouchers already) because if she did she would be shouting it from the rooftops.
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When ever she’s telling a sob story she always smirks and laughs.

If it upset her as much as she says then she wouldn’t be laughing or smirking.
Didn't upset her enough that she then gave the woman the £20 back and gave the original woman enough that she could do a food shop and put petrol in her car did it?
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Oh no you misunderstood her. She’s not making anymore friends UNLESS she can dump her kids on them at the drop of the hat and not have to pay!
Don’t know what happened to all those best friends ever who love her babies like their own… 🤷🏻‍♀️

Aaaaaaand back to trolls! 😬😂 Who’s the school troll?
Never had mates she could leave the kids with yet had had more holidays WITHOUT Wilby in his 3 years of life than I've had in 21 years of being a mum. Oh how we laugh 🤣 what happened to her brother, lianne, cocaine Katie, stabby Jo, Emily, lucy and the one with the moana hair that all treated her kids like their own? Was she actually paying them for babysitting all that time afterall.

I'm intrigued on the school mum too. If it's who i think it is they very rarely post so can hardly be classed as one of her biggest trolls.
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What happened to the spare mattress that she used to keep under her bed for her tiny broken babies (aka BeKind) when they were sobbing in the middle of the night and it hurt her heart?

Surely Wibble could’ve bunked up with them in the hobbit hole on that? But, as suspected that was also a load of melodramatic bullshit, she doesn’t give a fuck about any of those kids (including Betsy) unless they are useful to her in some way.

There’s no way I’d have been more than ten steps away from any of mine if they were as poor Wibble is and I certainly wouldn’t be punting parenting on to Edie, she’s 9 ffs!
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Pity party post, Not got the sales you imagined in your head Rachet😂
What a clown, Let’s put up a post a blaming the non verbal violent, level 3 autistic child again cos it’s been about a week since we saw that.🙈🙈🙈
How about concentrating on your kids that you have at home, The 3 yr old that needs help potty training, the 8 yr old that glares at you for attention in the doorway rather than filming the 3 yr old, The 14 yr old that craves attention and the 17 yr old who’s the next to join the mutha fucking train journey off the rails…
I’m just tired of hearing her woe stories, When she’s the problem🤬
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God lives a trier.😂
We can’t have Amazon wishlists because of the trolls, But you can donate cash to keep me in the high end fashion I love, and have come accustomed too. To help the women’s centres.🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
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Here's Rachel working really hard in the women's centres supporting women leaving domestic abuse.

And Sloshy and a very uncomfortable looking bloke who wishes this prick would leave him alone😬 he forgot to put his toupee on for that occasion. And standing on his tippy toes🤦🏻‍♀️
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