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I don't like to give to away too much about myself here but, on this occasion, I'll let you in on a little story.

I grew up with much older parents than my peers . My parents were immigrants with very, what I thought as "old fashioned " views on everything and I fought against it all. I'm ashamed to say now, as they have both passed, that I was embarrassed of them.

I had a best friend who had 4 older siblings and whose parents were everything I wished my parents were - cool - accepting of everything - drink - drugs- swearing- staying out late - underage sex - who needs an education ? Pah.....
I spent alot of time there and, by the time I was 16, there was little my parents could do about it.

During my GCSEs, my parents had to dash back to the Motherland due to a family tragedy and, because of the urgency and what they saw as my passport to life (education) and, simply, because there was no one else, they had no other choice but to agree for me to stay with this family for two weeks during my exams.

What I encountered during that time made me pine for my, what I had seen as, boring - yet kind, supportive, loving parents.

I truly saw the dynamics in that house during those two weeks - the rows, the spite between the siblings, the selfish, self obsessed parents who exposed themselves for who they truly were - jealous of each other and of their own children and of any potential successes they may achieve in life. I actually feared them and longed for my safe, peaceful, old fashioned home.

I never returned to that house and my friendship, unfortunately, waned.

Those short videos has brought back memories and feelings I've suppressed for decades.
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Hi everyone, I’ve lurked probably daily since the 2019 snot fest 🥴 I wanted to comment today because that fb post has really pissed me off! I work in the paediatric health area and all assessments in our area concentrate on the positive first. There’s as much opportunity for parents/settings to record this on forms as there is negative. (Maybe all areas aren’t the same). All my colleagues feel really passionately about highlighting the positives for the child and utilising the skills the children already have for them to make progress. I don’t know any childrens service that concentrate on the negatives. I think she’s used the assessment forms as an excuse to post as she knows that she can exploit the SEN parents following her for good engagement. And also make herself look good and professionals look bad! Yet again she’s managed to find a way to twist something round to give her an opportunity to get engagement on her scammy page. At the expense of her childrens privacy once again! 😡
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Thread suggestion:

For a child who's non-verbal, he sure does talk a lot.
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Only time I will ever share anything personal on here but I’ve lived through the effects of addiction as my sibling is a full addict! Full heroin addiction (injecting) as well as alcohol. The pills are swallowed by the handful and surprised they are still alive. My home life was ruined from aged 9, my parents reduced to their knees and I could share some horrid memories, some just from last year (it’s now a 30+ yr habit). The hospital admissions, prison sentences, rehab, lies, theft (£1000s stolen from my parents), OD’s to being told many times to prepare for the worst and watching my parents plan a possible funeral to the broken promises and lies. My childhood was ruined, I was jumped on a teen because of something they had done (I’m nothing, nothing like them) and beaten.

I moved out to get away from it.

She’s an insult to families with an addict and it’s boiling my fucking piss!!
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I work in a school were we have children who are used for county line drug running and whose homes have been taken over by drug dealers (cuckooing). It’s not something to joke and claim you did for attention on your insta. Children as young as nine are having their lives ruined by this, they can’t get out of it because these dealers threaten to rape or kill their mothers, sisters etc.
a close friend works on the trains and is massively involved in working with other agencies with regards to county line runners.
It makes my blood boil that she makes all this rubbish up and her huns just feel sorry for her, she’s also trying to make something that’s really serious, dangerous and ruins lives everyday in to something to be proud of. Surely running a woman’s centre she would come across these types of children.
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Far and away the most popular thread title was from @chickenshopcharlie 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 we've had a whip round via PayPal, and we've got you the REBL (without a clue) tracksuits in every colour, you're going to look so lush 😍😍😍

Last thread recap:
- Rachaele Louise Hambleton is a massive, lying, scamming cunt
- she doesn't work either full or part time, and can't be arsed to parent her kids and step kids.
- Joshua Marshall was dismissed without notice from Devon and Cornwall Police for improperly accessing the police database, and using a false identity to contact members of the public.
- the last thread ended with the Devon Live article detailing police officers who have been dismissed, including one which appears to fit the timeline of when Sacked Off Steve started his "career break", and the discussion amongst Tattlers carried on. It was noted that the hearing took place on 20 May, the same day which BV Babs said that her and Sloshy had been "crying in the kitchen all day" but never said why. The inclusion of the officer not being named publicly due to their mental health would also fit with the timeline of paying for an autism diagnosis for Wilbert (enabling him to claim an impact on his mental health due to having to deal with a "severely autistic" child), as well as Rumbaba making a point of saying that he had been having therapy.
- as always, whenever there is any discussion on Tattle that Robotramp doesn't like, she reverts to her old story about being trolled 😴 only on PatreCON though, because she's still "taking a break" from the normal PTWM page. This time she's got a shit hot detective on the case, who she's let onto her Patreon without paying so she can sniff out the traitors. This person apparently "caught" one over Christmas, and has messaged Rabies with details of another 2 she's found out. One had "never messaged me, just paid her money every month, but was also on Tattle", the other has an autistic son and has messaged her before, appearing really lovely, but has also been on Tattle slagging off the hallway. Neither situation actually fits the definition of trolling, as neither person has contacted her directly with malicious intent, but that won't stop old Cystitis Celia from saying one of their names on the PatreCON, and then sharing it (including the email address). Yet another round of doxing Rango, you should know by now that it's illegal 🙄
- later on, there was some more doxing, this time of someone who's "trolled constantly since 2019", but has now ordered a tracksuit just so they can complain about it 🤷 which has given her the address and postcode so she can report it to the police (THAT WOULD BE THE SAME POLICE FORCE THAT SACKED YOUR HUSBAND RATSHIT).
- despite staying off social media to be more present, Rumblestrip was replying to comments on Mrs Hinch's post about her book, doing the exact same thing she is accusing others of 🤷
- one of Arsetrid's daughters has moved house, and Ramble "can't". Can't what? String a sentence together? Take a shit without filming herself? Bring her kids up? The list is endless.
- BeKind is coming home for 6 days, which makes you wonder why BV Barbara spent all that money renting a shithole dosshouse the other week to see her. On a side note, when your hideous tracksuits don't even look good on an 18 year old, it's probably time to give up.
- Queen Lateetha took a selfie in the gigantic mirror and tagged where she got her ridiculous cardigan from, didn't bother tagging her Jimmy Choo boots at just over £1000 though, did she?
- Secret Filming Stacey is at it again, with Sloshy in the car whining and picking at Seb for not having a job. His nasally voice was even more irritating than usual as he laid into his first born child because he only goes to college 3 days a week - "I was working full time at your age, then I joined the army". He went on to tell him his money will run out and "you're getting zero from us". Rancid was smirking away like the smug cunt she is. The irony of notaPC Noballs, who got the sack from the police, and now fills his days being his wife's lapdog, telling Seb (who is at college and studying) that he needs to get a job. Maybe it's Foreskin Free Fred who needs a job, so he doesn't need to bully kis kids to feel important.
- FINALLY a Facebook post, pretending to be mum of the year to Wiblet, and praising him for sleeping in his bed and using the potty. Not bad for a violent, severely autistic child 🤷
- she did a question box asking "what you want to see more of in 2023". Seeing as you asked, Thieving Thelma, we'd love to see actual proof that the money you've been scamming for years has actually gone towards anything that you said it would, and not on your collection of designer clothes, shoes and bags. Thanks, hun!
- on PatreCON, Joyce announced that "I'm a sacked, bent copper". Yes, we know. You were dismissed without notice mate, well done for admitting it. Sloshy also talked about getting trolled for "Wilby developing so much since he's been at nursery, this is the fourth kid I've raised at this age and they all develop a lot when they start nursery". Yes they do, but the change in Wilbert has been exceptional, because he was so ignored by you and your thicko wife for the first 3 years of his life. He also went off on one about someone trolling and how he has their address and is coming for them. Crack on mate, you couldn't argue your way out of a wet paper bag.
- still on Patreon, she claimed that Eat That Frog had gone (not true) and instead she wants to have a community fridge that people can come and get food from (did she not have that at the launderette?).
- while doing her make up, she said that Lula had a "really bad day" at school, wonder why that could be? Nothing at all to do with the fact her mum shared that she'd passed a blood clot "the size of a fist" and implied that she was sexually active, and possibly fell pregnant and suffered a miscarriage? Nah, definitely can't be that 🙄 Bullying Barry joined in to say she's such a "dramatic crier". Or she's possibly neurodiverse, and home is her "safe place" where she can relax after masking at school all day?
- Raffle's found a new Emily! Some hun who sent her a voice note late at night, and is overwhelmed that the Patreon Saint herself replied. Run for the hills Caitlin, before you end up working in the Patchwork tat shop and babysitting the feral kids. Interestingly, she asked how trolls can say Rancho doesn't help anyone, yet in the same post says that she had "put her in touch with others". So not actually helped you herself then, has she 🙄
- Bratsy arrived home and sat outside the house obnoxiously honking her car horn. I bet the neighbours LOVED that 🙄
- there's trouble in paradise! Slosh 'n' Wrecks had a massive row, because he was banging on the door and shouting while Edie was in the shower. Oooh, big hard man, shouting at a little girl until she cries 🙄 so Rumbaba was "raging" and weighed in to tell him to stop it. There seems to be a theme over the last couple of days where she's let him bully a kid, then swooped in to the rescue. Meanwhile, Edie has been bullied online by a bunch of girls so is upset about that (here's a parenting tip Ratchet Flaps - try not letting your 9 year old have unrestricted and unsupervised internet access).
- Scamela Anderson and PA Jo the doormat have come up with the lushest name for their community fridge bollocks - Patchwork Pantry 🙄 they want to get a Caddy van to drive around in ("when we can afford it", looks like another raffle with no winners is incoming).
- it seems like Sock Tagging Steve is joining Ratshit for her regular loft waffling. She was "raging" because she was in bed hungry, and thought he was bringing her some food but he didn't, he just got into bed. Get your lazy arse scooting across the carpet, down the stepladder stairs, across the ugly landing, stairs and hallway, and get yourself something to eat! Fuck me, she wants us to believe she's rescuing women left, right and centre, but she can't even get herself a snack 🤷
- it's Joyce's nephew's birthday (Mannah's son), so of course old Fungus Flaps had to do several stories, all about me, me, me. My house is more fun, I bought you trainers, blah blah blah. Because "happy birthday" is never enough.
- while in a pet shop Wilberforce was looking at fish, and Bumbag Barry asked the most beautiful woman in his world whether she thought he would like a fish tank in his room. Seeing as he's in there unsupervised for hours at a time, probably best not to eh. He was carting around 2 backpacks full of Wobbler's animals - tell me you're scared of saying "no" to your son without telling me you're scared of saying "no" to your son. Some hun messaged to say "you're so lucky to be able to take him out, I could never do this with my ASD child". Which gave Exaggerating Ellie an opportunity to say that she doesn't show the difficulties, that transitions take her and Joyce, that because Isaac wa going to a party the meltdown that Wobbly had leaving the house was hideous, he scratched his face until it bled (although he must heal really bloody quick because there's not a mark on him in any of the photos or videos), and Rambo ended up crying "fat sobs", whatever the fuck that means, and Limp Dick Lionel "sat with his head in his hands". No doubt while Wilbert was still kicking the shit out of himself 🤔
- HOLD THE FRONT PAGE! Someone thanked the Snatchwork Mean Girls for their raffle prize 😱😱 so that makes a total of one, what about the rest from 3 different raffles?
- YTS Alan has obviously told her she needs to be more relatable, as she complained about the electricity bill having doubled. Maybe if you encouraged your family to wear some clothes once in a while, instead of wandering around in booty shorts and crop tops, you might not need the heating on to the max all the time 🤷
- Betsy brought home a whole entourage of mates ("like she's Beyonce"), who all used the shower - wonder if Limp Dick Leonard stood outside hammering on the door like he did to Edie? They went out, then all came back to stay and nicked all the cushions off the sofa.
- Wilby's doing really well with potty training, but don't ask her how because she doesn't know what to do (despite him being her 4th child) and has just let him take the lead. She started taking him into the toilet with her, because he's never "sin" anyone using the toilet, and probably thinks everyone wears nappies and is just curling out shit all over the place. Anyway, she got him involved by saying "bye bye" to Mummy's shit, and flushing the toilet. She then went on to talk about how her and Sloshy's shitting habits are different - she can only shit at home or her mum's house (even though she hasn't lived with her mum since she was 4), but Joyce prefers shitting in public toilets (we know hun, he deploys off to Sainsbury's so he doesn't have you standing outside the door with a glass up against it, trying to hear his turds hit the water, you absolute fucking freak).
- Sunday came and the gruesome twosome headed off round to Arsetrid's for a boozy, adults only lunch. Bratsy's only back for 6 days, and Ramble has missed her "so much", but she couldn't wait for dump Wilbert on her and piss off to neck wine and fizzy cat's piss with her Instagram mate.

Running total of overnight breaks away since Joyce started his career break on 15 June:
Night at Herpes Lodge (midweek)
Night in Exeter (Saturday)
Night in London (midweek)
Joyce's birthday - one night at Boringdon Hall (midweek), then two nights (Friday and Saturday) in a lodge in Cornwall with Arsetrid and Simon.
Herpes Lodge (weekend), night in London (mid week in half term), Friday night in Southampton
November - 2 nights in London (Sunday and Monday)
December - 5 nights in Jubai

If you are new, please read the wiki (pink button at the top) and if you are in need of support or advice in relation to domestic abuse, there are some links and helplines listed at the bottom of the wiki page


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    VIP Member
    What is she talking about 🤦🏻‍♀️? Unless there is a massive amount of stuff I'm missing on here, she's losing her mind. I am just going to take it that she's got issues with people in her town and that the Huns WhatsApp are as bad as she is.

    (Who is Stacey? Who has had a stroke? Why can't Josh defend himself in public? Was Claire 'Clarrie,' because she barely said anything on here. Who attacked Wibble? Who went to Edie's school last week? Whose phone numbers is she linking to bank accounts and how? Is she MI5 now. Who has a job next door to Wibble's nursery? Who is the bully from Josh's school? Wow 🤦🏻‍♀️.)
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    Wilby struggles with understanding? What about when she was saying she'd taken him to the doctor, and she went "I'll be the doctor, can you show me your finger? Can I look in your mouth? Can you show me your tummy?" etc and he did it all perfectly? Absolutely nothing wrong with that boy's understanding, and he's more intelligent than both his dopey arsed parents put together 🤷
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    Chatty Member
    Is she actually having some kind of joke with this?! Why does she always make this boy out to be worse than he actually is? It’s disgusting! He’s a wonderful lad who’s been badly letdown by those two cretins. He can do most of these things and he’s so intelligent (especially his animal knowledge) why does she not celebrate him? She sickens me.
    That boys does not struggle with separation!🤯 They abandon him constantly!
    And using his fingers… never notice him struggle to position his small animals etc. his fine motor control looks good to me!
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    VIP Member
    Thank you, I think I’ve uploaded them now. Let me know if they’re showing x
    You’ve reminded me what led me here. I had donated to her via Pay Pal (only a fiver), and put a comment about when the newsletter was due on one of her posts. I wasn’t even arsed about the money, just interested what the funds has gone towards (genuinely!). I was blocked, Googled her name and came here. People here enlightened me that she has filtered the word PayPal from her comments so that if you use it, no-one but you can see the comment!

    Honestly, I immediately knew that was SO shady. Why would you ban certain words from comments?!! Then I emailed her, and she offered me a refund. I think she thought that would satisfy me, but to be honest I thought that was even more of a red flag. Do you know any charity that would offer you a refund of a donation to avoid telling you where your money had gone? Nah, right? They’d send you their annual report, or some kind of breakdown of how their income is used, and tell you to cancel your direct debit if you wanted, but you ain’t having the £££ back!
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    Active member
    Yes they should buy him a little pair of binoculars. His dad could take him bird watching now and again. That would broaden things for him. He'd soon learn the different birds if his animal knowledge is anything to go by. Wouldn't be long before he worked out the difference between a blue tit and a right tit ie his dad 🤣🤣
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    VIP Member
    Comments under the live. One got a response and one didn't. I wonder why?🤭
    1) She's drip feeding you stories so that you'll tune back in tomorrow, pay your £5 pound dutifully and buy her book. She does it very well, across multiple platforms and I am not knocking it either, it's one of the only things she's actually good at.

    2) No one is commenting on here for your entertainment, condemnation or validity. So if you have nothing constructive to add, stop reading here, get out of our space and go watch ITV BE or whatever it is you do to fill up your tedious, intellectually lacking, non critical thinking, vapid existence.

    I am so sick of hearing and seeing comments from these basics 😩.
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    VIP Member
    Thread Title - Excellent 👏
    Recap - Brilliant 👏
    Josh's face when Simon assassinated him with that James Bond comment - PRICELESS 😂😂😂

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    VIP Member
    Don't dislike or judge the kids.

    Their parents are the purest form of dysfunctional idiots and when you are a child in that situation it's often survival of the fittest. You have to remember that no one really gives a fuck about them, so shouting the loudest is the probably only instrument they have.

    It's really quite sad 😞.
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    VIP Member
    On the REBL Instagram: "my girls are involved in choosing material, shape, size, finish etc"

    On the PatreCON live: "but Lula, you don't like my tracksuits, you said you hate the colour"

    So is she involved in choosing and you decided to overrule her, or are you lying about how much the kids are involved, and just using their names for marketing your Turkish tat?
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