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Why is it always “tens of thousands of pounds of my money” she’s said that about the women’s centres, shops and now the tracksuits.

Just to add, I hate it when these ”influencers” posts pics of their kids sleeping, a real bugbear of mine, it’s such an invasion of privacy. Poor kids never get a break from the camera.
The "tens of thousands" of her own money she's always referring to - does she mean the thousands that people have donated over the years (via PayPal, multiple Patreon accounts etc), or the thousands made from her shitty shop, or the money she's charging for her pound shop version of the Freedom course etc. None of that is earned honestly and could be classed as "her" money, because people are throwing it at her specifically because they think it's going towards the running of the centres.

On a smaller scale, if I was doing something for charity and collecting sponsorship for it, while that money is in my possession for a while, I wouldn't think of it as *my* money. I wouldn't collect £100 for Cancer Research or whatever, and then say "I've given £100 of my money", I'd say "I have managed to raise £100" 🤷
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Her timelines of events make my “brain poorly”.

Was she a hardened drug addict/county lines dealer with shoes two times too big (remember she’s teeny tiny) whilst she was living in a lounge where her granny died? Or was it when she was living with one of her besties? Or her brother who bought her the trainers her mum didn’t?!

Was she zipping up and down on the express train off her tits whilst holding down three jobs and living in a needle ridden bedsit? I honestly can’t keep up anymore.

Surely the huns don’t just take all this utter bull at face value? And if they do, then it must be because they don’t actually care enough about Rach and her life to question it.

Maybe she can only pose with turned in toes now because of the damage inflicted to her poor feet when she was having to walk around like Crusty the Clown in her borrowed trainers… 🤷🏼‍♀️
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Chatty Member
Wtf is she on about with all that underdog talk? It doesn’t even make sense! Poor Lula is left feeling like they’re calling her ugly and yet again all R cares about is how attractive her daughters are - grow the fuck up you rancid shallow puddle!
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I might be going against the grain here but I don’t think B is even that attractive, she’s just a normal looking teenage girl.

I feel sorry for all the kids, they’re products of their upbringing, and you can tell they all take after R, everyone seems to become her carbon clone, it’s so… weird. she’s like the evil stepmother in Snow White lol.
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wonder Lu

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I’m seriously wondering if there is another site she’s talking about??? I don’t remember anyone talking about someone having a stroke or attacking Wilby? I’m totally flummoxed as to what the hell she is talking about.
I think we all now know the answer to what has happened to the member who was on here and it the watsapp group 😳
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What’s happened to her? She used to be so lovely looking and her clothes were so stylish, her house was beautiful, her husband was a decent enough looking bloke with a good job and her kids were cute.
Literally ALL gone to shit.
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I have 3 children all Sen. Youngest is 10 and has severe separation anxiety (I'm not detailing here what he does as Ratshit will use it for her own benefit, cause we all know they read here).
It is horrendous, we've had TAF meetings, we've had specialists, counsellors, he's finally at place now where he is OK about going to school. At Wiffles age I couldn't go anywhere without him.
In my sons 10 years of life I've had 3 nights away from him, 2 for work and 1 for a night out, 7 years ago. Son stayed with family, including his 2 sisters, still freaked, we came home early. That is separation issues not the bullshit she is pedalling, she's pedalling fast, unexplained changes in his day, mostly to places that are unfamiliar with lots of people and starnger people at that. She knows this will induce a meltdown, perfect for more of her fml content. And it's abusive! Any wonder you're getting reported to SS. Worst parents alive!
Remember that time a random mate of Betsy's was looking after him and took him to a music festival by herself?! Yep, he definitely looked like a kid with lots of additional needs when he was dancing around in a crowd full of strangers with loud music 🤷
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Wow, what a horrible home that must be where looks are all that matters and discussed.

What precocious little brat E is. Imagine the teachers having to put up with her.

It’s all so vile.
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I couldn’t even watch all those videos because I cannot stand to listen to the utter shit she talks!!! She’s actually a pathological liar and believes everything she’s saying!

I’ve never seen anyone slate Wilby. We all say how adorable he is and how he’s letdown by his psychotic parents!

And we hardly went to town on old Dangerous Derek! He threatened to “fuck us up” (😂😂) I didn’t see anyone here threatening him or his wife.

And one more time as it’s clearly not sinking in for you Rachel. YOU ARE NOT BEING TROLLED HERE!! It’s a public forum and these are our opinions, which we are entitled to. Unless they’re in your inbox, sending letters to your house, calling and texting you then it’s not trolling. IF they are in your inbox then share it on your social media and prove it. But we all know you’re not. In fact I think you’re a troll you doxxing rotten bitch.
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I’m sorry but this old photo of them in a “sex afterglow” is so fucking weird. Why would you take that, save it, and then post it ages later pretending it’s you now 🤣 and then slosh adding to the lie “you apologised” 🤣 honestly “I can’t” I just can’t with these two. What a pair of idiots. And the idiot huns 🤣 fucking hell!!!
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I’m sorry but if your child had such a bad meltdown yesterday, with both his parents and you know that new places are a trigger, wouldn’t you say to your other child “please don’t take him out, it’s not fair on him or you”
But nope, she is texting, sat on her arse at someone else’s house and thinking “oooh good content here” and posting it to her stories. It’s quite clear she lies about the meltdowns. I don’t know what is worse actually - that she lies or that he does have meltdowns and she doesn’t give a fuck, about him or her other kids looking after him.
She’s such a shit human
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Interesting that she has time to reply to her "trolls" about her expensive goods but has previously said she gets too many messages to be able to respond to all the vulnerable women who contact her. Can I suggest you prioritise them over people expressing their opinion on your ad revenue?
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Remember when she used to try and convince everyone that Edie could sing and huns would agree. I think we've established that Edie couldn't hit the right note if it was stood in front of her and lit up with neon fucking lights!

Fucking painful listening to that, sounds like a bag of fighting cats!
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How can she circle that Wilby struggles with learning but then in the next frame she's saying that he can say any letter of the alphabet and he can name all the animals starting with that letter, and that you can show him a picture and he'll name it.... surely he's learned these things?
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Is she actually having some kind of joke with this?! Why does she always make this boy out to be worse than he actually is? It’s disgusting! He’s a wonderful lad who’s been badly letdown by those two cretins. He can do most of these things and he’s so intelligent (especially his animal knowledge) why does she not celebrate him? She sickens me.
She is disgusting. Her need to play the victim in every situation is surely a disorder?! If (if) he is autistic then yes he may struggle with some of those things. If he is neurotypical he still might, particularly as he hasn’t been in a proper nursery setting and left alone with nothing but an iPad for company for so long. Whilst autism is considered a disability, he is still a fully functioning toddler compared to some children who literally cannot communicate, walk, go to the toilet without ‘help’, are peg fed, have to be hoisted into baths. Who are terminally ill. I’m sick of her f@cking woe is me narrative. She doesn’t give a damn about HIS needs or achievements. All she cares about is his perceived failings and the money (engagement/content) she can get on the back of it. That boy is thriving even if he does have his worst ever melt down most days. As for separation…are you kidding, he’s dumped on anyone they can most of the time?! Rant. Over.
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Oh, just making a note in case anyone didn't know, Joshua Marshall was dismissed without notice from his role as a PC with Devon and Cornwall Police!
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Flossy McFluff

Active member
Well done for naming 'Stacey' in your rant full of bullshit. I'm also assuming Claire Ellis was mention of you threatening her kids though was there Rash? Half a story as usual.

Oh, and nobody has said anything bad about Wilby...just about your shitty parenting.
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Rachael tomorrow after speaking to Nikki of Hundom.......

"The Trolls came after Wibble yesterday. Saying things like his speech was coming on well and he seemed to have improved massively in the last few months. That cesspit. Full of poison about my child. Not once considering how I might feel after his improvements shit all over my 'paid for' diagnosis. It's all making me poorly in the head."
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I've just came across this cracker. Maybe instead of a notebook for her lies she should go back and read her Facebook posts?
Well that didn't age well did it.. matt is now toxic 🤣🤣
And if she lived with him for 10 years, when on earth did she find the time to live in 2 bedsits, 3 Foster homes, her own flats and with her dad and step mother all before the age of 21 (when she had betsy and was living with wayne)🤦‍♀️🤣🤣
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Can the Huns not see the red flags here? He isn't allowed to walk the dogs during the day as she is accusing him of bird watching. (Not the female two legged type he had a habit of falling into penis first) So he's going in the dark. Not allowed one hobby. No job. No life away from her. He is a prick himself but that is one downtrodden man.
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