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VIP Member
Putting aside Autism for one minute and thinking about the little mind of a three year old boy.

Imagine being happy playing with your Animal Kingdom. Then your bickering Mum & Dad, (who have spent the majority of the week either at each others throats or performing for the camera or chatting absolute bollocks with all the strays that wander through that house,) suddenly dress you up like Noddy to drag you all over Torbay, (for no reason really when they have two cars.) You know you'll be strapped in for ages. Plus you have a vague idea you will end up in the shops, then at some coffee shop or pub that you'd rather not be at, because that's what always happens, and you are acutely aware of routines and order.

I'd probably throw a fit, scratch myself and chin my mum also to be honest 🤷🏻‍♀️.
Bloody love you😂😂😂
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So the WhatsApp group were ordered not to look on here, not to comment about here, not to draw any attention to anything here, because it made R poorly in the head,
Can the WhatsApp group see now that she reads here, takes what’s being written here and lies that it’s in her inbox?
Can the WhatsApp group see that they both read here even though they lie and say they don’t? That basically R does exactly what she wants and expects everyone to tow the line and do what she says?
Is it all starting to click into place, are the dots joining up that what she says doesn’t match with what she does?

99% of the people that comment on this thread were fans, followers and honestly believed she was doing good things.
What’s going to be your lightbulb moment? It’s interesting to see how many lurkers are now commenting, how many more are trying to join.

She runs her business on gaslighting, smoke and mirrors.
And the huns are happy with that?
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Doesn't she very occasionally show his kids though? I'm not sure he has a relationship with her, but maybe the children's mum does? Definitely no signs of the oldest 2 being close to her any more. I can imagine the cousins love going around to their aunty who shells out vouchers and #notanaddickheads freebies in the same spirit that the child catcher gave about sweeties in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Cheeldren, leetle cheeldren... poor bloody family.
Yes, I think she’s still friendly with her ex sister in law. I’ve noticed if she sees/shows Leisa’s kids, it’s when her Mum is around.
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The smile on her face is sloshys reward. Like a dog with a treat, whose a good sloshy boy, saying nasty things to his child.
Is it any wonder sloshy has troubles in the bedroom, the only time he's allowed to feel like a man, it's at the expense of his own son.
I have to ask as i keep seeing it mentioned but can't find the answer - how do you know Sloshy has problems in the bedroom?? keep seeing the references and its driving me nuts😂😂 I've dipped in and out lurking as much as I can and done some back reading but not found the answer yet - help!!
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I made the original comment about my child having an actual diagnosis as opposed to a paid for one. I meant no disrespect or upset to anyone on here. Was just an observation on the supposed level 3 diagnosis that W got. Seeing as level 3 doesn’t exist from an NHS or private diagnosis. Don’t appreciate the name calling I’m now being subjected to. So much for solidarity between SEN parents
I think the name calling was aimed at Rachel? 🙂
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So she's closing the shop during the week because footfall is low.....Obviously didn't do any research into that vanity project did she.
It's a seaside town, most tat shops shut during the winter as footfall grinds to a halt. Also, the shop is in a low footfall area to start with, no-one goes down that road. Add that to the fact we're in a cost of living crisis, it was obvious to anyone with a brain that it wasn't going to work.
Wasn't a body found down that road as well, last year I think? (Sorry for the morbidity) but where I'm from, we tend to avoid the area for a while if there's been am incident, and we get a lot! Mainly other nationalities turning on each other but a good mix of locals as well
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I’ve thought this for quite some time. Emily started becoming a lot more distant after Rach’s 40th, I think Emily and Josh were speaking on the sly to organise the ‘surprise party’, I think him being the twat that he is thought there was more to it. Talking secretly probably brought back memories of sneaking about with Rancid and it got him excited again and he made a move, Emily didn’t reciprocate and told Rancid. Not long after that Rancid kept making a point of making sure everyone knew how happy they were and how much sex they were having. She was definitely marking her territory… maybe the reason Rancid hasn’t publicly slagged Emily off is because Emily probably has proof of him coming on to her and Rach wouldn’t want that getting out would she… she’d just be another woman he’s done the dirty on then 🤔
None of this would surprise! Neither have any boundaries.
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I believe she has 2 brothers and a sister, she fell out with her sister and one of the brothers a long time ago, she was pretty close with the other brother (to the point that Wilby's middle is after him). She showed him a lot, then he moved away to France and she stopped talking about him, a while ago she did a Q&A and someone asked about him, she said that she doesn't speak to him any more. Nobody knows why!
Wilby’s middle name is after the older brother who took her in for a while and tried to look after her. The other brother that she appeared to be close with, is the one that moved to France and we haven’t heard about him for ages🙂
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Ran straight here when she said re:happy valley.."coz she should have arrested her coz that's what you would have done" 😂 😂 yeah if she was a naughty hedgehog pops and it was giving it the silly woman 😂
Edit...not pops I meant popo (slang police 😂)
  • Haha
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