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There have been people on here tho who suggest he isn’t autistic, when I personally think it’s quite clear he is. I support adult with learning disabilities/autism and he has numerous traits.
Totally agree; the level 3 bollox is an Americanism and certainly not used here in UK ( so far), Slosh displays numerous autistic traits including elements of Adhd and OCD ( and no its not all about being dirt averse, compulsive cleaning etc, quite a complex condition). The lack of basic parenting is appalling and Im amazed any of the kids have managed as well as they have with such little support from either parent. Im.assuming friends and family have stepped up whilst they absented themselves from the responsibility. The pair of them are beginning to reap their rewards with the sneering and classy lines from bkind .... dear god what an awful family.
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I remember watching right from when Wilby was born (I did long before then also) BUT I thought how well she was doing as he went from breastfeeding to the bottle then progressed into a high chair, sitting at the table EVERY meal time, Josh cooked a meal every night - set aside portions for wee Wilby and froze them etc. He was adored, if anything more by his big brothers, he seemed to be a fashion accessory to Betsy, annoying to T and someone to boss around by Edie 😢

What happened? Why would you actively push for your child to have disabilities. Is it really all for money and “fame” or pity? Surely a husband wouldn’t willingly go along with this. Has she threatened him with never seeing his kids again if he doesn’t?

Sorry, just so many questions and answers I cannot find to them x
I honestly think the only answer there is, is Narcissistic Personality Disorder, or something very very similar. Some people just need the absolute adoration and attention of others - at all costs.

Someone above said about the marmite meaning he doesn’t have sensory issues, the only thing I would say is that it “could” be sensory seeking, my 14yr old does it but with soap. Or he could just be seeking attention off his parents 🤷🏻‍♀️

As for us being trolls on here, I don’t believe the troll thing fits, because whilst we all disagree from time to time with other’s opinions, it’s never just said to inflame, it’s literally just differences in opinion and interpretations of situations. Its kinda what makes here unique because we can call give a different view and learn things from each other too like FridaK said.
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I think it’s very telling there has not been one post from a hun coming to defend her.
Well quite. We've had no end of posters saying they'd messaged her asking for help and support (either for themselves or others) and had no response, or a generic "that's so shit babe". Not a single person has signed up here to defend her, say that she helped them leave and get into a refuge, or that they visited her centre and got their dirty washing done while they relaxed with a coffee and stopped their kids choking on a worry doll.

Even if messages of support are supposedly deleted, there is always someone around who will reply or screenshot, so there are always receipts.
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I was actually thinking about this the other day, I’m sure she sold off that “heart wall” on it, but when they were at gangster granny’s I noticed she had hearts on her wall - might not be the same ones and just a coincidence but it just reminded me.

They sold calendars as well. Always thought it was odd to a) want the country to have your kids photos hanging on the wall each month b) people would want other kids photos hanging on the wall every month.
Oh, I remember the calendars. Despite my best efforts to block them out...


Along with the inspirational quotes... (I cropped the accompanying photo out, I figured it was best given that it shows a very young Betsy and Tallulah without tops on. Safeguarding Susan strikes again, hey?)


The wine glasses were pretty special as well.

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Somerset girl

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The unmumsy mum has just done a really sweet Q&A on insta. No ranting about trolls or passive aggressive replies. I'd love to ask old rank fanny Rach how she has such awful trolls yet another devon mummy blogger apparently doesn't?

Also if we're all such awful trolls why are there people on Instagram we like? Why are there rave threads on here if we're all just complete scum?
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I've actually got second hand embarrassment for Rancid this morning after catching up & thinking she is God & should she get carrie the sack or not?! Who the fuck does she think she is? 😁🙈 just cos she runs a cpl of charity shop & falls out with everyone she gets close to, always showing her true colours isent she.
Fucking freak. No wonder half the kids have appeared to of moved out.
Even there sick of her shit.
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I used to feel sorry for old Sloshy but he’s just as vile as she is. Five grand watch Fred is equally abusive to his two older sons as slug lipped selina is to just about everybody she comes into contact with. Disgusting pair of cunts.
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So who was the lady who ran marathons and had a fit husband? Norfolk tax account lady or Neath Port Talbot lady 🤣 the way she talks about these nasty trolls 'lovely little family' etc. There seems to be an element of jealousy. They don't have to sell their families privacy and live a life on Patreon donations. They have real jobs and lifes. Their only error in her eyes was to comment on her on this anonymous site instead of being a decent human being and following her and praising her on her account. Why should they have all the fun and privacy while she sells her soul?! It doesn't change her life one bit if this site exists or not. She is still not liked by people in her real life who really do know her. It seems she places more value on her (not) 750k followers.
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Awwww I’m so pleased for wee Wilby, 2 weeks of nursery and he’s flying along. We all knew that would be the case I bet he’s absolutely loving it, he’s getting the input and attention he needs so badly.

Poor Lula and Ethel though :( I hope she doesn’t post her grief all over instagram like she did with her ex step daughter’s dead horse that time 🤞🏻
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‘This journey is still pretty new to me ……..’ ??😮🤷🏼‍♀️
She’s had 3 children before him. She didn’t need pre-school to teach him animals and counting. All she cared about was teaching him one liners like ‘Wow’ and ‘Oh dear’ so she could monetise it and put it on a jumper! 🤬

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I love how she hates it here so much, yet half of us got sent this way by her 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Haha exactly! I deffo did. I used to like her page and found the stories funny but just couldn’t put my finger on why but I thought a lot of her stories were all lies 🤷‍♀️ I then got her audio book and again when listening just had this gut feeling it was lies 🤣🤷‍♀️ I have no idea why

Then she spoke about tattle and I found this page and it all made sense ha
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All those things she’s clinging on to, to prove that nursery isn’t working so she can claim her EHCP, are all things that she’s created by her neglect and shite parenting. She’s never encouraged him to share and she’s allowed him to make lines out of things in inappropriate places like shops. And like everyone says, no kids like hand driers. Why is she clinging so hard to there being something wrong with that little boy?
Because then she can justify his delays on that rather than their non existent parenting.
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