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VIP Member
I was thinking, the main reason they’ve not shared that Josh was dismissed from Devon and Cornwall police is because he is too ashamed to tell his Mum and their kids. Can you imagine the field day those kids would have with him if they knew? Rach encourages the kids to disrespect him already, they’d rip him to shreds if they knew he’d been sacked and the ‘career break’ was a complete misdirection.

Maybe that’s why Betsy has moved in with gangsta granny; she’s not taking orders from Joshua now, she’s like 🖕 But Rach needs to keep her sweet because Betsy knows where the bodies are buried and for the time being she’s agreed to keep quiet.

Oh what a tangled web we weave……..their lies will catch-up them eventually.
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Chatty Member
Rat shit is very close to getting herself into trouble for harassment. I’m sure Josh would be handling this differently if he’s planning on returning to the force 🤔
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Think " the Management" have had a word

Management: Getting reports that you two cretins made derogative comments regarding "Woke" causes.

The Cretins - Quick - put a pink hairgrip on Wilby
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Chatty Member
Not sure about you trolls 🧌 but when I go out with my mates we don’t walk down the street ignoring each other like we’re complete strangers! We usually are glued side by side chatting and laughing, we don’t even look at our phones for hours
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Old Sloshy Joshy, the horny little Viking 😈🤢. What an utter embarrassment he is. Get a private account for your mucky business Josh. Your wife is ambassador for women's rights blah blah blah. Hardly appropriate to be watching her (and being associated with her) endorse My Little Pony and The Week Junior etc while having an OPEN Instagram account that's following dodgy soft porn pages.
Each to their own. No judgement from me for his sexual kinks, but it's not *on brand* is it. Some things are best left in the Hobbit Hole (or not as the case may be!).
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I remember watching right from when Wilby was born (I did long before then also) BUT I thought how well she was doing as he went from breastfeeding to the bottle then progressed into a high chair, sitting at the table EVERY meal time, Josh cooked a meal every night - set aside portions for wee Wilby and froze them etc. He was adored, if anything more by his big brothers, he seemed to be a fashion accessory to Betsy, annoying to T and someone to boss around by Edie 😢

What happened? Why would you actively push for your child to have disabilities. Is it really all for money and “fame” or pity? Surely a husband wouldn’t willingly go along with this. Has she threatened him with never seeing his kids again if he doesn’t?

Sorry, just so many questions and answers I cannot find to them x
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Just speculating here, but she sounded v flat yesterday even though she tried to cover it with bravado. As I say, pure speculation but maybe she has been contacted by police about the previous doxxing and that’s what triggered the weekend troll hunt. I can’t imagine the council called her back at 9am and if she’s gone to the police, they’ve prob said that it’s more evidence of her behaving illegally. Shot herself in the foot. No wonder she doesn’t feel better.
If she is being looked into for doxxing VCJR then its pretty stupid of her to do it again at the weekend 🙄
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Chatty Member
How embarrassing for his kids knowing his dad likes to look at pictures of rough sex and possibly has erectile dysfunction. Why would anyone follow a page like that and not consult their doctor or have some private testosterone tests. The page doesn’t even have any posts… all a bit odd.

Each to their own but I remember saying when Rach kept going on about how much sex they were having I said the ones who talk about it too much are the ones trying to cover something up. The same with commenting on each others posts, loving each other the hardest (no pun intended!)

I’ve discussed my sex life with my best friend but in front of hundreds of thousands of followers,nope!
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New member
Ahhhh, lovely taking their toddler out, in his designer clothes, showing what good and wholesome parents they are, only hours after tearing someone down, doxxing them and show very little of their #bekind mantra.
Seems to me all is not well at Patchwork Towers and they are beginning to unravel. Couldn't happen to a nicer couple....
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Anyone else expecting an influx of new members now she actually used the word "Tattle" on one of those screenshots?
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Just to add, I’ve said before about my shitshow experience with family court and how they took abusers side on everything, so when they did take my side then I know damn well I was in the right…
They said that telling someone that they had made them want to kill themselves to get an apology / change / action from a person, is the ultimate abusive act.
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VIP Member
Gin Diesel needs to calm the fuck down tbh.

What a shit weekend those kids must be having. Imagine your mum being more concerned about someone having an opinion on a gossip forum than she is about you.
Gin Diesel 😂😂😂
I'm deceased 💀💀
This thread is going to be a cracker 😎
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VIP Member
I think a tattler above could be right, she is doing the whole troll thing just incase it does come out that he was sacked for looking on the database for trolls.
“He done it to protect me”

Now if this is true and he was sacked and they was genuinely worried about “trolls” surely he could have spoke to someone at work about his concerns not take it into his own hands.

Also he would have had to appeal and have his say on why he done it, if he was just looking surely a slap on the wrist, warning and don’t do this again but if he was sacked I think he done more, I think he contacted people too from the information he got on the database.
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Well-known member
Nooo, there was two.
Tattle Carrie was the accountant.
The one that messaged Josh was called Ann (I think) and was the Welsh council worker.
They were fighting a troll each 🤦🏻‍♀️😂

ETA - (@DozyWebster no idea what the 'mum of 4' stuff is about. Bit mad that bit.)
I’m very surprised she took on an accountant with her history 🤣🤣🤣
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There's definitely more to the "career break" because otherwise he wouldn't have lost his shit Friday night when it was mentioned. He got a tad bit too touchy and it was hilarious 😆
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wonder Lu

VIP Member
Just wondering which newspaper would be best to take her story too 🤔 I think maybe the daily fail??
That’s right Rachael batten down the hatches.. you may just get what you have always wanted, fame, but maybe not quite the way you imagined.
Be nice if it coincides with your book launch.
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