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But by commenting here isn't that what we are doing? We're distancing ourselves, she doesn't have to read it. From what I can work out from her recent troll hunt, no one here has messaged her. She just doesn't like that she can't control what we say on Tattle.
She fucking shat herself with excitement when Sloshy got that late night message about a dripping fanny! We have always said that if she was getting abusive messages in her inbox she'd screenshot the shit out of them but she never does, proving that it's not happening. This was her opportunity to show that they do get messages (well, one message that could have been a bot, or a hack but you know, she'll take what she can get!).
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Chuff offohc

Well-known member
Pretend to be bothered about the trolls all you like rach but the biggest trolls are your friends and family. It's the people coining in off you while the money is there, and the ones who will run and not look back when the shit hits the fan.
You just need to look at emily to see that the money doesn't buy loyalty when it comes to you because when you do fall it's going to be a long drop back into reality and you'll be alone.
Think about that
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Predictable Pamela with the "Look at me being a good Mummy" content today on the swings. Completely forgetting the bullying and harrassment content over the weekend. You do you babes. Just...who are you?
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But why leave it until yesterday to start outing all these ‘trolls’? She could’ve been outing people for years.
I 100% believe she has trolled herself for sympathy. I just don’t think yesterday is one of those days.
She caught someone and has ran away with it. She has got all giddy about the fact she has caught a troll, and blasted it everywhere
I don’t know why people don’t think, that this can happen when people leave their pictures on screenshots. It said the tattler followed her. It is quite easy for the profile to be found
I had a rant two threads ago I think and said if she had real trolls and what was said here was false, she would show the troll messages then show proof how they were wrong, e.g. where PayPal money has gone, who she has helped etc but up until she does, then her troll rants are fake.

Instead she lost her shit, faked a troll and sent more people here as she named tattle.

She's as bright as night that one
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I think someone came on at the end of the last thread who had some people in common with her? I'd imagine they are keeping the "career" break pretty secret tho. It would need to be someone in the police.

Typical narcissist, never asks why has this woman "set out to ruin her life" (I know that's not what Tattle is). Maybe if you weren't a scamming, child exploiting ADULTERER you wouldn't have 147 threads on you?!
I heard ADULTERER in the voice of Kim woodburn


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Remind me again how she's a great role model for My Little Pony when one of her latest follows on her PUBLIC Instagram is
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Just speculating here, but she sounded v flat yesterday even though she tried to cover it with bravado. As I say, pure speculation but maybe she has been contacted by police about the previous doxxing and that’s what triggered the weekend troll hunt. I can’t imagine the council called her back at 9am and if she’s gone to the police, they’ve prob said that it’s more evidence of her behaving illegally. Shot herself in the foot. No wonder she doesn’t feel better.
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I couldn't give 2 shiny shits if she's seen I've viewed that on tiktok, it'll match from when she blocked me for calling her out for being a bullshitter. It should also show when I asked for help but she most likely deleted that. If she wants to call that "trolling" then I'll laugh at her, call her a cunt and share the shit out of it. Make people aware how "poorly in the head" she is.
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I don't understand why she felt the need to admit to any of it or apologise. Even if she thinks she's found you on SM she can't prove your the same person on Tattle. Something doesn't add up for me.
Yeah exactly even if a screen shot had a profile pic in . It isn't to say that it was her profile pic it could have been a screenshot sent to her .

Would love her to report me to my boss he's a brutal ole geezer and would tell her she's a fanny and to f off

What’s she going to call this book ? A different kind of stupid ? As tribute to the people that buy it 🤣🤣🤣
A different kind of scam. 🤣
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Anyone else hear “my solicitor and police” are involved?

id love to be a fly on the wall with that investigation…
Kate sighs, picks up the phone and calls the lead detective. They answer with "Devon scammer again?". They roll their eyes, have a giggle, put down the phone and get on with their real jobs (with Kate working out how much she needs to charge per minute of voice notes she has to sit through).
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All the sacking and speaking to employers stuff just shows how insular and basic her life is!! Businesses closing, more to close on the way, unions in uproar all over the place, general strike on the way but Raq thinks employers will risk an IT case because we said her bathroom is shite!! Aye ok will!! Ffs there are workplaces were colleagues are saying worse to each other face to face and don’t get sacked.
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Chatty Member
A friend reminded me today: I used to have a few places I always went to at the same time, abusive exh started going to the same places at the same times. I tried to report it as harassment, but the police were having none of it, just said “well stop going there then”.

Pretty sure the same applies to reading a gossip site, because there is no trolling in your inbox Rach.
I had an ex that used to harass me by phone calls, texts, threaten to come round my house etc. The police told me to block his number, change my number and there is nothing I can do if someone turns up at my house unless they actually do something to me 🙄. The police are going to do fuck all because gossiping on a website isn’t illegal, maybe immoral in some people’s eyes but having an opinion which differs against the masses isn’t illegal. If influencers could actually take criticism without setting their followers on them or the influencer themselves not being aggressive then places like tattler wouldn’t exist.
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I've had 24 hours off social media and got 30 odd pages to catch up on. . Cant believe them pair and there troll crap . I'm off to ignore my kids , not give them ice cream and catch up although I may give them a jar of marmite to smear over them selves while I'm busy reading 🤣🤣🤣

Edited to add its not actual marmite though its tescos own version because I'm a poor ham egg and chips kinda person 🤣
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Fuck me, the huns really are stroking her ego aren't they 🤦‍♀️ she's absolutely nuts.
If your going to take comments off here Rachel, then at least do it properly and screenshot the wiki with all the receipts 🤷‍♀️
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Don’t you think some of this is going to be her own undoing? I get that if
Someone was actually trolling / hassling / threatening her might be a sackable offence but writing on tattle is no different really to commenting on a sidebar of shame article. Which is not illegal and you would never be sacked for it. Just because she runs her operation based on who is in and who is out doesn’t mean all employers do.

Her hons must be able to see that the person hadn’t contacted her and in fact that muppet went out of her way to read insults about her
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Chatty Member
Rachel/Josh - if you weren’t sacked prove it right now and the discussion stops. Publicly say on your insta you weren’t sacked.
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Chatty Member
Strange how this can be posted openly on Twitter …for whole world to see about an ex Prime Minster …but supposedly I can’t say what I like on a members only gossip site …about nobodies…
just more Drama, Shite, Lies …endlessly
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