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Chatty Member
I've just checked out buying followers for a private insta account.

Its extremely easy to do and cost less than £5 for me to request 200 followers.

You can also buy video views, likes, etc etc. So influencers wanting ad campaigns who are shady as fuck can easily inflate engagement stats. Wonder who may do such a thing...
you only have to have a quick scroll through her followers to see a fair amount of bot of spam accounts
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Chatty Member
New thread title thanks to @I'mThankyou_ we've had a whip round and we're sending you a polyester Halloween costume, an animatronic zombie that looks like Josh and a couple of blood bag cocktails 🧟‍♂️🎃👻🧙

Last thread recap:
- Raq is still queen of the cunts
- she doesn't work either full or part time, and can't be arsed to parent her kids and step kids.
- the great double act Raq & Jord fannied about making coffee and tea. The highlight was when someone started shouting and Rach looked like she was shitting herself, maybe she thought it was a troll shouting "where's the PayPal money?". Unfortunately it was just someone with a dog.
- back at the hamster cage house Betsy apparently did a "surprise nursery pick up" of moon face Jordan's daughter. Most nurseries wouldn't let an unrelated person under 18 to collect a child, but hey, carry on with your pretending Rach 🤷
- Josh and his camel toe made yet another roast dinner. He put what looked like slices of flat, floppy Yorkshire pudding on the plates 🤢
- pissed up Sloshy slagged off Jordan's tea making. Hilarious content there Rachey.
- she's been on a spending spree at The Range, buying up a boot load of Halloween shite, including a zombie that looks just like Mangina Malcolm crawling out of the hobbit loft in the morning.
- still desperately plugging the Patreon, this time by sharing another video. Playing "mr and mrs" and apparently the things Joyce loves most about Racquet are her boobs and arse. Imagine being with someone for 8 years, being married and having a child together, and that's all you can muster 🤷 Joyce was pissed, again.
- Ratchet then shared a post about donating winter clothes/coats to charities. Unless you're the Scambleton clan, in which case hoard away your many designer coats, half of which were gifted.
- Raq filmed Camel Toe Joe sitting on the floor building blocks for Wilberforce, unfortunately he still seems unable to speak to his child apart from "yaaay".
- then Sloshy Joshy was cutting Wilby's hair, with Wilby distracted by a screen. To clear up the hair, PC Titwank then VACUUMED THE TODDLER'S HEAD (no doubt using one of the many gifted vacuums they've got).
- A video of the three girls, all ignoring each other while they're glued to screens, captioned "I made this" like it was something to be proud of.
- Raq shared a video from their wedding reception in anticipation of their anniversary. It was of Joyce dancing, and even the term "dad dancing" doesn't convey the absolute cringe fest 😬
- according to the Patreon account, Raq will be away on YET ANOTHER weekend away, this time to Woolacombe Bay.
- an anniversary date at McDonald's apparently, with Wilbert. Trying to pretend they never have any time together or fancy meals out.
- someone sent a voucher to the women's centre. Still not telling people about that £9500 from the lottery though!
- Raq multitasked on her trip to London by also filming a Rescue Remedy advert while she was there. It's all about the hustle, babes!
- Stabby Jo is joining them for the weekend away, she's either very well paid or has no other friends and family 😬 they've only taken Isaac, Edie and Wilby, even though she has 6 kids up her arsehole 24/7 (and she only bothered to show Isaac after Tattlers pointed out that she only ever wheels him out for adverts).
- we were treated to Joyce looking like a massive bellend on a Segway, which he ran over his own foot with when he got off. Part of Stabby Jo's duties for the weekend were filming while in the swimming pool, usually not allowed but queen of safeguarding Racquet probably told the staff who she was and they all wept and told her she could do what she wants as she's so lush 💜
- They all got dolled up in their jumble sale bargain bin clothes, Edie looked like she was off to do work experience on a reception desk somewhere, also wearing "her mum's red lipstick" which is weird seeing as Rancho doesn't wear lipstick 🤷 Jo filmed Rancid and Sloshy Joshy being #couplegoals. Rachey must have forced down some fizzy cat's piss as she was leaping and screaming like a banshee trying to get a certificate for something (most embarrassing mum? Scammiest twat? Worst teeth?)
- she posted a video on the grid of Joyce, Stabby and Edie playing bingo. Of course they were being loud and obnoxious, with Sloshy Joshy not knowing how to play bingo. A lady in the background was mocked in the comments, with the huns calling her a "Karen" and taking the piss out of her appearance. Guess you only have to be kind to Queen Ratshit, anyone else is fair game 🤷
- sone footage of Wilby running loose which looked to be in a car park. So safe 🙄
- Raq did some pottery painting with Edie, she had to shoehorn in how much Edie's piece had cost 🙄
- Edie's being "the best big sister" to Wilberson, basically doing things his parents should be doing, like taking his shoes off. Sloshy lived up to his name as he slurred about the toy food that was strewn around the place. Then Edie was carrying Wilbert around, despite the fact he's nearly as big as her and she clearly struggles with the weight of him. But what does your daughter's back/shoulder/hip health matter when you get a cute video for the 'gram?
- Gangsta Granny's been round, probably to pick up or drop off the laundry, and Wilby was blowing kisses at her. Then we saw infamous Kevin the Hermes man picking up Raq's rubbish from the front of the house.
- Ratchet took Wilbert to the park, and wouldn't let him splash in a muddy puddle (probably because he had bright white trainers on). Aesthetics over allowing your toddler to have some fun, excellent parenting.
- Joyce put on some booty shorts to cook yet another sodding roast dinner 🙄. Meanwhile, Wilby was in the pantry and instead of taking him out, getting some toys to distract him etc, Raq just filmed and snorted.
- another cheeky plug for the Patreon. Maybe start giving people something for their dosh and they might be tempted to sign up?
- time for the dots of doom 🙄 she obviously ran out of gifted clothes, as she was wearing the cover off Edie's dressing table again. We were treated to a round up of showing off a load of gifted tripe, which she says will be gifts for the women who come to the launderette, but who knows if they'll make it there (like the washing tablets that Raq kindly stored in her own laundry room at home...).
- Raq sounds rough as a badger's arse, another "secondary chest infection" is it babe? She showed some sweets which were gifted for the launderette, and obviously had to open a box and maul the sweets inside.
- the two Jos (Stabby and PA) have been busy turning the patchwork palace into a haunted house, seemingly having bought thr entire Halloween section of The Range. Rach claimed to have been to a meeting at the centre, but was wearing Sheepers and pink jogging bottoms. So profesh! Wilbur didn't give a single fuck that the house was filled with zombies, witches and skeletons, probably because they resembled his parents the morning after a heavy night on the Merlot.
- she's been #gifted ANOTHER DOUBLE MATTRESS from Emma, this time for Edie, the 8 year old who's only there half the time. Never mind that she *could* have passed it on to one of the poor, desperate women who have nothing that she keeps crying about. She's got a great discount of 46% off, didn't mention that the mattress is currently on sale at 45% off so you only get an extra 1% using her code (I can get an 8% code with my Blue Light card 💁)
- Joyce is actually at work for a change, so Raq was on early morning duty with Wilberforce (live in nanny Stabby Jo must have been sleeping off her hangover somewhere). The only thing she seems to know how to do is film him building towers (this time with cushions) and saying he was giving her a patronising clap. Parenting tip hun - 2 year olds aren't patronising 🙄
- Sky engineers were round, presumably to install her new freebie £900 telly. So she filmed Wilby clapping at them, with a caption saying he was being patronising again. Please see the last point, Rach.
- While showing off her alcohol stash for the Halloween party (which of course she won't be drinking, because she doesn't like the taste), she gave Wilby a lolly at 7:45pm. No wonder he doesn't want to sleep.
- Lula has bright red hands after fake tanning Stabby Jo. Nope, no fucking idea 🤷
- Hannah turned up dressed as Harley Quinn, with Rach asking about her fanny 🤢 Stabby Jo was doing Raq's make up, using Iconic, and Rancid had to make a comment about "not an ad", even though it is an ad because she's paid to advertise the product 🙄 Footage of the party made it look like a load of losers who came for some free drink and food 🤷 while poor Wiblet was trying to sleep upstairs. T was at the party, no idea where the other kids were.

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Ace per usual. How the hell do you manage this lol
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VIP Member
That says, "I turned 60", that explains why she actually looks 60, not 39!!!
Right you are Rach😬
Also full of bullshit today as per usual about how she was moving between foster homes and then busy searching for a bedsit to move into on her 16th birthday🤦🏻‍♀️ because of course all foster parents kick the kids out on the eve of their 16th birthday.
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Remember when she was with Emily that time (back in the days when E was the live-in nanny and skivvy), and she mentioned Emily having her first report to SS from "the trolls", laughing and snorting like it was a badge of honour? Like anyone who has a social media following should expect to be reported to Social Services all the time?
I’ve never heard Katie Ellison* mention being reported to SS but then she doesn’t share her kids at their most vulnerable and tell them that strangers are to be approached because they will look out for them 🙄 (*other influencers are available but I don’t follow any others who share their children).
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Hi and welcome, glad you seen the light and found us.

With regards to the boys mum, something has gone off as she posted in distress a few evenings ago, then I noticed Rach shared stories and made a point of explaining bruising on her kids and blamed it on Edie, pinch punch first day of the month. I smell something fishy!
Dear Lord. I had no idea the boys Mum was still on here. My heart goes out to her and I am sure like many others on here we are all counting down the hours until the boys see the light.
I haven’t seen any stories about Edie and the bruising and not sure I want to. 😓
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Not watched the stories but clearly there is a reason social services are always calling her, and its not because of tattle!
Just to remind everyone, she was getting calls from them way before she even had a public account 🤷‍♀️ so she needs to look closer to home!
And I'm guessing,if they called josh, then its to do with the boys 🤔
Eta..going off what another poster said last week or so then I can assume it IS about the boys...
Yep, I've been waiting for this tbh, it was very predictable.
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She was hardly a single mum 🤣🤣 the girls dads side of the bed was barely cold before she got with edies dad, and she didn't even wait for edie to be born before she jumped into bed with josh 🤣🤣🤣
Wasn't it a in a Bush with Josh?
A Bush in Center Parcs?
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Chatty Member
😂😂 definitely better stuff than that.... or so I thought at the time! Apparently I can't do shots at 40 like I did at 19! 🤢
Im partial to the odd shot , me and my other half still go on pub crawls together and to clubs/late bars. I’m going to have to watch more carefully as he doesn’t seem that battered to me
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Chatty Member
The private Instagram has over 600 followers. Even at the lowest rate of £5 a month, that’s over £3,000 a month for doing fuck all.
I was going to ask what its at now, seeing as she blocked me last week! Does anyone know if its taxed, I read Patreon take a % and its different levels, so is she at 5%, what then does the tax man take off her, it must be taxable?
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I have a lock on the bedroom door. You know for private time with hubby, I would hate it if one of the kids accidentally walked in if they woke up of a night 🙈 it’s never locked any other time. I thought every adult/older child had a lock on their bedroom door for privacy.
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Showing Seb again and none of the others. She's definitely doing that for a reason.
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