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See now thinking about it I don't think I was even the first person to put tweets on 🤣 also wasn't the first to send an email about it and I've not even emailed purple bricks 🤣this was never a vendetta! this was a woman who had suffered severe abuse at the hands of an egotistical narcissistic good for nothing waste of space and seeing those tweets brought it all back to me. I wasn't the person who actually uncovered the abuse ones. But seeing them effected me in a bad way. The stress on my head as I tried to sleep that night made my disability a thousand times worse my body twitched so badly. I couldn't sleep, every time I closed my eyes it took me back to the worse time of my life. Am I an angel? No of course not I've done wrong in my life however I have never in my life wrote on a social media platform that I would like to abuse a child its not something that would ever enter my head. And seeing tweets about something I have dealt with made me angry as well as everyone else here. So I may end up being the fall guy but my life will not crumble because I've been through worse!
You don’t need to justify anything. I admire you for just going ahead & doing it. Not because you’re glory hunting
Fuck him & his band of blockheads. We will not let you be the fall guy because if he threatens you in any way I’ll personally go hunting for him. I’ve got no qualms about giving him his character in public. Best of it is I will be absolutely nothing like he imagines
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We’re going to be on #100 by the end of the the week the way Alan show is going 😂
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Wee rosie brown nose. Never a Shite bag always the arse licker. Read the tweets bush! You've dragged people for less! She's showing her true colours right now and they ain't fucking pretty!
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Anyone that reads those tweets and thinks they are acceptable need their heads and their hard drives checking
Probably not even read the tweets. Just getting a wee vag tingle cos he’s acknowledged their existence with an emoji 🤣🤣
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I'm gonna need yous to keep me strong 💪 😂😂😂 Fuck havin that, 🤢 or susie calling me at all hours 😂😂😂 or Kerry making pages up. I'm sure i can keep strong 😂😂
blame wayne rooney for getting involved, he bangs the grannies & now Alan is wanting some of that 😂
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Hardly been on here today or TT. Tbh it has been a welcome break 😊 i see i haven’t missed much, he is still an egotistical maniac 🥴

When you making a video owning up to your tweets then big man? Its only “fitba banter” eh, baffling then as to why you haven’t addressed it on your TT 😏 absolute walloper of a “man”.

oh p.s your wedding ring is horrid, bit like your personality & your “fitba banter” 😐
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right so see rather than going on about you and Diane and your business .. the problem BIG problem is him
I was asked to explain the situation so I did. He's not my problem, he's a sleazy perverted git yes but me and dianne have our own issues between us. I don't know why I'm suddenly the bad yin in all this, there's hundreds of people who joined in the comments, difference with me is I did it from my own account
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I did see you were getting pulled in a did want to message you and warn you butI was unsure if I should have
I was made to believe that he'd cheated on Susie once and it was all because of dianne, then the truth all started coming out, the different girls dating back years etc. I defended Susie on the troll pages as the things that were said were awful and relentless. I was then tagged in everything and anything to do with it n before I knew it I was in the middle of it, and left to deal with it alone. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big girl and I can take the abuse off Dianne, I laugh it off. I just feel like a bit of a silly c**t for believing EVERYTHING that I was told without questioning any of it, that's solely my own fault but lesson learned 💖
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She’s an absolute bitch of the highest order for doing that to you. The things she said to you are awful. I hope you’re ok 💗
Honestly, it's water off a ducks back to me. Christ, I'm only 12st but the way Dianne speaks you'd think I was 20st. I'm working to shift the weight, joined a gym etc but she'll always be toxic. What really annoyed me was her saying to me that my husband cheats on me with slim, toned girls and that she had proof. My husband is with me all the time, he doesn't drink so he doesn't go to bars, clubs etc, anything we do we do together. I asked her to show me the proof because I've been with him 12yrs and I can't even get him to take a photo or go on social media, it's not for him, he's too old lol, he's 54. But my point is, I might've believed her accusation if he went out to bars etc and it could've caused alot if trouble, it could've ended my marriage, it's just as well I know that we're solid.
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Na they r back together now she got what she wanted which was to humiliate him she's backing down..Her n Kerry started this but want to walk away with clean hands 😂😂😂. Whilst Dianne and who ever else get vilified.

The only real toxic thing on the app is her husband!
I've defended Susie and gave Dianne i
It was more that I openly berated her husband when she's just as bad. If she has broken a marriage up too then she is just as bad as Dianne? She really shouldn't be throwing stones when living in a glass house
I've ended up in full arguments with Dianne because I believed what I was being told from a certain person. Now they don't want involved with it all, even though it was them that started all this, I'm raging.
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Yeah it was someone new that posted it

So now you’re back. What’s the story about them getting back together & within an hour of you posting they’re getting divorced. Wedding rings on then off then on again ? I remember you saying you were very close & had inside information
Alan has tried to butter Susie up to get her to take him back and stop the online hate , mostly to stop the online hate . Didn’t work as Susie resents him and is deeply hurt by what has happened . He is blackmailing Susie by saying she can have the house if the online stuff stops & if Kerryann stops . If not he will take everything and expose Susie and Kerryann . Susie for being with other men and Kerryann for her frauds & scams .
The posts yesterday were not genuine , it is believed it is Courteney Burgoyne posting on Alans behalf on tiktok and on here under various guises user names . They have spent a lot of time today copy and pasting the same messages to every video with alan and Susie drama in .

If Susie speaks she loses her house and her dignity basically

Susie did not have affairs they had an open marriage as I am sure you all know . Both went with various other partners throughout the years .
This is a case of an open marriage going very wrong.
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