Pregnancy Off Topic #2 Changing lives one Rapid Cool at a time

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I felt the same when I was pregnant @Greencatfysh I avoided pictures as much as possible because I knew I’d be self conscious. Thought I looked ok on my sons 4th birthday and put a bit of effort in and allowed photos to be taken…. was horrified when I looked at them! I looked awful. I still haven’t really got any pics with new baby cos I’m not liking how I look 😞

@raspberryjuice that sounds like you’re asking how me and my boobs are 😂
Please take pics with your little baby!!
I was so consumed with how awful I thought I looked I didn’t get any photos with my first 😔
I don’t have that photo of her just born that most people have, none. And it’s one of my biggest regrets.
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I know I should really but it’s hard cos I still feel so gross! I get loads of her with her Dad!

I’ve got one of me holding her after my section but I look like I’ve been on a bender 😆
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On the topic of pics with baby. How awful that we don’t get half as many non posed ones compared to how many we TAKE of others with the baby. I just want more pictures of me and the small child. Unsure how many reels I can send the other half before he gets the hint and takes them.
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I’m coming back out of boredom. My less than one week detox is over ☺

We have to get rid of the double bed in the soon-to-be nursery in the next week or two so we can actually do the nursery :( I don’t want OH back in my bed. He can’t wait.
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Today has been okay. Toddler had a massive meltdown this morning because I made him get dressed. Managed to talk to him and get him to explain why he was upset and diffuse the situation so win there. Have set up something colouring for him to do and he's currently helping OH make dinner, trying to keep him away from the telly as I swear it makes him more naughty. Wee man has been crying in his sleep and it keeps waking him up, thinking it might be his teeth, hoping it's not something else 😬 Nearly at the end of his antibiotics for his cradle cap, hoping that's done the trick. He's really getting the hang of rolling now and since he's 3 months today I think that puts him a little ahead. Still feel run down from the cold I had last week, the OH now has it and understands why I was so happy he took time off work to look after the baby. Very very sore from walking at the weekend so no stretches or walking today. Never going to lose weight at this rate 🥺
On the topic of pics with baby. How awful that we don’t get half as many non posed ones compared to how many we TAKE of others with the baby. I just want more pictures of me and the small child. Unsure how many reels I can send the other half before he gets the hint and takes them.
And why is it the only ones they do take are super unflattering? I make sure to get loads of my OH with our boys, always nicely framed, always without grumpy faces if they're facing the camera. My OH took one of me the other weekend and not only did I have a face like thunder, the angle made it look like I had a feck and I looked about 300 stone because the wind had caught my coat 😒
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I've been in MAU all afternoon for reduced movements, he still isn't moving much but I've been sent home and have to go back tomorrow for a scan.
Doctor said she thinks my body is getting ready for labour 🙃
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I've been in MAU all afternoon for reduced movements, he still isn't moving much but I've been sent home and have to go back tomorrow for a scan.
Doctor said she thinks my body is getting ready for labour 🙃
Oh my gosh! How exciting!! We’re having a baby every week now 😁
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So exciting more of you are on the verge of meeting your precious babies!
I am such a wimp around all bugs, why is it bugs on holiday are so much worse. An absolutely giant grass hopper type thing landed next to me at the hotel bar area last night, I screamed my head off and moved away rapidly from our table. An old lady behind me said "please don't go into labour on us love". I've got 3 months to go yet so she best bloody well stay put 😳
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I joined to follow the Elle Darby threads and was there when her tweet scandal broke 🤭 that took up a lot of my time 🤣
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I joined for similar reasons, found Zanna van Dijk so insufferably annoying I think I googled “Zanna Van Dijk Annoying” and found her thread 🤣 I just couldn’t believe I was the only one who thought that, and I was right. I also had a few airhead influencers mentioning Tattle and how awful it is and obviously had to visit to see for myself.
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I joined for ScouseBird Blogs.....I actually never ever posted until I was pregnant I only joined so I didn't have to try and find the point i was up to on her threads 😂
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It was Sean Pratt that brought me to tattle originally. Ironic that these airheads rant about how awful the site is and by doing so give Tattle a heap of publicity. He's a right bore these days though.
I spent far too much time on the Stephen Bear threads back before he got locked up, and from there I moved to the Aaron Chalmers and Talia Oatway threads which I still follow although I rarely comment now. She's an awful, despicable excuse of a Mum and it just makes me so incredibly angry.

Last year I joined the TTC thread and loved seeing ladies 'graduate' from there to be able to move to the pregnancy threads, but after having been TTC for so long I never thought I'd be lucky enough to join these threads. I still have to pinch myself every day and cry with gratitude and happiness more than i probably should but this is everything I've ever dreamt of, and finding this little community to go through it all with you gorgeous ladies has just made it so much more special 💕
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I joined for ScouseBird Blogs.....I actually never ever posted until I was pregnant I only joined so I didn't have to try and find the point i was up to on her threads 😂
Noooo way 😂😂😂 i used to read her thread too. the way she acted like she was the voice for scouse birds 🤮
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I joined in 2019 as my username gives away but didn’t start posting until the pandemic. Tattle made me realise that if you think you like an influencer you can read their thread and will quickly realise you don’t 😂

I tried mumsnet when TTC and didn’t last very long (lol) then found the TTC thread here and then the pregnancy thread though I felt like a right imposter at first in the very early stages! Honestly couldn’t be happier to have found this community, it’s made the whole process so much more reassuring!
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I came to tattle when mother of daughters got exposed and used to read that thread and the PTWM thread without being signed up. One day got annoyed that I couldn’t open the photos so signed up. Still followed stuff silently and don’t think I posted anything until the last year or so.

I follow quite a lot of threads but only participate in a few, have loved sharing my pregnancy journey with you guys so far. It’s hard to meet other pregnant people in real life when you won’t end up doing the baby part, so no point doing NCT and the like.

We had loads of family over yesterday for a big Father’s Day BBQ, one of my sisters (we don’t really get along) drank way too much and made a total tit of herself. She’s obviously woken up with an axe to grind and I’ve had some pretty awful messages from her about being pregnant etc, all whilst trying to work, I’m exhausted, and my partner is now away for 2 weeks so I’m solo parenting my tired kids too. To be honest I’d been expecting this from her, but doesn’t make it any easier to stomach.

Anyway, looking forward to this weekend and our gender scan, let’s focus on the good stuff ❤
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I’m so sorry your sister is being like that @odetotheseaweed family can be an absolute nightmare! You know our little team on here all think you are amazing 💕
I hope you’re able to find the time to look after yourself while your husband is away. The scan is definitely something to look forward to, I can’t wait for you to share the gender of the twins!!
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Sorry to hear your sister is being a knob @odetotheseaweed, can you block her until you feel ready to deal with her?

I've been in MAU all afternoon for reduced movements, he still isn't moving much but I've been sent home and have to go back tomorrow for a scan.
Doctor said she thinks my body is getting ready for labour 🙃
Hope your scan goes well tomorrow and little man is all good in there 🩵 how exciting he might be here soon!

I can’t remember what brought me to tattle. Some dumb YouTubers probably. I didn’t post much until the Lucy Letby trial threads though
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I’d like to blame you all for the fact my FYP now regularly shows your girl Brittany AND now her partner too 😂 it’s like a car crash, I don’t want to watch but then I do because I can’t believe she’s a real functioning person.
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